The Hardy's Site Is Down - Life Goes On

For those of you who are Hardy Boyz fans out there, obviously by now, you know their official site is down and has been for a couple weeks.

There are several theories as to why it went down...only Kat, Trinity, Matt, and Jeff know the real reasons!!

Any way, the article listed below, is taken, with permission, from an E-Group mailing list i'm a part of. I could not have worded my thoughts on the whole situation better than this individual has.

Please read the entire thing, it's VERY much worth your time.

Used with permission from "Tay"

Let me clear up a few things here. I do know Kat personally. We were close friends for almost a year at one time, but I choose not to associate with her anymore. I'm not going to defend her actions towards people who feel they have been wronged by her. I don't get involved in that at all. I also have had occasions to hang out with Matt and Jeff. As far as I know, Matt, Amy, and Jeff are friends. I don't believe Amy ever dated Jeff (damn rumors). Amy's situation with Matt I don't know, nor do I really care.

People hate to tell you this but you can't believe everything you read on the internet. I don't care who it comes from.

In reality everyone is always trying to cover their butt. Not to say that Kat is attempting to cover up something or that they Hardyz are either, I don't know. This is the internet people you have to take everything with a grain of salt. If you can't take criticism don't put yourself out there that goes for everybody.

If the site is permanently shut down then there has to be good reason for it. My personal impression is that many people do not like Kat because she was rude or mean to them on one occasion or another. That doesn't mean everyone has had the same experience, I just say don't knock the people who hate or dislike her and don't knock the people who do like her everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

There are enough Hardy sites out there that have alot of information that was given on her site, the only thing you won't get is the commentaries. It's not gonna kill us people, they were great to have, but no one will die without them. I mean if you think about it, they weren't a weekly occurrence. We got them from Matt when he had time to write one. Jeff's writings are awesome but they were also few and far between.

With the mass number of people who did not like Katya well it seems that constant controversy surrounded her administration of the website. Some may think that there were only a few people who had problems with her but I've recently come to realize there are many who dislike her and there are the same amount or close to it that are fans of her.

My thing is people that I see both sides of the issue and choose not to take a stand because the topic never should have been about Kat, it should have been about the Hardy Boyz. It seemed to slowly drift away from them over this past year that the site has been up. No webmaster/mistress should ever receive this much attention. It's ridiculous. My statement WHO CARES!!!!

I think everyone should make an effort to concentrate on what's important, if you are Hardy Boyz fans then be Hardy Boyz fans, but if you all are going to love Kat then make a website dedicated to her and talk about her there. Same if you are going to hate her, but let's all let it go, I'm so sick of getting online and seeing and hearing this crap about Katya Russell, she should have always been a nameless, faceless person that ran a website for our favorite wrestlers. Whether she choose to put herself out in the public or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

I've rambled on long enough. Like I said in the beginning this is not to defend Kat, because I have no reason to defend her. On the same note I have no desire to bash her and that was not the intent of this message. I just hope everyone can just move on and forget about her.
