End Of Innocence - Chapter 2

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"This can't be happening. Oh my God, this can't be happening," Amber mumbled. The color had completely drained from her face. As well as the faces of the others in the room. Tears rolled down most of their faces, except those who were still too shocked to cry.

Andrew held his sister while rocking her back and forth, hoping to help calm her down. He didn't know what to say or do. He had no idea what he should do about the others either. He could hear the sobs of the rest of his friends and the sound of the television in the background.

"We now have more information about our top story. American Airlines has started releasing the names of the passengers of Flight 284. Among the 245 passengers and crew on the flight were members of the World Wrestling Federation roster, including WWF CEO Linda McMahon. Other Superstars on the flight were Matt Hardy, Terri Poch aka Tori, Glenn Jacobs aka Kane, Oscar Gutierrez aka Rey Mysterio, Jr and Shane Helms who were all at the WWF New York Restaturant for an autograph session to promote the recent purchase of the WWF's competition World Championship Wrestling. Mrs. McMahon was also at the New York Restaurant, but as a quest host for the popular Sunday Night Heat along with Trish Stratus and the usual hosts Michael Cole and Peter Senerca aka Tazz. Also traveling with them was Sarah Williamson who is said to be the girlfriend of Matt Hardy's younger brother Jeff Hardy. Williamson was on her way to surprise her boyfriend after two months apart…"

Lifting her head up form her brother's shoulder, Chase looked over to Jeff, her heart breaking for him. Until that point Jeff had been sitting completely still, his face devoid of any emotion. Jeff looked around the room at his sister and then over to Matt's girlfriend, finally meeting the inquisitive eyes of Chase.

"Jeff," she barely whispered, her voice catching in her throat. Shaking his head, he stood up from the couch and walked out of the hotel room.

"Andrew, I have to go after him. He shouldn't be alone," Chase told her brother.

"Go, but be careful. He might want to be alone, he did just lose his brother and his girlfriend. Don't push him," Andrew cautioned his little sister. He knew there was no way he could stop her from going after Jeff, but at least he could warn her of the consequences.

"Thank you. Take care of them," she said, motioning to the rest of her friends in the room.

"I'll try," Andrew whispered to himself after his sister had left the room. Looking around at his friends he watched as they comforted each other. They had all lost a lot tonight, some more than others. Watching Amy cry was breaking his heart. Andrew had had a crush on her for as long as he could remember, but was never sure what to do about it. His sister had told him many times that Amy felt the same way, but he never really believed her.

Deciding that he should try and comfort Amy, Andrew got up and walked over to the other side of the room where she sat with her sister Amber.

"Andrew," Amy said as she folded into his arms. "Matt and Shane were two of my best friends. Now what am I going to do without them?"

"I don't know Amy, I just don't know."

The rest of that night was horrible. Sometime in the midst of all the crying and mourning, Jason and Adam had broken into the mini-bar. Everyone started drinking, which eventually led to some throwing up. Mr. McMahon had called the next morning at 6 am to tell us all that there would be a roster meeting at 9 am in the hotel conference room. After answering the phone I got up to let everyone know what was going on. Amy and Amber were asleep in one of the beds where I had put them after they had cried themselves to sleep on the living room floor.

Beth and Zoe were cuddled up together on the other bed while Jason and Samantha were curled up on the floor next to them. Adam and Krissy had headed back to their room after Krissy had finished puking up her dinner. Everyone else had fallen asleep on the floor in the living area or had headed back to their own rooms. The one person missing was Chase.