End Of Innocence - Chapter 4

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"Come on Adam, open your door," Andrew mumbled to himself as he knocked on Adam and Krissy's hotel room door.

"What!" Adam yelled as he threw open the door, a few minutes later. Andrew tried not to laugh at his friends appearance knowing that the timing wasn't quite right.

"Adam have you or Krissy seen my sister or Jeff?" Andrew asked as Adam ran a hand through his disheveled hair.

"Not since he ran out last night."

"Shit, they never came back last night and I checked his room, the lobby and the restaurant. I have to find them before the meeting this morning."

"Meeting? What meeting?" a small voice asked from behind Adam.

"Hey Krissy, sorry to wake you up. Your uncle hasn't called you yet?" Krissy shook her head. "He has a meeting scheduled for 9 this morning. Everyone is expected to be there. He didn't tell me what we were going to be talking about though, he just told me to tell everyone I could. I figured he would have called you though."

"No, the phone hasn't rung all morning. I guess we better start getting ready though. If I see Jeff or Chase though I will let them know," Adam told Andrew.

"Thanks Adam and I am sorry I woke you guys up," Andrew said as he turned to leave. Looking down at the watch on his wrist, he let out a frustrated sigh. "Shit, it's almost eight. Where the hell are they?"

Deciding to check Jeff's room again, Andrew headed to the elevator. Jeff, Shane, Shannon and Chase were the only ones with rooms on the fifth floor. The entire fourth floor was taken up by the majority of the roster and staff, leaving a small handful to sleep on another floor. As the elevator door opened to the fifth floor, Andrew crossed his fingers, hoping that his search would be over.

"Andrew, what are you doing up here?" A familiar voice called out from behind him.

"There you are Chase. I have been looking all over for you two," Andrew said as he looked from his baby sister to the man who leaned against her. "This is the second time I have been to Jeff's room. I have been worried sick."

"Sorry, it's my fault," Jeff whispered, his words barely audible.

"I found him on the roof last night. We've been up there the entire time talking, crying. I'm sorry we scared you."

Andrew couldn't help but feel bad for his sister and her friend. They had been through a lot that night and then here he was yelling at them. "I'm sorry for being angry. I was just worried and then after Vince called this morning about the meeting, I had to find you to tell you. Everyone is expected to be there. It starts at nine which gives you two about twenty minutes to get ready. I'll be back up in a little bit to get both of you, okay."

The two nodded their agreement and then headed off to their rooms, leaving Andrew alone in the hallway with his thoughts. None of which were very comforting.