End Of Innocence - Chapter 6

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Standing at the window of his sister's hotel room, Jeff looked down at all the happy people playing in the hotel pool and then over at his sister, who was fast asleep on her bed. She deserved to be happy. She was six when their mother died. It took her the longest to get over it. Since their mothers death, Jeff and Laurel hadn't really been close. Matt had been the one she turned to throughout the years.

Jeff on the other hand kept to himself while he grieved and grew. When he had finally come to peace with what had happened, Laurel was still upset about the death and upset at her brother for not being there for her. Since then her life had been filled with ups and downs as her brothers went off to join with the WWF and then her best friend Shannon followed. She had only had two serious boyfriends in her entire life, one of them being Oscar. After they had broken up the two had remained good friends, but now he was gone and she was devastated by it.

Looking back down at the hotel pool, Jeff sighed. It was going to take a long time for things to get better. In a couple days they were all going to part ways and then he would truly be alone with his demons. He wished that he could get Chase to come home with him and Laurel. Chase had been his friend and confidant for the past couple of months. He used to confide in Shannon, but then he started dating Alissa and didn't really have much time for him anymore.

"Jeff?" someone asked as the door opened.

"Hey Amber, how are you feeling?"

"I don't really know. I miss him so much Jeff."

"I know sweetheart," Jeff said as he wrapped his arms around his brother's girlfriend. "We all do. Are you planning on staying in your room for awhile?"

"Yeah, I'm going to take a couple of sleeping pills and try to get some sleep. I didn't get much of it last night. Why?"

"I need to go back to my room and call dad and then I want to find Chase and thank her for last night."

"Go I'll be here so she won't be alone when she wakes up."

"Thanks Amber I appreciate it."

"No problem," Amber said, forcing a weak smile. "Jeff, I'm sorry."

"We all are Amber, but what can we do," Jeff mumbled to himself as he shut the door.


"Laurel, Laurel, wake up honey your having a bad dream," Amber said as she gently shook her friend.

"Wha..what," Laurel said groggily. "Amber what's going on?"

"You were having a bad dream. You were screaming so loud you woke me up."

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep, I'll be okay," Laurel said as she got up out of her bed. Walking over to the balcony window she realized that she must have slept most of the day away, it was already dark outside. Sliding the door opened she stepped outside into the crisp, cool air. Looking out over the downtown area, Laurel was reminded of the night before, when it seemed everything was taken from her.

Watching as Chase followed her brother out of the room, Laurel knew she should do something to comfort him, but couldn't. She wasn't close to Jeff, in fact she felt like she barely knew him. Plus she had her own crying to do. The balcony doors were open as she stepped out into the cool night air.

She slowly slid against the wall and let the tears fall silently. All of her thoughts were on Rey. He was the sweetest guy she had ever known, but some things were never meant to be. They had broken up when scheduling conflicts got in the way. Even after the break up they had remained good friends.

Then there was Matt. Her older brother, her rock. He was always there for her when she needed him. Now he was gone. Who was going to help her through this, who was going to be her shoulder to cry on? Laurel continued to cry as she pulled her wallet out of her pocket and grabbed the three pictures of Rey that she had.

The first was one of her helping him put his mask on at one of his shows. The second was at the Hardy annual Barbeque, Rey had barbeque sauce all over him. The third was from their last date. They had kissed under the moonlight in Cancun as the surf washed up around their ankles. It was the last time they had spent anytime alone together.

Looking up she let out another gut-wrenching sob "Rey, Matt, OH GOD WHY" she screamed before letting her head fall into her lap.