End Of Innocence - Chapter 8

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"I don't want to go home Andrew," Chase told her brother as she moved her food around on her plate. They had ordered room service an hour ago, but Chase had barely managed to eat a thing. All she could do was play with her food, hoping that it would keep her mind off of what was happening.

"What do you mean you don't want to go home?"

"I usually enjoy every chance I get to go home, but now I just can't picture it. I mean I get to go home to you, my family and all of my friends in Canada while some of my closest friends have to go home and deal with their loss. What is Jeff supposed to do? Take the sister he barely knows home to his dad and say 'hey pops it looks like we've lost another one.' What's Amber going to do without Matt? What about Beth's wedding? Chris and Trish were just starting there lives together, what is he supposed to do now?" Chase asked. "I feel like if we go home right now we won't be able to help them. And maybe they don't need us to get through this, but I would at least like to try."

"I understand what your saying sis, but I don't know what to tell you. Everyone is going to want to go home and be with their families. We can't just tag along, plus when is it going to be your turn. You have barely thought about yourself and the fact that you lost friends on that flight. Wasn't Trish your best friend, weren't Terri, Shane and Matt also close friends of yours? When are you going to give yourself time to heal?"

"For some reason, Andrew I'm not worried about me. Now maybe that is my way of dealing with all of this, but I don't matter right now. You know how I feel about Jeff. You know that he means a lot to me. I don't want to lose him, Andrew."

"You won't Chase, but you've got to give him time. You've got to give them all time. Do you want to go downstairs and get a drink?"

"Sure, I guess. Drowning my sorrows in alcohol always seems to work," Chase said, forcing a smile.

Five minutes later Chase and her brother walked into the hotel bar and saw that they weren't alone. Just about half of the roster was there along with many others from the WWF family. Chase looked around the dimly lit room to see if any of her friends had ventured down for some drinks and saw Jeff sitting in the far corner by himself, beer bottles littering the table.

"Hey Drew, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go check on Jeff. It looks like he has probably had a little too much to drink," Chase told her brother as she motioned to the other side of the room.

Nodding his approval, Andrew took a seat at the bar and watched as his sister made her way over to the love of her life.