My Escape Drug - Why I Love Pro-Wrestling

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Author: Ms. Hurracanrana

"Hello. My name is Ms Hurracanrana, and I am a pro wrestling fan,and I am damn proud of it too."

Ever since 1995,I have been an avid wrestling fan. When I was younger, I used to watch it casually. The first time I truly watched anything of wrestling was back when Elizabeth and 'The Macho Man" Randy Savage got married in the ring. But after that, I occasionally watched USWA because I was mostly around when my grandmother was watching it,but in 1995, I started watching WCW, then days later, WWF and a year later, ECW too.

Pro-wrestling has become a big part of my life. I love it. Regardless of what some may say, it as had a positive influence on me. And if you haven't guessed, I would love to become a wrestler. For 4 hours a Monday, 2 hours a Wednesday, 2 hours a Thursday, 1 Hour a Friday,and countless hours on the weekends, I can sit back, relax forget about a lot of my problems.

Who needs drugs when you can watch this?

Certainly not I. I feel free when I watch it. I can scream, boo, cheer, clap, laugh, and cry. It's a very liberating experience, ESPECIALLY when you are in the crowd. I seriously don't see why people have such negative opinions on wrestling. A lot of the people who do never really sit down and watch it. Not only watch it, but listen as well. There's nothing like it.