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On this page you will find some of the most frequently asked questions about this site, or wrestling in general.

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Where are they now?
Are they still coming back or are they gone for good?

**Mr. Ass--Billy Gunn**
Don't expect to see the other half of the New Age Outlaws back until at least the end of the year 2000. He is experiencing a very slow recovery from the surgery on his rotator cuff. The injury occured at the early part of the year 2000 and at first was only expected to be out 4-6 months. But don't count on that happening due to the fact it's been reported that Billy Gunn is experiencing some severly intense pain as he recovers.

I think by now everyone knows about the legal battle between Rena Mero, formerly known as Sable, and the WWF. Don't ever expect to see her in a WWF arena again. She has been released from her contract with WWF, but is not allowed to pursue other interests for another 2 years. Her husband, Marc Mero, is currently working with WCW officials. Rumor has it, she'll join up with them as soon as she's free from the WWF.

**Ken Shamrock**
Ken Shamrock is neither injured, nor is he under any kind of contract to the WWF. A deal has been worked out which allows Shamrock to pursue other interests. He is currently working with Dream Stage Entertainment and will do so until the end of this year......at which time, if he's healthy physically, the WWF will work him back into their storylines.

Question submitted by "Laquieta"
With HHH and Chyna having an offscreen, real-life romance, how does Chyna feel about HHH's current storyline involving Stephanie??

Although Chyna and Stephanie don't hate each other, they are definetly not friends. Reports have said that when the "marriage" of Stephanie and HHH first happened, Chyna was not happy at all....and there was brief talk about somehow ending the fake marriage because Chyna didn't like it.

As you all know, that hasn't happened. My guess is to maybe help Chyna feel a little better or to "even it up", that's why the WWF came up with the "Latino Heat" storyline....but that's just my theory!!

It hasn't been confirmed, to my knowledge anyway, that Chyna and HHH (a.k.a. Joanie Laurer and Jean-Paul Levesque) were supposed to actually get married back in late March/early April, on Wreslemania 2000 weekend, but that never happened and recently, the couple has since broken up.

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