Gabby's Corner - Issue #1 - 11/5/2000

Please remember that the opinions stated in this and other commentaries/columns on this page, may or may not be those of the rest of the staff of "Wrestling Battleground"

Hi my name's Gabby. I'll be doing a commentary for this site about every other week. I am new at this so please let me know what you think by emailing me at Thanks.

Now onto the commentary...

I'd like to start off by talking about the whole running over Austin ordeal. Now I really don't know who to believe, The Rock or Rikishi. First Rikishi takes all the blame, now he's saying that The Rock knew about it all along, and all that Rock's the one who hit Austin with the wrench in the dressing room (this kinda sounds like a game of "Clue").

***Look for Vinnie Mac. back on Raw. The "genetic jackhammer" disappeared a few months ago. With Monday's Raw Is War main event booked as Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Rock vs. Rikishi & Kurt Angle, expect some shocking developments to take place.

Some of my sources tell me-don't take my word for this, though-that on Raw, Stephanie will announce that she is pregnant on Raw. Now I'm not sure how true this is, so take this however you want.

I'm glad to see Billy Gunn back in action. I'm also glad to see his new haircut. I think it looks good on him, and is a nice change. However, I'm not too thrilled to hear about him not being able to use the name "Mr. Ass" any more or his song. I guess he'll just have to find a new gimmick, and  song-damn...I loved that song :0)

I felt bad for Chyna finding out about Eddie the way she did, but I sure am glad she DID find out. I never really liked him in the first place. I was relieved to hear that they wouldn't be getting married, but sad to see Chyna heartbroken.

Speaking of marriage, I saw pictures of Chris Jericho's (a.k.a. Chris Irvine) wedding. It was beautiful, as was the bride. I wish them the best.

Jericho's favorite band, Fozzy, was well...not exactly what I expected last week on 'Heat'. Personally, I didn't think they did that great. But that might just be because it was a live show and all. Never-the-less, I'll still probably end up buying the cd.

Now I know some of you out there may not like Edge and Christian. And I admit, sometimes I don't, either, but you have to hand it to them-they are hilarious! They was so funny at Edge's party with the kazoos and all. I couldn't stop laughing at them.

Speaking of Christian, I heard that he had an MRI done for his stinger, and the MRI was negative for herniation or spinal cord intingement. He is seeing 3 doctors. They all think his situation isn't too serious or career threatening. Although he's not 100%, he's able to work around any difficulties that he has, and not miss any time, so far.

The British Bulldog (a.k.a. Davey Boy Smith) was suspended from the WWF after being charged with allegedly threatening his wife that he would kill her. He was released from jail on Oct. 30, but the judge ordered him to pay a fine of $25,000 and to enter a drug addiction treatment program. His lawyer said "He's not admitting he has problems with drugs, but will (enter a drug rehab program) to satisfy the Crown prosecutor's terms for his release." Smith will appear in court again on November 7th.

One of the Godfather's former hos, Mandy, was released from the WWF to go back to start working on her in-ring skills in California. She may return sometime in the future.

X-Pac may not be in action for alittle while. He's been having some problems with his neck. He saw a specialist in Tampa and he's got some remnants of previous injuries that involves a fusion. The doctor thinks after about 3-4 weeks of rehab, X-Pac will be able to return to action. However, it is doubtful he will be at Survivor Series on  Nov. 19.

Faarooq had surgery on his knee this week. He'll start his rehab early this week and will probably need four-to-six weeks of rehab before he returns.

Bradshaw is in some pain, and still and hasn't been able to do anything physical because of his broken ribs. Healing broken ribs is a very slow process, but Bradshaw will hopefully be able to return for Survivor Series.

The Big Show and Mark Henry are in Louisville to work and their conditioning and to refine their in-ring skills. Both Show and Henry have been making significant progress. When he went down to Ohio Valley Wrestling, Big Show was around 480 pounds. At the weekly weigh-ins last week, he weighed in at 443 pounds. Mark Henry was about 415 pounds when he left, and on Friday weighed in at 348 pounds. I am very happy to hear that they are having such improvement. I'd expect to see them back soon.

Hardcore Holly's set a target date to return for Nov. 13.

Tori is still in rehab, but is making great progress. Expect to see her back in action about Dec. 3.

I was glad to hear that Debra was appointed Lt. Commish. This should be interesting ; )

Look for the Hardy Boyz, Lita, and Kane to all have their own, new websites on They have seen and approved the sites. The Hardyz and Lita have already shot some exclusive videos for theirs. And Jeff's planning on doing some writing for his and Matt's site. I, personally, can't wait to see them!

Ok, well that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you didn't, then let me know why, or what I can do to improve. I'd really like to hear from you, either way.
