Her Silent Tears - Chapter 1

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"What time was she supposed to be here?" asked Matt.

"I'm not sure. I thought her message said for us to say put and she'd meet us here at baggage claim." replied Jeff.

"Well she'd better hurry up or we're going to be late for the Smackdown taping tonight and you know that won't set well with the boss." said Matt.

"Relax, we've known Heather since we were in grade school. Has she ever let us down before?" asked Jeff.

"No, but there's a first time for everything, especially now that she's a big time wrestling agent." said Matt.

"Have faith big brother, i'm sure she'll be here." said Jeff.

15 minutes pass..........

Matt gets his bags and says, "Well, i'm not getting into trouble for this. We need a new agent if she's going to be this unreliable."

Jeff stands up, "Matt, wait a............"

The boys turn around to see Heather running down the terminal shouting, "Matt!! Jeff!! I'm here, sorry for the extreme lateness here. My car got a flat tire and I had to hail a cab."

"About time, we almost missed our match with the Dudley Boyz." scowled Matt.

"I'm sorry about that guys, but I think you'll be happy with what I have to say." said Heather out of breath from running.

"What's going on?" asked a curious Jeff.

"Let's save the good news for a dinner conversation after the show, ok?" said Heather.

"Alright my little chatterboxes, let's go. They're not paying us to stand here and yak!" snarled Matt.

Jeff and Matt pick up their bags and they and Heather head off to the stadium in their rental car.

On the drive there............

"What's wrong with you Matt?" asked Heather. "You seem a little......"

"Crabby??" Jeff chimed in.

"Shut up Jeff! I am not!" exclaimed Matt.

"You are too! Ever since you and Amy broke up, you've been almost impossible!" said Jeff.

"Awww, you and Amy broke up? I'm sorry to hear that." said Heather with a sympathetic tone.

"I don't want to talk about it!" said Matt.

"I'm sure you'll find someone new soon. Just think positively." said Heather.

Jeff said, "He's just bitter because now that he's single, he's not getting....."

"JEFFREY!!!" shouted Matt.

"Sorry, bro, but it's true." said Jeff.

"Look," scowled Matt, "Just because you're my brother Jeff, and you're our agent Heather, doesn't mean you can tell me what to do or how to feel." "I'll deal with this my own way".

"Sorry Matt, just trying to be a friend as well as an agent. Won't let it happen again!" said Heather getting irritated.

"Good!" scowled Matt as they pulled into the arena.

Matt got out of the car and headed towards the stadium without Jeff or Heather.

"You know, he was there through my divorce for me, i'm just trying to be there for him. I feel sorry for him Jeff." said Heather.

"I feel sorry for the Dudleyz tonight if he doesn't get that anger out of his system." said Jeff as they walked into the stadium.