Her Silent Tears - Chapter 4

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"Why are you so nervous?" Heather thought to herself as she pulled up to the offices at Titan Sports.

She got out of her car and headed into the building.

"Maybe because you're about to make one of the biggest contract deals of your lifetime you idiot." Heather thought to herself as she climbed onto the empy elevator and pushed the button for the 23rd floor.

Now starting to talk softly to herself, "Calm down Banks! You're a professional talent agent, he's a professional business man, there's nothing more to it than that."

"Then why are their butterflies in your stomach, hmmmm? Is it because you think he's one of the hottest guys you've seen in a long time?" Heather said beginning to argue with herself in the elevator.

"No it's not! I mean yes i've had a mild crush on him since the first time i saw him on television, but that's it. I'm a good christian girl that was brought up right and I won't take advantage of a man who's going through personal problems with his wife. No matter how much i'd like to beat the crap out of the little witch for cheating on such a wonderful man!!"

"Heather, are you ok?" said a voice.

Heather looked up and saw what appeared to be a very confused Shane McMahon standing at the open elevator door that she never noticed had opened.

"Oh, my god! How long have you been standing there?" asked Heather as she began to turn every shade of red imaginable.

"Just a couple of seconds," chuckled Shane, "You seem to be deep in thought there."

"Umm, yeah, I was just thinking about something Matt and Jeff said to me earlier." said Heather, trying to make a cover story.

"Oh, ok. Speaking of the little superstars, let's get this show on the road." said Shane as he put his arm around Heather and led her into his office.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" thought Heather to herself as she and Shane walked to his office.

Back at the hotel

"You were kind of rough on Heather this morning don't you think?" asked Matt as he was unpacking a few things before heading to the autograph session.

"No, I don't. I just think of Heather as the sister we never had and I want to make sure she's happy." said Jeff.

"And you think you're accomplishing that by harassing her about her feelings about Shane, of which you KNOW she can't act on?" said Matt with an angry tone.

"Why can't she act on them?" asked Jeff.

"SHANE'S MARRIED YOU IDIOT!!" yelled Matt, "You know she's a good girl and wouldnt dream of wrecking two people's chance at happiness!!"

"Don't call me names again wienerhead! And I didn't see Marissa being all that concerned with her husband's happiness when she cheated on him with Jeff Jarrett!!" shouted Jeff back at his brother.

"Gee, and you wonder why Jarrett is with WCW now. Do you want to see Heather lose her job over this?" asked Matt.

"You need to calm down. First off, she hasn't done anything, she's just meeting with Shane to finalize OUR new contracts." snarled Jeff.

"I'm sorry bro. I guess I'm just a little nervous about the whole thing.....the contract, Heather, Shane.......I just don't want to see anyone get hurt." said Matt.

"I know you're nervous, so am I. But getting all worked up about it isn't going to do anyone any good." said Jeff as he sat down beside his brother.

"Thanks little brother. Now let's get going before we miss the autograph session.

We've got to pick up Trish before we head out." said Matt getting up to leave.

"Hey, when are you two going to hook up? You'd make a really cute couple." said Jeff.

Matt just rolled his eyes. "Ya know Jeff, you really need to get some yourself so you can quit worrying about other people's love lives." said Matt as he picked up a pillow and hit his brother upside the head knocking him off the bed.

"I get zero respect around here." said Jeff as Matt helped him up off the floor and they headed out to the autograph session.

Back at the Titan Sports offices........

"So do we have a deal?" asked Shane.

Heather just sat there staring at the new contract.

"Heather, you ok?" asked Shane.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't believe they guys got practically everything they wanted. I guess I'm still in shock." exclaimed Heather.

"Well, you're a very good business partner for them. If they've got you around, they're sure to get places in this company." said Shane.

"Well, if i'm reading this right, this is a full 8 year contract with main event status almost guaranteed for more than 85% of the term, barring injuries of course. They'll be coming out with new T-shirts and accessories several times a year. A free rental car, and so much more i'd take forever repeating." said Heather with a huge smile on her face.

"So, is that a yes, they'll take the deal?" asked Shane.

"Yes, yes, they'll take it. When do I have them come in and sign?" asked Heather.

"Sometime tomorrow would be fine." replied Shane. "I've got one more surprise for you."

"Oh Shane, you've done too much. I feel like i'm taking advantage of you" said Heather with a dirty little thought crossing her mind.

"No, no, I insist. You've been so great in all the contracts of the past couple months.....Jericho, Kane, Dudley Boyz, and so much more......that i wanted to give you a little something extra." said Shane handing her a big manilla envelope.

"What's this?" asked Heather taking the envelope.

"Open it."

Heather opened the envelope to find a check for the amount of $25,000.

Heather's mouth dropped. "This is a joke right?"

"Nope, no joke. We'll call that a bonus check or all of your extra hard work lately. We didn't want you to think it had gone unnoticed." said Shane.

"Oh Shane! Thank you, thank you so much!!" shouted Heather as she jumped up and hugged Shane.

Shane wrapped his arms back around Heather.

"Oh my god, what the hell am I doing?" Heather said to herself as she started to break away, but found she couldn't because Shane was still holding on to her.

Heather looked up and saw Shane staring directly into her eyes. She lost all ability to think, she found herself speechless as Shane pulled her closer and kissed her passionately.

Heather wrapped her arms around Shane's neck and kissed him back.

Their passion was abruptly interrupted when Shane's secretary began to open the door to notify him that his father wanted to see him in his office as soon as possible.

"Thank you Elizabeth. Tell Vince I'll be there in a few minutes." said Shane.

Heather was over at the table quickly picking up her papers.

"Well, I"ll make sure that Matt and Jeff come over as soon as possible to sign those papers." said Heather nervously.

"I look forward to it." said Shane noticing her being uncomfortable.

"Well, I'd better go. Thank you again for the kiss, uh, I mean the check, that was a nice surprise." said Heather starting to blush again.

"I think you said it right the first time." said Shane also starting to blush slightly. "Have a great day......looking forward to our next meeting."

"Ummm, yeah. Bye Shane." said Heather as she rushed out the door and to her car.

"Oh my god, what have I done?" Heather asked herself as she climbed back onto the elevator.