Jeff Jarrett's Journey

Article: A look at Jeff Jarrett's career journey By: The IKON Brian Thompson

A few weeks ago, I planned to discuss the then - WCW World Champion Jeff Jarrett. Unfortunately, by the time I was set to go, the WCW Title changed zip codes and became the property of Diamond Dallas Page. Well, now I can finally take my look at Jeff and his road to becoming a World Champion.

I have been following this business for some 14 years, so I've seen a lot of Jeff Jarrett. My first exposure to him came at a USWA house show in 1993. Jeff took on Brian Christopher. Great match! Anyway, I always liked the "Memphis" style of Jeff. He was a face and had a teen idol style character from my view. Personally, I was a little disappointed when Jeff came to the WWF as the country singer. First, let me set the record straight. I didn't personally care for the gimmick. I'm not going to say that it was a bad gimmick. Hey, Jeff gave us some memorable moments as "Double J."

Some "other" columnists believe their opinion is fact. Not me. In all honesty, "Double J" was a great gimmick, but I didn't like it myself. I was used to seeing Jeff simply be Jeff in Memphis and take care of business.

Anyway, I watched Jeff work his way up the WWF ladder. I will never forget the match he had with Shawn Michaels at a July 1995 In Your House PPV. That was totally off the charts. If your video store has a copy of that, I suggest renting it. Time flew along and Jeff was IC Champ several times before packing his bags and going to WCW in 1996. I liked his character in WCW. He played a Mr. Tradition style guy who was against the New World Order. He still had the country flavor to him, but he was more Memphis like. He could have been given a bigger push in my view, but then again Brian Thompson doesn't call the shots (to be quite honest, I don't know if I would want to!).

After 12 months, in WCW, Jeff headed north to the WWF. He tried to be more shoot-like, but it wasn't working (what is wrong with you darn wrestling fans? Just kidding!). So, we saw a return to the Double J gimmick. That had run its course and now it was time for a new look, new attitude, and a new Jeff Jarrett.

A new haircut gave us a new Jeff Jarrett. The long blonde hair of the guitar swinger exited stage left at SummerSlam 98. From that moment on, my favorite Jeff personality was created. We were now treated to a Mr. "Don't Tick Me Off." Now I know "tick" isn't the correct word, but I am writing for family oriented sites. So from then on Jeff became a bad boy, busting opponent after opponent over the head with a guitar and taking no prisoners. The IC and World Tag Team belts called his waist their home a few times. A great tag team was formed between Jeff and the late Owen Hart. They seemed to have tremendous chemistry as a team. Debra was the third element as Jeff's manager. Talk about a stunning trio. Well, we all know the tragedy that fell upon Jeff and the entire wrestling world last year around this time. Jeff moved on. He turned his attack from male wrestlers to women!

A new side to Jeff was born! Then, Jeff prepared to move back to hot Lanta....Atlanta that is. He showed true class by dropping the IC title to Chyna at No Mercy even though his contract had expired. Jeff has true integrity. He could have "screwed" the WWF, but he didn't. Unfortunately, not all performers have the same class that he does. In the continuing saga of Jeff, the now infamous "Slapnutz" phrase was created upon his return to World Championship Wrestling. In the first few months of his WCW return, we were treated to a fabulous match .... Jeff Jarrett vs. Chris Benoit.

We were set to see them square off three times at Souled Out, but an injury to Jeff prevented that. Then, Benoit joined the WWF. I wish we could have seen just one more Jarrett/Benoit match. Oh well. Both men still have many years left in their careers, so we may still see them face to face in the future. In April, at Spring Stampede, Jeff finally became a World Champion. It was a short reign. DDP ended his celebration. Well, then the belt ended up in the possession of David Arquette. Last Sunday, the title came home. Jeff is now a two-time, two-time WCW Champ!

It has been a long road to the top. From performing in Armories for the USWA in front of legends like The IKON Brian Thompson (sorry folks I had to do it!) to trips to the WWF, Jeff has finally reached the top. I have enjoyed every step. Even though "Double J" wasn't my favorite gimmick, I still enjoyed Jeff's work. No matter what gimmick a competitor has, he or she is still a wrestler underneath. Jeff, best of luck in your role as WCW Champ! I'll be watching you defending the title and bashing heads with your guitar....Slappy!!!!

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