Letter From WWF To All WWE Fans

Credit: RajahWWF.com

We are not anti-wrestling and appreciate that many of our supporters are also fans of the wrestling. The outcome of the recent court case will not stop the wrestling from continuing in its present form and with its current stars, which you will be able to continue to enjoy.

The court action was not brought for petty or greedy reasons but to enforce our existing rights, rights which the World Wrestling Federation acknowledged ten years ago when they signed an agreement with us stating that they would not call themselves "WWF", except in very limited circumstances. This action was about the fact that that agreement has been totally ignored by the Federation ever since.

Rather than berate us for bringing the case, you might stop to ponder why the Federation marketed themselves so strongly as "WWF" after signing that agreement with us. Two courts have upheld the view that they were wrong to do so and have only themselves to blame for the present situation.

Many people have commented that surely there can be little confusion between two such different organizations. Confusion was not the basis of our legal action and certainly we don't think the public are silly enough to confuse a wrestling organization with a conservation/environmental one. But in the media, internet and public usage of the initials "WWF" it is often unclear immediately which organization is being referred to. This has led to many instances of difficulty for us in our different spheres of work and has affected our ability to get on and do our work effectively.

Our work is the most important thing to us. But to raise the money we need to be able to do that work in over 100 countries, our name is one of the most valuable things we have. In this instance, we simply felt that we had no choice but to protect it. I hope you can appreciate this and that we really did not pursue this course of action lightly.