Open Letter From WWFE

NOTE: This article was NOT directed at this website. It was an open letter to all wrestling related websites on the internet. Please do not take this article to mean that anything you read on this site or any other wrestling related site to be false. It's just the WWF's way of saying that the only "official" news can be found on their site. That doesn't mean that all other sites are false.

Credit: ""

Sports Entertainment is big business. Nowhere is it more readily evident than in the proliferation of professional wrestling newsletters and websites that are dedicated to covering the field. We commend all of you for your enthusiasm. Notwithstanding our obvious conflict of interest - you attempt to "scoop" story lines and concepts, we attempt to execute our story lines and concepts in a surprise fashion.

However, the most difficult thing for us is your reliance on "sources" to develop the overwhelming majority of your material on our company. Despite our efforts to make ourselves available for official comment, it is the rare occasion when you call to confirm your facts or to get official comment before publishing information about the WWFE. As a result, many times what you report is more rumor, innuendo and speculation than fact.

This has caused several problems. Because of the heightened interest in the World Wrestling Federation's activities, some people have begun using your newsletters and websites as sources of information on our company. We spend much time correcting information these people believe the WWFE has provided to you.

We would like to have had a positive working relationship with you. However, because of your preference to use "sources" (who often have other agendas at play other than providing facts), we can't have people think that we are providing information for your newsletters and websites beyond what is readily available to the public from our official websites and news releases.

We wish you continued success. However, please understand that we will be notifying our associates and fans that information in your newsletters and on your websites is published without comment and verification from World Wrestling Federation Entertainment.