Paris's Experience At Smackdown!

The article below is based on the experience of a fan at a live wrestling event. Any questions, please contact Paris

Okay so this may be a little long, so if you need to go get your snacks feel free to do so now.

Okay so once again we had to leave later then I wanted to. I swear next time I am either going alone or finding someone who will just go at 10 am and sit there and be silent. Anyway, we get to the arena and find a good place to chill. WE see X-Pac and the Godfather (or is it still Goodfather?), they are asses. NExt up Jeff Hardy and K Kwik both start walking towards the door on their cell phones (I swear Jeff should have it permanently attached he is on it everytime I see him). I guess Jeff had been by once, cause everyone is yelling at him that he promised to come sign autographs. WEll K-Kwik comes over and starts signing autographs while talking on the phone, but still chats with us a little. Let me just say that in person he is not bad looking. Love the double nose piercing.

Anyway, so we chill a little longer and then go inside. Our seats are pretty awesome, definitely much better than last night. The kid in front of me has a program so I ask if I can see it and just about die when I see my boy Shane Helms will be defending his title against Billy Kidman (yes Jaime Billy will be on tv Thursday!!!) By this point I am totally stoked. Matches start, if you want spoilers or details just e-mail me.

Nothing too exciting until we hit the end of the heat tapings and the WCW logo pops up. So I'm thinking oh Shane and Billy are wrestling Heat. I figured that was better than nothing. Then the music starts and I am kind of confused. I look at the titan tron and whose name appears? Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo. I start screaming my head off for Sean. hoping that I can get some good pics for my site. Of course everyone is boing except me and I get dirty looks. Oh well, it is my boy O'Haire and I really don't care.

Smackdown comes on and it's alright. Shane and Billy wrestle and I scream a lot more and get a lot more dirty looks. Especially when I hold up my 'I Need A Sugar Rush' sign that I made especially for Sugar. Funny thing is they call Shane Gregory when they announced him, which is his first name. You will all have to keep a look out for all my signs - The Hardys, Carolina's Hottest (the addy to Carolina Hotties is on the bottom), Shut the Hell UP!, Stone COld Can I Have A HUg, Jericoholic for Life and of course the sugar sign.

My friend gets a headache and leaves before the third to last match is finished. I realize what time it is and that the match coming up will be the last one before the finale. It's Scotty versus Malenko and I figure I can miss it and the main event (and yes it is Booker T again).

We head outside to our spot and there are a few people there including this chick who's about 14 that I remember from a house show last September. The girl chased after Adam and Jay's car past security and everything and tried to open the door while the car was moving. She is a total psycho. She starts screaming for Edge when the Big Show comes out and everyone gets mad cause we want him to come sign autographs.

A bunch of people come out. Jay and Rhyno road together. DDP and Big SHow. Edge and Jericho came out and this stupid girl tried to climb the fence to get to him. I wonder if she realizes she is scaring him more than anything? Then Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire come out and of course everyone is like "who's that" and I start yelling for Sean. He finally hears me yelling and turns and looks back to see who it is. I wave to him and he waved back and smiled. I think he was glad he had one fan! I thought late I should have yelled for him to check out A little plugging the site never hurt :)

After they left Austin and Debra came out and waved and then Matt, Amy and Shane. Followed closely by Jeff and K-Kwik (who road together). I was hoping Shannon would be there, but I didn't see him. Everyone starts yelling for Jeff and Amy, poor Matt. I try to get Shane's attention, but it is too loud. As soon as Amy gets in the car the yelling stops and Shane is standing alone outside the car so I yell Shane and he looks over, like Sean did, trying to find the one person who knows who he is. I wave and he waves back and then gets in the car.

That was when we left. They were begging me to go. Anyway, that was my night. Numerous times I heard stories from stupid ass chicks who got to meet Jeff and once again I was left with nothing but pictures, two waves and K-Kwik's signature. I think I will forever be kicking myself for giving up my opportunity in North Carolina.

I promise to have good pics scanned by this weekend. Feel free to e-mail me if you want any more info.