A Past Forgotten - Chapter 1

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"Somebody better be dead!", yelled Jeff as he stumbled out of bed and headed towards the hotel room door.

Squinting his eyes to adjust to the light, he opens the door, "Matt! You have a key, why are you knocking?"

"Sorry little brother, I left my key on the counter. Plus, I need to get a change of clothes," said Matt as he pushed past Jeff in a hurry.

"It's 1:00 in the morning, why do you need a change of clothes? What's wrong with what you've got on?" asked Jeff.

"Jeans and a ratty T-shirt for a dance club? I don't think so. We're going to that new place, "Paradise Haven".

"We?" asked Jeff.

"Me and Amy." said Matt.

"You two are going out again? I thought you were going to call it off after the disaster with Dad."

"Look," said Matt, "Just because Dad doesn't like Amy and wants me to date a normal girl as he puts it, doesn't mean i have to listen to him"

"But....." Jeff started to say.

"But nothing, I love Dad with all my heart, but i'm 26 years old and he doesn't have the right to tell me who i'm going to date." said Matt.

"I don't think his intentions were meant to be hurtful, I think he was just trying to look out for you". said Jeff.

"I know, but he hurt me by saying the things he did and he also hurt Amy, which is what makes me so angry." "He can say what he want to me, but when he makes my girlfriend cry, then it hurts me also." said Matt.

"What did he say that was so bad??" asked Jeff as he crawled back into bed.

Matt getting more and more agitated, replies, "What do you mean, what was so bad?? He criticized me for my choice of a woman, he said that she wasn't the right girl for me when he doesn't even know a thing about her, he said that i should pick a normal girl, one that will stay at home and be there for me when i return home from the road."

"Yeah, but you're response was kinda cold, don't you think??" asked Jeff.

"Not really." said Matt as he finishes changing clothes.

"Come on, telling him if you wanted to have something that would stay at home and be there when you were off the road, you'd get a dog? Then saying if he had nothing better to do than tell you what to do with your life that maybe he ought to get a dog was only cruel!! said Jeff.

"I didn't mean for it to be hurtful, i'm just tired of being told what to do." said Matt.

"He was just looking out for you, like I always try to do. If Amy makes you happy, then I say go for it." said Jeff.

"You have no idea how happy she makes me," said Matt with a smirk on his face.

Jeff puts the covers over his head and says, "I don't need to hear about that!!"


"No, i've got Stephanie, I don't need anyone else" said Jeff.

"You're dating the boss's daughter and I'm the one getting grief for my choice of a woman." said Matt. "Go figure!!"

Matt picked up his jacket and started to head out the door.

"Sleep tight princess." taunted Matt to Jeff as he opened the door and left.

"Shut up!!" whined Jeff as he rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

A few moments later........


Jeff shot up out of bed and ran to the door to beat his brother for waking him up again.

Jeff opened the door and looked down the hallway to see his brother laughing and rounding the corner as he was running away.

"God I wish I was an only child!!" exclaimed Jeff as he shut the door and went back to bed.

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