A Past Forgotten - Chapter 4

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Early afternoon at the airport restaurant.

With a look of concern on his face, Jeff begins to play with his food. "How are you going to tell dad about you and Amy?" asked Jeff. "I don't want to see you go through what you did when you told him the first time."

"Don't worry Jeff, we'll be fine." said Matt. "I'm just going to be honest with him and come right out and say it. He'll just have to deal with it."

Amy turned to Jeff and asked, "Are you going to be there too?"

"Hmmmm, as much fun as that disaster date sounds, i'm going to be spending all day with my honey, Stephanie." said Jeff with a sarcastic tone.

"Boy, you and Stephanie are getting really serious aren't you?" commented Matt.

"Not as serious as you two are." said Jeff. "Steph and I want to take it slow. I'm kinda scared of her dad!"

"I know the feeling." said Amy as they were leaving the airport.

Later that afternoon at the hotel.

Matt grabbed Amy's hand and said, "Well, here goes nothing!" as he picked up the phone.


"Hello dad, it's me, Matt"

"Matt, good to hear from you. How are you and your brother doing?"

"We're fine. Listen, i was wondering what your plans were for tonight."

"Nothing much. I was just going to relax since i'll have a full night tomorrow when i come to see you and Jeff on RAW."

"Well, I was wondering if you could meet us at Gator's for dinner."

"That sounds great. I'll see you around 7:00?"

"7:00 is fine, we'll see you then."

"Goodbye Matt."

"Goodbye dad."

Matt hung up the phone and took a collective sigh of relief.

"Well, it's all set, we'll see him at 7." Matt said as he turned to look at Amy who appreared to be in pain. "What's wrong honey?"

"Well, you said I should relax right?" asked Amy.


"Well maybe you should do the same." said Amy.

"What do you mean?" asked Matt. "I feel fine."

"Wish i could say the same for my hand. You squeezed it so hard while you were talking to your dad that i have no feeling left in it." said Amy as she was finally able to break her hand away from Matt.

"Oops, sorry hon." said Matt. "Guess we should get ready for dinner now."

Later that night at Gator's

Amy sits in her chair nervously fidgeting.

"Would you stop it!" said Matt. "Everything's going to be fine."

Amy shot Matt a dirty look and continued to fidget.

Just then Gil Hardy walks in the front door of the restaurant.

"Can I help you sir?" asked the hostess.

"Yes, I think my two sons are already here waiting for me. You might know them, Matt and Jeff Hardy." said Gil.

"Oh yes sir, I know them, but only Matt is here. He's at table 12." said the hostess.

"Thank you maam." said Gil as he walked into the dining area.

As Matt's dad walked around the corner, he saw the back of Matt's head. As he walked further into the dining area, he saw Amy sitting beside Matt.

"Oh god, he's here!" exclaimed Amy.

Matt turned around to see his father standing there with a curious expression on his face.

Matt stood up, pulled out the third chair and motioned for his dad to sit down.

Dad reluctantly sat down.

"Hello Mr. Hardy." said Amy.

Gil just grumbled something back to her.

"Now be nice dad!" exclaimed Matt.

"What's this about?" said his dad getting irritated. "I thought this was going to be you and your brother."

"No, I said we, I never said me and Jeff." said Matt. "Dad, I've got something to tell you."

"Yes." said Gil.

"Even after everything that we've all been through, and i've even taken your concerns into consideration, but i've, no we've come to a decision." said Matt. "Amy and I have decided that our love for each other is too strong and we can no longer deny it."

"You don't mean....." said Gil.

"Yes I do, we're going out exclusively." said Matt.

Gil just shakes his head and snarles, "You know how i feel about this?"

"Yes i do know how you feel, i just don't know why?" said Matt.

Amy starts tearing up.

"I have reasons I can't explain to you right now. I just don't think you'd make a good couple. I think you're too young to know what you really want out of life and I think you should see other people." said Gil.

Amy starts crying full force.

Matt gets really angry and stands up and shouts, "That's it!!! You've made my girlfriend cry for the last time. You need to either accept this or just stay the hell out of our lives."

"You're not serious!" said Gil.

"The hell i'm not!! You wouldn't be like this if mom were still around." shouted Matt.

"Matt, I........." Gil started to say.

By this time all the waiters and customers in the restaurant are staring at them.

"Save it!! You had your chance to explain your feelings and now it's too late." said Matt as he grabbed a tearful Amy and motioned for her to leave the restaurant. "Come on Amy, lets go." said Matt as he threw his napkin at his stunned father and walked out.

Matt hugged Amy as he helped her into the car. "You're just lucky you never knew your dad. At least you don't have to know the kind of pain of having your only living parent treat you like this."

"I'm so sorry Matt." cried Amy as she hugged him back.

"No, he's the one that's going to be sorry. Now he's minus one son." said a shaken up Matt as they drove away from the restaurant.

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