A Past Forgotten - Chapter 5

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The Next Morning..........

Jeff beats down the door and stomps into Matt's hotel room. He flips the light switch on and throws the covers off of his sleeping brother.

"What the hell is wrong with you!!" yelled Jeff at the top of his lungs.

"What are you talking about?" said Matt still groggy from being awoken so abruptly.

"You know damn good and well what i'm talking about boy!!" yelled Jeff. "How could you be so cruel to Dad?"

"How could I be so cruel?" snarled Matt starting to get defensive. "What about the way he's treated me and Amy, huh?"

"You know he's just looking out for your best interest, but to tell him that he's got one less son now just because he doesn't approve of your relationship with Amy, that's just cold man!!" said Jeff.

"You weren't even there Jeff. You didn't see the blank look in his eyes. He made Amy cry with his comments. He wouldn't even give a reason as to why he doesn't like her. I think there's something more to it, but he won't say." said Matt.

"What makes you think that?" asked Jeff.

"Well, for starters, he said, right in front of her, that there were things about her past that I didn't know about and he wouldn't tell me, so as far as i'm concerned, if he can't back up his claims on something as serious as this, then to hell with him." said Matt in an angry tone.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you're being this stupid!! You're flying off the handle at our father, our only living parent might I remind you, over a woman. I thought family meant more to you than that." yelled Jeff as he stood up.

"I'm being stupid?? Who do you think you are to tell me how to choose my relationships? Did I lecture you about the possible conflicts that might come up when dating the boss's daughter? NOOOOOOO, I supported you because you're family and I love you." yelled Matt back as he stood up also.

"If you're such the god damn family supporter you claim to be, then you should be supporting or at least listening to your father's opinion instead of just brushing him off for some broad." snarled Jeff.

"Don't call Amy a broad you son of a bitch!!" shouted Matt as he shoved Jeff back into the wall.

Jeff got up and went to tackle Matt, missed, fell on the floor, and they started to beat on each other.

Amy came running out of the bathroom upon hearing the argument and scuffle in the room. She jumped on Matt's back and started pleading with him to stop it.

"What the hell are you two fighting about? Is it your dad again?" asked Amy.

Matt stood up and wiped a bit of blood from his nose.

"Amy, you know I love you like a sister, and you have MY support in your relationship, wherever it may go, but I just don't like to see my dad in pain. He's the only living parent we've got left" said Jeff wiping some blood off of his forehead.

"Jeff, I know what you mean about the only living parent thing. My dad died before I was even born in a train accident. That's why mom moved to Raleigh before she had me, to get away from the memories. But I still don't let her decide how I live my life." said Amy as she was administering a little first aid to the wounded brothers.

"Dad will learn to deal with it. He'll have to in 6 months, he'll have no choice." said Matt.

"What are you talking about?" asked Jeff with a curious look on his face. "You're not pregnant are you?"

"Hell no!! You know i'm waiting until i'm married for that kind of activity." said Amy looking at Matt with a smile on her face.

"We're getting married in 6 months little brother!" said Matt as he gave Amy a peck on the cheek.

Jeff just stood there with a 'deer caught in the headlights' look on his face.

"Jeff, you ok?" asked Matt as he poked his brother to make sure he was still breathing.

"Ummm, yeah. Don't you think you're moving kind of fast? You just got back together." said Jeff.

"Yeah, but it feels so right. We split the last time because of how other people felt about us. The time apart only made us a stronger couple." said Amy.

"Dad doesn't decide how I live my life now or ever in the future. Just because he and mom had troubles when they first got married doesn't mean we will." said Matt.

"Well, I guess there's only one thing left to say then!" said Jeff.

"What's that?" asked Amy and Matt in unison.

"Congratulations!! Do I get to be best man?" asked Jeff.

"We were thinking you'd look better as the maid of honor." said Matt with a smirk on his face.

"I hate you!" snarled Jeff as he shot Matt and a snickering Amy a dirty look.

"No you don't. You know you love us." said Amy with a cheesy grin on her face.

"Well I suppose. When are you two going to make me an uncle?" asked Jeff.

"Geez, talk about us moving too fast. Don't get too excited little bro, we don't even get to get started on that until after the wedding." growled Matt as he shot Amy a look as she got up to fix her hair.

"Keep it up smarty, i'll make it our first anniversary." said Amy as she shot a dirty look back at him.

"Boy, you keep it up, you'll have the dullest honeymoon in the world." chuckled Jeff.

"Shut up!!" snarled Matt. "We've got to get going, we're going to fly to Raleigh to tell the big news to Amy's mom today."

"When are you going to tell Dad?" asked Jeff.

"Not for a while. I figure i'll let him cool down a bit before talking to him again." said Matt.

"That's probably best." said Jeff. "Good luck with Amy's mom."

"Thanks Jeff. I'm sure she'll be ok with it. She never married after my Dad died, so she doesn't have the marriage experience to throw back at us. Hopefully we'll have the support of at least one parent." said Amy.

"I hope so. I really think Dad will come around after some cool down time." said Jeff.

"Thanks again Jeff for being there." said Matt as he hugged his brother.

"You're more than welcome. And I'm still not going to be the maid of honor." said Jeff in a snit.

"Aww, come on. I think you'd look cute in a ruffled pink dress." said Amy trying to control her laughter.

"I hate you both!!" snapped Jeff as he stomped back out of the hotel room and shut the door on his brother and soon to be sister-in-law.

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