Off-Air, Superstars & McMahon Get Laugh At Taker's Expense

Credit: "Wrestling-Online Newsletter"

When cameras stopped rolling, the real fun started. Taker told Booker T that the people came here to see the Spinaroonie. After Booker did it, he told Taker that these people came here to see the Takeroonie! Undertaker told him it's gimmick infringement and he didn't want to butcher Booker's move. The Rock went back to the ring and told Taker to do the Takeroonie. Undertaker didn't want to do it and then HHH came out and wanted Taker to do the move! The Un-Americans came out as well and said they're out here to see UT embarrass himself doing the Takeroonie.

Despite everyone telling him to do it, Taker said no....and 'No Chance In Hell' hit the speakers and the man himself came out. Vince McMahon told Taker that he has the grapefruits to do it! Booker showed Vince how to do the Vincaroonie and McMahon follows with a poorly done spinaroonie. Triple H got on the mic and told Vince that he's officially the whitest person on the face of the planet! Goldust then told Taker what do to, but Vince cuts him off and told UT that the people saw the Vincaroonie, the Fagaroonie and now it's time to see the Takeroonie. Undertaker just stood back and chuckled. HHH then told UT that he has the balls to do it, and Triple H performs a Tripleroonie only to be welcomed by a Taker chokeslam. The Un-Americans hit the ring but Taker chases them up the ramp with his bike to a loud chorus of boos from the crowd.

Triple H then said that we still didn't see a Rockaroonie and Rock asks the crowd if they want to see it. The Rock did the Rockaroonie and Triple H tried to jump The Rock but Rocky gets him in the Rock Bottom and also delivered the People's Elbow. As Rock, Booker and Goldust leave, Triple H gets back on the mic and told him - while laughing - that he hated him! A good 30 minute showdown with a huge rib on the Undertaker by everyone in the ring.