Who's Copying Who??

Credit goes to: The Outlaw @ Ringsider.com

I want to talk about something that many people say is going on in wrestling today but I want to give you a different view. The subject I am referring to is the so called "copying" of the WWF by WCW. I want to say first that I am a wrestling fan and I love both companies and have no reason to write bad things about either.

To all the people writing columns saying that WCW is copying I have something very important for you all to remember. Before Russo joined WCW, he wrote for the WWF as head writer for a number of years. We dont know and we will never know how much of the WWF work was his ideas. We dont know how much was Vince's work. None knows if Russo wrote the storyline where the blood fell on Austin as it has on Sting. Noone knows if Russo wrote the angle using Austin monster truck as they are with Goldberg now. You see my point yet people? There are only 3 people who actually know what role Russo actually played? If he wrote any of those WWF storylines back then that are being used now by WCW. If you notice Russo and Vince haven't said bad words about each other but the same cannot be said of Jim Ross.

We will never know how much Russo contributed back then. That is why it is unfair to say he is copying cause how do we actually know he didnt develop those ideas as a WWF employee and writer. Only Russo, Vince, and Ross really know that.

People "copying" has been going on for many years. The WWF has been in on this as well.

Remember the Nation of Domination and DX. Where did that come from? I believe it came from the NWO gimmick that changed the wrestling world. Austin drinking beers? That one came directly from the Sandman in ECW.

Even Vince himself has been in on the copying personally? When did Vince decide to be a part of all TV and make himself a major player. After Eric Bischoff did it with the NWO and did it successfully I might add.

We can even go back to the late 1980's when Vince brought in Demolition. Initially they were seen as nothing more than a cheap imitation of the best tagteam in the world at that time and maybe ever, The Road Warriors.

Companies are and have been "copying" for quite sometime. People should ease back on WCW for so called copying cause we dont know the whole story and never will. Keep that in mind.