Who's Going Where - The Futures Of WCW's Superstars

Credit: Wrestleboard.com

In an update on a few of WCW's big names, including Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Sting, and Ric Flair, among others, as the days go by, it's becoming more and more apparent that Goldberg will NOT be a part of the new WCW.


The story is that he is currently receiving a huge sum of money from AOL/Time Warner, and basically has not much of an incentive to take a huge pay cut to work for McMahon's WCW. Unless Vince McMahon is willing to shill out a lot of money for Goldberg, which probably is not going to happen, Goldberg is not expected to be a part of the new WCW.


As for Scott Steiner, there has been a lot of talk that the WWF is interested in him, but again, he'd also have to accept a buy out of his contract from AOL/Time Warner to be able to work, and since he still has a leg injury right now, he also does not have much of an incentive to sign for the time being.


As for Ric Flair, there have been rumors that the WWF has been interested in him, but again, it would be a matter of him taking a buyout from AOL, and given the time he has left in the ring, it's not known if he is interested in doing so. As for Sting, the thought is that there is basically no chance of seeing him in the new WCW right now. He has personally stated that he has no interest in working for it, so unless something changes, we've seen the last of Sting in any of the "big two".