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The IWF Tournament Graph Page

Here is the graph of what the tournament for the IWF World Title looks like. I'll be frank with you, if you're on this page, you're completely daft and need pictures to understand everything, but luckily for you, I have no life and too much time. Here's the graph.

Rage Dudley versus Country Mike
Stratus versus Blaze
Rock Vegas versus Blaze

Stratus gets a bye this round

Justin Sane versus Marb

Justin Sane versus Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal versus Joe of the Forest

BATTLE OF THE JUSTINS: Justin Sane versus Justin Coherent

Kord versus Dazzmond

Kord versus Justin Coherent
Justin Coherent gets a bye this round

What all this means is that at the Pay Per View, it's going to be Justin Sane versus Stratus for the Title. Duh.

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