February 1, 2007
Frank Koenen

WCW Monday Night Nitro
November 25, 1996

-Well, this will probably be the first in a line of reviews that I do for Nitro from WWE 24/7, on Graham’s new WCW site. If you want to know what’s happened on Raw this week, go to Graham’s WWE History site for a review. Unlike Raw, which still will occasionally feature what are essentially squash matches, I’m going to give a rating to every Nitro match.

-At this point in Nitro history, the nWo is dominant. It consists of Hall, Nash, Hogan, Nick Patrick (kinda, look at the WW3 recap), DiBiase, Giant, Vincent (aka Virgil), Syxx, nWo Sting (on occasion), Miss Elizabeth and the newest member, as of last week, Eric Bischoff. Ric Flair is out with injury, the Horsemen are in disarray as they don’t seem to be accepting Jarrett as a new member (Mongo especially). Sting is in the rafters, wearing black and white, the nWo has been actively trying to get him to join, and the announcers continue to speculate whether he’s nWo or not. Luger is being Luger and feuding with Arn Anderson. The Cruiserweights continue to put on exciting matches. Benoit is feuding with Sullivan. I think that’s all the main stuff, anything else will be explained in the next few weeks. -Last night was the annual World War III, which is a three ring, sixty man battle royal, usually known as the hardest match to follow ever.
1) J Crown Champion Ultimo Dragon pinned Rey Mysterio at 13:48. This was a decent match which I’ve seen before, though it may be better than I judge it, because I’m not in particular a fan of pure lucha.
2) Chris Jericho (with one arm tied behind his back) pins Nick Patrick at 8:02. This stemmed from Patrick being a supposed corrupt referee for the nWo, but by this point he was just being a thorn in the babyfaces side.
3) The Giant pinned Jeff Jarrett at 6:05 after Sting attacked Jarrett. See Jarrett is trying to avenge Ric Flair, who the Giant stole the US title belt from. Jarrett has also been talking trash about Sting, so that’s why he attacked him.
4) Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri) beat Jacques Rougeau & Pierre Oulette (w/Col. Rob Parker) at 9:14 and Sherri gets time with Rob Parker. This stemmed from Parker not marrying Sherri.
5) Sherri beat Parker by countout at 1:30
6) WCW Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko pinned Psicosis at 14:33.
7) WCW Tag Team Champions The Outsiders beat The Faces of Fear and the Nasty Boys at 16:08. At the time, the Nasty Boys were on the outs in storyline with WCW, because they tried to join the nWo, but they started making demands before they joined. In reality, I think they were suppose to join, but Sags got in trouble for getting drunk and talking out of his ass (literally), which he called his “Bischoff impression,” this was all on Nitro (during the infamous hotel skits).
8) The Giant won World War 3 at 28:21. It came down to Nash, Hall, Giant, and Syxx against Luger. Luger tossed out Hall & Syxx, got Nash in the Torture Rack, and this let the Giant throw both men out.

LIVE from the Wicomico Civic Center in Salisbury, Maryland


-Hosted by Tony Shiavone & Larry Zybysko

-Tony and Larry talk about the contract signing between Hollywood Hogan and Roddy Piper at World War III to open the show and they show some still photos. They also say the entirety of the contract signing will be shown later on Nitro. Well that sure shows you should just watch Nitro and skip PPVs.

1) US Title Tournament Quarter Final Match: Lex Luger vs. Arn Anderson
Ric Flair was the last United States Heavyweight Champion, but got he got injured sometime in September. The Giant stole the US title belt from him, as they were going to wrestle at Halloween Havoc, but it never happened. So this is the beginning of a tournament to crown a new US Champion. Luger and Anderson had been feuding over the past few months, because of Luger tapping at Wargames after begging Anderson to join his team. So they fought at Halloween Havoc, and Anderson “injured” his back. This was after Anderson got the injury that eventually ended his career. Anderson has his lower back taped up. They lock up after a minute. Anderson gets a couple shots on Luger out of the corner, but Luger does some elbows followed by several shoulder blocks. Anderson bails to the outside. Luger goes out and brings Anderson over to the corner post, and wraps Anderson’s left arm around it. Then he continues working the arm over by the ropes. Luger starts to kick at the shoulder. Dumbass, his back is taped up, maybe you should focus on that instead. Kind of think he’d know that, since he was the person who gave him that very injury, but this is WCW, babyfaces have an IQ of 2 or less. Luger with double sledge shots on Anderson in the corner. Luger locks on an arm ringer, then gets him to the mat, and drops a leg on the arm. Anderson with a drop toe hold, but Luger locks on a hammerlock, driving the knee in a few times. Anderson gets into the ropes, and then starts going after Luger’s midsection. Anderson telegraphs a move and Luger takes advantage. Luger is continuing to work over the arm. We then go to a break. Back from the break, Anderson has a headlock, but Luger fights out of it. Anderson delivers a knee to the face of Luger. Anderson comes off the second rope, but Luger catches him with an elbow. Luger messes up a whip by following Anderson with it, and Anderson hits him for fucking up. GO ARN! Anderson chokes Luger on the apron and follows with an elbow to the throat. Anderson catapults Luger’s throat into the bottom rope. He gets a couple of two counts. Anderson throws Luger outside and follows. Luger pushes Anderson into the ringpost and then the apron to finally work over the back. If WCW didn’t have so many retarded babyfaces everything would get done so much quicker. Back inside, Luger gets a vertical suplex. The Giant then starts bitching from the audience with a microphone saying that he owns the US title. Luger is working over Anderson in the corner as Giant keeps talking. Anderson DDTs Luger, but Luger puts his foot on the bottom rope. Another knee to the face of Luger by Anderson. Anderson goes up top, but Luger knocks him down. Luger clotheslines Anderson over the top rope. Luger tries a double axehandle from the apron, but Anderson catches him. Anderson attempts a piledriver, but Luger reverses into a back body drop. Luger puts Arn in the torture rack outside of the ring. The referee tells him to get back in the ring, but this is Lex Luger, a babyface in WCW, we’re talking about, so he ignores it. The bell rings prematurely, which means that there is gonna be a double countout. Low and behold, the referee counts both men out. You think Luger would have learned about count-outs after Summerslam ‘93, but apparently not. Match was okay, but amazing considering Anderson’s condition at the time. I’m guessing Anderson was calling it. **½
WINNER: Double Count-Out at 12:30 (without commercials)

-World War 3 highlights are shown.

-The nWo make their way out with Eric Bischoff leading them. This time out we have Bischoff, Vincent, Syxx, Giant, Nash, and Hall. The mic takes a while to kick in. Bischoff talks about being jackknifed by Nash at the Great American Bash that year. Bischoff says he considered that he either could be consumed by the power or be part of the force. Bischoff says they consolidated power, and he’s the highest ranking official in both WCW and the nWo.

Then in what many consider the turning point (for the worse) for the nWo, Bischoff says everyone within WCW must sign nWo contracts within thirty days. They’re either with them or against them. Thus the aura of an elite group is over. The American Males (essentially a lower card jobber team at this point, so what a great way to start watering down this previously elite group) make their way down to the ring. Bagwell high fives everyone, but Scotty Riggs is against it, so Bagwell gives him a neckbreaker. The crowd chants nWo.

2) Diamond Dallas Page vs. Disco Inferno
Tony says the back is in disorder and that he has no idea what may go down in the next few weeks. Gotta admit, they do a good job of creating a feeling of unpredictability. DDP attacks Inferno to start, not even letting him get his jacket off. The bell is a little late to start, that is the second bell snafu of the night. DDP drops Inferno on the top rope, crotch first. DDP keeps beating on Inferno. Disco gets a couple of swinging neckbreakers though. Some showboating, let’s Page get a shot in, but Disco goes right back at him. They trade fists with one another, with Page finally knocking Disco down. DDP gets a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere for the win. Essentially a squash. At this point, Page was being built up as a guy who could get the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere. *1/2
WINNER: Diamond Dallas Page at 2:14

-Mean Gene comes in the ring to interview DDP. DDP says that the nWo wants him now because he has the Diamond Cutter. Mean Gene asks DDP if he’s nWo or not. DDP managed Hall (as the Diamond Stud) when he came in, tagged with Nash (as Vinnie Vegas), and Bischoff was his neighbor, so it’s highly suspected he’s affiliated with the nWo. Mean Gene brings up those points. He stays very ambiguous about it, never giving a clear cut answer.

3) WCW Television Champion Steven Regal vs. Tony Pena
Regal right away with a headlock, followed by an arm-ringer, but Pena gets out of it. Pena tries a take down, but Regal gets him to the ground and locks on a headlock. Regal stomps at Pena. Pena then comes back with chops, and tries a shoulder block. Regal delivers a kick then an uppercut. Regal gets some shots on Pena in the corner. Pena DDTs Regal, but doesn’t get the pin. Regal maneuvers into a nice butterfly suplex. Regal beats Pena with a Regal Stretch. Regal is always good, and this was a decent squash. *1/2
WINNER: Lord Steven Regal at 3:05

-Mean Gene interviews Rick Steiner after the match, he talks about being in Japan. Rick says him and Scott are 101% WCW. He doesn’t understand Sting’s motives, although he says it, uh, in his retarded interview style. He puts down the nWo during the interview as well.


-Hosted by Tony Schivone, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay

4) US Title Tournament Quarter Final Match: Konnan vs. Eddie Guerrero
The second hour begins only a minute after the match starts. They start quickly with Guerrero hitting an armdrag, hurricanrana, and plancha within the first thirty seconds among other things. Konnan has Guerrero in some sort of submission hold, that I can’t see well. Konnan clotheslines Guerrero. In the corner, Konnan stomps on Guerrero. Konnan with a suplex on Guerrero. Konnan hammerlocks Guerrero. Konnan suplexes Guerrero again. The announcers are barely focusing on the match. Konnan with a powerbomb. Konnan gets a leg lock on Guerrero. Konnan releases it then slams Guerrero, he goes up top, but Eddie catches him with a drop kick. Guerrero is making his comeback, giving Konnan ten shots in the corner. Eddie goes up top, but Konnan catches him and gives him a superplex. He covers him, but then gets off of him. Konnan goes for a powerbomb, but I think Eddie fucks up a hurricanrana and gets the win. A decent match. **
WINNER: Eddie Guerrero at 5:24

-They show some more still photos from World War 3, since the nWo interrupted them last time they were recapping it.

5) Big Bubba (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Rick Steiner
Rick yells to the camera he can’t trust Sting. Bubba starts right away pounding on Steiner. Steiner however catches Bubba coming out of the corner and gives him a suplex/back body drop. Bubba goes outside and Steiner delivers an elbow from the apron. Back in the ring, Steiner gives Bubba a body slam for a two count. Steiner gives a nice German suplex to Bubba which gets two. Sting is in the audience, going towards the ring. Steiner delivers a bulldog from the second rope on Bubba. Steiner clotheslines Bubba to the outside, as Sting makes his descent to the ring. Sting jumps in the ring and gives Steiner a Scorpion Death Drop. Bubba rolls back in the ring and covers Steiner for the win. They started out quickly, and it had potential, but the match ended too quickly. *
WINNER: Big Bubba at 3:16

6) Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Psicosis
Funny thing as Heenan uses a Dennis Rodman reference, only months later he’d be in the promotion. Mysterio starts with an arm-ringer, but Psicosis reverses it into one of his own. Ultimo Dragon (at the time J Crown Champion) and Sonny Onno come out. Mysterio does his non offensive 619. Mysterio goes over the top rope, and the announcers wonder if that’s a DQ. When was the last time anyone was disqualified for throwing someone over the top rope? In fact I’m pretty sure someone else got thrown over the top rope in the last few weeks (maybe it was even earlier on the show) on Nitro. Psicosis delivers a guillotine leg drop for a two count. Psicosis brings Mysterio up top, he tries a splash mountain, but Mysterio reverses it into a hurricanrana for the win. It was a bleh short lucha match. ½*
WINNER: Rey Mysterio Jr. at 2:20

-Mean Gene interviews Chris Benoit with Woman. He’s got a black eye from the brawl he had with Sullivan in Baltimore the night before World War 3, which was a house show they promoted for a few weeks on Nitro. Benoit talks about Sullivan, and how the entire Dungeon of Doom couldn’t beat him. Benoit also talks about Sullivan having the corporate connections. Of course, Sullivan was a booker at the time. Woman tells Sullivan it’s over.

-They then show footage from World War 3. Piper comes out with his own contract and says let’s get it done Hogan. The nWo then come out, it’s only Bischoff, DiBiase, Vincent, and Giant. Tony has a smarkish comment about “I never thought I’d see Eric and Vince walking down the aisle together.” He says Hogan was busy reading scripts. Piper tells Vincent “I taught you how to fight, so get out of my way,” in reference to the Virgil-DiBiase program. Piper verbally abuses Bischoff, calling him a Eddie Munster lookalike. Piper has still got it on the mic and continues to lay into Eric. Piper says he wants to know how much he’ll be fined for knocking out Bischoff. Bischoff tries to look at the contract, but Piper slaps his hand like a little child. This is some pretty good stuff. Piper calls out Hogan, and he finally comes out with Giant, Nash, Hall, Syxx, and Miss Elizabeth. Hogan says Piper was his equal 10 years ago, but now he has had his hip surgery. Wow, holy alliteration (on my part). Hogan lifts up Piper’s kilt and shows the scar from the surgery. Hogan calls Piper a “cripple” and “Pegleg Pete.” Hogan signs the contract, and then Piper slaps him. So the nWo beat him down. Hogan hits Piper’s hip with a chair. They continue to attack Piper, and Hogan spraypaints “nWo” on Piper’s leg. He then spits on Piper.

7) Alex Wright vs. Jeff Jarrett
They start with trading arm ringers and arm locks. Jarrett takes control of the match. Wright hits a couple of sloppy hurricanranas followed by a dropkick. Jarrett then takes back control of the match. A spinning back kick by Wright. Wright gets a splash from the top. Wright goes to kick in the corner, but catches himself on the top rope. Jarrett gets a figure four leg lock. Nothing match. DUD
WINNER: Jeff Jarrett at 2:19

-Still photos from the World War 3 battle royal

8) Faces of Fear vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sherri)
Tony mentions that The Giant is in Jingle All the Way, coming out that week. Stevie begins with Meng, and trades shots. Meng chokes Stevie on the ropes. Stevie Ray gets a big boot. Booker gets a Harlem sidekick. Barbarian powerbombs Booker. All four men begin brawling in the ring. Meng hits a back breaker on Booker. Stevie enters the ring as Meng tries a powerbomb. They begin brawling, but the nWo comes out calling for a no contest, I guess. Typical nWo beatdown begins, Giant chokeslams a bunch of guys. Fans throw trash into the ring, and that’s the end of the show. The match turned out to be nothing. DUD
WINNER: No Contest at 4:10

Final Comments: Wow, what a dull show for the follow up to a PPV and what should be the beginning of them trying to sell the biggest show of the year. The only interesting segment that night was Bischoff announcing that everyone had to make their contracts nWo within the month. Otherwise, nothing seemed to happen.

Raw vs. Nitro: Nitro (barely)