April 8, 2007
Frank Koenen

WCW Monday Night Nitro
December 16, 1996
LIVE from the Pensacola Civic Center in Pensacola, Florida


Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko (oddly this week, they’re at the booth and not at ringside)

- We start immediately with some of the nWo coming down (Bischoff, DiBiase, Vincent). They go towards the announcer’s booth, which answers the question- “why are they there now?” Zbyszko says he’s not leaving. Then he just leaves anyway, and looks like a pussy announcer. Bischoff and DiBiase put over how great they and the nWo are.

1) WCW Television Champion Lord Steven Regal vs. Psychosis
Bischoff promises a big surprise coming up. Crowd chants “USA” for a Mexican and Brit. Collar and elbow tie up, and Regal tries a standing arm-bar. He turns it over into an arm ringer, but Psychosis counters out of it, and armdrags Regal down into an arm-bar. Regal uses well-placed knees to the head to get out. Regal puts Psychosis down to the mat, and applies an arm-bar – headlock combination. Regal continues working over the arm. Psychosis rolls on the mat in pain as Regal taunts the crowd and we go to the break. Back from the break, Regal has Psychosis in the corner and is laying in some forearms. Psychosis reverses a whip, but Regal catches him and rolls him up for a near-fall. Psychosis uses an arm drag type move to get back in control. He uses a spinning back kick and Regal rolls outside. Psychosis does a tope con hilo on Regal on the floor. Bischoff is jawing about Roddy Piper talking to Speilberg while Psychosis hits a sunset flip from the top to a huge pop. The fans are totally into the match, but the announcers aren’t. Psychosis curiously waits in the corner for like a minute to hit Regal with something. Psychosis hits a hurricanrana from the top rope, which only gets a two count. Psychosis tries a slam, but Regal counters into a small package for a near-fall. Psychosis makes good on his bodyslam, and legdrops Regal from the top rope for a two count. Regal puts on an arm-ringer then follows with a belly to back suplex. Psychosis is now almost out, only moving his legs, and Regal is rolling around on the mat in pain holding his head. A bad somersault flip that doesn’t connect to Regal, but he sells it anyway. Regal puts Psychosis in an STF-like hold. Maybe it’s punishment for blowing the last spot! The crowd is clapping for Psychosis to get out. The announcers continue to babble about the Starrcade main event, but I’m not paying much attention. Regal headbutts Psychosis, and works him over with right hands in the corner. Psychosis kicks out of a pin attempt after a butterfly suplex. Regal sets Psychosis up on the top rope, as now Bischoff & DiBiase suck Hogan’s cock and says he’s a great guitar player too. I’m not kidding. Psychosis knocks Regal off, and hits a frog splash for a two count. Regal gets eye poke and rolls him up in a small package for a near-fall. Psychosis catches Regal in a backslide for a near-fall. Psychosis hits a superkick, and gets on Regal’s shoulders, but Regal slams him down. Regal puts on a Regal Stretch for the win. Bischoff does a TERRIBLE and unfunny Brit impression. Darn good match for free TV, Regal was always good, not too much lucha malarky, and the crowd was way into it. **½
WINNER: and still WCW TV Champion Steven Regal at 10:29

- Bischoff says “our” Sting is going to be in action this week. So I guess they’re bringing back the fake Sting for this week.

2) Big Bubba vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Chavo at this point was not crazy, a Mexican sterotype, or hating his uncle. Just a regular young up and comer (well, not really up or coming, but he’s young). Bubba is on Chavo right away, but Chavo is able to avoid him and drop toe hold him then drop kick him. Chavo punches Bubba as he’s caught in the ropes, then drop kicks him outside. Chavo hits a tope, butBubba catches him and powerslams him a couple of times. Back in the ring, Bubba knocks Chavo down with a right hand. Bubba shoulderblocks Chavo down, but misses a splash. Chavo gets a right hand in the mid section. He tries to knock Bubba down with cross bodies and dropkicks. He gets on his shoulders, and takes him down after a series of shots in the head. Chavo hits a butt bump on Bubba for a two count. Bubba Bossman Slams Chavo to earn victory. This was a pretty good short energetic match. *1/2
WINNER: Big Bubba at 2:52

- Mean Gene interviews Sonny Onno and Masa Chono. Apparently Chono hasn’t signed with NJPW. Chono reveals an “nWo” shirt to Onno’s surprise. Onno and Chono talk in Japanese. Chono then roughs up Onno to the liking of Bischoff and DiBiase. Wow, I didn’t know that Chono’s reemergence WCW was so lame. Here is a decent heavyweight main event wrestler (which WCW lacked), and they just make him another pawn in the nWo like Buff Bagwell or Michael Wallstreet.

3) Masa Chono vs. Chris Jericho
Chono gets some shots on Jericho to begin and throws him outside immediately. Back in the ring, Jericho unleashes kicks on Chono, bringing him down to a knee. Such selling! Jericho tries a shoulder block, but it doesn’t work and he walks into a back kick. Chono hits a couple of headbutts. Jericho hits a sunset flip for a near-fall. Chono rakes Jericho’s face and throws him outside. They exchange right hands on the outside of the ring, which Chono sells none of. Chono lays in a kick on Jericho, then a shot to the midsection. Chono atomic drops Jericho. Chono chops Jericho, as Bischoff does an offensive Japanese accent. Jericho reverses a whip, but walks into a big boot when charging the corner. Chono goes up top, but Jericho catches him, and then suplexes Chono from the top. Bischoff says Inoki must love this like McMahon loved when Lex Luger jumped ship. He then says he ordered the previous night’s PPV (In Your House “It’s Time”) and thought it was awful. For trivia, I believe the buyrate for that show was so low that Bischoff may have been the ONLY one to order that PPV. Jericho hits a nice spinning back kick, and covers Chono for a two count. Jericho goes up top, but misses whatever and slaps Chono on the back on the way down. Don’t know why. Jericho misses a charge and tumbles outside. Jericho gets caught in the ropes while trying to get back in the ring and Chono kicks at Jericho so the referee calls for the DQ. That’s the way to get a new star over, have him lose by DQ in his first match. Chono wasn’t interested in making Jericho look good. Probably a bad opponent for his first match which lead to inconclusive finish. Not a terrible match but not as good as I thought it would be. *1/2
WINNER: Chris Jericho at 5:48 via disqualification

- More clips from last week’s Nitro focusing on Roddy Piper.

- MEEEAAANNN GEEENNNEEE interviews The Four Horsemen (sans Benoit and Woman). They continue talking about the Benoit-Woman-Sullivan situation, and Arn hypes his match with Sullivan. Anderson and Flair have some good interviews. Debra calls Benoit a little boy, and says nothing of note other than she’s a pretty bitch. Flair’s voice goes horse as he closes the interview.

See I don’t know why they did all of this crap. Now it’s time for me to play fantasy booker. This is what I would have done with the situation. Flair was injured, McMichael was just not a good babyface, Anderson was hurting, and Benoit was about the only 100% Horsemen. I would have had a four on four match with the Horsemen vs. the nWo. Have McMichael turn and join the nWo (where he can be a heel and join an already watered down group), then they injure Flair and Anderson (so both can be given time off). They can say they killed the Horsemen and get over from that. Benoit still around could fight back in honor of the group, and that would get him over. Eventually Flair makes his return, (sadly, Anderson couldn’t) and the nWo get their comeuppance, and everyone goes home happy. But WCW wasn’t about making everyone go home happy, just Hulk Hogan.

4) WCW Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko vs. Dave Sammartino
That’s right, as in David Sammartino, Bruno’s son who was around in the early 80s. Malenko does a go behind, Sammartino reverses. Malenko applies an arm ringer, but Sammartino reverses it into an arm-bar. How could you not have Larry Z calling this match? Malenko takes Sammartino down with a fireman’s carry, but he gets back to his feet. Malenko and Sammartino grapple, and Sammartino cinches on am arm-bar. Malenko uses an elbow to the face to get out. Sammartino drop toe holds Malenko down, and puts on am arm-bar. Malenko gets back to his feet, and fights out, but Sammartino gets on an arm-ringer. Malenko puts a crossface on Sammartino. The two exchange elbow smashes, and then Malenko whips Sammartino into the corner. He misses a charge, and Sammartino rolls him up for two. Malenko gets a small package for two. Sammartino catches Malenko telegraphing a move, and gets a backslide for two. They trade waist locks, until Malenko picks Sammartino’s feet. Malenko applies a double chicken wing, then rolls Sammartino over for the win. Thought Sammartino’s shoulders didn’t seem down. They never really went into second gear here. DUD
WINNER: and still WCW Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko at 2:55


Hosted by Tony Schiavone, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, and Mike Tenay

5) Ice Train vs. Jerry Flynn
Flynn is on Train right away, but Train no sells everything and gives Flynn a headbutt. Train clotheslines Flynn who then rolls out of the ring. Back in the ring, Train slams Flynn and then splashes him. Train clotheslines Flynn in the corner. Flynn catches Train with a big boot as he charges the corner, and then knocks him down with a clothesline. He gets a back kick on a cornered Train. Flynn delivers some kicks and punches and even gets a couple of two counts. Train starts to rev up, or whatever he a big black man named “Ice Train” does. Train uses some forearms and a headbutt but misses an elbow drop. Flynn tries to capitalize, but Train knocks Flynn down with a clothesline. Train catches a kick by Flynn, and uses a leg submission to get the win. Just a match, nothing to really say. DUD
WINNER: Ice Train at 3:22

- Syxx comes out after the match, and introduces The Outsiders while screaming like an ass. Syxx then interviews The Outsiders. The Outsiders don’t want to wait for Starrcade, and challenge the Faces of Fear for TONIGHT!

- We get our weekly highlight package of Sting.

6) Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Bobby Eaton
Mysterio armdrags Eaton a couple of times, but Eaton slaps the midget down. GO BOBBY! Eaton kind of press slams Mysterio and then gets a backbreaker for a two count. Mysterio applies an arm-ringer. Eaton gets a shot in the kidney, then whips Mysterio into the ropes, but he slides outside. Eaton goes out to follow, but Mysterio gets back in the ring and hits a tope. They battle on the apron, and Mysterio gives Eaton a hurricanrana or victory roll back in the ring for a one count. Eaton tries a suplex, but Mysterio snakes out and gets a spinning back kick. Mysterio gets a spring board dropkick, and then a springboard moonsault for a two count. The announcers continue to babble about the nWo. Eaton clotheslines Mysterio for a near-fall. Eaton applies a chinlock. Mysterio gets out with elbows to the mid section, but Eaton knocks him down with a left hand. Eaton slams Mysterio and drops a knee from the top on Mysterio’s chest for only a two count. Eaton goes on top, but Mysterio gets a hurricanrana for the win. Bobby was always great, Mysterio was a good luchador, interesting to think what they could have done with a longer match. **
WINNER: Rey Mysterio Jr. at 4:57

- We get our highlight of the week. The Lee Marshall ON THE ROAD REPORT! This week he’s in Macon.

- We see Chris Benoit and Woman having a good time in Germany. Benoit speaks French and turns Woman on, so I guess he’s not only a good wrestler but a PIMP! You know Benoit and Woman were actually a pretty good heel combo. Benoit’s delivery in this interview wasn’t garbled and his acting wasn’t bad.

7) Arn Anderson vs. Kevin Sullivan
Sullivan jumps Anderson on the outside of the ring. Sullivan takes the offense, but Anderson comes back. They brawl around ringside, and Sullivan throws a chair at Arn Anderson. Anderson gets a hold of the chair, but misses Anderson. In the ring, Sullivan uses lefts and rights on Arn knocking him down. Sullivan sends Anderson out to the audience. The referee tries to get them back in the ring, but they don’t listen. They get back in the ring, and Anderson works Sullivan in the corner, specifically his leg. Arn get poked in the eye, and accidentally DDTs the referee. Sullivan puts Anderson in the Tree of Woe, but Anderson gets a punch to the balls. High Morrus runs out, and Anderson DDTs him. Konnan runs in. Russo booking WCW now? Big Bubba runs out and does nothing. Anderson begins to go after Hart, but Sullivan hits him with a chair. Hart revives the referee to count the pin. A short fun little brawl, too short though. **
WINNER: Kevin Sullivan at 3:48

8) Rick Steiner vs. nWo Sting
Sting is shown in the rafters, and then walks down without a bat. Then another Sting comes around with a baseball bat. The announcers at first think they’re the same, because they’re retarded. Tony, the detective that he is, says the real Sting is acting a little bit darker, whatever that means. They stand side to side. Like a few weeks earlier, they both turn their backs on the Steiners. Sting then gives the fake Sting a Scorpion death drop, and leaves through the audience. NR

- Members of the nWo come out. This time it’s Hogan, Giant, Elizabeth, DiBiase, and Vincent. For what it’s worth, Elizabeth is being paid about $150,000 a year to stand around like the rest of the nWo. I know it couldn’t have saved WCW, but god why did you pay someone so much money and not even TRY to utilize them? Hogan calls out Piper who isn’t there this week. Hogan talks some trash. Hogan then asks Elizabeth to kiss him, which she does reluctantly. Hogan was a terrible interview as a heel, and this is no exception. Hogan calls Flair, Savage, and Piper old. Mr. Pot, I have a Mr. Kettle on the line waiting for you. Hogan then disgustingly wiggles his butt, to the delight of Linda and no one else.

9) WCW Tag-Team Champions The Outsiders vs. The Faces of Fear
Non-title match. This feud actually ended up coming to real blows as I think it was Barbie who kicked Hall’s ass backstage. The Outsiders jump The Faces as they try and get in the ring. Nash and Barbie battle on the outside as Meng and Hall brawl on the inside. Nash kinda throws Barbie in to the ring post. In the ring, Hall knocks Meng down with a clothesline. Hall goes for an Outsiders Edge, but Barbie breaks it up. Big Bubba Rogers run in, and attacks Meng. Hugh Morrus, Kevin Sullivan and Konnan run in and all get beat up by the nWo. The rest of the nWo run in and beat up WCW some more. WCW then runs in, and it’s a wild brawl in the ring. Giant chokeslams a bunch of people. David Sammartino even helps out WCW! Norton has kinda joined the nWo, by fighting with them, but you can barely tell. Sting then comes out, Anderson tries to take a shot, but Sting knocks him out the ring. McMichael tries to go for revenge for the Horsemen, but Sting no sells his shots. Mysterio gets beaten up by Sting. Sting then leaves as the battle continues and the show goes off the air. The match itself never really got started, but it was a cool ending. DUD

Comments: HOT HOT HOT ending to an otherwise dull show. We had mostly squashes with two non-finishes. It’s going to be hard for Raw to top this one for the ending alone. The opening match was pretty good, but everything was downhill from there.

Raw vs. Nitro: Nitro