- October 1, 2002: Smackdown! General Manager Stephanie McMahon announced that an 8-team tournament would take place to crown the first ever Smackdown-exclusive tag team champions. Prior to the finals, Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit defeated John Cena & Billy Kidman as well as Eddie & Chavo Guerrero Jr. while Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Tajiri & Brock Lesnar and Ron Simmons & D-Von Dudley.

No Mercy 02
Little Rock, AR
October 20, 2002
- WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals: Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit defeated Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr. at 22:00 when Edge submitted to Angle's ankle lock, moments after Angle reversed Edge's hold into his own; named Wrestling Observer Newsletter and Pro Wrestling Torch's Match of the Year

Manchester, NH
Verizon Wireless Arena
November 5, 2002
- Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match to win the titles; fall #1: Mysterio pinned Benoit following a double team powerbomb / frankensteiner; fall #2: Angle forced Edge to submit with the ankle lock; fall #3: Angle was pinned following a miscommunication with Benoit; the challengers originally won the third fall when Mysterio pinned Angle but the match was restarted since Angle’s foot was on the bottom rope

Survivor Series '02
New York City, NY
Madison Square Garden
November 17, 2002
- Eddie & Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr. and Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit in an elimination match to win the titles at 19:20; Edge pinned Benoit with the spear at 13:04 after avoiding a clothesline; after the elimination, Angle & Benoit attacked their opponents and then argued with one another as they left ringside; Eddie forced Mysterio to submit to the El Passo Lasso after Chavo hit Rey in the leg with one of the title belts as the champion attempted the West Coast Pop

Philadelphia, PA
First Union Center
February 4, 2003
- Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas (w/ Paul Heyman) defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Eddie & Chavo Guerrero Jr. to win the titles when Haas pinned Eddie with a side roll after Eddie hit the frogsplash on Benjamin, the illegal man in the ring

Judgment Day 03
Charlotte, NC
May 18, 2003
- Eddie Guerrero & Tajiri (sub. for Chavo Guerrero Jr.) defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas in a ladder match to win the titles at 14:17 when Guerrero grabbed the title belts after Tajiri sprayed green mist into Benjamin's eyes as all three men were climbing the ladder

Rochester, NY
Blue Cross Arena
July 1, 2003
- Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Eddie Guerrero & Tajiri to win the titles when Guerrero was pinned moments after Tajiri was knocked onto the hood of Guerrero's truck; after the bout, a furious Guerrero hit a suplex on Tajiri through the vehicle's windshield, forcing Tajiri to be taken from ringside on a stretcher

Raleigh, NC
RBC Center
September 16, 2003
- WWE US Champion Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin to win the titles at around the 12-minute mark when Eddie pinned Haas following a brainbuster / frog splash double team; seconds before the finish, Haas landed badly after recieving a double backdrop; moments earlier, Benjamin was taken out of the match after being clipped in the knee by Chavo and appeared to suffer a legit leg injury (Chavo's return after a 4-month absence)

Albany, NY
Pepsi Arena
October 21, 2003
- Doug & Danny Basham (w/ Shaniqua) (sub. for Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas) defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Eddie & Chavo Guerrero Jr. to win the titles at 7:55 when Danny pinned Eddie after switching places with Doug and hitting Eddie in the face with Shaniqua's nightstick; after the match, the new champions had a ringside interview while Chavo argued with Eddie over the loss, before leaving his tag team partner alone in the ring

Cleveland, OH
Gund Arena
February 3, 2004
- Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Doug & Danny Basham (w/ Shaniqua) to win the titles at 5:11 when Rikishi pinned Doug with a Samoan Drop after Scotty dropped Doug throat-first across the top rope

Kelowna, British Columbia
Prospera Place
April 20, 2004
- Charile Haas & Rico (w/ Jackie Gayda) (mystery partner) defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty to win the titles at 7:14 when Haas pinned Scotty with a roll over after Rico kissed Scotty on the lips

Chicago, IL
AllState Arena
June 15, 2004
- The Dudley Boyz defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Charlie Haas & Rico (w/ Jackie Gayda) to win the titles at 5:01 when Bubba pinned Rico with his feet on the ropes, with D-Von holding Rico's leg down at the same time, after Haas collided with Jackie on the ring apron; after the bout, Paul Heyman came out on the stage to celebrate with the new champions

Winnipeg, Manitoba
July 6, 2004
- Billy Kidman & Paul London defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz to win the titles at 8:07 when Kidman pinned Bubba Ray with the Shooting Star Press after London hit Bubba Ray with a superkick

Tulsa, OK
September 7, 2004
- Rene Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Paul London & Billy Kidman at 10:05 to win the titles when Suzuki pinned London with the claw / legsweep combo

Greenville, SC
December 7, 2004
- Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Rene Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki (w/ Hiroku) to win the titles at 12:00 when Mysterio pinned Suzuki with a roll up and holding onto RVD for leverage

Tampa, FL
St. Pete Times Forum
January 11, 2005
Doug & Danny Basham defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio Jr., Eddie Guerrero & Booker T, and Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns in an elimination match to win the titles at 19:02; Doug Basham pinned Jindrak at 5:19 after Mysterio hit the 619 behind the referee's back and Guerrero dragged Basham on top of Jindrak; Mysterio pinned Guerrero with a springboard West Coast Pop at 13:11; after the elimination, Doug slammed the steel ring steps against RVD's already injured knee, with RVD being taken backstage on a stretcher at the 17-minute mark; Danny pinned Mysterio with a double choke sit-down powerbomb after switching places with Doug; after the bout, John Bradshaw Layfield, Orlando Jordan, and Amy Weber came out to celebrate the victory

No Way Out 05
Pittsburgh, PA
Mellon Arena
February 20, 2005
- Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Doug & Danny Basham to win the titles when Guerrero pinned Doug at 14:52 after hitting him with one of the title belts, slid in the ring by Mysterio, as the referee's back was turned

New York City, NY
Madison Square Garden
April 18, 2005
- Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury (w/ Melina) defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio Jr. to win the titles when Mercury pinned Mysterio at 10:26 after hitting the elevated double team DDT as Melina jumped on Guerrero on the floor to distract him; after the bout, Guerrero & Mysterio argued in the ring over the outcome with Guerrero shoving Mysterio to the mat; moments later, Mysterio confronted Guerrero on the floor and shoved him to the floor before walking backstage alone

Great American Bash 05
Buffalo, NY
HSBC Arena
July 24, 2005
- John Heidenreich & Road Warrior Animal defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Chapions Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury (w/ Melina) to when the titles at 6:45 when Animal pinned Nitro following the Doomsday Device; after the match, Animal grabbed the mic and said "Hawk, this one was for you, brother"

San Francisco, CA
Cow Palace
October 25, 2005
- Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury (w/ Melina) defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Road Warrior Animal & John Heidenreich, William Regal & Paul Birchill, and Super Crazy & Psychosis (w/ WWE Cruiserweight Champion Juventud Guerrera) to win the titles at 11:45 when Mercury pinned Heidenreich following the Snapshot after Chad & James Dick interfered and fought with Animal after preventing the Doomsday Device

Springfield, MA
MassMutual Center
December 13, 2005
- World Heavyweight Champion Batista & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury (w/ Melina) to win the titles at 18:19 when Batista pinned Mercury with the sit-down powerbomb after Mysterio hit the 619 on both Melina and Mercury; after the bout, Mysterio celebrated by holding his title belt against a t-shirt of Eddie Guerrero; earlier in the broadcast, Melina tried to talk Batista out of the match by sleeping with him but after the fact Batista refused to opt out of the match; later in the show, Randy Orton congratulated Batista & Mysterio backstage and shook Batista's hand

Uncasville, CT
Mohegan Sun Arena
December 27, 2005
- Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury (w/ Melina) defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions - World Heavyweight Champion Batista & Rey Mysterio Jr. to win the titles at 14:03 when Mercury pinned Batista after Mark Henry made his return by interfering and hitting a press powerslam on the champion after the referee was knocked out; after the bout, Henry left ringside with MNM (Henry's surprise return after a nearly 2 year absence)

Judgment Day 06
Phoenix, AZ
US Airways Center
May 20, 2006
- Brian Kendrick & Paul London defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury (w/ Melina) to win the titles at 13:44 when London pinned Mercury with a roll up and roll over after Mercury collided with Nitro on the ring apron, sending Nitro into Melina on the floor; after the match, Melina slapped Mercury and blamed him for the loss with Nitro then attacking Mercury from behind as he attempted to get at Melina; Nitro and Mercury brawled in and out of the ring for several minutes, and Melina gave the referee a low blow when he tried to intervene, until officials and Teddy Long came out to break it up, with Long being knocked down in the melee

Milan, Italy
April 17, 2007
- Deuce & Domino (w/ Cherry) defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick & Paul London to win the titles at 8:55 when Deuce pinned Kendrick following a kick to the head as Domino held Kendrick in the air; London was injured early in the bout after missing a moonsault to the floor

Albany, NY
Times Union Center
August 28, 2007
- Matt Hardy & WWE US Champion MVP defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Deuce & Domino (w/ Cherry) to win the titles at 14:37 when MVP pinned Domino after Hardy dropped Domino with the Twist of Fate and MVP threw his partner to the floor to make the cover himself

Wichita, KS
November 13, 2007
- John Morrison & Mike Mizanin defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions - WWE US Champion MVP & Matt Hardy to win the titles at 3:50 when Mizanin pinned Hardy after Morrison clipped Hardy in his bad leg as he attempted the Twist of Fate; after the bout, MVP grabbed the mic and said he was immediately invoking their title rematch, with the champions then returning to the ring

Great American Bash 08
Long Island, NY
Nassau Coliseum
July 20, 2008
- Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions John Morrison & Mike Mizanin, Jesse & Festus, and Finlay & Hornswoggle to win the titles at 9:14 when Hawkins pinned Jesse after causing him to fall off the top, moments after Ryder prevented Jesse & Festus from hitting a Rocket Launcher

Columbus, OH
Nationwide Arena
September 21, 2008
Smackdown! - 9/26/08
- Carlito & Primo Colon defeated WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder to win the titles at 11:36 when Carlito pinned Ryder with the Back Cracker after Primo made a blind tag