April 8, 2007
Frank Koenen

WCW Spring Stampede 1994
April 17, 1994

-This is from a period in WCW when Flair had the book. WCW put on good show after good show, but it wasn’t drawing well. So then brought in the almighty Orange Goblin, and his cronies to try and turn a profit for WCW. However, let’s remiss in the good times.

LIVE from The Rosemont Horizon just outside of Chicago, IL
Your Hosts are Tony Schiavone & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

-Of note, one the pre-show Danny Bonaduce, as in Danny Partridge of The Partridge Family, beat Christopher Knight, who was Peter Brady on The Brady Bunch. Yes, even then Bischoff experimented with celebrities who wouldn’t pay off and no one cared about.

-Mean Gene introduces us to the show, saying they’re hanging from the rafters. I’d hang myself too if I had to watch a Partridge vs. a Brady.

-Aaron Neville of the Neville Brothers sings the national anthem before the event.

-We then go to Tony and Bobby at ringside. This is a night that Bobby seemed a little off, Scott Keith in his review of the show speculated he was drunk. So that almost guarantees that he wasn’t. Just kidding, he never said it was a fact so maybe it’s right. He’s sweating a little here in the opening.

1) Johnny B. Badd vs. Diamond Dallas Page (w/The Diamond Doll)
Badd is also Marc Mero, the Doll is Kimberly Page. There is no feud here but the two would eventually have a rivalry over the TV title in 95-96 before Badd jumped to the WWF. DDP jumps Badd to start the match. Badd quickly gets a rollup on Page for a two count. Badd clotheslines Page over the top rope. Back in, Badd gets an arm-bar, but Page quickly gets out with a hair pull. Page gets a slam for a two count. Page gets a front facelock, but Badd reverses into a hammerlock. Page tries to get the ropes, but Badd quickly locks that arm, and gets a near-fall. Page gets out of the hold with an elbow, and shoulder blocks Badd to knock him down. Badd then gets a blown armdrag into an arm-bar. Page gets back up and eyes pokes his way out of the hold. Page tosses Mero and gets into a pinning position, but Badd bridges out and then is able to dropkick Page. Mero is on Page, but Page grabs his tights and rams his head into the turnbuckle. Page continues working Badd in the corner. He follows with a belly to back suplex for a near-fall. Page is filmy in control as Badd is on the mat as Page kicks him while he’s down. Page hits a gutbuster. Then in Tony and Bobby engage in one of the most bizarre exchanges in announcing history...
Bobby: Do you know what he calls that Tony?
Tony: What’s that?
Brain: You mean you don’t know?
Tony: A Gutbuster.
Brain: I know but I’m not telling you!
Tony: Why don’t you tell me...
Brain: A stomach buster.
[Long Pause]
Tony: Didn’t I just say that?
Brain: Yeah, but stomach and gut are two different words.

I really don’t know either. The ridiculousness from Bobby continues through the night. Page gets Badd in a chinlock really working him over in it. Badd gets up and gets some elbows to the stomach, then side suplexes out of it. Badd gets some shots to the gut and then delivers an atomic drop. Badd back body drops Page in a way that was anything but fluid. Badd does a flying head scissors takeodwn, then hits him with the TUTTI FRUITY PUNCH to knock him out of the ring. When Page gets back in, Badd goes up top and hits a sunset flip for the win. This was an alright little match to start, but Badd was a little sloppy at times. *1/2
WINNER: Johnny B. Badd at 5:55

-Tony runs down the card, and Heenan says he’s going to wear his raincoat during the Chicago Street fight. Then talks about how people are going to be leaving tonight in a bag. Not any bag, but a BIG bag. With a zipper apparently. He then does the old two fingers behind the head to make Tony look like a rabbit. So funny that Heenan is.

-We then go to Ventura and Mean Gene. Already Ventura looks like our future governor, except he still has some of a mohawk in the back. They say virtually nothing that Tony and Bobby didn’t say.

2) WCW Television Champion Lord Steven Regal (w/Sir William) vs. Brian Pillman
Sir William is Memphis legend Bill Dundee. Regal’s left leg is taped up. Pillman gets a quick start against Regal, ramming his head into the turnbuckle. Pillman gets chopes, and then starts working on Regal’s leg. Pillman delivers punches to Regal, and Regal hooks the legs and goes into a pinning position, but Pillman kicks out at one. Pillman reverses it for a one count of his own. Regal offers a handshake and Pillman slaps him. Pillman armdrags Regal, and Regal goes outside. Pillman goes after Regal, but Regal catches him with a shot. Regal starts working over Pillman, but Pillman comes back and wraps Regal’s arm around the guard railing twice. On the apron, Pillman pulls on the arm while Regal is inside the ring. Pillman wraps Regal’s arm around the ring post a couple of times. Heenan headset isn’t working or he fucked something up. Regal hits a big European uppercut then a snapmare. Regal applies an arm-bar, as Pillman writhes in pain on the mat. Pillman though begins to get up and hits Regal with a right hand to get out. Regal though gets a quick shot to the stomach to get back in control. Regal slams Pilman for a two count. Regal gets shots to the back of Pillman. Pillman begins to comeback with chops, but Regal hits Pillman in the back to get in firm control. Regal puts Pillman in position for something, but can’t get what he’s trying and Pillman gets back on his feet and rolls up Regal for a near-fall. Pillman tries something with the leg, but Regal gets a legsweep and transitions into an STF. Heenan says “there’s a counter for every hold, and counter for the counter and a lunch counter for everyone you know Tony.” Uhhh...the best I can tell it’s something about the sit in protests. Regal release the hold, and Pillman tries a backslide, but can’t get it, and Regal puts Pillman in a crossbow. Regal then switches to a chinlock. Regal let’s it go, and Pillman gets some chops. Pillman telegraphs a move, and Regal gets a shot to the back. Pillman reverses a powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana. Regal hits a Regal roll for a two count. Regal then puts on an shoulder submission, then goes sloppily into a crossbow, and only has one leg connected. Heenan says Pillman’s a quitter, when Tony asks where he heard that, Heenan asks “How many SuperBowl rings does he have?” I ask “How many beers did Heenan have before the show?” Pillman gets out of the hold with some shots to the face. Regal though gets a legsweep off of an Irish whip, and goes into a half boston crab. Regal then puts Pillman in another crossbow like move. Pillman fights up and starts chopping Regal and finally chops him down. However, Regal comes from behind as Pillman is on one knee and rolls him up. Regal puts Pillman in another hold, but he let’s go of it and Pillman starts to fight throw lefts and rights. Pillman headbutts Regal, but he ends up taking more out of himself. Regal is back on top of Pillman utilizing any strike he can. Pillman dropkicks Regal to stop the onslaught. Pillman tries to get a dropkick, but Regal catches him and tries a Boston crab, but Pillman kicks out of it. Pillman hits the enzuguri on Regal. Pillman jumps on Regal while he’s in the corner, but Regal shoves him off. Regal comes off the top rope, but Pillman dropkicks him. Pillman is on fire as the crowd cheers him. Pillman gives Regal shots in the corner. Regal catches Pillman coming off the ropes, and they tumble outside. Pillman suplexes Regal back in, but it’s too late. This was a pretty good match. **½
WINNER: 15 Minute Time Limit Draw

-Mean Gene interviews Col. Robert Parker and Bunkhouse Buck. Gene says Buck smells like shit. Well he says it a little more nicely. Parker can’t wait for his proteges to win tonight.

3) Chicago Street Fight: WCW Tag-Team Champions The Nasty Boys vs. Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne
The Nasty Boys titles’ are NOT on the line. This is in the middle of an intense feud that had a ton of good brawls. Last time they fought, two men ended up in the hospital, this one may not turn out to be different. Before, Cactus and Maxx can reach the ring the Nastys jump the weirdos. Sags and Payne end up in the ring, but not for long as they go out almost immediately after I type that. Knobbs is beating Cactus with a pool cue. Outside, Payne throws Sags into the guard railing. Jack gets a hold of Knobbs’ pool cue and begins to beat Knobbs with it. He then pulls at his face, and Cactus clotheslines Knobbs outside. Sags hits Payne with a stiff chairshot. Jack shoves Knobbs into the guard riling, but Sags hits Jack from behind with a pool cue. However Cactus gets back on top and hits Sags with a steel chair. Jack jumps Knobbs and hits him with some right hands. Payne drops elbows on Knobbs on the outside. Meanwhile Jack is brawling with Sags in the ring over the pool cue. Payne and Knobbs fight in the aisle way. Payne headbutts Knobbs down. Payne rams Knobbs’ head into the ramp way. Sags uses the pool cue to clothesline Cactus over the top rope. Meanwhile, Knobbs hits Sags with a garbage can and a merchandise table. Cactus brawls with Sags in the crowd and hits him with a chair. Payne goes low on Knobbs and slams him through a merchandise table. He then tries to shove a t-shirt down Knobbs throat and covers for a near-fall. Sags however comes back into the action and throws Cactus over the guard railing. Sags hits Cactus with a table four times. Cactus hits a neckbreaker on Sags then throws a table on him. Jack sets up the table, but Knobbs hits him with a shovel that the arena keeps around. I guess the Horizon has a cemetery in the back. Payne gets the shovel though and hits Knobbs. Meanwhile a table breaks while Cactus and Sags are brawling. Sags then throws Foley to the concrete floor. He then hits Foley with a NASTY shot to the face with a shovel for an anti-climactic pin. To add insult to injury Knobbs runs up on Payne and hits him in the face with a table. This was a really good brawl, but not quite as good as their Slamboree (without Payne, but with Kevin Sullivan) fight would be. ***½
WINNERS: The Nasty Boys at 8:54

-Backstage Jesse Ventura interviews Johnny B. Badd. Badd challenges the winner of Steve Austin and the Great Muta.

4) WCW United States Champion “Stunning” Steve Austin (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. The Great Muta
Austin comes out to generic music, as opposed to HIS generic music (which they used for a ton of people after Austin left, and it’s weird since they used it at Halloween Havoc ‘92 for Jake Roberts’ music on 24/7). Muta tries a spin kick that doesn’t connect, but freaks Austin out. Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel joins the commentators at ringside, and sits there for the rest of the night, but doesn’t commentate. They are slow to lock up. When they do, Muta gets a go behind, but Austin immediately gets into the ropes. Muta takes Austin down with a headlock. Austin and Muta then fight over a wristlock. Then Muta gets a side headlock and Austin gets into the ropes. Austin gets a takedown and then stomps Muta in the stomach. Austin throws a terrible right hand. Austin goes off the ropes, and Muta catches him with an abdominal stretch. Austin goes behind but Muta gets an elbow to Austin’s head. Muta gets a go behind waist lock, and rolls up him for a near-fall. Muta gets a headlock takedown for a near-fall, then he continues working it. Austin stands up and tries an atomic drop, but Muta quickly takes him down. Austin hits a side suplex for a near-fall. Austin tries an overhead suplex, but Muta reveres it into one of his own. Muta drops a knee and gets another headlock takedown for another nearfall. Austin gets back up and pushes Muta off, but Muta shoulderblocks and then dropkicks Austin down. Muta gets another side headlock takedown, but Austin quickly locks on a head scissors. Muta escapes and Austin goes to the outside to regain his composure. Back in the ring, Austin gets a waistlock from behind and then a roll up for a near-fall. Austin gets a front facelock, but then Muta reverses into a hammerlock on the left arm and pulls on the right. Muta releases the hold, and applies a side headlock. Austin pushes him off, and Muta is tripped up by Parker. Austin gives Muta a knee to the back, sending him outside. The referee admonishes Austin, as on the outside Parker chokes Muta. Austin gives a forearm from the apron on Muta sending him back down to the floor. Muta is in pain, but finally gets up. Austin catches Muta and delivers another shot from the apron then sends Muta headfirst into the guard railing. Austin is on top of him back in the ring, driving his knees and feet into Muta’s head. Austin gets a near-fall, he then goes into the abdominal stretch. Austin nears to the ropes and uses them to his advantage as Muta screams in pain. The referee catches Austin using the ropes, and kicks his hand from it. Oddly he doesn’t call for a break. Muta hip blocks out of the hold and throws some chops. Muta misses a dropkick and Austin delivers a flying forearm from the middle rope for a few near-falls. Austin then chokes Muta on the bottom rope. The referee admonishes Austin as Parker again attacks Muta. Muta blocks an attempt by Austin to ram his face into turnbuckle and rams Austin face in the turnbuckle. Muta back body drops Austin and then suplexes him. He follows that with a dropkicks that sends Austin down. Muta then misses something from up top. Austin takes advantage and uses an inside toehold (called Hollywood & Vine). Austin hits a punch to the mid section after he let’s go of the hold. Muta then hits a stun gun on Austin. Muta delivers a cartwheel elbow to the face. He lifts Austin to the top rope and gives him a hurricanrana. Parker gets on the apron and Muta kicks him in the face. Austin rushes Muta, but he gives him a back body drop over the rope. That warrants a disqualification. But Muta isn’t done and he gives Austin & Parker a pescado. Damn this was a good match until the very political finish. ***½
WINNER: Stunning Steve Austin at 16:20

-Backstage Ventura interviews Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes gives an interview very similar to his father, except a little less jive.

5) WCW-I World Champion Rick Rude vs. Sting
Sting and Rude had been feuding off and on in WCW ever since Rude’s arrival in the company. This specific match stemmed from Rude attacking Sting at SuperBrawl following the 6-man Thundercage. For those that don’t know, the WCW-I World Heavyweight title is actually the LINEAL NWA World Heavyweight title. The NWA got fed up with WCW changing the title without board approval, and kicked WCW out of the NWA. Only thing is they still had the physical belt and taped matches with said belt. So they first started calling it just “The Big Gold Belt” and then they made up a fake board of directors called the WCW International board to sanction the belt. Ineptitude and inane booking of top titles was nothing new to WCW before 1999.

Rude begins his trademark “fat, out of shape...” bit, but Harley Race comes out. He’s out on behalf of Vader, and says Vader wants the winner of the match. Race tries a cheap shot on Sting, and Sting whips him into the corner and he goes over the top rope. Rude then tries to jump Sting, but Sting catches him. Sting clotheslines him outside, then gives him a suplex on the floor. Sting sends him back in, and Rude begs off Sting. Sting begins throwing right hands at Rude, which knocks him down. Sting whips Rude into the turnbuckle, and he can barely stand. He then rams his head in to the turnbuckle and follows with a side suplex. Sting is all over Rude, giving him a back rake. Sting applies a front face lock. Sting lets go of it, and gives Rude a bodyslam followed by a few elbow drops. Rude begs to the referee, but Sting pulls him off. Sting then applies another front face lock on the mat, but Rude begins to stand up. Rude drives a few forearms into Sting’s mid section and some toe stomps, but it’s not helping him and his knees are on the mat. Sting whooos to the crowds’ approval. Rude gets back up and desperately tries to get to the ropes, but can’t. He lifts Sting up, but it doesn’t help him get out. He gets him up and then crotches him on the top rope. He then clotheslines him over the top rope and Sting is on the floor in pain. Rude goes out and rams Sting’s head into the apron. Then they go over to the rampway and Rude rams Sting’s head on that. Sting is barely able to stand, and Rude is ramming forearms into his back. Sting kicks out of a pinning attempt from a side suplex. Rude applies a reverse chinlock on Sting. He lets go and then drops down on Sting a couple of times to wear in the hold. Then he flexes his ass. Rude kneedrops Sting for a two count then goes back into the reverse chinlock. Sting gets Rude on his shoulder, but Rude goes into a victory roll for a near-fall. Sting reverses it for a near-fall of his own. Rude gets a shot on Sting to get back into control. Rude applies a sleeperhold on Sting. Rude then breaks the hold, to which Tony nearly shits his pants about. Rude drives forearms into Sting’s face, as Sting is clearly out of it. That is until the third shot, which he no sells. Sting asks him to hit him again. He then grabs Rude and pulls down his tights and gives him a side suplex. Sting clotheslines Rude a few times. Rude and the referee get caught in the corner, and Sting delivers a Stinger splash bumping the referee. He applies the Scorpion Deathlock and tries to revive the referee. Race runs down, but Sting catches him and sends him into the ring. Vader isn’t far behind, and Sting hits a right hand. He then fights off Vader and Race, and sends them outside. Rude clips Sting’s knee while he’s distracted. Rude drivers his knee into Sting’s face. Race grabs a chair from Heenan. Rude tries the Rude Awakening, as Race tries to hit Sting with a chair. Sting gets out of the way, while Race clocks Rude. Sting covers Rude to gain victory and the title. Sting looks like he’s bleeding from the back. Yet another really good match. ***½
WINNER: and NEW WCWi World Champion Sting at 12:50

6) Bunkhouse Match: Bunkhouse Buck (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Dustin Rhodes
Buck was Jimmy Golden, who was underrated in my opinion and it’s a shame when he got into WCW that they never really seemed to use him that well beyond this feud with Dustin. Rhodes runs out and hits Buck with a flying clothesline over the top rope right away. Rhodes is hitting Buck with right hands and Buck goes out to the apron. Dustin suplexes Buck back inside. Rhodes back body drops Buck. Rhodes with another right hand that sends Buck outside. Rhodes goes outside and the two exchange some stiff shots. Rhodes sends Buck back inside. Rhodes gets an eye poke and then knocks him down with a right hand. Rhodes misses a cross body block and goes under the ropes and outside. Parker chokes Rhodes while he’s outside. Buck then breaks a stick over Rhodes’ back. Rhodes is busted open, which was rare during this time in wrestling in North America outside of ECW. They go to the rampway where Buck clotheslines Rhodes. Then Buck chokes Rhodes with his suspenders. Back in the ring, Rhodes swings but doesn’t get near Buck. Buck bodyslams Rhodes then stomps him in the forehead. Buck then works over Dustin’s knee. Buck hits Rhodes with a mean right hand. Buck pulls at Dustin, but Dustin kicks him away. Dustin throws powder in Buck’s eye. The fans cheer on Dustin to make a come back and he makes it to his feet. Buck then begins to whip Dustin with his belt and Dustin goes down. He then rams the buckle into the forehead. Dustin fights up though, but Buck quickly ends his attempt at a comeback. Buck continues working over Rhodes in the corner. The only thing holding Dustin up is the ropes. Buck misses a kick to the face when Dustin moves out of the corner. He gets caught on the top rope as Dustin fights back. He then puts him up in the corner and kicks him in the back. Dustin drops an elbow in Buck’s face. Dustin then takes off his belt and wraps it around his hand and hits Buck in the face knocking him down. Dustin takes off his boot and goes to the second rope and drives it into Buck’s face. Buck is now busted open. Dustin takes off Buck’s shirt and whips him. Buck screams in pain from the shots. Buck goes outside and loads his glove, but misses the shot. Dustin gets him in the corner, and gives ten elbows to the head, with one like his dad at the end. Dustin bulldogs Buck, but Parker gets on the apron. Dustin suplexes Parker in the corner. Dustin begins to whip Parker, he then throws him outside. However Buck regains his composure and rolls up Dustin from behind for a near-fall. They then trade shots in the middle of the ring, until Buck goes down to his knees. Dustin gets a one good shot in the face for a near-fall. Dustin is whipped into the corner, but hits Buck with a boot to the face. Parker gives Buck something wrapped in tape. He hits Dustin with it to get the win. This was actually better than the street fight, MUCH more intense. ****
WINNER: Bunkhouse Buck at 14:11

-Backstage Jesse Ventura is with Rick Rude in the heel lockerroom. Rude is pissed at Vader, then Vader enters as the heels have to break the two up, including Jerry Sags in a towel. Not something I needed to see today.

7) Vader (w/Harley Race) vs. The Boss
This was set up when the Boss was refereeing a Thunderdome cage match between Vader and Flair at SuperBrawl IV. The Boss ended up handcuffed to the cage, but got free and hit Vader so Flair could then lock on the figure four for the win. Ths Boss is of course a ripoff of Traylor’s Big Bossman character from the WWF. The WWF thought so too, and the end of the match proves that.

They meet right away on the aisle before the match can start. Race holds Boss for Vader, but Boss moves and Vader knocks Race down. Vader takes his mask off and then is clotheslined into the ring. The referee rings the bell to start the match, so this is one match where Vader doesn’t wear his mask during the entire match. Boss is taking shots in the ring and hits Vader with a big boot which sends him into the ropes. Boss hits Vader with a big right hand to the face which sends Vader outside. They brawl on the rampway with Vader finally knocking down the Boss with a clothesline. Vader slams Boss into the ring then delivers a running splash from the ramp over the top rope, but Boss puts his feet up. Boss is back in control delivering shots to the head of Vader. Boss whips Vader into the guard railing. Boss then drops Vader on the guard railing. Vader is bleeding from the mouth, making this likely the most blood on one WCW show. The Boss clotheslines Vader in the corner and bodyslams him. Vader however begins throwing left and right hands to the head. The Boss headbutts Vader, but gets back body dropped over the top rope. Race stomps on The Boss on the outside. Vader now looks like he’s bleeding from the eye, maybe the one Stan Hansen popped out on accident. Vader suplexes Boss back in the ring and the Boss is down. Vader splashes Boss for a near-fall. Vader has Boss in the corner and is hitting him all over the place, but Boss fights out of it. Vader gets one good shot to the head to get back in control. It doesn’t last long as Boss suplexes Vader and clotheslines him. Vader hits Boss with a big boot out of the corner then clotheslines Boss. Vader goes for the Vader Bomb, but Boss is back up and slams him down to the mat. Boss suplexes Vader from the second rope for a two count. Boss goes up top and hits something really sloppy that I can’t tell what it was. Boss goes up top again, but Vader catches him and slams him down. Vader drags him towards a corner and hits the Vader Bomb for only a two count. Vader hits a moonsault which finally gets him the win. Race tries to handcuff the Boss, but he gets back up. The Boss knocks Vader down with the night stick and then beats up Harley Race with it. Damn, Race has taken a ton of bumps tonight. This was a damn good big man match. ***
WINNER: Vader at 9:02

-Backstage Jesse Ventura is with the Boss and Nick Bockwinkel. Bockwinkel takes away the nightstick and handcuffs. Bockwinkel says that Traylor is no longer the Boss now, because of his assault on Race. Oh, and probably something to do with an injunction from the WWF.

8) WCW World Champion Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat
OH FUCK YEAH! These two have, of course, been feuding on and off since 1977. Five years before this match, Steamboat won the NWA World title from Ric Flair in the same city. Steamboat gets booed on the way out by Flair fans. Of note, Hogan had been on WCW TV before this, and Flair offered him a ringside seat for the event. We see Beth Flair in the audience. Flair tries to taunt Steamboat, but he just turns his back and walks away.

To start the match, Flair takes Steamboat down with a drop toe hold, but Steamboat counters out of it and gets back up. Steamboat tries a headlock, but can’t get it, Flair armdrags Steamboat down. Flair gets a front face lock, but Steamboat gets into the ropes. Flair performs a headlock takedown, but Steamboat goes into the head scissors, Flair snakes out of it. Steamboat gets Flair in a headlock, Flair pushes off, and Steamboat hits a shoulder block which knocks Flair down. They lock up again, and Flair gets a waistlock from behind. Steamboat gets a fireman’s carry takedown, then a drop toe hold and locks on a headlock. Flair pushes Steamboat back into the corner, and Steamboat slaps Flair. Flair goes for a choke, but Steamboat slaps him away again. Flair gets a headlock, but Steamboat pushes off, Steamboat catches Flair and press slams him. Steamboat takes Flair down with a couple of flying head scissors and hits a couple of dropkicks one knocking Flair outside. Steamboat throws him back in and hits a chop form the top rope for a near-fall. Flair goes outside to get his wits about him. Flair reenters the ring and locks applies a wristlock. He pushes Steamboat back into the corner, and gives him a good chop, but Steamboat gets one of his own. Flair gets a chop, then Steamboat. Flair shove Steamboat and Steamboat slaps him to Flair’s anger. Steamboat gets a headlock takedown, but Flair gets back up. Steamboat climbs the turnbuckles and kicks off to get Flair’s back on the mat. Flair stands up again and pushes off. Steamboat shoulder blocks Flair and gets the side headlock again. Flair gets to his knee, but Steamboat releases and brings his arms together again to really hurt him. Steamboat with another shoulder blocks gets a near-fall. Steamboat has a headlock takedown again and gets a near-fall on Flair. Flair gets up and backs Steamboat in the corner. Flair chops Steamboat in the corner, then whips him into the opposite corner, but Steamboat jumps out of the way. Steamboat hiptosses him and gets a flying headscissors take down. He uses a headlock takedown for a near-fall. Flair gets back up and pushes off Steamboat. Steamboat shoulder blocks Flair down. Steamboat goes over the top rope, but skins the cat back into the ring. Steamboat gets a headlock takedown again and works over Flair on the mat. Flair rolls Steamboat over for a near-fall. Flair is back up on his feet, and tries an atomic drop which doesn’t work. He does get a knee to the mid section, then a chop. Flair drop toe holds Steamboat and grabs a front face lock. Heenan actually brings up a good point in why no one ever goes after Flair’s legs to neutralize the figure four. Sobering up maybe? Flair is up and backs Steamboat into the corner. He then begins to drive shoulders into Steamboat’s mid section. Steamboat reverses a whip and back body drops Flair. Steamboat misses a dropkick and Flair takes control. Flair chops Steamboat in the corner. He then hits Steamboat with a right hand. In the opposite corner, Flair gives another chop and right hand. Flair snapmares Steamboat and drops a knee on Steamboat (which doesn’t actually connect from the camera angle). Steamboat is holding onto the top rope to stay up, Flair pulls Steamboat out of the corner, snapmares him and drops a knee for several attempts at near-falls. Flair whips Steamboat into the ropes and hits an elbow to the face for a series of near-falls. It looks like Flair’s strategy here is to wear down Steamboat by making him expend energy. Flair hits Steamboat with a chop, but Steamboat comes back with one of his own. They exchange them and finally Steamboat chops Flair down. Flair tries something, Steamboat catches him but they both tumble outside. Flair tries a piledriver, but Steamboat reverses into a back body drop. Steamboat chops Flair as he’s set up on the guardrailing, then misses a splash and hits the guard railing. Flair sends Steamboat in, and then goes up top. Unfortunately he’s a heel so Steamboat catches him and superplexes him for a near-fall. Flair is whipped into the corner and does the Flair flip. Steamboat then chops him on the apron and Flair goes to the floor. Steamboat jumps on the top rope and chops Flair on the head and the chest. Flair starts begging Steamboat off. Steamboat begins to punch Flair in the corner. I know I would. Steamboat then starts chopping Flair and Flair does the Flair flop, Steamboat gets a one count when Flair puts his foot on the ropes. Flair pulls Steamboat to the outside, but Steamboat pop up. Steamboat tries to sunset flip in back in the ring, but Flair hits him with a right hand .He then goes for a knee drop, but Steamboat catches it. Steamboat then applies the Figure Four Leg Lock, he gets some near-falls off of it. Flair inches towards the ropes, but Steamboat drags him back into the middle of the ring. He tries again, and Steamboat again drags him back into the middle. “DAMMIT! I thought he got there” says Bobby, and Tony reminds him that they’re not suppose to say that. Flair hits Steamboat with the thumb in the eye to break the hold. Flair is defiantly weakened from the hold, as he pulls himself up using the ropes, and limps towards Steamboat. Flair tries to suplex Steamboat back in, but Steamboat ends up on top for a near-fall. Flair takes Steamboat down with a headlock, and then they do the spot they do in every match they have, where Steamboat gets a headscissors, Flair reverses out of it into a pinning position, Steamboat bridges up and they fight over a backslide. Steamboat wins the battle of backslides this time for a near-fall. Steamboat gets a small package for another two count. Flair begs off Steamboat again. Steamboat walks into a kick to the mid section, and Flair comes out of the corner with chops. Flair this another chop, then Steamboat hits some of his own and is pushing off with the legs. Like one would do in a real fight. Steamboat chops Flair out to the ramp. Steamboat tries a suplex, then Flair, but Steamboat lands on his feet and Steamboat chops him back in. Steamboat whips Flair into the corner, and Flair does the Flair flip to the outside. Steamboat jumps off the apron, but Flair gets a kick to the chest. Steamboat tries to get back in, but Flair chops him to the head. They exchange chops with Steamboat on the apron and Flair inside. Steamboat hits a cross body block from the top rope. Steamboat misses a chop, and Flair clotheslines him down. SMOOTH! Flair is staggering though not knowing where to go. Flair goes up top, GOD DAMMIT RIC! DON’T DO IT UNLESS YOU’RE A GOOD GUY! Right on cue, Steamboat slams him down. Steamboat goes up top, but misses whatever, though he dove 3/4 of the way across the ring. Flair tries the figure four, but Steamboat is blocking it. Damn, I wish they would do that spot more, makes it feel more like real wrestling. Flair finally slaps it on and gets some near-falls off of it as Steamboat goes down from pain of the hold. Flair slaps Steamboat in the hold, which pisses him the fuck off! You can see in his eyes he wants to get back at Flair for that. However as it is he’s stuck in the hold, desperately trying to break it. Steamboat then gets into the ropes to have the hold broken. Flair right away kicks the knee. Flair snapmares him, goes for another figure four, but Steamboat gets a small package for a near-fall. Steamboat backslides Flair for a near-fall. Steamboat is chopping Flair. Then delivers right hands in the corner. Steamboat puts Flair on the top rope in the corner, and and delivers some chops and right hands. Steamboat superplexes him from the top and it took a ton out both men. Flair is flat on his back shaking his legs, Steamboat is holding the back of his head. The referee begins his knockout count, which gets to eight when Steamboat rolls over and covers Flair for only a two-count. Flair grabs a headlock, Steamboat pushes off, and then gets a roll up from behind. Unfortunately the referee was slipped outside. Steamboat locks up Flair in a double chicken wing, then goes down into a pinning position. The referee, Nick Patrick, counts to three. Steamboat thinks he’s won. Both men’s shoulders were down, and the referee tells Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel that. The crowd chants for Flair. Patrick raises Flair’s arm, which gets a big pop. Steamboat is pissed and asks Bockwinkel what’s going on. Bockwinkel joins the announcers, and says for now Flair is champ, but he’s taking it to the WCW Board. The title was held up and Flair won a rematch taped April 24 and aired on WCW Saturday Night.

This wasn’t quite up to their previous classics. Flair got a sloppy knee drop on Steamboat, Steamboat’s headlock segment went a wee bit too long for the length of the match, and of course Flair hit all of his comedy spots. However it’s still an excellent match by two of the best players of human chess. ****
WINNER: No Contest at 32:19 (Flair announced as the winner in the arena, but the decision was later ruled a no contest)

Comments: This along with Slamboree were both excellent outings from WCW in 1994. I wonder if WCW had stuck to this style of show if things would have eventually turned around, however that didn’t work out since Hogan and his cronies came in. Either way top to bottom and excellent card. Some good brawling, capped off by the grandmasters of wrestling. I’ll do a review of Slamboree in the future.