- Quarter-Finals

5/89; Atlanta, GA; Center Stage Theatre
World Championship Wrestling - 5/20/89
- NWA US Champion Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy defeated the Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellering) via count-out at 5:16 when Road Warrior Hawk left the ring as the Samoan Swat Team double teamed Road Warrior Animal on the floor, leading to both teams brawling outside the ring

5/10/89; Atlanta, GA; Center Stage Theatre
World Championship Wrestling - 5/27/89:
- The Samoan Swat Team (w/ Paul E. Dangerously) defeated Ron Simmons & Ranger Ross at 5:01 when Fatu pinned Ross following the splash off the top; during the bout, Michael Hayes said a new Freebird would be unveiled at the Clash of the Champions; late in the contest, Teddy Long, paperwork in hand, appeared ringside and spoke at length with Simmons, with Ross having to work much of the match himself; Simmons finally left ringside with Long during the closing seconds of the contest

5/10/89; Atlanta, GA; Center Stage Theatre
World Championship Wrestling - 6/3/89:
- Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) defeated Butch Reed (w/ Teddy Long) & the Raider (sub. for Bob Orton Jr.) at 6:02 when Eaton pinned the Raider following the Flapjack; prior to the bout, Dick Murdoch appeared, brawled with Orton at ringside, and back behind the curtain; moments later, Long appeared ringside and said he had a partner to team with Reed (Eaton & Lane's return after a month absence)

6/89; Atlanta, GA; Center Stage Theatre
World Championship Wrestling - 6/10/89:
- Shane Douglas & Johnny Ace defeated Rip Morgan & Jack Victory at around the 5-minute mark when Ace pinned Morgan with a roll up from behind as Morgan assaulted Douglas; after the bout, Morgan & Victory assaulted their opponents with boomerangs

- The semi-finals and finals were held June 14, 1989 in Ft. Bragg, NC as part of Clash of the Champions VII.

- Semi-Finals

- Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin (surprise partner) (w/ Terry Gordy) defeated Shane Douglas & Johnny Ace at 7:05 when Garvin pinned Douglas after Hayes dropped Douglas with the DDT behind the referee's back as Douglas had Garvin covered with a roll up; prior to the bout, Douglas & Ace were escorted ringside by several kids and then threw frisbees into the crowd (Garvin's surprise return after a year absence) (Douglas & Ace's first loss)

- Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) defeated the Samoan Swat Team (w/ Paul E. Dangerously) at 6:22 when Lane pinned Samu after the Road Warriors came out of the crowd, threw Samu off the top, and hit a double clothesline; prior to the bout, a fan climbed in the ring during Cornette's introduction of his team, with Cornette taunting him before he was taken away by security

- Finals

- Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin (w/ Terry Gordy) defeated Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane at 9:11 when Garvin pinned Eaton after Gordy interfered behind the referee's back and dropped Eaton with a powerbomb; prior to the bout, Paul E. Dangerously hit Jim Cornette from behind in the head with a tennis racquet loaded with a horsehoe and chain, knocking him out, with Shane Douglas & Johnny Ace then coming out to carry Cornette backstage