"Hardcore? I think stupid is more like it. I tell kids at shows all the time to take down their rings and go and get trained to work. Backyard feds are a good way to wind up in the hospital."

The only way to describe Mark Thunder is an extreme talent with a head on his shoulders. The man is very devoted to his work, wrestling in New England federations and wouldn't give it up for the world. His hard work is paying off... Mark is set to go to ECW's training camp in the fall after graduation from college. The 21 year old has high spirits, and justs hopes that he'll still be alive after going through what's been callled one of the toughest training camp's in the world. In some of his free time, Kym Maivia sat down for an Unedied, Uncut, interview with "The Messiah," Mark Thunder.

Kym Maivia:   Hey everyone, I am here with Mark Thunder. Thanks a lot for taking the time out to sit down and chat with me. How have you been?

Mark Thunder:   I have been busy, busting my ass in the gym getting ready for my next match against Dallas Austin, a match by the way for the NEWA New England Title and for June 9th Primal Coflict Wrestling's pilot episode for ESPN 2

Kym Maivia:   So you've been up to a lot then? Assuming there are some readers who aren't exactly sure who you are, can you describe to them what you do as a wrestler? And then, how would you describe the man behind the wrestler?

Mark Thunder:   I am "The Messiah" I piss people off by telling everyone how great i am and then I get in the ring and work my ass off. I am like "The Messiah" in more ways then one. I have a cocky streak. I am very bold. He is like me only turned up ten notches.

Kym Maivia:   When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Mark Thunder:   Ever since I was four I secretly wanted to be a wrestler. I didn't dare tell anyone till I was like 14. My parents flipped but they're cool with it now. My Mom won't go to shows any more though.

Kym Maivia:   Why's that?

Mark Thunder:   Because no matter how big I get muscle wise and in size that's still her baby boy in the ring. So she worries alot, espically with my plans on the horizon.

Kym Maivia:   We'll talk about those plans a little later... But first, who were your influences/role models growing up? Who are your influences/role models today?

Mark Thunder:   When I was a kid The Dynamite Kid first and foremost. Growing up it was Benoit, Malenko, Shane Douglas others into my teens, now its Benoit, Lance Storm, Douglas, Malenko, Nova, and Tazz

Kym Maivia:   Which federations have you worked for in the past, and which do you currently work for?

Mark Thunder:   Indys in New England, NEWA, Primal Conflict Wrestling, RIWA, HWF, NWA New England, UCW. And now mostly Primal, and NEWA, but I take bookings where ever I can.

Kym Maivia:   How did you finally become a pro? Also, what was your first match as a pro-wrestler?

Mark Thunder:   I went to wrestling school. I was in a battle royal my first match.

Kym Maivia:   Who do you like to work with in the ring the most?

Mark Thunder:   "Live Wire" Dave Padula, he would be my favorite

Kym Maivia:   At a show, when your music starts playing and you come out, what are you thinking and feeling?

Mark Thunder:   That's a good question...Well I'm thinking lets go out there and steal the show. That is my goal every match. To help my opponent get over and steal the show, makingthe fans happy, and giving them their moneys worth.

Kym Maivia:   Does crowd response effect your perfomance?

Mark Thunder:   Nope, not in the least. I love to get a pop don't get me wrong, and a flat crowd sucks but I still work my hardest regardless of the crowds reaction. I always work my hardest.

Kym Maivia:   Now, you said before that you work for NEWA/RIWA which does shows all over RI and MA correct?

Mark Thunder:   Yes correct

Kym Maivia:   As a wrestling fan from Rhode Island, I find it great to see independent promotions in this state. How did you become involved in these federations?

Mark Thunder:   Well it's a long story, but I went to college in RI for two years, I was watching tv and saw a phone number called it, started as a ref, and through connections I made got trained, and started Wrestling. I would be remiss if I didnt say that I worked for Yankee Pro Wrestling, thats where I started.

Kym Maivia:   Just out of curiousity which college did you go to and what did you major in?

Mark Thunder:   Johnson and Wales University majored in Marketing ...I transfered to UMass Lowell and I am majoring in Political Science I graduate in June 2001

Kym Maivia:   This next one was sent in by Kelly Claus, who asks "Who would you most like to work with in the future?"

Mark Thunder:   Well Kelly, I have a three way tie, three people that I love to watch work, Lance Storm first and foremost, Chris Benoit, and Simon Diamond would all be a dream come true.

Kym Maivia:   Are you following the current changes in WCW? If you are, what do think about them, and the future of the company?

Mark Thunder:   I am. I think that they are doing SOME things right. David Arquette is a joke, the fact he is donating his money made form wrestling to the Harts, and Droz's family is comendable, but he sucks and it's a slap in the face to me and other workers and to the fans as well. Getting Awesome, Candido, and Storm is a great boost in the arm. Bringing back the Franchise is also great but as long as they current upper card guys stay there they WILL LOSE the ratings war. If they push Candido and Strom and Douglas, and Awesome, Sting they have a shot.

Kym Maivia:   As you may or may not know I run a site on Shane Helms. I was wondering if you know of him or 3 Count and if so, what you thought of them?

Mark Thunder:   I know who they are. I don't know them personally, but I do have a six degree of Shane Helms connection though. I am friends with "Simply Perfect" Preston Quinn, who worked with Shane in the WWO when he was one half of The Serial Thrillaz. Way back when. Evan has a great physique. I enjoy his work. Shannon amazes me when he does his dives over the top and similar moves. I think they are good workers and they're gimmick is funny as hell.

Kym Maivia:   What is your opinion of womans wrestling? And would you ever wrestle a woman?

Mark Thunder:   I think that womens wrestling is something that has fallen by the wayside for the most part. It depends who the woman is, and yes I would work the Evan Karigas Madusa angle.

Kym Maivia:   What are your thoughts on backyard federations these days? Do you think they are becoming too "hardcore"?

Mark Thunder:   Hardcore? I think stupid is more like it. I tell kids at shows all the time to take down their rings and go and get trained to work. Backyard feds are a good way to wind up in the hospital.

Kym Maivia:   Trish asks, "What advice would you have for people who are thinking of getting into the wrestling business? How should they prepare?"

Mark Thunder:   I would say first and foremost that I am no where near my goals, so me giving advice on this subject makes me feel weird. But since you asked. I am finishing my degree next June. Education first. Find a repuatable Wrestling school in your area, go and get trained. Preperation, go to the gym, work out, eat right, and above all keep abreast of what is going on in the wrestling world. After you are trained then you can find work it is tough and sometimes you'll wanna quit. If you want it bad enough you'll keep after it and hopefully it will work out for you in the end.

Kym Maivia:   What are your thoughts on your fans and fans of the buisness in general?

Mark Thunder:   My fans, are great. Even though I shit all over the crowd, they laugh at my promos, tell me that I'm right when I profess how great I am. So I love the Disciples. Fans in general I think are half good half bad. I work on the ECW ring crew when thry are in my area. In the ring is Jerry Lynn and RVD and some idiots chant "Boring" etc. That is completely stupid. Thats a great match. Some fans are just blood thirsty and have no clue what a good match is. Thats why guys like Malenko and Benoit are under appreciated.

Kym Maivia:   As you said, currently when ECW comes into town you set up ring for them, but you'll soon be doing more for them...can you tell everyone about your future with ECW?

Mark Thunder:   Ummm. I don't wanna jinx it but I have talked to certain people in the promotion, about going to the House of Hardcore. It's now just a matter of me completing my degree next June and then going through a tough tough year of my life. Hopefully I will make it. I may not. I know from my talks with aforementioned people the House of Hardcore is the toughest school stateside and possibly the world. I will give it my all and either make it or break my neck trying.

Kym Maivia:   For purposes of good luck, we'll leave it at that...Now that everyone's kinda got a feel for who you are as a wrestler and feeling toward wrestling, I wanna get into gettign to know the man behind the wrestler a bit more. But, before that, is there anyhing you'd just like to add at this point?

Mark Thunder:   Nope!

Kym Maivia:   Alright then, it's time for the personal questions! First off, some of your favorites....color?

Mark Thunder:   Blue is always has been

Kym Maivia:   City or place to wrestle in?

Mark Thunder:   Have: Primal Conflict Arena Would like to: ECW ARENA

Kym Maivia:   These next few come from, once again, Kelly Claus who asks "Who are some of your favorite wrestlers and do you have a favorite gimmick out of the wrestlers in the BIG 3?"

Mark Thunder:   Of all time- The Dynamite Kid. Right now- Lance Storm. Favorite gimmick would be Simon Diamond's ambigously gay character. He makes me laugh alot. He does. He's great stuff.

Kym Maivia:   LOL, Favorite Restaurant and food?

Mark Thunder:   Favorite restaurant- I'm a big mark for The 99. It's a chain in the New England area. Favorite Food- Grilled Chicken

Kym Maivia:   I've been there, good food.... Movie, TV show, Actor and Actress?

Mark Thunder:   Show- ER Movie- Saving Private Ryan Actor- Tom Hanks/George Clooney Actress-Juliana Marguiles

Kym Maivia:   Type of music and singer/band?

Mark Thunder:   I like all types except Rap and Country. My favorite singers are- Dave Matthews Band and Sting

Kym Maivia:   If you could have ANYONE play you in a movie about your life, who would it be and why?

Mark Thunder:   You don't lack tough questions. I would have to say Scott Caan. He was in Varsity Blues and ready to rumble(what a shitty movie) He is in my age range and he's a good actor. Either him or Stifler form American Pie/Road Trip. I like both actors and they are both in shape. I guess that is who I'd want.

Kym Maivia:   What do you like to do in your sparetime?

Mark Thunder:   Work out, I work with kids and enjoy that very much, I love to collect Dave Matthews Bootlegs, if any of you reading this can trade my email is markthunder@hotmail.com I also love to watch movies and also spend time with family and loved ones.

Kym Maivia:   A little advertising huh? LOL Do you have any good "road stories"?

Mark Thunder:   Just a bit. That would be another interview all together. I do remember this one time..... This kid who is now in a stalker gimmick, he's like my #1 fan gone crazy. He was on the ring crew with some other guys and he said something, like 5 guys grabbed him dragged him into the down stairs of the high school we were at and they shoved him in a locker (see through one) and I came out of the shower and there he was. I laughed for a while got dressed and left him there. He got out a while later. Oh yeah his name is Jewelz so make fun of him sunday. Also another time... before a show one time, there was a training session before a show I pants a manager underwear and all. He no sold it till all the guys flipped out, by that time i was long gone into the locker room. That was a sellout with the boys.

Kym Maivia:   Have you had any memorable fan encounters?

Mark Thunder:   I've had a few fans throw themselves at me. That's pretty memorable. One time I was in a mall and a kid stopped me and asked for my autograph. That was a cool feeling. I liked that. Made me feel pretty good.

Kym Maivia:   Well that about wraps everything up. I want to thank you for taking the time out to do this. Maybe down the line we can get another one of of you. To end with, is there anything you'd like to say to the readers as well your fans?

Mark Thunder:   Beside the shamless plug for my site http://members.tripod.com/MThunder/ And support Indy Wrestling. Keep your eyes open and keep a watch for me in the near future.

Kym Maivia:   Alright, well thank you once again Mark. Have a good one.

Mark Thunder:   Take care.

Please make sure you take the time to visit Mark Thunder's Official Page

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