News!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah I got some Fuckin' NEWS!!! Here's how Awesome my weekend was for November 18th and 19th!!!!!!!!!! COOLEST Fucking Weekend EVER!!!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well we go to Greensboro, North Carolina....check in our hotel...get in our Hurricane Helms costumes....then head over to the Greensboro Coliseum...We enter the Building and Stay in Character the ENTIRE Time! I'm talkin running and jumpin, pretending to fly up stairs...basically acting as dumb as we could! and people were loving it! we must have posed for about 40 pictures during the evening! Well we watch the ruled....Had AWESOME SEATS! Went to Applebee's (still in costume...except Culver who pussed out)and it was closed!!! Darn! Applebee's is night is ruined now!!!!!! hahahahaa Noooooooooooo Applebee's being closed CHANGED MY LIFE!!!!!! How????? well read on........ We drove over to T.G.I.Fridays....we were driving up to the parking space when I looked in a window and Saw............... MATT HARDY!!!!! and he was with some chick.......... it was... LITA!!!!! we calmed ourselves and went inside...MATT was looking at us smiling while talking on his cell phone.......well turns out....Matt Hardy told the waiter to seat US in their section!!!!!! So we Talked to MATT HARDY and LITA!!!! well MATT Fu.cking HARDY says "Guys keep your gimmicks on...I just called the Hurricane and he's coming to see you" all I could manage to say was: "Really? Kick Ass!" Matt Hardy CALLED the HURRICANE for US!!!!!!! Holy @#%$!!! so we sat down and occasionally MATT HARDY would say something to! we're Hanging out with a Hardy Boy!!!! Whoa! Then about 10 minutes later....THE HURRICANE (Shane Helms) pulls up in a fancy sports car with a Hot chick!!! MATT HARDY tells us to be sure and strike a "Hurri-pose" for when he walks we get up and pose.....The Hurricane walks over and is Smiling from ear to ear....He tells us "That's fuckin Great" then for the next hour he keeps walking from his Table with Matt and Lita over to ours to make chit chat! Not the other way around! He was coming up to us! The dude LOVED our outfits! He was like totally honored...said it was the first time anybody ever dressed up as him at an event! He said peope told him where we were sitting at the Pay Per view.... and he looked for us the whole time he was making his entrance....but never saw us.... We're hanging out with WWF Stars!!! WHOA! well at some point Matt tells the waiter to let the other fans come over and get autographs and stuff......Notice....We're Already sitting with them!!!! How cool is that????? so the 15 or so fans come over and proceed to say "TLC was awesome" over and over again....Gee I'm sure Matt Hardy has never heard that one before! and somehow I end up signing 2 autographs for these 2 women!!! I was standing there talking to Lita......(do you know how weird and Cool it felt to just type that????)......oh but anyway I was talking to Lita and these 2 ladies asked for my autograph...I looked at Lita kinda confused....and she said "Just go with it dude" So I signed my name and wrote Hurricane #2 well we got the VIP picture taking session....which are on my site oh yeah! Shane Helms ASKED US to take pictures!!!!! we never asked them!!!! How fucking Cool?!?!?!!?!? and they left....Shane Helms told us to send him the pics in email cause he wants them on his site....we told them we'd be at RAW and to look for us... well WE spend the next 2 hours or so FLIPPING OUT!!!! WHOA!!!! We met The FUCKING Hurricane!!! and a Hardy Boy!!!! and LITA!!!! So that's 2/3 of "Team Extreme" plus Jeff doesn't count cause Matt is cooler by far! Jeff is totally Gay! Well day 2 comes around....we go to the Concord Mills Mall and are told by some people that we were shown close-up on the PPV when Mighty Molly was making her entrance! So that makes us feel even cooler!!! I'm gonna be on a DVD!!!! YES! ok we get to we pull into the parking lot......guess who's passing us in his car??????????????? MATT HARDY! he was leaving the arena for a second to get some food or something I guess... so that was kinda cool? what are the odds of that? seeing Matt Hardy twice in less than 24 hours! anyway......we park and put our costumes back on......go into the arena and automatically start the picture taking ritual again....tons of people wants pics including 2 different HOT Asian Chicks!!!! which was cool cause the Asian dudes with them just Rocked! they couldn't really speak english so they just said "Sank You" Sank you" over and over! that was just cool! and like 500 people said "Hey we saw you guys on TV last night" so I'm assuming they put a KILLER Shot of us on TV!!! for that many people to recognize us!!! anyway....we get to our seats...which are Freakin' great seats.....well we're sitting there in our seats....getting ready to watch some Dark matches before RAW.......when a security guy comes up to me..... he says "Y'all come with me" So I'm like "Ok" we walk down the steps.....through the floors seats................................................................................past the ringside area................................................................People cheering us the whole way! God We were soooooooooo OVER!!!!!.............................................................................................................past the RAW Ramp.........................................................................................................then the dude pulls away the security rail and points at some older guy with WWF laminates around his neck and says "Talk to this man" We walk up to him and he leads us....................BACKSTAGE!!!!!! BACKSTAGE AT RAW!!!!!!!!!!! BEHIND THE TITAN TRON!!!!!!! BACKSTAGE AT RAW!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I look up and see the Titan Tron suddenly Light Up! with the Big ass WWF logos flashing! It was just cool to see the Titan Tron turn on while standing BEHIND IT!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! I'm BACKSTAGE AT RAW!!!!! RAW!!!! BACKSTAGE!!!!!!! Wassup wit Dat?!!?!?!?!?! This is DREAM coming True right at that moment!!!! I'm backstage at RAW!!! so the dude says I'm John Bledsoe I'm the safety guy and Stunt Coordinator....we're just standing there....Smiling!!!!!!! wondering What we did to Have GOD give us this Magical Moment!!!!!!! Mr. Bledsoe tells us that "The Hurricane wants to see you guys" ...........WHOA!!!!!! He really did like us????? I mean sure it was awesome meeting him the night before.......BUT DAMN!!!! He liked us so much he brought us BACKSTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so we stand there and make small talk with Bledsoe.....then I see Hurricane Helms come through a curtain towards us with somebody behind him.......and I hear Culver say "Dude! It's Edge!" OH SHIT!!!! It's Fucking EDGE!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Hurricane walks up grinning like a God dang opossum!!!! and Edge is just laughing and complimenting our suits! we shake hands and stand there and chat for a second! We chat.....WITH EDGE!!!!! YES!!! he even manages to tell us a joke about Brock Lesner being Hurricane's new tag partner "The Incredible Brock" Edge loved my Boots!! oh yeah! Loved my boots! and said my costume looked the Best!!!! better than Foster's and Culver's!!!! EDGE said that!!!! EDGE!!!! Well we Thank them and say goodbye....... and we watch RAW...Lawler does Ric Flair..... yep.... but We WENT BACKSTAGE!!!!!!! and hung out with EDGE!!!!!!! which means that Shane Helms was excited about us enough to Tell Edge about us.....then get a security guard to come get us......and bring us all the way backstage! and the coolest thing about this all is None of them treated us like stupid Marks.....they just picked up our scent or something and realized we were smart fans.....which is weird considering we were wearing Ridiculous costumes that should have made us out to be the Biggest Marks EVER!!!! but they really treated us like one of the guys! it was just Awesome! I guess it was because we didn't walk up to them and say typical mark-ish things like "Matt your twist of Fate is AWESOME" "TLC was the Greatest" "Edge your spear could kill a man" we just talked to them like we would anybody fact I don't think any of us even complimented them or said "I'm your biggest fan" or anything cheesy like that and ALL of them were the most friendly, down to earth, non-egotystical, folks in the world!!!! They were Awesome! What a Fucking Weekend!!!!! Did I find like a magical amulet that makes your dreams come true or something????? I hung out with WWF Superstars!!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!! ya know? We decided to dress up as Hurricane Helms for fun! just to be stupid! and it turned out to be the GREATEST Decision of our Lives!!!! WOW!!!!! FUCKING WOW!!!!! ok enough bragging from me! but Jesus I'm the happiest person EVER! So......STAND BACK!!!! THERE'S A HURRICANE COMIN' THROUGH!!!!! Wassup Wit Dat?!?!?