Dear God,
You sent a child to me To fill my life with joy,
And only You knew which was best -- A little girl or boy.
Somehow I took for granted, Lord, That we would have a lifetime,
And I made so many future plans For that precious child of mine.
Enchanted by that Miracle,
Caught up in each new day,
I guess I didn't hear You, Lord, When You said, "This one can't stay."
I trust You, Lord. Thy will; not mine,
Yet I can't understand This sudden loss -- the emptiness --
I know my child's an angel now But my heart is aching so.
I'm sorry I wasn't ready, Lord, To let my baby go.
There wasn't time for one last hug;
There was no final kiss.
Oh God, it's all those special smiles That I already miss.
So Lord, could you do just one thing For me especially?
Please hold my angel close to You And say goodbye for me.
-- by Bonnielee Walsh c. 1995

~Song Playing~"Rainbow"