Vital Statistics-All the things you never needed to know about us...
Aben Zin's
- Full name: Aben Trouble/Reliability/safety Zin
- Sex: Yep.
- No, dumbass, GENDER: male
- Bra size: D-cup (36-34 )
- Job: Ruler of all Gamaruk
- Title: High lord/ Mightyone/ Oi! you! Get off my lawn
- Favourite flavour of edible panty: Blackcurrant and Mustard
- Farourite insect: wasp
- Farourite insecticide: Organo Phosphate
- Favourite DEATH scene: Last scene in Othello
- Favourite method of removing nasal hair: length of chain and a speeding truck
- Most Embarrasing feature: This web-page
Mad Cut Gee's
- Full name: ? (unknown- deleted at birth)
- Sex:Not now love I'm busy
- Gender: Female-and I can prove it (so can I, I've seen the videos-AZ)
- Favourite Porn Site: Lusty Letitia's Shagamania
- Job: Space pilot for G.Y.E.D.G.O.U.I.N.C.X.X.A.Z.E.BO.U.R.N.M.O.U.T.H.C.O.U.N.C.I.L.D.R.A.J.G.T.Y.
- Title: Star Commander 8th squadron
- Favourite condom flavour: Peanut butter and marmite
- Favourite prey:The lesser spotted furbie
- Favourite weapon: The self-propelled furbie fryer mk6
- Favourite death scene: The bit in Titanic when Leonardo cops it
- Best Screw: The 24mm deluxe with EZ-turn capacity.
- Most Embarassing Feature: Aben Zin