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April 14, 2001

This month's commentary is going to be a bit long. I haven't ben able to update as I hoped, due to unforseen circumstances, and there is a lot I want to discuss this time around.

First-- WrestleMania X-7 and TLC 2. I'll say this about the match. It was a helluva lot better than the first one. Being there in person to see it was fantastic. Even though I was in the 6th level, I could still hear the chairs, tables, and ladders connecting.

The highest points for me? Number 1 -- The walk across the top of the ladders. Wow! To be able to stand atop one of those without it falling from under you is a feat in itself. The balance of Jeff Hardy is exceptional.

My heart was thumping as the mat and ladders moved beneath him at every step. I thought a few times that he would fall, especially going from the tallest down to the regular sized ladders. That was tremendous, there's just no other word for it.

Number 2 -- The spear from Edge as Jeff held on to the belt. I thought that this would be exactly the same ast he first TLC, and in a way it was. Once again, it was Jeff taking the risk of hanging, but his side partner was different.

Also, and the most important aspect in my opinion, was the spear. Another heart stopper. There had to be some serious bruises after that fall. Or at least some jarred muscles. Jeff fell to the mat as before, but this time, he had to do it with the extra bodyweight of another person, driving him further in.

All in all, the three teams, and their associates (Rhyno, Spike and Lita) all did fantastic jobs. I commend every one of them, especially for coming out later that week and wrestling more. That takes real heart and they all have that.

Now, for the second part.. Yes, it's another rant on the Hardys and them NOT breaking up. Although, the boys are a great team, it is time to go out there on their own.

There is what I call, the tag team rut. And that's where Matt and Jeff are headed. When you see one, you just KNOW the other is coming. They aren't Matt or Jeff, they'll always be Matt and Jeff -- The Hardy Boyz and that's not fair. They each need their own identities in and out of the ring.

The WWF writing staff has passed up many optimal chances to break these boys up. Perfection would be having them broken up by Matt's infatuation with Lita, giving Jeff the final decision to completely sever the group, since it had already been ripped when Matt began turning his back.

How many times did Jeff lay alone in the ring while Matt checked his girlfriend? And how many times did Matt not even bother to run in until it was Lita in trouble. Do we remember Jeff fighting Rikishi? Two bozai drops and when does big brother come? When Lita is about to get the stink face.

All of these can lead to the exhilerating expectancy of a break up. And those are the most fun. Because when the team breaks, and the former partners feud, they are forced to come up with new and innovative moves, since they're partner would automatically know how to counter the ones they've been using as a crutch.

Personally, I would have broken the team up Monday after the match. I would have had Jeff upset for being tossed into what wasn't his fault. And afterwards, with his brother focusing on her, Jeff would just give up. And after that, the win of the IC title could have happened with a lot more excitement and reasoning behind interferences.

Well, I suppose I've babbled enough. Next time-- Jeff and the Intercontinental Title. Do I think he'll keep it? No. Does he deserve it? The feud yes.. the title? Not yet. Will I explain? Of course! Until then...

March 6, 2001

Welcome to the first commentary of Jeff Jeff and More Jeff! And what better time with rumors of a Hardy break up, and then rumors that it’s been cancelled. It’s time to hear Carm’s rants and raves on the Hardy break up.

First-- the breakup. I think it’s a long time coming. After a while, you end up in a “tag team rut.” No matter what you do as a singles wrestler, you’re always associated with your partner. You’re not Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy, you’re always the Hardy Boyz. Both men deserve so much more. Also, with a feud between Matt and Jeff, we could expect some excellent matches. The thing about former tag team members is that they know each other’s moves. Which means they can counter them. Which in turn means they have to be more innovative. I’d love to see what those two could come up with.

Second-- not breaking up? Okay, so someone sends me something saying that the Boyz went to management and asked not to be broken up, so the break up is off. WHAT?!?! Stop WHINING already!! All great teams break up, and it’s time for this one to do the same. I really am hoping that it’s just another internet rumor and that this really didnt’ happen. Unless there was a REALLY good reason for them not wanting to break up, other than Matt feeling he’ll be left behind by his little brother, or that one of them doesn’t want to turn heel, I lose respect for them for asking, if they really did. Did they think they’d be a tag team forever? I certainly hope not. If so, they’re not as smart or business saavy as some may thing.

Basically, I say break ‘em up. Have Lita be the Yoko Ono of the Hardy Boyz. It already looks as though that’s where it’s heading anyway. It’s time for the two to go their own ways, do things on their own. They can always put them back together. Look at the now defunct New Age Outlaws? They made it-- separately and together. Or are they afraid that the comparison with the Rockers will come true.

Will Matt be the Marty Jannetty of the group? Will Jeff get so big that the WWF doesn’t want them to get back together? It’s possible. And that just may be why they don’t want the break up to happen. They want to be able to come back to a tag team, and they’re both scared it won’t happen.

Well, Boyz, it’s time to be men. Go your own ways, do your own thing, and see how it goes. Just PLEASE break this team up already!