Our Links
The Physics of Roller Coasters
This website had helpful information about the physics of roller coasters we could not find anywhere else.
Newton's Apple Teacher's Guides:Roller Coasters
This site has great experiments to try to learn about the physics of roller coasters and their safety.
World of Roller Coasters-The Web's Premier Coaster Site
Roller Coasters Junkie Links Page
This page has great facts and pictures about many different roller coasters.
Schwob Library Physics Webliology
Roller Coaster Database
This site has many interesting facts about roller coasters and their history.
This website is neat because you can help design your own roller coaster tracks and test them.
Constrained Fall
Caculating Time
Dissipative Forces because of Friction
Physics and Safety of Roller Coasters
The Motions of Roller Coasters
The History of Roller Coasters
How Roller Coasters Stop
Roller Coasters : What A Thrill
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