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Magnum Tokyo Biography

Magnum Tokyo stands at 5'9 and ways just under 200 lbs. He is a student of one of the best wrestlers of all time, El Ultimo Dragon (Yoshihiro Asai). While Magnum is originally from Tokyo, Japan, he made the trip across the world to Mexico City, Mexico so that he could train with the Dragon at his gym.

Since El Ultimo Dragon was in WCW at the time, some of his students got to show up in WCW too. Magnum Tokyo joined CIMA, Judo Suwa, Sumo Fuji, and a few others in a fun game of "Guess who I jobbed to last night." To win you had to job to the most talentless wrestler. I guess they all won. But out of Ultimo's bunch Magnum Tokyo got the most exposure, which is something he should be somewhat greatfull for.

In WCW he was teamed up with Alex Wright and The Disco Inferno, a couple of wrestlers who would both come to the ring and dance. Tokyo's gimmick was that he would come to the ring and mimmick the two, and try and dance along with them. Disco and Wright didn't take to kindly to Tokyo, and didn't really want him hanging around them. Eventually he was kicked out of the group. Tokyo stayed with WCW a little while longer, but around the fall of 1998 he dissapeared.

The reason of his dissapearance was because El Ultimo Dragon had just opened up his own federation, Toryumon. With a bunch of students, and the occasional borrowed talent from Michonku Pro, El Ultimo Dragon has been able to put on great shows in Mexico and Japan, selling out most of the arenas they go to.

Magnum Tokyo is arguably the most populaur star in Toryumon right now. The fans dance along to the music when he comes to the ring, and money is stuffed down his tights by every women (and even some men) that he walks by.

His Viagra Driver is stunning, and his Shooting Star Press is phenominal. He has the persona of a Shawn Michaels and the agility of a Billy Kidman. He has the charisma, the skill, and the look to go far in this business, and one day will definitely be a major player in professional wrestling.

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