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Magnum Tokyo Statistics

Real Name: Katsumasa Kuroki
Height: 180 cm (5'9)
Weight: 83 kg (180 lbs)
Date Of Birth: 1/9/1973
Pro Debut: 5/11/1997
Promotion: Toryumon
Also Known As: Tokyo Magnum (WCW)
Specialty Moves:
AV Star Press-A Shooting Star Press
Viagra Driver-A Pump Handle Slam into a Fire Thunder Driver
Avalanche Style Frankensteiner-Top Rope Hurracanrana
La Majistral Cradle-Wrap opponents arm around your leg, then hook his oppisite shoulder and leg. Then roll over them and lean their shoulders onto the mat.
Title History: I.W.R.G. Intercontinental Middleweight Title
Favorite Quotes: (Since I don't understand Japanese, I'm just going to guess what he's saying)
"Give me money and I will dance for you."
"There's no crying in baseball."
"If it looks like a pig, don't feed it dog food."

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