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EdgeEdge & Christian PicsChristian
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Christian with a sleeper on the Rock Edge and Christian discussing Kurt Angle On their way to the arena Edge and Christian with their tag title belts Edge showing off his long tongue Christian making fun of the Detroit Redwings
Christian as fat Elvis Edge as REALLY fat Elvis! Christian with a sleeper on D-Von Edge and Christian in the ring admiring their belts Talking with the Special Olympian, Kirk Angel Edge annoyed with Kurt Angle
Some words of wisdom from Edge! The awesome ones on their way to the ring Edge pounding on Road Dogg Edge and Christian making their way to the arena Edge looking concerned Edge telling Christian where it's at
Edge has a great, extremely TOOTHY smile Edge choking the Rock! Edge and Christian appear to be in the middle of a dispute Edge and Christian watching Jeff Hardy's match in the back Edge laid out after hitting Rockbottom Christian on the mic, Edge looks on


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