[The NWO has just come back from another commercial]

NWO Hardcore Title Scaffold Match
Crash Holly (Champion) VS Triple H

Joey: This next match could very well be career threating to both of these participants. They will be up 30 feet in the air beating the hell out of each other in hardcore rules do apply. I dont think Crash Holly will be able to get past "The Game" HHH.

Lillian: The following match is scheduled for one fall, it is a scaffold match for the NWO Hardcore Championship, first the challenger from Greencih Ct, Triple H!

~ My time plays over the PA system as HHH comes out with Chyna, he does his sual routime as he comes to the ring. He jumps in the ring with the medal scuffold in the middle of the ring.~

Lillian: His opponent and the NWO Hardcore Champion, Crash Holly.

~ Crash's music hits as he comes to the ring with the hardcore title around his shoulder as he throws down the title and runs in the ring. HHH hammers Crash with a right hand as Crash falls, HHH knocks him down again as HHH is over powering Crash. Crash is really taking a beating. HHH connects with the neckbreaker. HHH waste no time as he gets a chair from the outside and brings it in the ring. He smashes it on Crash Holys left leg and stomps away on the injured leg. HHH does many leg moves to weaken Hollys left leg. The ref isnt stopping him cause the hardcore rules. HHH picks up crash and smashes him into the metal scuffold. HHH stars climbing it as Crash grabs his legs and gives him a spinebuster from about 10 feet up. Crash crawls uner the ring and gets a metal trash can. He gets in the ring and smashes it over HHH's head. Chyna steps in the ring and delivers 3 forearms to Crash will makes his fall as HHH take advantage. "The Game" is up and! gets the garbage can and continues to work on that left leg. Crash Holly is down and injured. HHH goes for the Pedigree but Crash counters with the back body drop and gains some momentum. HHH gets up as Crash knocks him back down again. Crash gets a fire estinguisher and sprays it in the eyes of HHH. He is blinded, Chyna steps in the ring and walks by HHH, HHH thinks its Crash and punches Chyna right in the face. Crash laughs and dropkicks HHH in the back as HHH flies out of the ring. Crash follows him on the outside and sets him up on the announce table. He goes for a suplex, HHH counters and gives Holly the suplex onto the floor. HHH knocks Crash up against the announce table, then takes him, PEDIGREE on the announce table, Crash is out cold. Instead of making the pin, HHH rolls him off the broken table. ~

Joel: Holy Cow, our announce table has been broken because HHH Pedigreed Crash Holly right through it, why the hell isnt he making the pin?

Joey: I think he is going to make Crash Holly pay.

~ HHH then on the outside sets up Crash Holly again for the pedigree, he hits THE PEDIGREE for the 2nd time. Still doesnt make the cover, he rolls him into the ring. He hammers away on Crash, then sets him up for his third pedigree in the ring, PEDIGREE, he gives him another pedigree. ~

Joey: Damnit, dont kill Crash Holly, just pin him and get the match over with.

Joel: HHH is signalling to take Crash Holly up 30 feet into the air.

~ HHH and Crash climb up 30 feet as Crash is busted open badly, they climb halfway Crash attempts to push HHH off the scuffold, he cant do so as HHH smashes Crash right in his bloody head, HHH continues to drag Crash all the way to the top, sets him up for the fourth pedigree, they both jump off to the mat, PEDIGREE FROM 30 FT in the air! That hurts HHH too.~

Joel: Holy shit! They have just busted their bodies in half.

~ Both men lay still not moving in the ring, EMT's come out and look at them, they are about ready to carry both of them out on stretchers, the EMT accidently rolls HHH over on Crash so he can get the board under HHH to carry him out, the ref sees HHH on Crash, 1....2.....3.....!!!!!

Joey: What the hell? The EMT helped HHH cover Crash!

Joel: It was an accident but he have a new hardcore champion.

Lillian: The winner of this match, and the new Hardcore Champion, Triple H!

~ The EMT's help both men on the stretcher and carry them out as HHH has the hardcore title laying on his stomach!~

( The scene is at the PPV where it has been a great show as the main event, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will be defending his gold against "The Bad Boy" The Baltimore Assassin. The NWO cameras go to the back where Steve Austin is standing by with Mean Gene set to do a post match interview.)

Gene: "Stone Cold" throughout the past week you have been getting ready and dedicated for your match for your first title defense agaisnt TBA, that match will start shortly, what are you feeling right now?

Austin: Hell over the past damn week I have been waiting for this time to come where I can finally show The Baltimore Assassin that Austin is no fool and wont let go of the NWO World Title. Gene, the glass is about to shatter and piss is about ready to roll down his leg and Shane Douglas wont be there to wipe his ass...... which means that son of a bitch is on my list, and that means he is going to get his ass beat right here tonight in Washington D.C.! So I guess right now you are in the locker cleaning up your wounds from the tag team match and probly wiping the tears out of your eyes so you better give Shane Douglas one last hug because this will be the last time in a while you will be able to lift your arms up and give him some loving. So its ok you have to get over the fact that Neil Styles just stuck his face up your lover boys ass.

Gene: Yes we all had to expirence that.

Austin: Hey shut the hell up, I am not done talking you rude asshole. Maybe you should just get the hell out of here before I make an example of what TBA is going to go through here in a few minutes. God, where is Michael Cole? I like him a lot better, you are a crazy son of a bitch who is 3 feet tall and is bald. Get out of here, listen TBA we all know that you are nothing but a little coward running scared but hell you have already pissed off Austin 3:16 and that wasnt exactly the smartest thing you have ever done. Hell, I said it about Rampage and I will say it about you, all you are is an over-rated piece of trash that comes out here and thinks you run the show, Assassin, answer this question before you come out to the ring, what did I do to Rampage? Ha, it took all you had and a little more to barely squeeze past Rampage, hell I whipped his ass easy even considering the fact that you my friend, made a cowardly move and attacked me before the ! match and during the match. Uh oh, Austin hasnt forgottin about that. Hell tonight in about 5 minutes you will learn that payback is a royal pain in the ass because that is exactly what I am planning on doing, getting some nice little payback.

Don't worry, since "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is such a nice guy, hell after I leave you lying in a bed, I'll buy you a porn movie and some vasoline so you can still wack off every night. Hell, people think of me as a mean son of a bitch, hell I am but I can also be a nice guy and swallow my pride. You will never forget this night TBA, you will have nightmares about me, you will feel me kicking your ass all the time, and hell your mother will break down in tears when she sees what I have done to you. The nice part about it is that I wont beat you till your dead, hell Austin 3:16 will just beat your ass within an inch of your life. Gene, I know you have been around wrestling for about 50 years now since you are an old geiser. So tell me this, look in my eyes and tell me if you have ever seen somebody with this look, with so much intensity I could snap anyone that comes near my in half. Huh have you ever seen any eyes like these?

Gene: I have seen a lot of eyes like those.

( Austin rares back and punches Mean Gene down as Gene appears not to be moving at all)

Joey: Holy shit! "Stone Cold" Steve Austin just opened a can of whoop ass out on Gene. Look at Austin, look at how worked up he is, this could damn well be the worst night of The Baltimore Assassins life.

Austin: Exactly, people can run their mouths all they want but they end up getting their asses kicked in the process. Hell, I dont mean to come out here and bully around old people, but hell if you piss me off, then you will get everything you have coming to you. Throughout my expirence here in the NWO, all I see people do is cut promos and run their damn mouths, but when it comes down to their match, they get their asses stomped down. Hell, everyone so far who has ran off their mouth, I wiped the damn floor with them. We are not only fighting for pride, dignity, and the NWO World Title, I know that all you care about is sex and money, I also know that you lick your chops when you think about the big bonus you would get if you became champ but AH AH that aint going to happen, it will be "The Rattlesnake" who will take home the bonus and send you back out to the corner for prostitution money.

So now Austin 3:16 is getting ready to go back up his mouth and make TBA's life a living hell and do what I have been anticipating to do for the last month, and that is walk in D.C the NWO World Champion and walk out of D.C. the NWO World champion. Then the other thing I anticipated was showing all the NWO fans and The Week In Preview just how much of a damn joke The Baltimore Assassin really is. So damn NWO cameras get the hell out of my way because I have a world title to defend and I have to show the "Bad Joke" panzy of the NWO what winning a world title is all about, except AH AH that aint going to happen because he is never going to win the title from me AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!!

Bunkhouse Brawl
Jeff Jarrett VS CEO Chuck Reese

Lilian Garcia: This next match is scheduled for one fall and is a BUNKHOUSE BRAWL MATCH! Introducing first, From Nashville Tennessee.. Wighing in at 230 pounds.. Accompained by Debra.. He is a former NWO World Champion and a three time NWO Intercontinental Champion... Ladies and Gentlemen.. JEFF JARRETT!

[72,000 fans begin to boo as Jarrett "Cowboy" remix blares over the PA. Jarrett appears weilding yet another guitar in his hand. Jarrett enters the ring and awaits his opponet.]

Lilian Garcia: And his opponet, from Macon Georgia.. Weighing in at 179 and 3/4 pounds.. accompained by Trish Stratus... Chuck Reese!

[As the exact opposite, Reese comes out to a HUGE pop. Reese is pushing a cart full of weapons down to the ring. Reese enters the ring, surprisingly, he looks rather focus and determined. The bell sounds and the match gets underway. Reese starts things off with a sharp dropkick to the body of Jeff Jarrett, Jarrett falls down, but immediatly gets up. Jarrett quickly takes control of the match, sending Reese to the ropes... clothesline by Jeff Jarrett. Jeff calls for Debra, as she reaches into the cart and pulls out a garbage can. Jarrett smashes the can over Reese's head. Jarrett smirks and applies the figure four to Chuck Reese! Reese screams in pain and begins tapping out... but there is no referee!]

Joel Gertner: Where the fuck is the ref?!?!?

[Suddenly, The Midnight Express theme beagins to play over the PA.. Out walks "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton in a referee shirt! Jarrett cannot believe it! He releases the hold as Eaton makes his way into the ring. Jarrett trash talks Eaton, who simply smirks and points behind Jarrett.... REESE WITH A GUITAR SHOT! Jarrett is out cold! Reese stands with one foot covering Jarrett as Bobby Eaton slides in to make the pin! 1.2.3!]


Joel Gertner: What a fucking crock of shit!

Lilian Garcia: The winner of this match... CHUCK REESE!

[Reese and Bobby Eaton celebrate as The DC Police rush out to the ring. They spray MACE in the face of Jeff Jarrett as the slap the handcuffs on him and take him into custody. Jarrett is livid as he he taken away by the police. The scene fades to a commercial]
#1 Contender to NWO IC Title
Rampage VS Neil Stylez

Joel: This match coming up is for the #1 contenders spot for the Intercontinental Championship. Rampage vs. Neil Styles.

Joey: Yes, we already saw Neil Styles go through a huge battle with Shane Douglas, will Styles be 100% for this match, lets join the action.

Lillian: The following match is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring first from Columbus Ohio, weighing in at 258 pounds Rampage.

~ "Hellz Fury" blasts over the PA system as Rampage comes out walking steadily to the ring getting ready to go into a war with Neil Styles. He steps in the ring and goes to his corner. ~

Lillian: His opponent, weiging in at 320 pounds, he is from Pittsburg Pennsylvania, Neil Styles.

~ Korn blasts over the building as Neil Styles runs out towards the ring getting at Rampage as soon as he can. He slides in the ring as Rampage starts to stomp away before Neil can even reach his feet. Rampage continues to pound away on Neil. Neil is down as Rampage drops to one knee and starts hammering away on the face of Neil. The ref tries to break them up but Rampage pushes him down and starts punching away again. Finally the ref breaks them up as Neil reaches his feet and runs and spears Rampage to the mat. Then Neil starts hammering away. He gets up and throws Rampage outside by the announce table. Neil slams Rampages head into the table, tries again but Rampage counters and send Neil into the table head first. ~

Joey: This has been an all out war so far, they are going to tear each other apart.

Joel: I know, we better watch out or one of these bodies will get thrown on us.

~ The ref yells and tells them to get in the ring but they dont listen. Neil gets a chair and tries to strike Ranpage but the ref grabbed the chair, Neil turns around and is yelling at the red, Rampage takes advantage and attacks him from behind. Rampage rolls him back into the ring and makes a cover, 1..2.. kickout after 2. Neil sits up as Rampages runs at him, drop toe hold and Rampage busts his mouth wide open on the canvus. Rampage is bleeding from the mouth. ~

Joel: Uh Oh, Rampage is busted open from the mouth. This doesnt look to be a very pretty match.

Joey: No duh this doesnt look good, I think Rampage is seriously injured.

~ Neil stands Rampage up and delivers a shot to his bleeding match as Rampage falls. The cover 1..2... kickout. A near fall. Rampage isnt going to give up that easily. Rampage counters a punch and starts hammering away as Neil falls back in the ropes. Rampage takes him up top, and goes for the Top-rope DDT but Neil pushes off Rampage, Rampage stands up and Neil hits the missle dropkick off the top, 1..2.. kickout. Both men are down and tired, they both scrample up as Rampage slams Neil, then hits an elbow drop, 1..2.. kicout. Another near fall has been done in this match. ~

Joel: Wow! There has been a lot of near falls in this one. This could be the best match so far this PPV has had.

Joey: Yea, but the main event will be the best, I have a feeling of that.

~ Meanwhile in the Neil is still down as Rampage stomps away on the ribs, the ref once again trie sto break him off, but Rampage knocks down the ref. In the ring things are getting out of control, both men are up just hammering away on each other like a street fight. Neil blocks Rampages right, delivers his own punches as Neil is taking the momentum and whips him in the ropes and delivers a soman drop. Rampage crawls to the corner and explodes out with a clotheline that about took Neils head off. Now Neil is busted open from the nose, he may have a broken nose. Rampage stomps away on the bloodied nose of Neil. ~

Joel: Damn, Rampage is really doing a number on Neils nose, his nose could be broken.

~ Neil stands up as Rampage punches him right in the nose as Neil drops to one knee and hits a low blow that sends Rampage in a lot of pain and he DDT's Rampage. 1...2.................... kickout just in the last moment. We almost had a winner. Rampage tries to get up as Neil throws him in the corner as calls for the Hellz Fury as the fans cheer. He takes Rampage to the top, he hit it, he hit the HELLZ FURY, 1..2..3..!!

Lillian: The winner of this match and the new #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship, Neil Styles.

NWO Divas Mud Wrestling Match

Lillian Garcia- Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we are having a Mud wrestling match to crown the queen of the divas. But before all you guys get to see the goods of the NWO, I would like to introduce our special guest ref.... Our nations president.... Bill Clinton!

Bill Clinton walks out smoking a big cigar and he looks at the white mud wondering how it is familer. Jenny walks down wearing a green bikini thong and a white shirt, she walks down and she is ambushed by Lady Kelly and Francine who are wearing matching marble red bikinis and white shirts. Cyndi runs down and she tackles Lady Kelly into the mud pit. "She Devil" Terri Runnels walks out wearing a mud bikini and she jumps on top of Kelly and Cyndi. Dawn Marie runs out and jumps in the cat fight as she rips off Jenny's white shirt revealing all. Clinton smiles and he trips and grabs a handfull, Jenny smacks him and Ryan Shamrock runs out and suicide dives off the side of the ramp into the mud pit.

Joel Gertner- PUPPIES!!! A man's best friend!

Joey Styles: Easy Joel, I dont want you..... HEY! Get your hand out of your pants!

Joel Gertner: WHAT!?!? I have an.... itch... thats right

Joey Styles- If I knew presidents get this kind of treatment I would have ran for office a long time ago.

Trish runs out wearing a blue bikini bottom and a small white shirt. She grabs Francine and she DDTs her under the mud. Kelly jumps on Trishes back but gets flipped off. Cyndi grabs Dawn Marie by the hair and she slings her out of the mud pit. Ryan Shamrock grabs Trish by the shirts and it rips off and Trish spills out flopping around as the male audience cheer louder and louder. Cara runs out and she bulldogs Ryan Shamrock as Kelly and Terri begin to roll around in the mud. Kelly stands up and Terri rips her shirt off. Kelly bitch slaps Terri, Cyndi clotheslines Trish but Francine grabs Cyndi from behind and she holds her under the mud. Clinton grabs Francine on the ass and pulls her off of Cyndi. Kelly, Trish, Terri and Francine chase after Bill as Chyna walks out wearing a thong that looks nasty on her... like everything else. Chyna grabs Kelly and she tosses her against the wall. Trish runs after Chyna but is met with a tilt-a-whirl side slam. Francine jumps on Chyna's back but Chyna grabs her by her shirt and rips it off.

Joel Gertner- 18 Puppies in that mud... I LOVE IT!

Joey Styles - I thought there was twenty...

Joel Gertner- Chyna don't have puppies she has bulldogs....

Cyndi jumps on Chyna from behind and brings her down. Ryan Shamrock rips her shirt off deliberately and she jumps on Bill Clintons back. Bill jumps in the mud smiling and rolling around. Francine and Cara begin brawling exchanging punches. Kelly and Trish begin double teaming Terri Runnels, Trish grabs Terri and she slings her to Kelly and is met with a clotheline. Terri grabs Kelly by her thong and she rips it off. Kelly looks around then she looks down and she notices she is nude to the bone. Trish grabs Runnels but Terri scratches her eyes. Kelly climbs up the ramp and she dives off on to Ryan Shamrock.

Joey Styles- These ladies are giving it their all...

Joel Gertner- I would like to give them something... Joey Styles- WILL YOU SHUT UP!?!?!

Cara grabs Chyna in a sleeper hold and Cyndi begins chopping at Chyna's chest as the rest of the women fight. Chyna falls out and Cyndi chops Cara on accident. Cara dropkicks Cyndi and she jumps on top of her. Again, President Clinton tries to cop a feel, this time on Cara. Cara is infuriated and begins yelling at Clinton! The President backs off, but the other women have stopped fighting as well... They begin to beat the shit out of the President! All hell has broken loose! Clinton is getting his ass kicked! The ladies toss him out of the mud ring and join hands, holding their arms up in a "victory" over our Perverted President. NWO officials appear, handing towels to all of the women]

Joey Styles: Looks like the only loser in this match is the President!

Joel Gertner: I bet Cunningham tries to sue his ass! WHOO HOO!

Joey Styles: Fans, we are going to take one last break before our main event, dont go away!

NWO World Title Match
Steve Austin (Champion) VS The Baltimore Assassin

Lillian Garcia- Now coming to the ring current NWO World Heavyweight champion.... "Stone Cold" Steve Austin....

The glass shatters and Steve Austin walks out with the NWO World Heavyweight title over his shoulder. The audience cheers loudly as the World champion throws the belt in the ring and he slides in and flips off Lillian Garcia.

Lillian Garcia- And his opponent, weighing in at 313 and standing at 6'9 the original NWO Bad Boy.... accompanied by Lady Kelly.... The Baltimore Assassin!

"I'm the Killer" plays but The Baltimore Assassin is no where to be found. Lady Kelly is looking all around the backstage area for him. "Im the killer" plays again and still no Assassin. "After Dark" by Tito & Tarantula begins to play. The lights go out and a spotlight flashes on the ramp. The Baltimore Assassin walks out wearing a red blood stained shirt. His hair is long and black and he has on a pair of baggy black pants.

Joey Styles- Who the hell is that?

Joel Gertner- It looks like Matt Hardy with Assassin's build?

The Baltimore Assassin rolls in the ring and he grabs a microphone and he begins to speak.

The Baltimore Assassin:"So it seems the odds are against me... But I stand here confused if I even want to fight. But something pulls at my soul like a crane, something tells me to fight... I have no control over myself and I have no clear thoughts.... with ever thought comes an opposing thought... But thats ok because two heads are better than one... About now you people are wondering if I am suffering from insanity, but you all know I enjoy every moment of it. I found myself on the side of the road just an hour ago bleeding to death... But something grabbed me as if I spoke with the devil himself, and I was offered a deal... In exchange for my life I gave my soul and now these thoughts cloud my mind as if I was sedated by a drug... But the only drug that seduces me is the drug of darkness. So I ask myself what the hell am I doing... and for the first time someone from inside answered but it wasn't me... It seems that I went from a porn star controled by satan to a dark being that is controled by confusion... Maybe I found myself for the first time... maybe not, but I stand here in a daze ready for one thing... blood."

"So Steve Austin let me ask you something..... What the fuck are you doing here in the ring with a mad man... with some one that has no real state of mind. I am lost not to be found but this state of mind is like the ultimate high. I stand here bleeding, sweating, crying yet I am happy, and I am ready to endure more pain... more suffering and more torment... Maybe I am crazy, but maybe I am just living for the first time... Austin I'm not promising that I will win or even kick your ass but I do promise that I will fight! Somehow I feel as if I was screwed out of something that I deserve... but I have a peace inside of my head that makes me not give a tumbling fuck... I respect you Austin, unlike The Rock you have integrity... You see everyone has the right to be stupid, but The Rock abuses the privilege, not you Austin you take everything for what it is worth and thats why I am here tonight. I promise to you, the fans and the boys in the back that this will be the best match in the NWO history."

"People thought we wouldn't be a worthy main event but Austin it's our job to show them what it is really about. This is the top Pay Per View of the year and I am main eventing it... but I don't really care to... You think I need a tag partner and you think I am nothing, but tonight I will prove to you what I am about, and how extreme I can be I have been through many battles not just one, but this may be the greatest battle of my life... Your not the first man to tell me these things, and you probably won't be the last but I will do the same thing to you as I done to them.... prove how extreme I am... You say it isn't about me but it is about you.... But Austin it isn't about either of us.... it is about Chuck Reese getting his pay check and it is about old saps like Hogan and Triple H getting the gold. If you think you are something prime time I am here to tell you the truth of it.... none of us are prime time, we're all just Reese's pawns in his little game... He gets paid more then any of us and he gets fame along with it.... but he don't bust his ass like we do... and speaking of which lets get this thing on!"

The bell rings and The Baltimore Assassin rushes Steve Austin and he tackles him. The Baltimore Assassin begins punching Austin in the face as he is on top of him. Austin rams his fingers in the gash acrossed The Baltimore Assassin's stomach. Assassin raises his head and he begins to laugh as Austin stands up and clotheslines Assassin. The Baltimore Assassin rolls around on the ground laughing as Austin stomps him. Steve Austin stands The Baltimore Assassin up and he piledrives him on the mat. The Baltimore Assassin stands up and he bites Austin in the forehead. Steve Austin cusses and kicks as Assassin lets go. Austin kicks Assassin in the stomach and gives him a stunner and goes for the pin. 1... 2... The Baltimore Assassin kicks out and remains laughing. Austin begins stomping The Baltimore Assassin. The Baltimore Assassin sweeps Austin and he begins climbing the ropes The Baltimore Assassin jumps off the top ropes with a diving head butt and he misses Austin. Both the men stand up and Austin begins throwing lefts and rights at The Baltimore Assassin. Austin bodyslams him and The Baltimore Assassin just smiles as he lays on the ground. Austin covers The Baltimore Assassin 1... The Baltimore Assassin kicks out.

Joey Styles- The Baltimore Assassin has lost his mind...

Joel Gertner- By the looks of that blood bath thats not the only thing he lost

Joey Styles- He is bleeding massively...

Joel Gertner- Yeah no shit sherlock!

Joey Styles- Then keep digging Watson!

The Baltimore Assassin roundhouse kicks Steve Austin and he spears him on the ground. The Baltimore Assassin picks Steve Austin up and he begins punching him, The Baltimore Assassin DDTs Stone Cold on the mat and he rolls out of the ring. The Baltimore Assassin grabs a steel chair and he throws it in the ring. The Baltimore Assassin rolls in and is met by a swinging chair from the World champion. Austin hits him again and the ref calls for the bell. Chuck Reese walks down and he argues with the ref. The Baltimore Assassin sambo suplexes Steve Austin. Reese goes to the commentary booth and he puts on a head set.

Chuck Reese- Their will be a pin fall or a submission!

Joey Styles- I hear you Reese.

Joel Gertner- Reese what the hell is up with The Baltimore Assassin?

Chuck Reese- He done gone and lost his mind thats what he done!

Joel Gertner- Chuck misses the pornos

Chuck Reese- I heard that slap ass!

The Baltimore Assassin low blows Steve Austin and he sidewalk slams him. The Baltimore Assassin runs to the ropes and he comes back with a leg drop. The Baltimore Assassin picks Austin up and he throws him over the ropes. The Baltimore Assassin climbs the turnbuckle and he does a shooting star press on to Austin. The Baltimore Assassin begins walking up the ramp but Steve Austin meets him with a clothesline. Austin side slams TBA and he begins beating Assassin with a chair. The Baltimore Assassin grabs the chair and he slams it in SCSA's face. The Baltimore Assassin whips Austin up the ramp and into the side of the entrance way. Stone Cold stumbles back and is met with a back suplex from The Baltimore Assassin. The Baltimore Assassin powerbombs Steve Austin on the ramp and Lady Kelly walks out wearing a marble red bikini and she begins stacking up tables beside the ramp way. The Baltimore Assassin begins smashing Austin's head against the ground. The Baltimore Assassin picks Steve Austin up and he gorilla press slams him on the metal plating of the ramp. Steve Austin gets up and he begins stumbling towards The Baltimore Assassin and gets a belly to belly suplex for his troubles.

Joel Gertner- The Baltimore Assassin looks as if he is gonna win this match!

Joey Styles- Steve Austin is still a factor!

Chuck Reese- Somebody better win!

Joey Styles- This is a damn good match

Steve Austin grabs Assassin's legs from under him and he begins pounding on his Assassin's face. Steve Austin grabs the chair and he begins to swing it but Kelly grabs it from behind and she pulls it out of his hands. Austin grabs Kelly and he pushes her down The Baltimore Assassin jumps Austin from behind and he reverse DDTs Austin. The Baltimore Assassin grabs Austin and he locks the figure four on him. The Baltimore Assassin tightens the hold as Austin screams in pain. Lady Kelly walks over and she slams the chair over Austin's head trying to knock him out. The Baltimore Assassin begins pushing up against the ground to increase the presure of the hold. Kelly steps on Austin's head with her bare feet and she begins twisting. The Baltimore Assassin lets go of the hold and he whips Austin off the side of the ramp. The Baltimore Assassin runs and he flips off the ramp on to Austin. The Baltimore Assassin and Steve Austin lay there for a moment, Austin seems as if he has been through hell but Assassin has a smile on his face as if he likes the pain. Austin gets up and he picks The Baltimore Assassin up. TBA pushes Stone Cold away and he runs at him. SCSA kicks Assassin in the stomach and he gives him the stunner.

Chuck Reese- Pin him! pin him! pin him!!!

Joey Styles- one, two.....

Joel Gertner- The Baltimore Assassin kicked out!

Steve Austin begins beating Assassin with a mop handle. The Baltimore Assassin gets up and he rushes Austin and tackles him. The Baltimore Assassin rolls Austin on top of a metal table and he climbs up with him. The Baltimore Assassin picks Stone Cold up and he delivers the Nail in the Coffin through the metal table. The Baltimore Assassin and Stone Cold begin fighting up the ramp way. The Baltimore Assassin shoves Austin down and he begins climbing the NWO Tron. Steve Austin grabs the chair and he tosses it up to the top. He looks around and he can't find another chair, he smiles and he grabs the NWO World Heavyweight title and he tosses it up too. Steve Austin begins following The Baltimore Assassin up the NWO Tron. The Baltimore Assassin gets to the top and he picks up the World title. Steve Austin gets up and he runs at The Baltimore Assassin but is hit with his own title. TBA places Austin between his legs, setting him up for the peacemaker! Austin reverses with a backbody drop! TBA falls off the NWOtron and onto a table with a load of camera equiptment! TBA is lying in the mess, laughing and twitching in pain! Austin holds his arms high in the air, getting a huge oulvation from the crowd! Austin climbs back down and picks up TBA, who is limping very badly from his fall.. Austin drags him back to the ring and tosses him inside. TBA manages to get back to his feet, only to be givin the Stunner by Austin! Its over! Auston hooks TBA's leg as the ref makes the count! The 72,000 fans count along... 1.........2...........3!]

Lilian Garcia: And the winner of this match... AND STILL... NWO World Heavyweight Champion..... STEVE AUSTIN!

[The bell sounds, and all of a sudden the WCW New World Order theme blasts over the speakers. The crowd begins to go nuts, and from the back comes Hollywood Hogan, Sting, Michael Graves, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, all wearing NEW World Order shirts. The crowd errupts, and the four men slide into the ring! Hogan nails TBA with a clothesline, and Sting grabs TBA and nails him with the Deathdrop. Hogan points to Kevin Nash, and lifts TBA to his feet. Hall sets TBA up for Nash, and The Big Man Jacknifes TBA straight to hell. Ric Flair grabs his legs and applies the figure four, while Austin watches at the scene. Suddenly, Hogan grabs Austins hand and hold it in the air, then turns and clotheslines "Stone Cold". Hogan hits the ropes and nails the Leg Drop, and the crowd goes nuts! Hogan and Sting set Austin on the turnbuckle, as Graves hits him with the BodySault! Sting puts Austin in the Scorpion Deathlock, and Hogan grabs th! e mic.]

Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: Ya know somthin brother?(Crowd errupts)I said I had a plan for Politically Incorrect brother, and Hollywood wasn't kidding when I said that dude! Notice the shirts brother, notice the words that say, NEW World Order? Well what you HollywoodMANIACS are thinking, is absolutely right, cause THE BAND IS BACK TOGETHER brother!!(The crowd goes nuts, and Hogan hands the mic to "Big Sexy")

"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash: Washington D.C..."BIG SEXY" Kevin Nash and the nWo MOST DEFINETLY IN...DA...HOUSE!!!(The crowd gives a HUGE pop, and Nash speaks on)Ya know, Scott and I didn't come to the NWO to play second fiddle to a bunch of New Breed punks, and it's about time The Outsider's, and The New World Order step up to the plate, and stop screwing around! For one, your not going to see Big Sexy jobbing to a bunch of talentless bitches, and your going to get to see The Outsider's, show why we are the GREATEST Tag Team EVER, no offense to you Sting, and you Graves! And let's get one thing straight, Chuck Reese, we make the rules, and we don't listen to ANYONE!!(Nash stares into the crowd, and hands the mic to Scott Hall)

Scott Hall: Hey Yo!!(Crowd Pops)Yeah no, just like BIG KEV said a second ago, the nWo is done taking shit from anyone!! And starting today, right here in the NWO, it's going to be like old times, with the black and white EXPRESS running this bitch! Hey Chuck Reese, no more bullshit out of you Chucky, because if you try to screw the welcoming commitee, your ass will go down and FAST! So Chico, mess with the best, GO DOWN LIKE THE REST!! "Nature Boy", take it from here!

Ric Flair: Whoooooo!!!! Its great to be back, baby! And what a better night to return than Politically Incorrect?! Yes, the greatest wrestler and Canadian champion of all time now returns. Not only do I make my return but I come back with a group of the finest athletes ever to grave a wrestling ring. We are going to take the NWO by storm and there won't be a damn thing that anyone else can do about it! Mark my words that things will make drastic changes around here as long as the New World Order and the Nature Boy are in the picture. The Nature Boy will be stylin' Whoooo and profilin' his way to victory once again and I will most importantly prove to the world that I can still compete with the best that wrestling has to offer. It is time that these young inexperience cocky punks in the Net World Order realize who made this sport what it is today! It is time that they all bow down before us and give us the respect that we deserve. If they don't then we will just have to pound it out of their patheticly weak asses, whoooooo!!! You will all soon learn th! at it is pointless to oppose us. Let what we just did to Steve Austin and the Baltimore Assassin be observed as an example of what will occur if any of you other wrestlers in the Net World Order decide to mess with the New World Order! Whooooo

Hollywood Hogan: Net World Order, meet the NEW World Order brother! We can't be stopped, we can't be slowed down, and we won't stop fighting for the love of this sport man! No one will take away mine, or anyone elses pride right here in this group, so what your back, JACK, cause the band is definetly back together, and we are JUST...TOO...(Crowd says it with him)SWEET!! Now hit OUR music BRAH!!

[The NWO theme hits the speakers, and the crowd cheers in amazement to see the New World Order in the ring. After playing to the crowd, they finally leave the ring.]