01/ 16/ 04
I am sick to death of other promotions claiming that they are the best and everyone else sucks, well guess what your only as good as 1) your talent 2) your experience and ideas as a promoter and 3)your marketing.
Here I'll explain...
1) Your talent. Indy talent is trained in various ways, most people are wrong point blank. I have watched people that are some of the most impressive wrestlers anyone has ever seen but do absolutly everything wrong, I dont blame them I blame their trainers and their promoters. Now I am not saying that I am the greatest wrestler or I am the best trainer. There are some people that are more experienced, and better than me. There is a correct way to everything from locking up to doing a 450 splash off a 20 ft. balcony and that is for a reason. I will and hereby admit that their are things that I DONT KNOW almost everytime we have a guest at our training faculity I look over and say "hey can you show me how to _________" if anybody tells me something that doesnt seem right I wait and ask the next person. I have had a life (not career) threatining injury from improperly trained wrestlers, had I not swallowed my pride and gone to the hospital I WOULD BE DEAD!
Now for all of you promoters who say "we have the best wrestlers" I ask you this... Why do you go and recrute wrestlers from other promotions?
2) your experience and ideas as a promoter... You have to know how to do a show. You cant throw 2 people in a ring and say "here wrestle". I would explain how to run a show but wait, your the best remember!
3)Marketing... If you think hanging up posters and making a half ass website is marketing you should be drug out in the street and shot! Once again I would explain marketing but wait, your the best remember!
To put it in a nut shell there is 1 right way and 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 wrong ways to everything in wrestling. People who have training schools from big expensive set ups to a ring in someones backyard(I am in no way condoning Backyard Wrestling, or comparing it to Independant wrestling) do yourself and all other indy promotions a favor and learn the right way. I try my damnedest up on all "new things", right now I am planing a trip to an acclaimed school to catch up on these new things. All of you Independant wrestling promotions just support each other you will come to find out that it is better for everyone!
Any questions or comments please leave them on my message board!
12/ 03/ 03
Well looks like i've been out of the loop for a while lets see what i've been up to...
I was injured and unable to compete for quite some time once I was over my injury everything had changed, old friends were gone, some people thought they were too important to speak to me and most promotions thought I was being unprofessional. So after all of this I thought it was time to hang up my boots and call it quits. So I used my college education to get me a great job as a manager for a huge resturant chain...So making good money not killing myself I meet the love of my life she moves into Fort Noxx with me and we are living great. Then tragety...as if my addiction to steriods back in the day wasnt lesson enough I then became an alcoholic BANG girlfirend leaves me well all is good now I can throw mutliple partys untill BANG I lose my job, then I lose my pride and joy Fort Noxx this and being a complete bag of douche to all of my friends gets me to join AA.
So recovered alcie Shawn Noxx begins to rebuild Step 1 getting the girl, sucess Step 2 finincial trouble while looking for a job I come to a conclusion THERE ISNT MUCH WORK FOR A RETIRED PRO WRESTLER THAT WAS FIRED FROM BEING A RESTURANT MANAGER. Continuing the search I get a phone call one day, It was my trainer Paul he said and I quote "hey dick head your wrestling for me this weekend" all I could really say was ok. The thoughts running through my mind were... I'll go wrestle this weekend and make some quick cash since i've been out for a while i'll probally lose and probally get a perminate invite to NOT come back.
Well quite the contrary, I did lose but wrestling is like riding a bike you cant forget. So I was then offered a position as head trainer for The Slamm and Jamm professional wrestling school in Urbana Now I am a booker for AGW Around the Globe Championship Wrestling. and the rest is the future!
© 1998-2004 All images on shawnnoxx.com and likeness of Shawn Noxx is the property of Shawn Noxx and Noximus promotions.