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THE SlamFest has come and gone, but that dosen't matter because FINAL CUT is here! SLAM-FEST set the standards of the future of this promising corperation. This event houses 8 federation superstars in a tournament style type of matches.Buff the current Champion is set to give a title shot to the Hornet in the first round. The winner of the tournament is not the new champion but is the new NCW King of X-treme CHAMPION of 2000. Schedualed Superstars are Buff, Hornet, Jace, Canadian Made, Snick, Johny-Raves, The Alchemist. .

.......FINAL CUT !!!!2001!!!!!.......FINAL CUT!!!!!2001!!!!!.......FINAL CUT !!!!!2001!!!!!......FINAL CUT !!!!!2001!!!!!.......FINAL CUT !!!!!2001!!!!!.......FINAL CUT !!!!!2001!!!!!......FINAL CUT !!!!!2001!!!!!.......FINAL CUT !!!!!2001!!!!!.......FINAL CUT !!!!!2001!!!!!.......FINAL CUT !!!!!2001!!!!!

NCW FINAL CUTis comming in early 2001CANADIAN MADE and JaceAre going to be there as well as Sabbath Buff and other great names. JOHNNY RAVE eventually winning and It has been a while since NCW went under but it is back for a one time limeted show.NCW is asking the federation superstars what they think about the one time deal, we asked Buff and Jace what they thought and here is the gist of it.. "It is great to be back, even if it is just one more time it will be fun. I do plan to win the Final Tournament and retain my championship, Happy New Year North America."Jace has some more supportive comments on NCW's behalf. "NCW is not over yet we have one more show,but if we get more hits on are webpage and more fansupport, we could stay open, me and the editors of National Championship Wrestling Web Design(NCWWD) will do are best to promote and fancy the site and organization."I belive that NCW can be saved, we are a non profit organization, all we need is fan support,KThere is some news going around that the first match will be a RK9/Buff rematch for the belt on match one tournament side A. This could be possible because we no both men are furious competitors who can't relax unless they pulverize their opponents. THE WALSHES(Jace and Canadian Made), are hungry for a hardcore 8 man tag match which has been circulating in the board office, and why not if your partners with Buff and possiblr Big Bad and you get to waste people like dawson and Ruderock We'll se ya soon at NCW FINAL CUT

Buff......Canadian Made........Jace.......RK9.......Raves......Zombie...........Ruderock.....Sabbath.........Dawson.....NCW FINAL CUT