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Other Reviews

Brandon, March 29, 2000, 5/5 Stars DDP is Positively always Page
This is the best wrestling book I've read yet, as I'd put it at a level above both Foley's and Rock's book. This book differed quite a bit, as much of the book was spent on his on life struggling to make it in the bar business. DDP points out how similar and how symbolic his battles in the bar business turned out to be in wrestling. This is an inspirational story, and it is obvious DDP works nobody in his book. He's a straight shooter. If you don't believe me, just look at all the people who wrote a bit about Page in his own book. They include: Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Mark Madden, Jon Bovi, Jay Leno, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Disco Inferno, Ross Foreman, Sting, Lex Luger, Dusty Rhodes, Mancow, Scott Hall, and the list goes on.