Tuesday Riot April 18th

Tuesday Night Riot
Tuesday, April 18th, 2000
RCA Dome, Indianapolis, Indiana
BJWC Productions
(BJWC Logo flashes across the screen and a shot of Nick Yonce pinning Chris McClane for the BJWC World Title. A strobe light type effect blares over the BJWC Riot logo as the theme plays. Clips of Dan and Trenton Sharpe holding the tag titles. Clip of Brandon Lloyd holding the North American Title. Clip of Blade hitting the Bloodsword on many unlucky opponents. Clip of Roadkill and Cyris Raven in Division 2 battling each other in a hardcore match. Clip of the same two holding the TV and Hardcore Title face to face in the BJWC Division 1. Clips of Darren Anthony hitting the FALL on a number of Main Eventers. Clip of Nick Yonce holding the WrestleBowl ring in his hands. Clip of Darren clobbering Billy Jay backstage. And the shot of the entire BJWC roster outside at a small fan fest before the show obviously from earlier tonight.)
Strobes hit the arena. The fans go nuts. Pyros go flying from one wall to another wowwing this capacity crowd. Signs are shown in the crowd ranging from "Fighting the FOUR will make you famous but you won't live long?" "Didn't I see Roadkill on ECW?" "Ponce, Yonce, ahh screw it, World Champion sounds better anyways!""I am the LAW!""Dan bring back G-Crusher!""Rebecca, defend your Title against me!" and so on. All scattered threw the RCA Dome. The fans are going nuts as the sounds ceases and the smoke begins to clear.
"The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the NEWS hits the speakers. Fans in awe of this new sound in shock waiting for someone to step out of the entrance! Jeph Phillips! Here comes Jeph Phillips! The fans have no idea what reaction to give him so he hurries to the ring to let them know why he is here tonight.
Jeph Phillips: Hello BJWC public, I am Jeph Phillips currently in charge for Billy Jay until he arrives here tonight!
(Jeph checks a paper that he obviously has notes on.)
Jeph Phillips: Billy Jay has a few things for me to touch on for this opening speech. First off, last week Billy Jay lost money and respect because his stable plans failed. Billy Jay not only found out that none of the 6 men want to be involved, but that Chris McClane has taken some of the money that was scattered in the ring. Billy Jay should be here shortly with a few announcements to make and a few paybacks to be made. Billy Jay has warned me that when he arrives that everyone should stay out of his way.
(Jeph Phillips opens up an invelope and pulls out a few more notes obviously from Billy Jay himself.)
Jeph Phillips: Tonight we have a huge line-up and the matches for SlamFest 2000 will be made within the next week, all we know at this time is the Main Event will be a 5-Count World Title Match ,and that Chris McClane will face Brandon Lloyd in a grudge war match! Billy Jay also notes that the announcements he plans to make are about the future of the BJWC! AGAIN! So hold on to your hats, let's get RIOT started!!!!!
(Jeph Phillips exits to "Power of Love" again. The fans cheering the start of the show as we join James Edgebrook at his booth at ringside. He is displaying the new "Roadkill" t-shirt!)
James Edgebrook: Jeph Phillips in charge until Billy Jay gets here. And more news for the future of the BJWC! Billy Jay is on a tear these last few weeks, trying to turn the superstars into a POWERHOUSE stable! Which was spoiled. Trying to get revenge on Dan Dehart. Which never was able to be accomplished! Billy Jay's last few weeks have been horrible ones and once again he is looking for something to put him back on top.
We have the fate of the TV Title tonight. A Hardcore Title Match, a World Title Match and a battle to see if anyone can take Dan Deharts PPV spot from him ALL tonight! And the winner of the rumble here next will move on to Dan Dehart later tonight! Somebody could steal Dan's spot to face the World Champ at the PPV! McClane gets his rematch with Nick Yonce, the winner of the World and Dan's match moves on to the PPV!!! Unless Bloodlines or next few Riot's change all that. Let's move right on to tonights FIRST match!
QUALIFYING RUMBLE for SHOT at Number One Contendership
Winner Fights Dan later Tonight for his spot at Slam Fest 2000
Elimination Style- Last Man Remaining Wins- Eliminate by Pinfall or Submission
Darren Anthony
Brandon Lloyd (Current NA Champ)
Wayne "The Blade" Coll
[Suddenly the lights go out! A low thundering echoes through the arena,
slowly turning into the opening drums of Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful
People". The crowd goes crazy in recognition of the entrance, and white
spotlights flash like lightning in harmony with the drums.]
[As the guitar riffs rip through the music, ROADKILL steps out from
behind to a loud cheer. He walks to the ring calmly, staring
emotionlessly into the crowd. He is wearing his black jean shorts, and a
black leather jacket with "RK" on the back.]
[Roadkill reaches the ring and rolls in underneath the bottom rope.
Standing in the center of the ring, Roadkill raises one arm with his
fist clenched tightly, as the turnbuckles spray white fireworks as the
arena lights up. The crowd roars to welcome Roadkill!!]
[Roadkill signals to the ring announcer for the microphone - it is
promptly tossed to him. Roadkill raises the microphone to his mouth, as
the fans are going wild!]
RK: I don't think I have to tell you. I think you all know what time
it is...
RK: In a world he did not create, he will go through it as if it were
his own. Making: half man, half beast. Don't know what the f*ck it is,
but it's a sonnuva b!tch, it's pissed off, and it calls itself...
[The hot crowd finishes the catchphrase by yelling out: "ROADKILL!"]
RK: Now. Brandon Lloyd. Wayne The Blade. Darren F*CKIN' Anthony.
And finally... The 'Killer. One of these four will walk outta this
ring... and walk right back in later against the legend himself, Dan
[Crowd cheers]
RK: But before ANY of you can start thinkin' about Danny-boy... about
Slamfest... about the sh*t stains in your underwear, know this. The
'Killer has worked his @ss off. The 'Killer has paid his dues. The
'Killer has proven everybody wrong. And The 'Killer is gonna be damned
to hell if he lets any of you three get in his way to Slamfest. LIKE
[The crowd yells out "OR NOT!!"]
RK: And I don't expec......................
[ Enter Sandman just hit and Roadkill doesn't look happy at all. Everyone looks to the entrance ramp and
out struts Darren Anthony with Jennifer Streaks close behind. With mic in hand he cuts of Roadkill.]
Darren: Whoa there big guy, spare us your silly antics and kissing up to the fans, so just get in the ring
and prepare.. You see Roadkill, the idea of you getting a shot at the world title is just, well
REDICULOUS.. Do you really think that I am going to let you get in my way after I worked my ass off??
[Roadkill raises his mic and Darren cuts him off again]
Darren:I DON'T HAVE TO LET YOU! Right, Roadkill? That is what you were about to say right?
Your so predictable, infact, I predict that I just won a shot at Dan Dehart later tonight, and you can take
that to the bank..
Darren sprints into the ring as Roadkill attacks the fans are going nuts!!! This match has begun!!! Jennifer Streaks is lurking at ringside looking for any chances to give Darren the edge. Roadkill and Darren are simply at each other. Roadkill has the fans on his side. Darren really pissed him off by interuprting his speech, and Darren has got some major heat for it!!! This is a brutal fight!!! Darren bites his forehead!! Roadkill with a low blow and a sweeping side leg sweep!!! Dragon Screw by the Killer!!!! The fans are going nuts!!! Darren jumps over a drop kick to the knee! Huge closeline!! SCOOP SLAM!!! Leg Drop! Darren in complete control!!! Cover! 1...........2.KICKOUT!! Darren complains to the ref. Streaks rolls in with a glass vase!!! Roadkill turns around!!! SHATTER!!!!! Glass vase to Roadkill's face!!!! Darren quickly covers!!! 1............2..............3NO!!! Kickout!!! Unbeleivable!!!
Here comes Wayne Coll!!! Sprinting to the ring!!! He dives in!!! Ducks a closeline, and clobbers Roadkill. Off the ropes Bulldog to Darren!!! He then pulls Roadkill up BLOODSWORD TORNADO DDT!!! NO!!! ROADKILL with a counter!!! SUPERPLEX!!!! SUPERPLEX!!!! Darren stomps a cover by Roadkill. Darren to the top!!! He is going for a double missle drop kick!!! NO!!! They both catch him!!! DOUBLE TEAM POWERSLAM!!! What a great move!!! Darren is in real trouble!! Coll sends Roadkill head first over the top ropes!!! Grabs a dazed Darren to the top ropes!!! BLOODSWORD!!! NO!! Jennifer Streaks pulled his foot!!! THE REF is ejecting Jennifer Streaks to the back!!! The fans go nuts!!! She gets upset and tosses one of her shoes at the ref and storms up the ramp really pissed off!!! Darren looks down from the top ropes!!!! DDT!!!! DDT!!! DDT!!! FROM THE TOP ROPES TO RINGSIDE!!!! Darren Anthony just sacrificed himself to DEMOLISH Wayne Coll!!! Roadkill grabs Darren immediatley!!!!
Here comes the NA Champ, Brandon Lloyd!!! He is making his way to the ring!!! Everyone is out!!! Darren pulled into the ring!!! ROADKILLER!!!! ROADKILLER!!!! What a vicious stunner!!! Darren is done for!!! COVER!!! 1............2..............3NO!!! Lloyd with the save!!! Huge save by Lloyd!!! Darren rolls to ringside in pain!! Lloyd grabs Roadkill!!! OVERDOSE!!!! OVERDOSE!!! NO!!! He squirmed free!!! ROADKILLER!!! ROADKILLER!!! He hit it!! Cover! 1..............2............3NO!! Kickout!!! Lloyd just kicked out of the Roadkiller, probably because it was the first and only move done to him so far!!! Roadkill is bleeding for the glass and from the bite Darren gave him. Darren slams Blades face into the ringpost!! Blade blocks!! Inverted DDT!!! Blades head is cut open from the top rope DDT to ringside thru that table!!! He rolls in the ring!!! Darren follows!!! Blade grabs Lloyd!! Roadkill with an elbow to Blade, Blade stumbles right into the FALL!!! THE FALL!!!! Cover!!! 1............2................3!!! Wayne Coll is gone!!!
Wayne "The Blade" Coll Eliminated by Darren Anthony via the FALL
Darren is pounding away at Roadkill!! He taunts him, kicks him in the gut!!! ROADKILLER!!! Darren just gave Roadkill his own finisher!!! Roadkill has been humiliated!!! BUT HE SITS UP!?!!?!?!? Roadkill is pissed off!!! He bulldogs Lloyd!! Then lifts Darren!! Dumps him over the top rope!!! Lloyd back up!!! SPLASH IN THE CORNER!!! The ref got in the way!!! The ref took the blow too!!! The ref is out!!!! Darren dives in with a chair!!! WHACK!!!! Roadkill is laid out!!! WHACK!!! Another shot to the back!!!!
Here comes Cyris Raven!!!! Roadkill catches the chair from Darren!!! CRACK!!! Nailed him across the face!!! Turns around!!! Cyris Raven drop kick to the chair!!! Cyris Raven is setting up a table inside the ring!!! What is he doing!!! He grabs Roadkill!!! He is gonna powerbomb him thru the TABLE!!!! WAIT!!!!!
Here comes Damien!!! The BJWC Bloodlines Champ!! He dives into the ring and Cyris Raven released the move on Roadkill!!! Damien just saved Roadkill from becoming Roadkill!!! Cyris Raven tries a left ducked by Damien!!! BODY SLAM THRU THE TABLE!!!! BODY SLAM THRU THE TABLE!!!! Damien rolls out of the ring and drags Cyris Raven out too!!! Now we are back to the three in the ring and the ref is back up!!!!
Darren has a peice of the broken table and jams it into Roadkills cheek. Roadkill is now being double teamed!!! Darren and Lloyd with a double powerbomb, and Darren pulls him up!!! THE FALL!!!! THE FALL!!!! 1..........2.............3 Darren has eliminated Roadkill. Roadkill is upset!!! The fans are upset!!! Roadkill sits at ringside upset with himself.
Roadkill Eliminated by Darren Anthony via the Fall
Lloyd and Darren are now the only two left. They glare at each other! Darren charges! CAUGHT! Powerslam!!! Pulls him back up and rams his face into the turnbuckle. Then grabs him!!! SNAP SUPLEX!!! Darren getting man handled!! Brandon has barely been touched this entire match!!!! The NA Champ is in total control! Darren rolls to ringside! Roadkill turns around Darren grabs him! NECK BREAKER! Roadkill is laid out again! Darren turns around, FLYING CROSS BODY OVER THE ROPES BY LLOYD!!!!! Lloyd rolls him into the ring! Lloyd climbs to the top ropes!!! Darren crotches him by grabbing the ropes!!! Darren climbs to the top ropes!!!! THE FALL!!!! THE FALL!!!! THE FALL FROM THE TOP ROPES!!!!! What a move!!!!! It is over!!! Darren goes for the cover!!! 1.............2............NO!!! Roadkill just pulled the ref to ringside and has a chair!!! Darren upset stands!!! CRACK!!!! Roadkill just laid out Darren for interupting him earlier and costing him his big chance tonight!!! Roadkill rolls back out help the ref back into the ring!!! Both men are slowly standing!!! Brandon tries a suplex, blocked!!! Suplex by Darren!!! NO!!! Lloyd dropped behind!!!! OVERDOSE!!! OVERDOSE!!!!! OVERDOSE!!!! Cover! 1..............2.............3! It's all over! It's all over!!! Brandon Lloyd has won it.
Darren Anthony Eliminated by Brandon Lloyd via the Overdose
Winner: Brandon Lloyd moves on to Dan Dehart later tonight
James Edgebrook: What a battle! Now Lloyd meets Dehart later tonight to see who will fight at the Pay Per View for the gold. Roadkill cost Darren the match, Darren eliminated Roadkill, these two have really heated up. They both cost each other the match and ended up both being eliminated! This will be interesting to see what happens later tonight!
Jeph Phillips is watching the parking lot for Billy Jay's limo. I know he has some nice big announcements to make. But we will have to be ready for his arrival. Next up is the newcomers Triple Threat Match! This should showcase the BJWC's newest talents and see which is the best on this night!
Triple Threat Match
Masta Killa
"Shoots and Ladders" by Korn blares over the loud speaker. The
fans cheer as they know who this new guy is. It is the man all
of the way from Norway, Odin. Odin comes out of the entrance. The
big man of 7'1' 360lbs. He slowly walks down the ramp with confidence
about this match. As he enters the ring his music ends.
As the music of Odin stops, new music plays. "My Name Is" by Eminem
is playing through out the stadium. One of the best known new guys
steps out next. The fans cheer louder for him then Odin. It is
Masta Killa. This one time TV Champion is 6'7' 275lbs. And he is
ready to right. He starts walking down the ramp but half way down
he runs and slides into the ring.
As Masta Killa slides in the ring Odin kicks his head. Odin is
stomping away at Masta Killa. Masta Killa is helpless and can not
get up. Odin is having his way with him. Then out of the crowd
FAS jumps the guard railing. He slides in the ring and clotheslines
Odin in the back of his head. Odin gets sent over the ropes from
this blow!!! ODIN HITS THE FLOOR HARD!! He is not moving! FAS
leans over the ropes and taunts the big man. While this is going
on Masta Killa gets to his feet. Odin realizes this and turns around.
They are punching back and forth. Masta Killa locks up with FAS.
Scoop Slam. FAS pops back up to his feet and Masta Killa grabs
him again, Piledriver! Masta Killa has control in this match.
Masta Killa pulls FAS up by his hair. He whips FAS into the ropes.
But Odin is to his feet on the outside and grabs FAS s feet and
he flys into the ropes. FAS hits face first to the mat. Odin rolls
into the ring. All three men are at there feet and are all going
at it. It is crazy in here.
"Unforgiven" by Metallica plays on the speakers. The crowd is stunted.
Who the hell is this. Out from the entrance Damien walks wearing
his Bloodlines Championship. No one knows why he is here but he
sure looks relaxed and cocky. He walks down the entrance and past
the ring. The three in the ring do not bother to stop. They are
destroying eachother in the ring. Damien just walks past them laughing.
He goes to the announcing table and sits down. Damien puts on
the headsets and decides to call the match.
Damien: Hello BJWC, this is your Bloodlines champion. I just
came out here to watch these jobbers fight each other. See I have
to fight these guys on Friday for MY Belt so I am just checking
them out. So lets watch this match. Its looks as if FAS is in
control. He is going back and forth punching the other two. Odin
and Masta Killa must be really bad if FAS is beating them up. Oh,
waitMasta Killa caught the fist of FAS. Shoulder block by Masta
Killa sent FAS to his knees. Masta Killa pulls FAS back to his
feet and whips him to the ropes. FAS back off the ropes and Masta
Killa with the clothes line sending FAS to the mat. That move was
very weak. I dont even know how FAS fell over. Masta Killa turns
around and Odin is standing there. Odin grabs Masta Killa and picks
him up by his neck with both hands. Choke hold by Odin. Masta
Killa is up in the air by the hands of Odin. Odin tosses him into
the turnbuckle. That had to hurt Masta Killa, he is not getting
up. But if that was me it would not have even bothered me. I dont
even know why I am defending my belt against guys like these. They
cant wrestle. They dont even desirve having me out here calling their match.
Damien takes off the headsets and slides into the ring. FAS just
had gotten up from the Clothesline earlier. Damien taps him on
the back. FAS turns around and Damien grabs him. CHICAGO SIDEWINDER!!!
FAS is down!! In the corner Odin is standing over Masta Killa
pounding away at him. Damien walks towards that corner. Damien
grabs Odin from behind braking up the beating. Odin gets spun around.
Damien grabs him and gets the big man up!! CHICAGO SIDEWINDER!!!
How did he get that big man up!! There is no way Odin is getting
up! Masta Killa is still down in the corner. Damien is hanging
over him. Masta Killa pulls his way up using the ropes. Damien
tries to grab him by Masta Killa punches him. Masta Killa is using
all of his energy but it is not enough. Damien takes over and gets
a hold of Masta Killa. CHICAGO SIDEWINDER!!! Damien has just taken
out everyone in the match!!! The three are laying lifeless in the
ring! Damien rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp backwards
looking at the carnage he left in the ring. Back in the ring the
ref is checking the wrestlers. The ref is going to let this match
go due to everyone got attacked evenly. The ref starts the ten
count because no one is moving. 1.......2........3........4........5........6........7.........8..........FAS
gets up to his knees and pulls himself on the ropes and gets to
his feet to stop the ten count. He stumbles over to Odin laying
in the middle of the ring and falls on him. It is a cover. The
ref counts. 1........2......ODIN KICKS OUT BY SENDING FAS UP IN THE AIR!!!
He tossed him with no problem. Odin and Fas get up at the same
time. Masta Killa is still down in the corner. He sits up in the
corner and waves to someone in the crowd. WHAT THE HELL!!! Two
guys just jumped the guard railing. The are both carrying hammers.
They slide into the ring. One of them goes after Odin. He swings
the hammer at him and Odin gabs his arm!!! Odin grabs the man and
picks him up over his head. ODIN THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPES!!!
The man with the hammer hit the floor hard. The other guy with
the hammer is attacking FAS. He swings at FAS but FAS jumps back.
Before he can swing the hammer again FAS jumps forward at the man
and tackles him. Fas is punching him over and over. FAS stands
up and the other man rolls out of the ring. Odin and FAS just took
out the two men Masta Killa had help him. Odin and FAS look at
Masta Killa, he is mad his plan did not work. The three men start it up again.
Wayne The Blade Coll comes running down from the entrance. Before
Blade gets to the ring Maveric comes running from the entrance.
They both slide in the ring. All five men are in a giant brawl
in the ring. It is out of control. The ref can break them up but
he still has not stopped the match. They brawl in the ring for
minutes until the ref gets control. The ref pulls Blade off of
Masta Killa and tells him to get to the back. Blade listens and
leaves. Maveric sees Blade leaves and chases him up the ramp.
They take it to the back.
The three orginal men are in the ring after all of these crazy happening.
FAS looks to be in control. SideSlam to Odin!! FAS turns to Masta
Killa. DDT!! FAS is standing strong in the ring. Odin gets to
his knees and FAS punches him back down to the mat. FAS pulls Masta
Killa to his feet. BRAINBUSTER! Masta Killa is down. FAS next
pulls up Odin. POWERBOMB......No!! FAS cant get Odin up. Odin reverses
and flips FAS over his back. Odin walks to the turnbuckles. Odin
climbs the ropes!!! Big man from the top rope! Double axe handle
into FASs chest!! ODINS HAMMER!!! FAS is down on the mat and
will not be moving so after that big move. Masta Killa gets up.
Odin grabs him. BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! Odin moves to the top
rope! Masta Killa is down on the mat! Odin takes flight!! ODINS
HAMMER!!! Masta Killa and FAS are layed out on the mat next to
each other. Odin lays over the both of them. 1......2.......KICKOUT BY
FAS at the last second!!! I cant believe it!! That is what happens
for Odin being cocky and pinning them both. Masta Killa and Odin
are to their. They are pounding on each other. Odin whips Masta
Killa into the ropes. Reversed!! Odin gets sent into the ropes.
Masta Killa runs at him and clotheslines him over the top rope!!!
ODIN HIT HIS HEAD ON THE STEEL STAIRS!!! Odin is knocked out on
the floor! Masta Killa turns around. FAS is to his feet. FAS
mat by Masta Killa!!! Masta Killa brings him over to the ropes.
DA BANG!!! Masta Killa just dist his finisher to FAS!!! He looks
around to see Odin still knocked out and bleeding on the outside.
Masta Killa goes for the pin. 1..........2.........3!! Masta Killa has won this match!!!
WINNER: Masta Killa
James Edgebrook: Da Bang just about killed FAS and Masta Killa cleaned house tonihgt picking up the HUGE victory tonight! Masta Killa is on his way back up the BJWC ranks. This triple threat is just a step in the right direction! He can only keep going up the way he is working. A great match for all three seeing everyone by my grandmother coming to the ring!!! Fantastic rookie battle!
Next up we got another rookie team against a Mystery Tag Team. Who the hell is this mystery tag team and can they put away the BJWC's two newest? Maveric has been a bright spot in the BJWC rookies so far he could carry this team to the big victory tonight! Let's go to the ring!
Master of Evil/Maveric
Mystery Tag Team
“De-Manufacture” by Fear Factory plays in the stadium and the crowd knows
what is instore for them. The newest and youngest group in the BJWC is
trying to make their mark and tonight they can with this tag team match.
This team together weighs 470lbs. It is Master of Evil and Maveric. They
walk out side by side. They get to the ring and a wait to find out who they
are facing.
The arena is quite. Everyone wants to know who it can be. “Sitting on the
Ritz” by Taco. It is Gary Cooper’s music. The crowd goes absolutely crazy.
He is a tag champion many times over and one of the biggest crowd
favorites ever. Smoke fills the entrance way because this is a big deal.
Out steps a man. He is wearing the pants with SUPER on one leg and DUPER on
the other leg. He comes through the smoke with his hands raised high in the
air. The crowd sees him and stops the cheering. That is not Gary Cooper.
It is…wait. He turns around and goes back to the back stage. He comes back
out pulling a red wagon. It has a rock and a mexican in it. The man
pretending to be Cooper appears to be Bobby Magic and the mexican in the
wagon looks like Paco Delgado. Paco is sitting in the wagon and has a piece
of paper taped on his shirt that says SIR SACKSON. He pulls the wagon to
ring side and rolls into the ring. Bobby has a mic and talks.
“Hello BJWC! It is great to be back to wrestling. I am the former World
Champion and Tag Champion many times…Larry Coopster. I brought my tag team
partner and also former Tag Champion Sir Sackson. I was happily retired
from wrestling and doing fine as a CEO. But I had to come back for one last
match. I came back for this match for one reason only. I am fighting
tonight as a protest against my good friends and the best Tag Team
EVER…Boarder Magic being fired. Bobby Magic and Paco Delgado were good
friends of me, the Coopster and lets face it. It BJWC is nothing with out
them. So I came back one night one to try to get them hired again. So
tonight BJWC fans and addicts you will get to see the number one move in
wrestling, The Tuesday Night Special.”
Sir Sackson: “Yo Coopster, it is the Wednesday Night Special, Chico”
Larry Coopster: “Shut up, you are not aloud to talk. You are just a bag o’
oranges remember. Don’t blow it for us Paco…I mean Sir Sackson.”
They take a pause from talking and Master of Evil has heard enough. He
comes up from behind Larry Coopster and rolls him up!! The ref counts!!!
1…..2…..3!!! It is over!! It is over!! Master of Evil just pinned
Coopster. Master of Evil and Maveric just got the win and slowly walk away
from the ring. Larry Coopster stands up and hangs his head. He still has
the mic in his hand. Sir Sackson taps on Coopster’s shoulder but he just
hits his hand off. Sir Sackson taps hits shoulder again and Coopster again
response by hitting his hand off his shoulder. Sir Sackson taps him again.
Larry Coopster: “What do you want?! You know we just lost.”
Sir Sackson: “No we didn’t Senior Coopster. The bell never sounded. So
the match never happened.”
Larry smiles. The Bell sounds to start the match. Master of Evil and
Maveric hear this and run back to the ring. Sir Sackson get out and stands
on the apron. He grabs a sign that he had in the wagon. He is holding it
up. It reads PLEASE REHIRE BOARDER MAGIC! Sir Sackson is holding it up to
the crowd. Master of Evil and Larry Coopster and standing in the ring
looking into each others eyes trying to intimidate each other. Master of
Evil has a very sinister look on his face and Larry Coopster has a goof even
a dumb look on his face. Master of Evil takes one small step towards
Coopster. Larry Coopster then lets out a loud scream like a girl, turns
around and dives over the rope head first. He hits the ground hard!!! He
goes tumbling across the ground until he slams into the guardrail. He does
not appear to be injuried but that had to hurt. Larry Coopster can not get
up!!! He rolls over and grabs the rock out the wagon. Larry Coopster
starts talking to the rock! This whole time Sir Sackson is just standing on
the apron facing the crowd holding up the sign. He does not know what is
going on! The rock must have gave Larry some advice. Coopster gets up
after that hard fall he did to himself. He rols into the ring and stands
face to face with Master of Evil again. What the hell is this!!! Coopster
is running around the ring!! He is doing circles around Master of Evil!!!
Larry is trying to make him dizzy!!! Master of Evil is just standing in the
center of the ring watching. Larry continues this for alittle bit but he
starts slowing down. Larry stops!! His kness buckle and he almost falls.
He holds his head with one hand and his stomach with the other. LARRY MADE
HIMSELF DIZZY!! He looks sick! Coopster is having trouble staying up!
Master of Evil takes advantage of the dumb moves by Larry Coopster and grabs
him while he is standing there dizzy. POWERBOMB!! Master of Evil tags
Maveric. Maveric climbs the ropes. STRIGHT SHOOTER!! Maveric hit his
finisher, a shoulder into Larry’s chest from the top rope!!! Maveric does
not pin him! He tags Master of Evil back in. Maveric stays in the ring.
It is a two on one. But Maveric does not touch Larry. Larry hits Sir
Sackson, who is still holding the sign, in the back and he falls to the
concrete hard!! Maveric climbs the turnbuckles!!! STRAIGHT SHOOTER TO THE
EVILUTIONER TO LARRY COOPSTER!!! Larry is out!! The ref calls the match!!!
Master of Evil and Maveric just tore apart this so called “Former Tag
WINNER: Master of Evil and Maveric
James Edgebrook: What a match up! Paco and Bobby Magic have done it again! Trying to get back into the league under old names, and this time portraying Gary Cooper and Sir Sack former tag champion! Only their success was a lot less! They all gave a great match and Maveric and Master of Evil took out the jobbers in fashion and we saw some of the newcomers real talents, along with the crazy antics of the BJWC's two biggest jobbers.
This next match has just been announced with a special first ever stipulation, the referee will fill us in with the details and the stipulations! The Hardcore Title has been held by so many superstars. Can Taurus be the next superstar to hold it? Or will Cyris Raven hot streak continue! As he has been on fire latley, and is really doing a great job in the BJWC ranks! Let's check out this match and check out the special stipulations set by Billy Jay.
BJWC's First Ever Hardcore Steel Grate Match
Cyris Raven (Hardcore Champ)
Referee: Billy Jay and the BJWC Council has come up with a special stipulation for this HARDCORE TITLE MATCH! It will be the BJWC's First ever Hardcore Steel Grate Match! We have here a 10X10 steel grate approxamatley 1 inch in thickness that will be laid a few feet above the ground. To win the match you must fight on the grate itself, or on the balcony 1o feet up and you must SLAM YOUR OPPONENT THRU THE STEEL GRATE, you must ACTUALLY SEND HIM THRU THE GRATE to win the match!!! (Fans go nuts) Let the match begin!!!!
Fans are going nuts!!! A whole area is cleared out near the seating and people are being held back by security and weak railing. The balcony ledge is small and the Steel Grate is a cold black grate that looks almost indestrucktable.
Here comes the Challenger!!! Taurus who is soon becoming a BJWC legend in this Hardcore Division. This match will surely be long remember if these competitors give it all they have and Cyris Raven and Taurus always give it their all!!! Taurus entered the BJWC to try for the Hardcore Title on his first night and did a great job but has still not gotten the Hardcore Title, he is a former TV Champ, but really has worked and trained hard for this Hardcore Shot. He has earned this one.
And here comes the BJWC Hardcore and Television Champion! And after tonight may not be a champion at all! Cyris Raven has already made himself a name in the BJWC and has already climbed very far up the ladder, his hard work has gotten him many wins and continues to improve each day. He steps out with Madrean he has on both belts and charges the ring where these two will start the match!!
Bell rings!
The first ever Steel Grate match has begun!!! Both men trading blows to the face! Quick back body drop by Cyris Raven. Taurus right back up! Drop kick by Raven. Another. And even a third! Taurus rolls to ringside and grabs his foot! Yanks him to the mat and pulls him into the ringpost crotching him. Taurus then works the knee slamming it repeatadly against the poll. Then applying an ankle lock! Cyris Raven is in tough shape! Finally he pulls free. Cyris Raven standing in a bit of pain! Taurus looking to grab a chair! Cyris runs to the top ropes! FLYING MISSLE DROP KICK FROM THE TOP ROPES TO RINGSIDE!!! Chair slams off Taurus's face. Cyris Raven is pointing towards the Steel Grate and tosses Taurus over the railing and they are heading towards the Steel Grating!!! This should be interesting. Cyris Raven with chops to the chest and body slams him on the cement steps!!! Taurus crawls thru the crowd and rolls onto the Steel Grating!!! Cyris follows!!! Taurus kicks him in the gut! Uppercut!!! Raven almost falls off the edge!!! Taurus grabs him INVERTED DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX!!! The TRUCK DRIVER SLAM!!!! WOW!!!! Slammed him hard on the steel grating. But the steel didn't even budge!!! Taurus pulls him back up!!! HERE's going for ANOTHER TDS!!! Another Truck Driver Slam!!! NO!!! Reversed into a swinging neck breaker!! Both men down!!! Cyris Raven asks a fan for a chair and the fan hands it to him. He pulls himself up!!! Taurus with a lightning fast spinning elbow RIGHT TO THE CHAIR!!! Raven is down again! Taurus grabs the chair and slams away. Over and over!!! Taurus is really handing him the beating of his life! Raven rolls off the edge of the grating. Taurus backs up tempting to jump!!! Cyris Raven leans against a BJWC Mechandise Table!!! DIVING TAURUS!!!! WITH A CHAIR!!!! Cyris ducks!!! Taurus went SPLASHING THRU THE TABLE!!!!
Cyris Raven rolls into the ring trying to recover!!! Taurus pulls himself up and rolls into the ring!!! Fans go nuts as they both stand on opposite ends of the grating!!! Wait!!! Madrean is sliding in a table!!! Cyris Raven sets it up and points towards it!!! Taurus charges!!! CLOTHESLINE!!! Taurus with a POWERBOMB ON THE STEEL GRATING!!!! He rolls him onto the table!!! Cyris Raven is not moving on the table above the steel grating!!! Taurus is climbing up the balcony, he wants to get to the ten foot ledge!!!! He makes it up!!!! Cyris Raven rolls off the table and climbs after Taurus!!! Taurus holding on to the railing and trying to punch Cyris Raven off the edge. Raven rolls up!!! We have the fans going nuts!!!! Psycotic Delusions!!!! NO!!! Cyris went for his finisher but a BACKBODY DROP OFF THE LEDGE!!!!!! Cyris Raven JUST WENT THRU THE TABLE AND CLANGED INTO THE STEEL GRATING BUT THE GRATING DID NOT BREAK!!!!! This match will contiue IF, and only if Cyris Raven is even alive!!!! Taurus looks upset!!! HE JUMPS OFF!!!! FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM 10 FEET UP!!!!! RIGHT ONTO THE STEEL GRATE!!!! Cyris Raven flips in the air in complete pain!!!! Taurus cannot beleive it!!! The Steel Grating is still strong!!! Both men in true pain!!! Taurus first up, he has some bloody ribs from the elbow drop. Taurus points back up at the balcony!!! He begins to climb again!!! Taurus is crazy!! He wants to go for another elbow drop!!! Wait!!! Cyris Raven sits up!!! He sprints to the wall and climbs up the other side!!! The meet on the top again!!! Taurus ducks a clothesline!!! TRUCK DRIVER SLAM!!!!!! NO!!!! Cyris Raven holds his legs and LOW BLOW!!!! Psycotic Delusions!!!! PSYCOTIC DELUSIONS!!!!! OFF THE BALCONY!!!! The half Pedigree half DDT move!!!! From 10 feet up!!! THE GRATING HAS BEEN BROKEN!!!!! THEY WENT THRU IT!!!! Cyris Raven stands up and pulls himself back to the steel grating that remians unbroken and holds up the Hardcore Champ holding his gushing bloody ribs!!!!! The fans go nuts!!!!! What a match!
WINNER: Cyris Raven remians BJWC Hardcore Champ
James Edgebrook: These fans are giving them both a standing ovation!!! Cyris Raven is getting tapped up good and Madrean is standing at his side as Taurus who did the most damage in the match was unfortunate that Cyris Raven got his move off!!! What a great battle!!! That was a classic!!! Those two are the future of this place and what a great way to showcase their talents!!! Cyris Raven is getting some sticthes right here at ringside in his ribs!!! Taurus has walked off under his own power, but looked pretty zoned out, so he may not be feeling great, but at least he walked out of that match! I never seen such a show put on by any two young men lkike that since Hardcore Heavens match at Rage Wars. They sure put Steel Grate Match on the maps. Fantastic battle!
Cyris Raven has his two titles and is in the ring and Madrean his manager is with him let's see what he has decided for the fate of the Television Title!!!!
Cyris Raven decides the Fate of the BJWC Television Title
(Cyris Raven rubs his tapped up ribs and Madrean hands him a mic. He holds up the TV Title and speaks.)
Cyris Raven: "Folks.....I have had this title, for about a week now. And I
have been given an entire week to think up...of what to do with this title.
Now I can't think of anything more important then what I am about to do. You
see, I am not about to let a bunch of TV hungry, slobbering lackies fight for
this title. HELL NO. Matter of fact......let me call someone out here. #1
Contender...Wayne "The Blade" Coll...please come out here"
(Wayne "The Blade" Coll steps out to a good cheer. Coll was elimated first in the PPV Contender Match and now is called out by Cyris Raven. Wayne Coll walks to the ring and rolls in.)
Cyris Raven: " You have wanted this title. And you claim to have earned it.
And you want to bring it home to probably show grandma. SO here goes. Ladies,
gentlemen, children of all ages....I would like to give this title...to the
person it belongs mostly too. Here you go....MADREAN."
(Fans are shocked!!! The fans go nuts as he hands the belt to Madrean and the entire crowd pops. Blade is pissed. He threatens Madrean!!! Cyris Raven steps in and SMACK!!! Hardcore Title shot to Blade and Madrean pins Blade!!! Cyris Raven drops down!!! 1...2...3!! And holds her hand in the air!!! The fans are going nuts!!!)
Cyris Raven: "Welcome to the new TV Title Rankings Blade, you just got pinned by the new BJWC TV Champion Madrean!!!"
(The fans explode in cheer as the first ever Woman TV Champion and Cyris Raven the Hardcore Champion walk out together to a huge rush of fans reactions.)
James Edgebrook: What an ovation!! What a move by Cyris Raven. I think Blade may be upset, but anyone going for Madrean's title will know they have Cyris Raven to watch also. And we have yet to see Madrean wrestle so we do not know what she can do inside the squared circle. I would love to see what she can do! Cyris Raven sure pulled Blade into his trap genius move and a genius decision by Cyris Raven shocking everyone here.
Wait we have word backstage with Jeph Phillips let us check it out!
Jeph Phillips Backstage near the Parking Lot
(Jeph Phillips is standing near the open garage door with Jeph ready with mic in hand as the camera zooms in on his face!)
Jeph Phillips: Billy Jay's Limo has been seen just around the block and should be here in no time. He has some big announcements to make and we can not wait to hear them. Only two matches left in the night and Billy Jay has still not made his appearence some doubted he would show at all, but he should be here in seconds!
He may have something to do with......
(Screeches, a black limo pulls into the doorway and halts near the door and the camera man is forced to jog out of the way. Out steps Billy Jay he has two guys grab his suitcase out of the truck and Billy Jay exits quickly before the camera can get close and before Jeph Phillips can ask him anything as he was on the other side of the limo.)
Jeph Phillips: Billy Jay has arrived, but he looks to be in a hurry and did not want to answer any question just walked right in. So his speech should come shortly! Hopefully! Back to you James.
(Jeph Phillips looks in the empty limo to see if anyone else is inside it. The camera cuts off and back to James Edgebrook.)
James Edgebrook: Thanks Jeph. Hopefully Billy Jay will be out shortly so we can hear what he has to say! He seemed to be very eager to keep away from press right now, and get himself ready for the speech hopefully it will be something important. Hopefully some more news for Slam Fest 2000.
Now it is time to see who will go to SlamFest 2000 and fight the BJWC World Champ in a 5-Count Title Match! The NA Champ Brandon Lloyd versus Dan Dehart! This could be one of the biggest matches of all time. Possibly bigger than the Title Match tonight! This could change the PPV, and Chris McClane has Brandon Lloyd booked for the PPV what happens to McClane if Lloyd wins this match?!?! This could turn the BJWC upside down, but Dan Dehart has come out on top of these situations before can he do it again?
SlamFest 2000 Title Shot Match
Winner will fight the BJWC Champ at SlamFest in a Special 5-Count Match
Dan Dehart (Current #1 Contender)
Brandon Lloyd (NA Champ)
The fans are on their feet in anticipation of this match up! This is where the legend collide!!! Right here right now!!!
"Brain Damage" by Eminem, hits! The North American Champion has entered the arena!!! Brandon Lloyd stomps to the ring!!! He has already faught one battle!!! He may be tired but he has also warmed up. He stares at the entrance waiting for Dan Dehart to step out.
"Seek and Destroy" by Metallica and the fans burst into cheer! Out steps the former 4-Time BJWC World Champion! Dan Dehart!!!! The crowd is going nuts!!! He stops on the ramp and has a mic in hand he paces to each side of the ramp and then speaks:
Dan Dehart: Brandon, let's make this thing interesting, you beat me, you get yourself the title shot at SlamFest. If I beat you, I am the NEW BJWC North American Champion! Put the gold on the line and everyone will be happy!
The fans go nuts as Brandon Lloyd nods and tosses the NA Title into the mat!!!
Ohh my god, Dan rushes the ring!!! The fight has begun!!! The bell has wrung!!! Dan is pounding away at the NA Champ!!! Dan wants this victory!! He wants to be the first ever 5-Time World Champ and if he loses tonight he will have to wait a lot longer to get his title shot. Dan with a SUPERPLEX!!! How did he pull that off so early in the match!?!?! Now a closeline!!! He pulls him up!!!! DEVASTATOR!!!! Oh my god!!!! Cover!!!! 1.............2.....WAIT!!!!
Here comes Darren Anthony!!! He dives into the ring!!! And here comes Roadkill!!! Two of the men that lost the rumble earlier tonight!!! A brawl has begun!!! What a brawl!!! Darren grabs Dehart!!!! THE FALL!!!! THE FALL!!!! Roadkill kicks Lloyd!!! ROADKILLER!!!! The ref is calling for a No Contest!!! A No Contest!!!
Winner: No Contest
("Calm like a Bomb" hits! Out walks Billy Jay!! Very business like on his face he goes halfway down the ramp with a mic and speaks:)
Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts!!! I am declaring this match to continue with Roadkill and Darren Anthony as LumberJacks at ringside!!! There must be a pinfall, the winner must pin their opponent 1........2......3 and then they will be on their way to Slam Fest 2000 and will be the North American Champion!!!
(The crowd give an amazing ovation just glad to have Dehart in another match.)
SlamFest 2000 Title Shot Match
North American Title Match
Winner will fight the BJWC Champ at SlamFest in a Special 5-Count Match
Also a LumberJack match with Roadkill and Darren Anthony will be the Lumberjacks
Dan Dehart (Current #1 Contender)
Brandon Lloyd (NA Champ)
Another fight breaks out immediatley. Dan right back in the drivers seat. Brandon just took the Devastator and the Roadkiller and yet he is fighting back!!! Bulldog by Dehart!!! Dehart locks on a headlock!! Lloyd fights to his feet!! Standing back to belly suplex!!! Lloyd off the ropes MISSLE HEADBUTT!!!! Lloyd pulling Dan right back to his feet!!!! MIGHTY CHOP!!! Dan goes down again! Roadkill and Darren begin to brawl they spill into the crowd!!! Fans are going nuts!!! Lloyd sends Dan hard into the turnbuckles!!! Lloyd charges him!!! No!! Dan hopped the ropes!!! Lloyd went chest first into the turnbuckles!!! Dan sprintgshoots himself over the top ropes!!! Flying forearm!!! Dan SPEAR!!!! NO!! Lloyd dodges it by rolling out of the way, ut Dan's skids to a stop without harm!!! They both charges each other again! They both hits moves!! Both men are down. They both went face first into the mat as they each went for face busters and both took the damage. Roadkill and Darren punching their way back to ringside. They trade blows and take turns sending each other hard into the steps. Darren grabs a chair and swings at Roadkill at ringside!!! NO!!! Dan Dehart grabbed the chair out of his hand from the ring and CRACK!!!! Whacks Brandon Lloyd accross the jaw. Dan Dehart should be DQed!!! Wait!! Billy Jay did say one man MUST be pinned!!! So anything is legal!!! I think they just realized the ref is not stopping anything!!! Dan with a cover!!! 1..........2...........3NO! Kickout! Lloyd back up!!! CRACK!!!! Another shot to the face!!! Darren at ringside sets up a table and stands on the railing!!! HE IS GONNA SUPLEX ROADKILL THRU THE TABLE!!! Roadkill trying to fight free!!! In the ring!!! Lloyd sits up!!! HOW?!?!?! Dan measures him up!!! SPEAR!!!!! NO!!! Reversed into a RUNNING MONKEY FLIP!!!! LLOYD JUST FLIPPED HIM OVER THE TOP ROPES THRU THE TABLE AT RINGSIDE!!!!! Ohh my god!!!! Darren now gets the SUPLEX on Roadkill from the railing!!!! SUPLEX LANDS ON Dehart!!!! Lloyd grabs Dan and pulls him over to James Edgebrooks announcers booth!!! OVERDOSE!!!!! NO!!! Eye rake by Dan!!! DEVASTATOR!!!!! NO!!!! Shot to the ribs!!!! OVERDOSE!!!!! THRU THE TABLE!!!! OHHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOD!!!!!! Dan Dehart's neck snapped back!!!! What an OVERDOSE DDT!!!! The fans are in shock!!! Brandon rolls him into the ring!!! Climbs to the top!!! FLYING FROG SPLASH!!!! Right into a pin!!!! 1...........2.............3!!!! Brandon Lloyd HAS DONE IT!!!!! He has done it!!!! Brandon Lloyd is going to SlamFest 2000!!!!
WINNER: Brandon Lloyd NEW BJWC Number One Contender
James Edgebrook: Dan has been defeated! Brandon Lloyd did the impossible!!! It looked like the match was over, but then ordered to continue and Brandon Lloyd proved the competitor he is and got the victory! Dan Dehart, where does he go from here? He may have some big injuries, especially from the monkey flip thru the table, and mostly from the OVERDOSE thru my announcers booth!! Amazing match! How was that NOT the Main Event?
Billy Jay is on his way to the ring!!! He looks totally ready for business!!! The crowd is ready to hear some big things from him tonight! Let's go to the ring!
Billy Jay in the Ring with some big announcements
(He enters the ring and speaks almost right away. Following him to the ring are two guys that are for security and carry his steel briefcase.)
Billy Jay: Slam Fest 2000! 5-Count World Title MatcH! Dan I am not done getting you out of here! You are slowly fading and I intend to make that fade into the END of your career! Next week on RIOT you will defend your Tag Titles, against! The World Champion!!!! Nick Yonce!!! And a partner of his choice!
I would also like to invite ANY Tag Teams that want to be apart of a Tag Team Turmoil Match at SlamFest for the Tag Titles, whoever has the Title at the time of the PPV will be the last team out, but any tag teams that want to participate let me know!!!
Along with that we will see a Women's Title Defense, McClane shine up your bitch, because she's got a match, against a MYSTERY opponent for SlamFest 2000!
And next week at Riot, I wanna see the hottest fued heat up again, in the Main Event for next week, Brandon Lloyd, Darren Anthony, and Roadkill in a Triple Threat match for the BJWC North American Title!
Ohh.....and a little threat for Dan Dehart..... if you do not have gold at SlamFest 2000 you will be put in a 3 versus 1 HANDI CAPPED match open to any takers!!! So Dan you better get on your horse and find yourself a strap, or hold tight onto that Tag Title because your career is in serious danger!!!! SERIOUS DANGER!!!!
"Seek and Destroy" by Metalicca plays and Dan Dehart runs down the ramp and the fans go nuts!!! Dan double closelines BJ's big guards grabbing the suitcase on his way!!! And dives into the ring trying to hit Billy Jay as he slides out and sprints thru the crowd and out of danger as Dan Dehart obviously hurting from last match looks pissed off and exits taking Billy Jay's suitcase with him as the fans go wild!
James Edgebrook: Dan Dehart and Billy Jay is still as hot as ever, but Billy Jay never got to his final announcements, I think Billy Jay had some more to say! Actually I know he did, he spoke with me about something and he never mentioned it yet, so stay tuned to Bloodlines or next Riot to see if Billy Jay announces it there!!! It involves the Hardcore and TV Title for SlamFest along with many people! So stay tuned to further announcemnets from Billy Jay about those topics!!!
It is time for the BJWC to get to it's MAIN EVENT!!! A World Title ReMatch! Chris McClane who has yet to ever defeat Nick Yonce has to fight him again. If he win it will be the Grudge War 5-Count Title match at the PPV. If Nick Yonce wins who knows what will happen! We have some crazy shit going on here! Let's go to the ring for tonights MAIN EVENT!

BJWC World Title Match
Nick Yonce (BJWC World Champ)
Chris McClane
"Hate Me Now" hits the speakers!!! Out steps former Champ Chris McClane! Along with BJWC Women's Champion Rebecca! Fans are booing like crazy. Looks like the fans are behind the champ for this match ,because McClane is getting a lot of heat from the MCA Dome crowd. Chris sports his new "I am GOD" t-shirt. Billy Jay has just announced Rebecca having to defend her title also probably because McClane still has some of Billy Jay's money!!!
"Shock the Monkey" Coal Chamber featuring Ozzy Osbourne, the fans raise in cheer! I guess the fans are taking Yonce as a face for this match!! They are going nuts for the Champ!!! Nick Yonce walks to the ring slowly climbs in and holds the title high in the air!!! Hands it over to the ref.
Bell rings! The Main Event has begun!!! McClane off the ropes!!! Closeline!!! Off the ropes again! Clothesline! Nick Yonce is just taking shots early. Yonce jumps up!!! CLOTHESLINE! No, Yonce caught it into an armbar!!! McClane grabs the ropes!!! McClane and Yonce back apart. McClane is handed the Women's Title!! The ref tells him not to do anything!! McClane points at Yonce!! CRACK!!! McClane just clobbered the ref!!! As he did that Yonce reaches over and got the World Title!!! We got a Title bashing match now!!!! WAIT!!!
Brandon Lloyd sprints to the ring with the North American Title!! Now he stands in the circle of death! Lloyd moves first Yonce ducks the blow. They start again, circling and watching each man. McClane goes after Lloyd but Lloyd a boot to the gut!!! Lloyd winds up to hit the stunned McClane!!!!! CRACK!!! Yonce nailed Lloyd!! And now McClane!!! We got choas!!! Yonce cleared them both out with the World Title!!! Wait!!!
Here comes Cyris Raven and Madrean!!! The Hardcore and TV Champions!!! They dive into the ring!! Two on One!!! Yonce ducks the title shots!!! Double clothesline!!! Yonce turns around and yells at the entrance!!! RIGHT ON CUE!!!!!
Here comes the Tag Champions!!! Trenton Sharpe and Dan Dehart!!!! Fans are going wild!!! Yonce is clobbered by Dehart!!! Trenton to the top SHARKS TOOTH!!!!! NO!!! Yonce rolled away just in time!!! Dan Dehart with the Tag Title!!!! Ducked!!! WORLD TITLE SHOT!!!! Nick Yonce has cleared every champ in the BJWC from the ring!!! The ref is telling everyone to leave ringside!!! Fans are amazed at such action from the flooding of the locker room! Everyone is leaving up the ramp except for McClane Rebecca and Yonce!!! McClane is on the top ropes, he snuk his way up there!!! Yonce turns around!!! CLOTHESLINE FROM THE TOP ROPES!!!! McClane with some stomps and locks on the MICHIGAN CLOVERLEAF!!! McClane has almost made this his new finisher!!! And you can tell by the look in the champs face that it is a damn good one!!! Fans chant "Yonce" over and over! But Nick has no where to go, he is in the center of the ring!!!! Nick starts clawing towards the ropes but after a few pulls he runs out of energy and McClane yanks him back to the center of the ring! Nick Yonce screan and build momentum by swinging his shoulder back and fourth and finally turns the move over and McClane releases. The fans go nuts as now a limpy Yonce goes to work!!! Side slam!!! Second rope axe handle!!!! Nick Yonce is making a huge comeback!!! Tilt a whirl Piledriver!!!! Yonce pulls him up!!! TIGER DRIVER 89!!!! Cover!!! 1..............2...............3NO!!! Kickout!!! Barely got his shoulder up!!! Knee lift by McClane!!! Yonce took his eye off Chris and paid the price!!! Yonce reverses an irish whip!!! He telegraphs the back body drop!!! ROCKER DROPPER!!! McClane climbs to the top ropes!!! Yonce kicks the ropes with his feet!!! Pulls himself up!!! Grabs McClane on the top ropes!!! IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!!! NO!!! Rebecca pulled his foot!!! Mcclane landed on Yonce!!! Rolls him up!!!! 1.............2.............3NEW CHAM....NO!!!! Ref said it was a two count!!! Fans are in shock!!! McClane gets pissed and yells at the ref!!! Yonce walks behind McClane!!! McClane was ready for it and grabs Yonce who walks right into the PARALYZER!!!!! Ohh my god it is over!!!! It is over!!!!
1.............2..........WHAT THE HELL!!!?!?!?!!? McClane stood up!!! He waves to Rebecca she tosses him a mic and she then tosses the World Title to him. McClane stands over Nick and says:
Chris McClane: "I am sure you are woundering why the great Chris McClane would not take the
belt now. I mean I had it won, but I stopped the count. That is because
being the God of Wrestling (Points to his new shirt) you know alot about timing and plans. It is not
the right time for me to win this belt. My time is soon but not now. This
is because Dan and you have a match at the PPV. If it is for the World
Title you will both fight at the top of your games. That is what I want to
see. I want to sit back after I beat Brandon Lloyd and watch you two tear
each other apart. See my time comes later. I am making a promise to the
BJWC and all of it's wrestler that I will be a 2-time World Champion by the
end of May. So for now Nick, take care of this."
McClane slowly lays the World Title accross Yonce's busted body!!! He lays is across his chest!!! YONCE GRABS HIS ARM!!! The fans go nuts!!! Yonce pounds away at his face!!! Whips him into the ropes!! McClane stumbles out!!! Belly to belly suplex!!!! McClane pops back up dazed. Kicking combination by Yonce!!! Nick Yonce is simply beating the hell out of McClane. He whips him into the corner!!! Sits him on the top!!! Rebecca comes over!!! MISSLE DROP KICK BY YONCE TO REBECCA's CHEST!!! She goes down hard to ringside!!!! Then Yonce hops back over the ropes!!!! IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!!!! IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!!!! Cover!!! 1.........2...........3!!! It's over!!! It's Over!!! Nick Yonce!!! What a battle!!! Nick Yonce has beat McClane again that is three in a row!!! Yonce holds the belt up and exits in a rush of cheers as the MCA Center explodes!!!!
WINNER: Nick Yonce remains BJWC World Champ
James Edgebrook: What a fight!!! What a match!!! We are out of time!!! Bloodlines should be great!!! Next Riot should be great!!! See you all next week!!!!
(BJWC went over a few minutes and quickly cuts to the local news.)