Friday Bloodlines April 21st

The clips begin to roll, as another BJWC Bloodlines kicks off in the Houston Astro Dome. Dan Dehart hitting the Devastator on Nick Yonce. Darren hitting the Fall on Roadkill. Brandon Llyod hitting the overdose on many men, one after the other. The Bloodlines logo appears on the screen while the theme blares over the PA system. Once again, clips begin to flash across the screen, as the fans look in excitement. Clips of Brandon Llyod holding the north American title flash by, as do clips of him holding the Hardcore title from day's of old. Clip of Blade hitting the Bloodsword on many unlucky opponents. Clip of Roadkill and Cyris Raven in Division 2 battling each other in a hardcore match. Clip of the same two holding the TV and Hardcore Title face to face in the BJWC Division 1. Clips of Darren Anthony hitting the FALL on a number of Main Eventers. Clip of Nick Yonce holding the WrestleBowl ring in his hands. Clip of Darren clobbering Billy Jay backstage. And final, a shot of Nick Yonce holding the BJWC World title above his head after last weeks Riot concluded.

The scene fades into the arena, and shoots of the sea of fans that pack the house tonight. Signs such as "Slick Rick is G-O-D", "Dan is the man with the plan", Yonce=Ratings", "Darren has sex with donkey's", and "Kurt Swagger=Money Loving Gringo", and so fourth. The fans are going nuts tonight for another edition of Bloodlines.


"The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis hits and the fans erupt in laughter, they stare toward the entrance waiting for the man himself, Jeph Phillips to come out, and he does. James Edgebrooks creeps out from behind him and leads the charge toward the ring. They enter the ring, mic in hand, and kick off the show with the tradition words of wisdom.

James: Welcome, fans and addicts, to another edition of BJWC BLOODLINES!

The fans mumble to themselfs, as James give the less-than-immpressive opening lines. He stands there, with a frown on his face, and continues.

James: It appears as if Brian Hart and Gary Cooper, the hosts of Bloodlines, were detained at an Afrcain Airport when there flight plans where screwed up, so that leaves me, as Senoir announcer, and Jeph Phillips in charge of the commentary!

The fans, still very uninterested, mumble to them selfs and James grumbles. Jeph snatches the mic, snickering at Jame's failure, and takes over.

Jeph: The lineup for tonight is a dosy folks, and I do mean dosy.. First up, we have the Bloodlines title defended in a Sixman Over-the-top RUMBLE!

The fans erupt at Jeph, who unlike James, seems to have a bit of charisma

Jeph: The Hardcore title is up for grabs in a four man Ladder match. Cyris puts his gold up against Dominator, Taurus, and ROADKILL! The main event for tonight may, once again, heat up one of the hottest fueds in BJWC History. In a NON title match, Nick Yonce goes head to head with the Up and coming star, DARREN ANTHONY! THAT IS A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN FOLKS!

The fans erupt, and begin to chant the name of Nick Yonce.


The fans erupt as Jeph and James exite the ring and take there places at the announcers posistion.


James: Well fans, tonight is going to be one to remember, with the Main event involving almost all the top stars of the BJWC.

Jeph: Yes sir, Brandon Llyod and Chris McClane sitting ringside, that match looks to be action packed inside, and outside the ring.

James: Well lets get started with the Rumble for the newly found, Bloodlines title, where some of the BJWC newly aquired talent will face off.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLooDLiNeS Title match: 6 Man over-the-top-rope RUMBLE Maveric vs. Masta Killa vs. Damien (Champion) vs. Odin vs. Wayne "The Blade" Coll vs. Seth Chapel

"Unforgiven" by Metalica hits, and the fans give a mixed reaction to the Bloodlines Champion, Damien, as he makes his way to the ring. Mic in hand, he entere the ring and mounts the turnbuckle, stareing into the crowd. The sweat drips from his face as he walks to the center of the ring and addresses the crowd.

Damien: Well, I'm here in Houston, TX. Where everyone is related and sisters and brothers are together as a couple.

Fans boo Damien, to his surprise, or so he makes it look.

Damien:Well, you know the thing with Roadkill? {BEEP} him. I'm going solo. I'm going to beat the hell out of these jobbers, and that is it. They all are going to become DOG MEAT.

Damien throws the mic down, and awaits his apponents in this Bloodlines title match.

"Moon Baby" bits the Maveric makes his way down the ramp to a mixed reaction for the new comer.

"My name is" by Slim Shady blares over the PS system the the vetren of the BJWC walks out, and makes his way to the ring. The fans give him a warm recpetion, they definitly favor him to win this match. He enters the ring and he, Damien, and Maveric stare each other down as Wayne Coll makes his entrance.

"Make me bad" hits and the fans erupt for the long time BJWC wrestler, Wayne the Blade Coll. He walks through the curtians and the fans begin to chant his name, the are obviously behind him to win this match. From behind runs Odin and Seth Chapel, they attack Wayne and Drag him to the ring and the match begins.

Seth and Odin slide Wayne in the ring and Damien jumps on him. Damienn is pounding the fallen Wayne in the head when Masta hits a drop kick to the back of his head. He pulls him up by his air and whips him to the ropes. OH! MISSLE DROP KICK FROM ODIN TO MASTA KILLER! Damein, still running, hits the ropes and bounces back running right into SETH FOR A MONKEY FLIP! HE LANDED ON WAYNE! Maveric final gets into the mix and forces Masts into the corner and begins to stomp him to the ground. Odin runs in with a splash and takes both men out with a singal move! He pulls Wayne out and HITS A STANDING DROP KICK AND WAYNE FLIPS OVER THE ROPES! He landed on the aprin, so he isn't gone yet! He pulls himself up and ODIN WITH ANOTHER DROP KICK! WAYNE STAGGERS BUT DOESN"T FALL! DAMIEN WITH A LOW BLOW ON ODIN! He whips him into the ropes and WAYNE PULLS THE TOP ROPE DOWN WHILE FALLING ON THE APRIN! ODIN IS GONE!

Odin Eleminated

Wayne is back up and final back into the ring and he meets Damien, who kicks him in the stomach and hits a DDT! Damien is now stomping on Wayne and SETH AND MAVERC WITH A DOUBLE SHOULDER BLOCK! Damien falls violently to the mat and Seth and Meveric pull him back up. The set him up for a DOUBLE SUPLEX! THE LIFT HIM! WAIT! MASTA WITH A SUICDE DIVE OFF THE TOP ONTO ALL THREE MEN MID SUPLEX! THE HAVE GOT TO BE HURT! Damien is sitting in the corner, hpeong not to be noticed while the action contniues. Masta finally makes it to his feet and he whips Seth into the ropes. Seth ducks a clothe line BUT WAYNE COLL WITH A MONKEY FLIP! SETH FLIES OVER THE TOP ROPES AND ONTO THE SPANISH ANNOUCES TABLE! OH THE CARNAGE!

Seth Chapel Eleminated

Only Damien, Wanye Coll, Maveric, and Masta Killer remain in this action packed match! Masta catches Wayne as he stands up and rushes him into the corner. KNIFE EDGE CHOP! The fans Aww as he hits a few more. DAMIEN FROM BEHIND WITH THE BLOODLINES TITLE! HE WHACKED MASTA! WAYNE HOPS ON THE TOP ROPE! BLOODSWORD!!! BLOODWORD!! MASTA IS OUT OF IT! DAMIEN WITH THE BLOODLINES TITLE AGAIN THIS TIME TO WAYNE COLL! He is now stomping on Wayne Coll and laughing. The fans are BOOING LIKE CRAZY! MAVERIC WITH A DROP KICK! DAMIEN IS DOWN! Maveric picks him up! SRAIGHT SHOOTER!! Damien is OUT OF IT TOO! Wayne coll is trying to make it too his feet, WAIT!! STRAIGHT SHOOTER TO WAYNE COLL! WAIT!! REVERSAL! WAYNE HOOKS ON THE FRONT CHANCERY AND RUNS! BLOODSWORD! HE PICKS MAVERIC UP! KICK TO THE STOMACH! POWERBOMB ONTOP OF DAMIEN! MASTA LOWBLOWS WAYNE AND ENDS HIS RUN! Masta is back to his feet, Russian legsweep by Masta. He quickly gets to his feet and hits a LEGDROP! he is on a roll now! He picks Wayne back up and hits him with right hand, after right hand, Wayne staggers back to the ropes. Masta rushes forward AND A CLOTHELINE! WAYNE DUCKED! MASTA FLIPS OVER THE ROPES AND LANDS IN THE APRIN SLIDING BACK IN QUICKLY TO AVOID WAYNE KICKING HIM OFF THE APRIN! Damien is back up, and so is Maveric. Maveric Swings at DAMIEN AND HE DUCK! ATOMIC DROP! MAVERIC STUMBLES TO THE ROPES AND DAMIEN RUNS IN! HE IS FLIPS OVER THE ROPES! DAMIENS IS GONE, BUT THE REFS DON"T SEE IT! HE GRABS A CHAIR AND SLIDES BACK IN! HE HITS MAVERIC, THEN WAYNE, THEN MASTA KILLA! HE CLEANED HOUSE, BUT HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE OUT OF THIS MATCH! He drops the chair and picks Wayne up and begins to give him a few lefts, and some rights. He whips him to the ropes. REVERSAL! Damien to the ropes AND HE RUNS INTO MASTA KILLA WHO JUST GOT BACK INTO THE RING! Each grabs there face in pain and Wayne takes advantage of the situation. He catches Damien from behind, GERMAN SUPLEX! He stands right back and grabs Masta Killa scopes him up and slams him. Wayne is heading for the top. He is up there! WAIT! MAVERIC OUT OF NO WHERE WITH A LOWBLOW! DAMIEN LOOKS TO BE BEATEN PRETTY BADLY! HE PUSHES WAYNE OFF THE TOP TURNBUCKLE, AND HE SLAMS INTO THE FLOOR OUTSIDE THE RING! The refs huddle around him to see if he is ok. WAIT! DAMIEN WITH THE BLOODLINES TITLE AGAIN, AND HE CONNECTS TO THE BACK OF MAVERICS HEAD! HE FALLS OUY OF THE RING! HE IS GONE!

Wayne Coll and Maveric Eleminated

MASTA KILLA AND DAMIEN ARE THE ONLY ONE's LEFT! Masta is up, and he hits Damien from behind with a double axe handle! he begins to work on him and beat him down. He whips him to the ropes POWERSLAM! Masta picks him back up and whips him to the turn buckle. RUNNING SPLASH! REVERSED! DAMIEN MOVED AND MADE MASTA CRASH INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! Masta stumbles backward into Damien who hits a inverted DDT. He picks him back up, and whips him to the turnbuckle. MASTA IS WALKING UP THE TURN BUCKLES! HE JUMPS AND SPINS IN MID AIR! DROP KICK! DAMIEN LOOKS TO BE OUT OF IT! Masta picks him up and signals for the end! he whips him to the ropes, but Damien holds on, drops down, and leaves the ring, but not before reaching in and grabbing his title! He isn't eleminated yet, but he is WALKING OUT! Masta can't do anything about it! Damien stops over Wayne Coll, who is still out with refs surrounding him, and stumbles up the ramp beathing hard. The fansa re booing there hearts out! MASTA SLIDES OUT OF THE RING AND IS SPRINTING UP THE RAMP! HE HITS HIM FROM BEHIND AND HEADS BACK TO THE RING, DAMIEN IN HAND! HE THROWS HIM BACK IN AND BEGINS TO POUND HIM AGAIN! He whips him to the ropes, and hits a clotheline! he picks Damien up, and signals for the end again BUT WAYNE COLL IS TRYING TO GET BACK IN THE RING! ALL THE REFSARE HOLDING HIM BACK. Masta whips Damien to the ropes agian and CLOTHELINE OVER THE ROPES! NEW CHAMP! NEW CHAMP! Masts is raising in hands in voctory but the ref's didn't see it! DAMIEN ROLLS BACK IN, AND WITH A LOW BLOW, TAKES CONTROL! He spins in around, kick to the gut, CHICAGO SIDEWINDER! He quickly gets to his feet and picks Masta up. Wayne Coll has now left and the refs turn to the match and MASTA KILLA FLIES OVER THE TOP ROPE! DAMIEN WINS! The hand him his Bloodlines title, and I a mic and the talks over the booing fans!

Winner: Damien [ Bloodlines Champion ]

Damien: You know what I don't need you guys. All the fans can get on their hands and knees and lick my ass. You all should be worshoping me. All fans suck. They can go to hell..

Wait! Her comes Bronco Bobby, another new comer to the BJWC! He has a Hobby horse in his hands, and he is approching Masta Killa from behind as he gets to his feet. HE PANTS MASTA! HE JUST PULLED HIS PANTS DOWN! He now tears the hobby horses head off and a brander is concealed underneth, it is the letters BBM! HE JUST STUCK IT TO MASTA's BOOTY! HE BRANDED HIM! Mast jumps in pain and Bronco rushes to the back, followed by Damien who exited the ring to boo's laughing at Masta Killa.



Jeph: Yeah, but that is what it takes these days to make it in the BJWC!

James: Masta Killa was robbed of a win right here folks, and Damien has made it clear that he doesn't like the fans one bit. This was a great match by lot of newcomers, and they are surely to rise up the rankings fast if they continues to entertain the fans like this!

Jeph: WAIT A MINUTE! We have beaking news on Brian Hart and Gary Copper's absence, or should I say, we know what happened! Roll the footage.


Backstage Interview


The scene fades to backstage, infront of a huge BJWC logo, that sits infront of a fence wall. This is a classic interview area for the BJWC. Two voices are heard mumbling, and a hand swings into the camera's view. After a few seconds two men walks infront of he camera. It is Paco Delgado and Bobby Magic! Jeph Phillips runs intothe scene huffing and puffing, as if he were running, which he was. Jeph is holding a mic, and he greets the two vetrens of the BJWC.

Jeph: Bobby, Paco, you have told sources that you know what happened to commmish Hart and Gary Copper. Is there any truth to that?

Bobby gives Jeph a goofy smile.

Bobby: Thats right, we do know what happen to him, right Paco?

Bobby winks at Paco, and he too gives off a goofy smile.

Jeph: Wait ... You didn't! YOU DID, DIDN"T YOU!

Bobby and Paco give each other high fives and laugh it up. Jeph give them a stern look and pokes Bobby in the arm.

Jeph: HEY! He fired you, and you know you can get arrested for what you did!

Paco: We didn't do anything, Gary did! He helped us switch the plan tickets that were in Harts breifcase.. HA! Hart is trying to take two legends away from the BJWC, it just isn't right!

Jeph's jaw drop's, and he look of confusion comes over his face.

Jeph: Legends? You two has the worse win lose records in he BJWC!

Paco and Bobby respond in unasin

Bobby and Paco: THE FANS LOVE US!

Jeph: So what are you going to do tonight? I see there is a return Dummy on a pole Match, and it is obvious that you two are invovled in it.

Bobby: Don't worry, but your going to see the return of two great stars tonight, and were not talking about Boarder Magic.

Bobby and Paco walks away with a spring int here step, laughing as teh scene fades back to ring side.


James: Jesus, don't those two ever give up! Its seems as if Paco and Magic kept Brain Hart away from Bloodlines so they could ride once again HAHAHAHA! Gary Cooper asisted them in this plan, and I can't wait to see who is returning tonight in the Dummy on a pole match. Jeph Phillips has returned to the broadcast location.

Jeph: James, I have no idea who those two were talking about, but it is obvious that there silly antics will be here tonight.


The BJWC theme hits and the fans erupt as two men walk out. They are dressed in bad wigs and clothe that are too large for them. They look like Outlander and the Salz! The make there way to the ring, mic in hand, and enter. The go to the enter of the ring, as the fans chant OUTLANDER

Inlander: I, I have finally made my return to the BJWC! I am the INLANDER! I AM TOO BE FEARED! BWAHAHAHAHA!

The Other man snatches the mic and his wig falls off! IT IS PACO DELGADO!! He struggles to get his wig back on, and talks!

The Salt: HEY! You suck man, I am the greatest wrestler to ever lace'em up! I am THE SALT!

The fans erupt is laughter as the two get into a shoving match

James: Jesus christ! These two are complete idiots!

Jeph: HAHAHAHA! This is a classic! Shades of gary Cooper.

Paco and Bobby begin to push each other more and a fight breaks out.


Return Dummy on a Pole Match Inlander vs. The Salt

Inlander whips The Salt into the ropes and hits a DROPKICK! The fans are going nuts! He begins to stomping them and The Salt begins to cry! He is holding his knee and Inlander looks worried. He leans over to check on his fallen friends and A POKE TO THE EYES! Inlander stumbles back holding his face and the Salt jumps to his fet laughing! he whips Inladner to the ropes. Leapfrog BUT INLANDER CACTHES HIM! POWERBOMB! He picks him up and pushes into the corner and begins to stomp him. He turns and struts out of the corner laughing a bit. THE SALT IS UP! HE RUNS UP BEHIND INLANDER AND GIVES HIM A WEDGEY!! INLANDER IS SCREAMING IN PAIN AS THE SALT WRENCHES AWAY AT HIS UNDERPANTS! He lets him free and he falls to the mat in pain. What a vosious move! The Salt begins to stomp him and drops a few elbow's on Inlander. He picks him up AND INLANDER SWATS HIS HANDS AWAY! LEFTQ LEFT! RIGHT! RIGHT! SCOOPS HIM UP! BODYSLAM! He goes to the top. HE WOBBLES! HE FELL OFF! OH MY GOD HE SUCKS! Inlander makes it to his feet, as does The Salt and they SWING AT EACH OTHER BOTH HITTING WITH A RIGHT HOOK! They are both out, and the ref starts with the manditory ten count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... They both get up at the last minute and Inlander swings for a clotheline and The Salt ducks A SCHOOLBOY ROLL UP!! REVERSED THE SALTS PANTS HAVE BEEN YANKED DOWN! HE HAS NO UNDEREAR! AHHHHHH!! THE THREE COUNT! INLANDER WINS! BOBBY MAGIC GETS HIS FIRST EVER WIN IN THE BJWC AND THE FANS ARE GOING NUTS!

Winner: Inlander


James: OH MY GOD! DID YOU SEE THE SIZE... I mean.. Umm... a great match, huh?

Jeph: Those two are idiots, and wait till Brian Hart gets wind of this, he is going to be furious..

James: Well that actually was an entertaining match, I mean, the wedgey was used, and I thought Inlander was done for after a devastating move such at that.

Jeph gives James a odd look, and doesn't bother to ask him about his comments on the size of, well...

Jeph: Nah, now is The Salt would have hit the backscratch, then and only then would the match have ended..

James: Whoa fans, we have word that Billy jay has arrived, and is on his way not, and I know he obviously has alot to say about Riot, Slamfest, and a few other topics.


In-ring interview with Billy Jay


"Calm like a Bomb" hits the speakers. Billy Jay, the Prez is on his way to the ring. We have boos rolling in throughout this entire stadium.He holds his personalized PREZ mic and speaks

Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to Bloodlines! And do I have some OFFICIAL BJWC NEWS FOR YOU TODAY! Hot off the press folks. I have officially driven Dan Dehart out of the BJWC!!! His legacy has ended and each time his name will be mentioned from now on it will be in PAST TENSE because the FORMER 4-Time Champ is gone. And is simply history now. Ohh, and another thing. For Riot's Main Event, the Triple Threat for the NA Title will have a NEW added stipulation, Brandon Lloyd will be defending TWO things at Riot. The first fall in that match will be the #1 Contender! The SECOND fall will be the North American Champ. So any man can become either or both. Roadkill and Darren have all the oppertunity in the world! (sinister laugh)HAHAHA And that is......a Billy Jay......GARUNTEE!!! "Calm like a Bomb" hits again as fans boo and Billy Jay exits as the fans in an uproar over his comments.


James: DAN DEHART GONE! OH MY GOD FOLKS! THAT IS A SHOCKER! DAN DEHART, THE TRUE FRANSHISE IS GONE! I can't beleive it myself fans. Jeph: AND RIGHT ON THE HEELS OF THAT HE ANNOUCES THE ADD STIPULATIONS TO THE MAIN EVENT OF RIOT! Bj is on a roll my friend, but wait! We have word that Trenton Sharpe has a few things to say about this, he is heading out here right now.


'Wicked Garden' by STP hits the Pa system. Trenton Sharp walks out and the crowd explodes. Trenton dressed in Kaki's and a black Flesh and Blood tank top and the belt wraped around his waiste. Trenton makes his way to the ring as fans are shouting for the other half of Flesh and Blood. Trenton just smiles to the crowd as he approaches the ring. Trenton climbs into the ring and grabs the mic:

Trenton Sharp:"The Shark has come out here tonight before you because he still has the belt but remains without a partner."

The crowd boo's as they don't want to see Dehart leave.

"Ya i know. It sucks that my cuz is leaving but we have to move on. It's time for me to rebuild on my own and to find a talented wrestler to help me defend these tag titles next week. But before I get to all of that, I have a little suprise for you all."

Trenton looks at the entrance and says.

"Come on out for one last time."

'Seek and Destroy' by Metallica hits over the loud speakers. Out walks one of the all time greats,Dan Dehart. The crowd goes crazy. They give Dehart a standing Ovation.

Trenton: "Come on down here cuz, for one last time."

Dan walks to the ring as many fans shake the legends hand. Dan makes it to the ring and tears of knowing that this is his last time out runs down his face.

Trenton:"Dan, I hate to see you go Bro, but I know why you have to. You have been an inspiration to many of us here in the BJWC espeacially me. You have made me the wrestler I am today. Without you by myside I would not have ever made as far as I have. I owe you a great deal of gratitude. I may one day make it to the top but I won't ever forget who made it all possible. And that is you. I will try to fill your shoes, but I know that I am a long ways away from that right now."

Dan just stands there with a look on his face as if he don't want to give all of this up, but he knows that it is time.

Trenton:"Dan, you and I have been talking about one wrestler that you have seen alot of talent in and I have always over looked because of our past. I have been watching him lately and you are right. He is one that is rising to the top very quickly. I have decided to ask him to help me defend these belts and keep the dream alive for Flesh and Blood. Dan I would like for you to take this mic one last time and ask that man to joinyour cousin."

Trenton hands the mic to Dan. Dan grabs it with lots of emotions knowing it will be the last time talking in front of the BJWC.

The crowd goes nuts as Dan begins to speak.

DAN:"Thanks cuz, I appreciate allof this. Before I call out this man's name I would like to say something to my fans. I will miss you all and thanks for always supporting me through out my career."

The crowd pops of as Dan tanks them.

Dan:"Now on to calling this person out. I have chosen to call this person out to tag up with Trenton because my cousin deserves this belt and I think that this one man can help him maintain it. So what do you say about being Trenton's tag team partner, ROADKILL."

The crowd looks confused as they know that Roadkill and Trenton have been enemy's since day one of their arrival to BJWC.

Dan hands the mic back to Trenton.

Trenton:So what do you say Roadkill. Can you and I overlook our past and team up and show this fed what you and I can really do if we are on the same side. Well, you have until I leave the building tonight to decide if you want to be a Tag Team Champ. I know that you will make the right decision. So RK, forget the past and look into the future as the BJWC Tag Team Champs."

Trenton drops the mic and gives Dan a hug and then the two shake hands as they are about to be no longer champs together. As they exit the ring all the and head towards the entrance a banner is dropped that reads..


Trenton And Dan exit and the scene cuts.


James: OH! They just offered Roadkill a spot in Fleash and Blood! Will he accept?

Jeph: We will have to wait and see, so lets move onto our next match.. Four men, one title, and four of the up and coming stars today. Cyris Raven the Hardcore champion, Taurus, Daminator, and Roadkill.. Roadkill would be a favorite to win this match, but the fact that he has lost to Cyris two times already just make you wonder.

James: I don't know Jeph, Taurus could pull this off, buts lets get into this match!


4-WAY HARDCORE TITLE LADDER MATCH: Hardcore Title is NOT hung right above the ring. It is hung throughout the whole arena. It starts out above the ring, but can move anywhere in the rafters, therefore the title will not always be held above the ring. WINNER is first man to grab the title Roadkill vs. Dominator vs. Cyris Raven (Champion)vs. Taurus


Suddenly the lights go out! A low thundering echoes through the arena, slowly turning into the opening drums of Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful People". The crowd goes crazy in recognition of the entrance, and white spotlights flash like lightning in harmony with the drums.

As the guitar riffs rip through the music, ROADKILL steps out from behind to a loud cheer. He walks to the ring calmly, staring emotionlessly into the crowd. He is wearing his black jean shorts, and a black leather jacket with "RK" on the back.

Roadkill reaches the ring and rolls in underneath the bottom rope. Standing in the center of the ring, Roadkill raises one arm with his fist clenched tightly, as the turnbuckles spray white fireworks as the arena lights up. The crowd roars to welcome Roadkill!!

Dominators theme hits and the fans give the big man a mixed reaction as he makes his way to the ring for the Hardcore title match. OUT RUNS TAURUS BEHIND HIM AND ATTACKS DOMINATOR! HE DRAGS HIM TO TH RING AND ROADKILL AND TAURUS BEGIN TO STOMP DOMINATOR!


Cyris hits the ring DROP KICK ON ROADKILL! Domnator and Taurus battler is out and fall to the outside. TAURUS HIT THE TDS! ON THE CONCRETE! He reaches under the ring and pulls out two tables and a ladder and slides them in the ring! Roadkill is whipped into the ropes. BACKBODY DROP! NO, RK WITH A FLOATOVER! Dropkick to the back of Cyris's leg! Cyris is down, and looks to be hurt as Taurus begins to get back in the ring he is hit with a low blow from Dominator and A POWERBOMB OFF THE APRIN TO THE FLOOR! Dominator slides in the ring and sets up the 16 foot ladder and tables! Roadkill picks Cyris up and whips him into the ropes POWERSLAM! Dominator gets RK attention and they help each other set these tables up. They lays cyris across both of them and Dominator IS CLIMBING UP THE LADDER! THAT IS SIXTEEN FEET IN THE AIR! TAURUS IS BACK IN! HE PUSHES THE LADDER OVER AND IT CRASHES INTO CYRIS! THE TABLES DO NOT BREAK AND THEY ARE UNFORGVING! RK pulls Cyris off and whips him to he corner. He stumbles out and RK hits him with a drop kick to the knee, and he back up ROADKILLER! Cyris is out! Taurus is mouting the top rope! SENTON SPLASH ONTO DOMINTOR WHHO IS ON THE LADDER WHICH ARE ON THE TABLES! THEY STILL DON'T BREAK! Taursu rolls off and sets the ladder back up and climbs to the top. RK WHIPPED CYRIS INTO THE LADDER! TAURUS GOES FLYING TO THE OUTSIDE AND HITS THE FLOOR HARD! Cyris turns around RK with another drop kick othe knee and a Power Bomb ONTOP PF DOMINATOR AND THE TABLES! Taurus, on the outsdie, pulls out four tables and sets them up one after the other facing the bacstage area, and sets up another ladders as the TITLE MOVES FROM ABOVE THE RING TO ABOVE THE RAMP! Taurus, slowly but surely, heads up the ladder. Cyirs is whipped into the ropes on the inside, but he hangs on. RK rushes in with a clotheline BUT CYRIS DUCKS AND RK GOES ROLLING OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE! Cyirs limps to the edge, watching Taurus reach for the title. He sprits to the far ropes, he is going to try a sring baord menuver! RK IS BACK ON THE APRIN! HE PULLS THE ROPE DOWN AS CYRIS JUMPS AND HE GETS ALMOST NO ELEVATION! CYIRS LANDS FACE FIRST ON THE TABLE AND CRASHES THREW IT! CUris makes it to his feet and rolls onto the second table! RK turns and jumps! SPRING BOARD MOONSAULT! CYRIS MOVES AND RK SMASHES THOUGHT THE TABLES!The title is moving again! back to the ring, and Taurus doesn't look happy! Dominator slides out of the ring and heads for the ladder that Taurus rests on. He climbs up one side and the two behin to battle! Taursu gets the advantage, and SUPLEXS DAMINTOR OFF THE LADDER THROUGHT THE REMAINING TWO TABLES!IT IS COMPLETE CARNAGE OUT THERE! RK is back up and he throws Cyris into the ring, who can barely stand. RK goes under the ring and slids a table, and another ladder in the ring and slides in himself. Cyris swings and RK comes back with a drop kick oto the knee dropping Cyris to the ground on pain. Roadkill sets the ladder up, and the table right next to it and a LOWBLOW FROM BEHIND! Cyris turns RK around and DDT! HE is scaleing the ladder now and RK is not pleased. RK gives chase and they both make it to the top of the ladder and THE TITLE MOVES! IT MOVES TO THE TOP OF THE RAMP! RK GRABS CYRIS AS HE REACHES FOR THE MOVING TITLE AND DEAD MANS END DVD!!! THREW THE TABLE! OH MY GOD! Taurus is back to his feet, and carring the ladder to the top of the ramp where the Title is now. Dominator gives chase and they begin to brawl! Dominotr with a kick to the gut! TOTAL DOMINATION POWER BOMB! NO!! REVERSAL! TAURUS LANDS ON HIS FEET AND WHIPS DOMINATOR OFF THE EDGE OF THE STAGE AND HE LAND ON THE TECHNITIONS TABLE! RK is in the ring with a steel chair AND HE IS BEATING CYRIS'S LEGS IN! HE IS TEARING HIM APART! He pulls him out of the ring, both men covered in Cyris's blood, and drags him to the top of the ramp. Taurus is climbing the ladder again, and he reaches the top. The title is right above his head but he doesn't reach for it?!? HE DIVES OFF LANDED IN DOMINATOR SMASHING THE TABLE TO PEICES! Roadkill is laughing as he sets up Cyris on a table that is ont he stage. RK IS CLIMBING THE LADDER! HE IS TRYING TO KILL CYRIS! HE REACHES THE TOP AS CYRIS ROLLS OFF THE TABLE! HE PUSHES THE LADDER OVER! OH!!! RK LANDS ON DOMINATOR AND TAURUS! THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE! WAIT! The title is lower into CYRIS HANDS!!! HE TEARS THE TITLE OFF THE HOOK! THE MATCH IS OVER! CYRIS RETAINS THE TITLE!

Winner: Cyris Raven [ Hardcore Champion ]



Jeph: JESUS CHRIST! ARE THEY DEAD?! The title just lowered into Cyris's hands after he took the beating of his life at the hands of Roadkill.. Well, while they clean the ring up, and get those great athletes some medical attention, lets bring out out guest commentator, and guest time keeper. Chirs McClane and Brandon Llyod.


NON TITLE MATCH Nick Yonce [ Champion ] VS Darren Anthony

"Hate me now" hits and the fans immediately begin to boo as Chris McClane comes out from the back with a cocky grin on his face. He makes his way around the ring and to the annoncers posision where he takes the place of James EdgeBrooks.

Jeph: Welcome to the broadcast location, Chris.

Chris: You shut your damn mouth Phillips, I can introdice myself, don't need you hanging on my nuts!

Jeph: Well here comes Brandon Llyod

Chris: Yeah, here comes a worthless waste of feash, a man that is no match for the God of Wrestling.

"Brain Damage" by Emineim hits and the fans erupt as the BJWC North American Champion walks out. He has the title around his waist, as he makes his way to the time keepers chair. He sits down and he and Chris have a stare down.

(SUDDENLY, "The Beautiful People" starts blaring through the arena!!! The crowd cheers!!!)

Chris McClane: What the fu...?!?!

Jeph: Its RoadKill, he isn't supposed to be here!

(Roadkill steps out in his street clothes!!! He has a microphone in his hand, as he begins walking to the ring. He is taped and bandaged up from his match that took place no less than ten minutes ago!)

Roadkill: Nick Yonce versus Darren Anthony? Brandon loyd, special timekeeper? And Chris McClane, guest commentator?? You guys have a party, and The 'Killer isn't INVITED?!?

Jeph: Of course, Roadkill has a vested interest in this match, as he'll be facing Brandon Lloyd and Darren Anthony at Riot in a triple-threat match for the North American Title!

Chris: Who gives a shit! This guy sucks, and is nothing compared to me. he is lucky I am in a good mood, or else I would get in that ring and drop him on his battered head!

(Roadkill shakes his head)

Roadkill: Tsk! Tsk! Shame on you all!! But that's okay I was ALWAYS the type to crash parties!! So what THIS party needs, is a GUEST RING ANNOUNCER!!

(Crowd cheers Roadkill on, as he rolls into the ring. He walks over to the current ring announcer,...)

Roadkill: Hit the road, tubby!!

(...and pushes the ring announcer away...)

Roadkill: In a world he did not create, he will go through it as if it were his own. Making: half man, half beast. Don't know what the f*ck it is, but it's A voice cuts Roadkill off fromt he back

Voice: A sack of shit, with not wrestling ability what-so-ever and he calls himself REDBOB!

"Enter Sandman" hits and it is now obvious that Darren Anthony has cut off Roadkill once again. He struts out of the back, Jennifer streaks by his side, and mic in hand, and makes his way to he ring.

Darren: Ya know, Rodhead, your pathetic attempts to gain notoreity are really getting boring.. You can make yourself the Guest ring annoucer all day, but what does this gain you? Nothing. Your trying to jump in where you don't belong, the Main event.. You see, after your third lose to Cyris, you should have went home and drowned your pain in food, but no.. You had to come out here, didn't you? You had to stick your nose in my buisenss again..

(Roadkill exits the ring and grabs a seat at ringside, while Darren anthony enters the ring.

Shock the Monkey" Coal Chamber featuring Ozzy Osbourne, the fans raise in cheer! I guess the fans are taking Yonce as a face for this match!! They are going nuts for the Champ!!! Nick Yonce walks to the ring slowly climbs in and holds the title high in the air!!! Hands it over to the ref.

Chris: Jesus, these two are both talentless bastards

Jeph: What?

Darren rushes in with a clotheline but Nick ducks! LEFT! RIGHT! LEFT! Nick is taking it to Darren and the fans are going nuts! HE WHIPS DARRING INTO THE ROPES! BACKBODY DROP! HE picks him up and a scope slam followed by a elbow drop! Darren quickly gets to his feet and retreats to the corner but Nick follows! MULEKICK! Darren with a cheap shot and now he is wroking over Nick. He whips him to the far turnbuckle, reversal, POWERSLAM BY YONCE!


Chris: The ONLY reason that ass if champ is because the ass he is wrestling lended is sorry ass a hand!

Nick picks Darren up Quickly and whips him to the ropes, but he hold on, Nick is going for a clotheline and DARREN DUCKS! Nick flies over the top rope and AND YANKS DARRENS FEET! He hits face first ont he matt and Nikc yanks him to the outside and swings but Darren blocks and counters with a hit of his own. He now whips NICK INTO THE RINGPOST! Nick jerks sidways as he hits and Darren immedialy throws him back in the ring! He slide in and mounts the second ropes and hits a elbow drop! Wait! Here comes Cyris Raven, and Medrean, both carring there titles! The slowly walk to the ringside area and begin to watch the action. Darren picks Nick up and whips him to the turn buckle and rushes in BUT NICK MOVES AND IMMEDIATLY TAKES ADVANTAGE! He liftes Darren to the top rope! IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!!!! NO! DARREN HELD ON TO THE TURN BUCKLE AND NICK HIT HARD WHEN HE FLEW BACKWARD! Darren stands up and A FROGSLASH! NICK PUT HIS KNEE'S UP! DARREN ROLLS OVER IN PAIN AND NICK PINS HIM! 1....2....KICKOUT!

Chris:These two are the most unentertaining men I have ever seen in my life!


Chirs: OH!?! Weeeeeell Watch THIS!

Chirs takes his head set off and runs to the ring and hops on the aprin! The ref is trying to hold him back when meanwhile TIGERDRIVER 89'! NO REVERSAL!! HART ATTACK! NO!! ANOTHER REVERSLA! TIGERDRIVER!! IT IS OVER!! NICK IS MAKING THE PIC BUT THE REFS IS DISTRACTED! BRANDON PULLS CHRIS OFF THE ARPIN AND THEY BEGIN TO BRAWL! Nick picks Darren back up ans the ref is fianl back in the match. Nick sets him up for a suplex. Darren with a float over and HE PUSHES NICK INTO THE REF! THE REF IS OUT! HER COMES CHRIS AND BRANDON! AND ALL OUT BRAWL IS BREAKING OUT! HERE COMES ROADKILL!! CYRIS IS SETTING UP A TABLE RINGSIDE! PARALYZER ON BRANDON! TIGERDRIVER ON NICK!! NO!! REVERSAL! POWERSLAM! LOWBLOW BY DARREN TO NICK FROM BEHIND! HART ATTACK! ROADKILL SPRINTS ACROSS THE RING AND KNOCKS CYRIS OFF THE APRIN AND HE AND MEDREAN CRASH INTO THE TABLE AND THE FAN ARE BOOING RK! Nick is back up, as is Darren and the double clothes line Chris out of the ring! HERE COMES RK! He tackles Nick from behind and Brandon is all over him now! Brandon picks him up AND A OVERDOSE! Nick is back up and RIGHT! LEFT! RIGHT! He is laying into Darren again! He whips him to the ropes! Reversal into a samonain drop! Brandon has cleared the ring, and Nick and Darren are alone again! WAIT A SECOND! RK JUST TOOK THE TV TITLE AND LEFT RINGSIDE! CYRIS AND MEDREAN ARE GOING AFTER HIM! Nick and Darren are still going at it int he ring! Darren whips Nick into the ropes and CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! NICK IS TAPPING! NO REF!! NO REF!! Darren lets go and proceeds ot kick the ref numerous times until he wakes up. DARREN TURN INTO THE TIGERDRIVER 89'!! NICK PINS HIM 1.....2.....3 NO!! DARREN KICKED OUT AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND! McClane in on the aprin again and the ref is telling him to get off! Nick is picking Darren up LOWBLOW! He spins him around! NO REWVERSAL AND NICK THROWS HIM TO THE ROPES! REVERSAL INTO THE FALL!! THE FALL!! Darren pins 1......2......! NO HOW DID HE KICK OUT!?!?! Brandon is up now, with the North American title in hand! Darren picks Nick up and NICK WITH A COMBACK! HE IS LAYING INTO DARREN AGAIN!!!! HE whips him to the ropes and BRANDON IS GOING TO HIT DARREN! REVERSAL! NORTH AMERICAN TITLE TO THE BACK OF NICK! HE STUMMBLES! THE FALL! DARREN PINS! 1.......2.........3 WE HAVE A WINNER!

Winner: Darren Anthony

Brandon enters the ring and Darren exits and heads upthe ramp. Nick is back to his feet and he and Brandon get into a pushing match! Brandon tried to explain what happened. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------