Tuesday Riot April 25th

Tuesday Night Riot
Tuesday, April 25th, 2000
Seattle Kingdome, Seattle, Washington
BJWC Productions
("BJWC Theme blares up over a black screen that morphs into the BJWC logo as clips begin to play. Starting with Nick Yonce and Chris McClane fighting each other for the World Title, with Roadkill, Cyris Raven and others running to the ring in a frenzy. Clips of Darren and Brandon Lloyd along with Wayne Coll and Roadkill in the #1 Contender Shot Rumble. Clips of Brandon Lloyd hitting the OVERDOSE on Darren and winning the rumble. Clips of Lloyd OVERDOSEing Dan Dehart and pinning him for Dan's final match. Giving Lloyd the spot at Slam Fest to fight Yonce for the World Title. Clips of Roadkill winning the TV Title from Madrean on Bloodlines. Clips of Cyris Raven and Sub Zero yelling at each other. Clips of Trenton Sharpe with both titles around his shoulder trying to decide how to go about the Tag Titles. Clips of Dan Dehart retiring from the BJWC. Clips of Billy Jay laughing at Dan's announcement and applauding as the fans booed. Clips of Masta Killa, and Odin battling each other. Clips of Maveric and the Dominator in the glass pit match. Clips of Taurus and Cyris Raven in the Hardcore Match of a lifetime. Clips of Nick Yonce and Lloyd standing face to face. Main Event for SlamFest 2000, a Five Count Match World Title Match.
(Pyros explode into the air and shoot from one side of the arena to the other over the yelling fans heads. Signs are being held up high into the air, like "McClane is a McNugget!" "Strictly Business Lanier Riley (Crossed out) Darren Anthony!" "Madrean versus Rebecca, PLEASE GOD!" "Dan just Double D Expressed his way out!" "YWO Yonce World Order" and many many more. Fans are going wild as the scene calms down and the entrance video cuts to black.
"Calm like a Bomb" hits the speakers! Boos ring out of every corner in the stadium. Out steps the Prez of the BJWC! Billy Jay. His coat today says : "XTF: Now Recruiting" as Billy Jay rolls into the ring and begins to speak.)
Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to TUESDAY NIGHT RIOT!!!!! Slam Fest Two Thousand is just around the corner! And hell! We got a lot of matches to sign this week. But that ain't the TOPIC tonight! Ohhhh no!!! Tonight is the night when XTF begins recruiting. XTF with the greatest leader of all time, (looks both ways.) ME.
I checked the roster, we lost World Champs, we lost Main Eventers and we lost Top Stars. I got on the phone. I called World Champs, I called Main Eventers, and I called New Top Stars!!! The BJWC has just open the flood gates to the NEW generation of the BJWC Talent.
I tried to figure out why we lost all this talent and then I came to my senses and looked at my payroll! COMMISHIONER BRIAN HART!!!!!!
(Out steps Brian Hart at first mention of his name. You can tell he just arrived and fans are wondering wether to boo or cheer. But he walks out obviously serious about this encounter. He gets about a step away from Billy Jay with his own mic and begins to talk. )
Brian Hart: Billy Jay, I'm sick and tired of your SHIT! You blame me for every mistake this fed ever had! I try to help you out and you turn your back on me and cold heartedly make it IMPOSSIBLE to do my job!!!!
You try doing something without any support!!! You try!
Billy Jay: Hart, first off you weren't even supposed to be allowed into this building. I don't want anyone else to quit because of you.
Brian Hart: This is exactly the kinda crap I am talking about! Try sticking up for SOMEONE, try looking out for SOMEONE try it!!!!
Billy Jay: Alright. Hart, maybe I didn't back you but I do look out for people!!! Starting now anyone wanting to join the newest UNBEATABLE force in the BJWC join my very own XTF!!!!! I will look out for them and success is what I will bring with me.
Brian Hart: Is that what you call recruiting? Your wrinkles are getting to you old man!!! Your just gonna sit back and take anyone that wants to be on your side? How will you get any top stars? You don't know do you???? Thats because you know nothing!!! Billy Jay why don't you step aside and let a REAL MAN show you how to build a team!
Billy Jay: Are you challenging me, against you to see who can form a better faction!!! Are you kidding me??!?!? Because April 1st was a good 20 some days ago. I will take that challenge!! At SlamFest you show me your team and I'll show you mine!
Brian Hart: I beat your ASS twice in the ring, and nothing, NOTHING can stop me from deoing it again!
Billy Jay, your making a big mistake. Making me Commissioner was the only smart thing you EVER did! And this Stable Idea was one of a LONG ASS list of mistakes you've made!!! SlamFest we will truely find out who can run a better group! And Billy Jay, it won't be you!!!!
(Brian Hart exits up the ramp to a chorus of boos and things. Fans yelling and tossing stuff. Billy Jay remains in the ring.)
Billy Jay: This is for the ENTIRE BJWC Locker, I already know some of you are already with me!!! But now is the time to decide!!! ARE YOU WITH ME???? Or are you with Hart?!?!! Make a choice!!! Let me know!!! I GARUNTEE success and fame!! Join XTF and help me demolish the VIRUS known as HART!!!!
With that said, at Slam Fest 2000 the Faction War will be won by XTF!!! And........
............that My Friends and fellow XTF Followers.............
........Is A........
..............................BILLY JAY GARUNTEE!!!!!
("Calm like a Bomb" hits immediatley as the fans are in a roar after hearing this pledge for a STABLE WAR at Slam Fest 2000! Crowd is pumped and yelling loud.)
James Edgebrook: Welcome Mariner Fans!!! We are here live in the KingDome with a packed house full of BJWC Addicts ready to witness the greatest show in the BUSINESS!!!! Can you beleive what just was announced?!?!!? SLAM FEST 2000 will have a 5-Count World Title Match, a TV Title brawl, a Tag Turmoil type of event for the Tag Titles, and NOW a Hart Faction Vs. a Billy Jay Faction in a STABLE WAR. Billy Jay and Brian Hart will try to recruit every wrestler on the roster to join their sides, who will go where? Can Hart by trusted? Can Billy Jay's Promises be for REAL? SLAM FEST 2000 is ON FIRE!!!!!
I know we have some big stars returning for the Tag Turmoil Match. Roadkill has sprung ideas that he may be in this Tag Turmoil Match, I have heard things from many other top wrestlers that Tag Match may steal the show!!! Speaking of that we have word Jeph Phillips is back in a SPECIAL Slam Fest 2000 mode tonight looking for anything he can find for the big matches at SlamFest 2000!!! Lets check in with Jeph!!!
Jeph Phillips with a SLAM FEST 2000 BackStage Interview with the Hardcore Champ
Jeph Phillips: (Walking down a hall.) Thank you James. Slam Fest 2000 despite some talent problems in the ROSTER is looking better than EVER! How will these wrestlers decide which side to take? Hart or Billy Jay? People could take either side. Brian Hart always has tricks up his sleeve. But Billy Jay is promising glory and success with the XTF! Let us check in with Cyris Raven and Madrean the Hardcore Champ and the TV Champ.
(He steps into a door labeled "Cyris Raven". Inside hanging over a chair is the Hardcore Title. Cyris Raven is not to be found be noises from the bathroom can be heard and the water is running.)
Jeph Phillips: (Knocking on the bathroom door.) Cyris Raven. What do you plan for the Hardcore Title on Sunday? (Knocks again) Cyris Raven?
(Women scream is heard and the door kicks open. Sub-Zero has Madrean by the hair pulling her from the shower she has on a towel and is screaming in horror. Sub-Zero speaks to her.)
Sub-Zero: (Speaking to a nearly naked Madrean who is wrenched in pain.) Is this what you wanted,
little deary? Because I have even worse things on my mind now. Ha, ha, ha!
Jeph Phillips: Sub Zero what the hell are you doing?!?!!?
(Sub-Zero looks up and Madrean hits a low blow!! She then runs back into the bathroom covering herself with the towel. Sub-Zero tries to get the door open, but she holds it tight!!! All of a sudden Cyris Raven from the left comes out of nowhere!!!! CRACK!!! Steel Garbage can wrapped around Sub-Zero's face!!! Madrean comes back out with the SHOWER CURTIAN and Cyris Raven and Madrean wrap him in the Shower Curtian. Then lean him against the wall and take turns wacking him with steel chairs!!!! Jeph Phillips scream and calls security and runs out of the room, as the Security pull a very upset and nearly nude Madrean from the attack and Cyris Raven out of the room.)
Jeph Phillips: (Back in the hall way, out of the way of the commotion.) Unbeleivable! Sub Zero went and violated Madrean and pulled her out of the shower, she was nearly exposed and very upset. But Cyris Raven returned and together they beat the hell outta Sub Zero and I think he may have troubles. And these BJWC Secuiry was a little RISKY, grabbed Madrean all over the place. Do they not know common courtesy! Let the women get her clothes back on first!!! SHE WAS REALLY SWINGING THE CHAIR!!! Sub Zero may think twice about attacking her again! She's got the looks and the talent to become a true champion, probably why she is already a former TV Champ!!!! Back to you James.
James Edgebrook: Never thought I would see Madrean like that, if you know what I mean. Wet and Angry, I'm just kidding! But she really made Sub-Zero pay for that attack. And Madrean will walk away from this one, while Sub-Zero may not be able to. Cyris Raven may have been hiding and waiting to get the attack because as soon as Madrean got away Sub Zero was nailed and Cyris Raven showed us those Hardcore skills he has. I wonder if Billy Jay or Brian Hart can recruit the BJWC Hardcore Title for SlamFest!!!
Next up is the first to pin 4-way brawl! Four of the BJWC newest talents! All four of these guys need to take this big step into the fed. And winning this match will put them one step closer to the top. This will be Seth Chapel's Ring Debut here in the BJWC.
4- Way Brawl
First to Pin
Seth Chapel (Ring Debut)
Jack "The Mack"
Bronco Bobby
FAS enters first and the fans seem to be on his side. Being the most experienced of the four. Seth Chapel out next and the match began right away with them two pounding each other. Jack "The Mack" stepped out, he sprints to the ring and all three trade blows. Jack "The Mack" hits a pair of closelines and then a sideslam and a bulldog. FAS and Chapel roll to ringside to saftey. They both roll back in after a short rest and the brawl begins again! Bronco Bobby steps out and slowly walks to the ring, taking his sweet time. He grabs Jack "The Mack"s foot and drags him ringside and slams him into the steel steps and then into the railing!! Bronco Bobby is stomping away. The match was back and fourth in the ring with Seth Chapel and FAS!! But FAS hit a swinging neck breaker!! THEN A DIVING SUICIDE SPLASH onto both men at ringside and stood on the ropes getting the fans approval. Jack "The Mack" was the first up and they battled hard in the ring each getting a few suplexes off. But when FAS went for a missle drop kick Jack the Mack caught him and was attempting a running powerbomb which was reversed into a HURRICANRANNA into a pin! Which gave FAS the victory as Bronco Bobby and Seth Chapel battled up the ramp.
James Edgebrook: FAS cleaned house. I wonder if any of these four guys will join Hart or Billy Jay's XTF! FAS looks to be on a roll, along with Jack "The Mack" who really made a good showing. I great opening match for these four.
Next up we have........ wait, it seems Roadkill is out a little early for his match, he may announce some things about Madrean and the TV Title situation. Let's see what he has to say!
In Ring Interview with Roadkill
[Suddenly the lights go out! A low thundering echoes through the arena,
slowly turning into the opening drums of Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful
People". The crowd goes crazy in recognition of the entrance, and white
spotlights flash like lightning in harmony with the drums.]
[As the guitar riffs rip through the music, ROADKILL steps out from
behind to a loud cheer. He walks to the ring calmly, staring
emotionlessly into the crowd. He is wearing his black jean shorts, and a
black leather jacket with "RK" on the back, and is carrying the TV
[Roadkill reaches the ring and rolls in underneath the bottom rope.
Standing in the center of the ring, Roadkill raises both arms up - one
fist is clenched tightly and the other hand holds up the TV belt, as the
turnbuckles spray white fireworks as the arena lights up. The crowd
roars to welcome Roadkill!!]
[Roadkill signals to the ring announcer for the microphone - it is
promptly tossed to him. Roadkill raises the microphone to his mouth, as
the fans are going wild!]
ROADKILL: In a world he did not create, he will go through it as if it
were his own. Making: half man, half beast. Don't know what the f*ck it
is, but it's a sonnuva b!tch, it's pissed off, and it calls itself...
[The hot crowd finishes the catchphrase by yelling out: "ROADKILL!"]
ROADKILL: Now I've got two @sses to kick later tonight - but I've also
got some things on my mind, so I'll make this short and sweet. First of
all, last week at Bloodlines, Dan Dehart...
[Crowd roars as they hear Dan's name... Roadkill nods...]
ROADKILL: That's right, Dan Dehart and Trenton Sharp... Flesh and
Blood... come out and offer The 'Killer the spot as Dan's replacement as
Tag Team Champ. Guys... I'm honored... really. I appreciate the fact
that the greatest wrestler in BJWC history would like The 'Killer to
take his place. Trenton Sharp and The 'Killer never really saw
eye-to-eye on things, and Dan...
[Roadkill shakes his head...]
ROADKILL: You should know me better than that! I'm not the type of guy
that wants to be handed things on silver platters - The 'Killer wants to
EARN his title shots, The 'Killer wants to earn his TITLES!! Besides,
those are pretty damn big shoes to fill, maybe The 'Killer ain't cut out
for it...
[Crowd boos]
ROADKILL: And then we have Damien, Bloodlines Champ...
[Crowd boos even more...]
ROADKILL: ...and Damien, you've repeatedly been offering your tag-team
services to The 'Killer, with no response. Well that's 'cause I didn't
think you had it in ya. But I watched you at Bloodlines... son, you've
got spunk. Maybe my first impressions of you were a little premature.
[Roadkill begins pacing in the ring...]
ROADKILL: So Trenton... Damien... tell ya what I'm gonna do. The
'Killer is officially signing himself up for Slamfest... The 'Killer is
officially throwing his name into the Tag Team Turmoil match!!
[Crowd cheers]
ROADKILL: And just so you know, The 'Killer doesn't work well with
others. So it's gonna take me a good week of thought... a good week of
weighing both offers. And at Slamfest, and ONLY at Slamfest... I'm
gonna decide who to team up with in the Turmoil Match. It could be YOU,
Damien... or it could be YOU, Trenton. And believe me, WHOEVER it is...
we WILL walk out of Slamfest as THE BEST F*CKIN' TAG TEAM IN BJWC!!!
[The crowd roars!!!]
ROADKILL: And secondly... I've got a TV Title here that doesn't belong
to me... that DOESN'T belong to Madrean. It belongs around the waist of
SOMEONE WHO DESERVES IT!! But since Madrean IS the Television Champion,
I can't do anything about it.... EXCEPT.... Except, the fact that I
will NOT return this title to you if you do not defend this title, right
here, right NOW!!! So Madrean... come out here NOW... and bring your
fat-@ssed boyfriend with you!!!
[The crowd cheers!!! CYRIS RAVEN'S MUSIC HITS!!! Cyris Raven and
Madrean step out!! BOTH LOOK REALLY PISSED!!!]
ROADKILL: THERE'S the lovely couple now!! Aye Madrean... thought you'd
sneak through Riot without defending this title??? NUH UH!!! It ain't
gonna happen!!! And guess who you're opponent will be?!?
[Cyris Raven and Madrean are yelling at Roadkill from the top of the
ramp, cursing at him]
ROADKILL: It will be.... former World Champion, Dante Calavria
(The crowd goes wild!!! Cyris Raven and Madrean are stunned!! Their
jaws literally dropped to the ground!!! AND OUT RUNS the HARDCORE PIZAN!!!!! He HAS RETURNED!!!!)
Dante grabs Madrean from behind!! He's carrying the small package
with him to the ring!! Madrean is kicking and screaming, as Cyris Raven
gives chase from behind!!! ROADKILL CUTS OFF RAVEN OUTSIDE THE RING!!!
Roadkill is pummeling away at Cyris Raven!!!!
Dante IS BACK in the BJWC!!!!
Dante rolls Madrean into the ring, DDT!!! DDT!!!! Pins the small 130-pounder!! ONE!! TWO!! THREE!!!
NEW TV CHAMP!!!! Dante has come back and won it!!!! In one day!!!! Dante is the new TV Champ!!!! Cyris Raven and Dante now look at each other!!! The fans are going wild!!! Dante points to the crowd and holds up the TV Title!!! A new TV Champ. Is their a relationship between Dante and Roadkill? Or was Dante in the right place in the right time!!!
WINNER: Dante Calavria NEW BJWC Television Champ
James Edgebrook: WOW! Dante comes back! Roadkill gives him a TV Title match! Who is with who? And what the hell is going on? Will anyone pick up Dante on their stables, for the PPV? This is getting interesting! And the Hardcore Pizan has returned! The fans love it, and I love it!
We are waiting for the World Champ to arrive here and he still has not arrived, Jeph Phillips is staking out his locker room waiting for his arrival into the arena. Who will his partner for the Tag Title be later tonight? Does anyone know?
Well, after Madrean has been attacked backstage and then losses the TV Title, and Cyris Raven beaten by Roadkill, now he must fight Chris McClane in a non-title match up. This should be an excellent battle.
NON-Title Match
Chris McClane
Cyris Raven (Hardcore Title)
Cyris Raven paid Sub-Zero back earlier, but Roadkill got the last laugh and Chris McClane has Cyris Raven a little pissed off as well. Maybe Madrean will consider taking Rebecca's Title at SlamFest 2000! She has a mystery opponent but who will it be?
"Hate Me Now" hits the speakers. Out steps the former champ and Women's Champ, Chris McClane and Rebecca! The fans boo this duo. They have both gained a lot of respect and Rebecca is currently held the Women's Title for longer than any other women and that record is climbing each day she holds it. And she is beating her own record from before. Rebecca and Women's Champ are usually used in the same sentence.
Out steps Cyris Raven and Madrean. Madrean is also pissed, she just lost the TV Title. She and Cyris charge the ring and dive in!!!! We have a intergender battle right now!!!! Madrean is pounding away at Rebecca. Cyris Raven and McClane are going at each other. INVERTED DDT by McClane, no reversed RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP by Cyris Raven! Cyris Raven wants to teach Chris a lesson, he is sitting on his chest pounding a hole in his skull. Rebecca recieves a belly to belly suplex!!! The Hardcore Champ and former TV Champ are cleaning house in the ring!!!! Rebecca rolls out and hands Mcclane a chair. CRACK!!! He nails Cyris Raven from behind!!! Rebecca slaps Madrean in the face she spins around!!! Into McClane, tries to hit McClane, ducked!!!!! PARALYZER!!!! Madrean is down and she bounces off the mat and she may be out. She is not moving!!! Cyris Raven is pissed!!! He is going balistic!!! Psycotic Delusions!!!!!!! Ohh my god!!! He hit his finisher lightning fast!!! Wait!!! McClane is trying to get up!!!!! McClane is trying to get up from Psycotic Delusions!!!! CAN HE DO IT?!?!?!?! He does it!!! McClane has just survived the Psycotic Delusions!!! How did he do it?!?! Cyris Raven shakes his head and grabs the dazed Chris McClane!!!! Psycotic Delusions!!!!!!! He hit it again!!!! Cyris Raven has hit him twice with his finisher!!! Pin!! 1...........2...........NO!!! Cyris Raven pulls him up!!! He wants to do more!!! He whips him into the ropes BIG BOOT!!! He clothesline him over the top rope!!! FLYING SUICIDE SPLASH!!!! He runs McClane up the ramp!!! HE WHIPS HIM OFF!!!! NO!!! Reversed!!! Cyris Raven goes off the edge!!! LANDS ON THE HARD FLOOR BELOW!!! Chris McClane backs up!!!! FLYING ELBOW!!!!! OFF THE RAMP!!!! Cyris Raven rolled out of the way!!! Cyris Raven pins McClane!!! 1..........2.............3!!! It's over!!! Cyris Raven has done it!!!! Wait!!! McClane is right back on his feet?!?!?! WHAT THE HELL????
WINNER: Cyris Raven
Chris McClane: (with mic on ground to left of ramp.) Cyris, I survived two Psycotic Delusions!!!! I am still up now!!! If you have any balls! Let's go again!!! RIGHT NOW!!! Since you only won on my mistake anyways!!!! Let's go another round!!!!
NON-Title Match
Chris McClane
Cyris Raven (Hardcore Title)
Crowd goes nuts as Cyris Raven agrees with him!!! McClane with a gut wrench POWERBOMB!!!! MICHIGAN CLOVERLEAF!!!! McClane has it locked on!!! Cyris Raven won't give up!!! McClane is sitting all the way back!!! The ref is forcing Mcclane to break the hold because I think the ref was afraid of Mcclane breaking his back!!! McClane is dragging Cyris Raven into the ring!! McClane has grabbed a monitor from the announcers booth!!! He slides it into the ring!!! McClane runs, ducked by Cyris Raven!!! DROP TOE HOLD ON THE TV!!! McClanes face bounced off of it!!! Cyris Raven pulls him up!!! Psycotic Delusions!!!!! NO!!!! Reversed!!!! Back body drop!!! That was close!!! McClane grabs him!!! From behind!!! PARALYZER!!!! PARALYZER!!! ON THE TELEVISION!!! It breaks into smoke and rubble!!!! WHAT A JUMPING PARALYZER!!!! Chris McClane may have killed him!!! McClane stands as the fans cheer his big move!!! McClane stands over Cyris Raven!! Glaring down at him!!! Pin! 1..........2...........3...Wait! McClane is calling for a five count!! He wants to rub it in!!! The ref gets back down!!!.................4..................5!!! McClane has done it!!! He has beaten Cyris Raven!!!
WINNER: Chris McClane
James Edgebrook: What a battle! Chris McClane walked out the last victor. But Cyris Raven did get a pinfall. I hope Cyris Raven doesn't have any perminent back damage from that TV to the lower back he took! Cyris Raven has made his FULL share of enemies and he is becoming a top name here in record time!!!! He has really caused a stir!!! McClane, Roadkill, Taurus, and Sub Zero all arch enemies of Cyris Raven or at least it would seem! He is really getting a lot of heat and having Madrean win the TV title just made it worse as people seem to br gunning for him.
Nick Yonce is still not in the building and the Tag Match is not to far around the corner. We now Roadkill won't be his partner yet tonight. And we don't know who is Nick Yonce's partner, and we don't know if Nick Yonce will even show up tonight with rumors of him retiring, could he possibly announce the end of his career, TONIGHT?!?!?!
We are moving on to the first ever FISH TANK MATCH! We have BJWC Officials wheeling out two large fish tanks!!! Whoever can smash a fish tank over the others head, or send their opponent thru one will be the winner. We know Taurus is a Hardcore expert, but we havn't seen what Odin can do yet. Odin is really getting a bigger response and is on his way to the ring!
Winner must send opponent into Fish Tank
We seen both of these men take on completley crazy transformations. Both into a more hardcore more dangerous stage. Which has turned into a more powerful man? This will be the test of it. Taurus has lost his manager to control him and he wants revenge and Cyris Raven's Hardcore Title back and according to the BJWC Council the winner of this will be the unofficial Hardcore #1 Contender! Odin has a seriously EVIL look on his face as he waits for Taurus' entrance. The silence begins. Odin continues to stare at the ramp.
"Dragula" by Rob Zombie hits! Out comes Taurus!!! He sprints to the ring!!! The crowd is going nuts!!! Taurus is absolutley pounding Odin into the mat!!! Odin rolls under the ring to ringside and grabs a fish tank he then sets it on a table at ringside!!! Odin yells at Taurus telling him he is gonna send him thru the table and the fish tank!!! Taurus, gives an evil look. FLYING SUICIDE MISSLE HEADBUTT TO RINGSIDE!!! Taurus has no care for his body!!!! Odin was laid completly out!!! Taurus sets up another table at ringside and lays Odin on it!!! Taurus to the top ropes!!!! FLYING FROG SPLASH!!!!! TO RINGSIDE THRU THE TABLE!!!! OHH MY GOD!!!! Odin rolled out of the way!!!! Taurus is totally NUTS!!!! Odin gets to his feet and grabs a fish tank!!! This match could be over!!! Swings the fish tank!!! NO!!! Taurus kicks him in the gut!!! He drops the tank!!! It doesn't break. Taurus and Odin now fighting up the ramp!!! What the hell is going on!!! Taurus grabs a fish tank and runs up the ramp at ODIN!!! Odin ducks!! DDT!! DDT by Odin!!! Odin up first!!! LEG DROP ON THE RAMP!!!! Odin now calling for the POWERBOMB!!! No!!! Low blow by Taurus!!! Taurus IS CLIMBING THE BILLY-JAY-A-TRON!!!! What is he doing?!?! Odin is up and grabs the fishtank! Turns around!!! MOONSAULT BY TAURUS!!!! FROM 15 FEET OFF THE BILLY-JAY-A-TRON!!!!! SUPERMOONSAULT!!!! SHATTERS THE FISH TANK BETWEEN THEM!!!! OHH MY GOD!!! GLASS IS EVERYWHERE!!! The CROWD IS GOING NUTS!!!! Taurus has cuts all over him!!! Odin has cuts all over him!!! WAIT!!! Taurus is climbing BACK UP THE Billy-Jay-A-Tron!!!! What is he doing?!!?! Here comes a dozen BJWC Officials!!! They are trying to help Odin!!!! MOONSAULT!!!! Taurus has done it again!!!! TWO SUPER MOONSAULT!!! These fans are going nuts!!!! The entire group of refs are down!!! Taurus is grabbing them and whipping them OFF THE EDGE OF THE RAMP!!! Taurus has gone crazy!!! Fans love it!!!! Taurus exits to a standing ovation!!! Wait!!! Taurus has got the other FISH TANK!!! HE SHATTERS IT OVER HIS OWN FACE!!!! What is he doing?!?!!? He is proving that he does not care about his own health!!!! Ohh my god!!! BJWC Hardcore Division watch out!!! Taurus is FUCKING NUTS!!!! He has gone completly crazy!!!! Taurus is completly MAD!!!!
WINNER: Taurus
James Edgebrook: Are you kidding me?!?! Taurus losses his manager and he completly goes crazy!! TAurus was filled with 100% Rage. He took out all his anger and demolished the man formerly known as Odin! That was a complete bashing. I know Cyris Raven will not be wanting to fight Taurus again after that display! Taurus in my book is by far the BJWC Hardcore Number One contender. I don't think anyone in this league can beat Taurus when he is like this! Smashing the glass over his own head after winning the match! Two super moonsaults from 15 feet in the air! Odin who looked like he could have won the match just couldn't handle the crazyness of Taurus. I know Odin will want revenge.
One more match before the Tag Title match still no word or sign of Nick Yonce or who his partner will be tonight! Plus, we know Brian and Billy Jay have started this Stable War thing and now we will have to see who gets which BJWC Superstar, because they will be fighting to recruit guys, I think Taurus would be a GREAT pick up for either Stable!!! He is looking better than ever.
Next up is a good match. Masta of Evil versus the Bloodline aka US champ Maveric who has been on a huge roll lately! Special Guest Ref is Masta Killa who may play a big role in the outcome of this match! Hopefully it will be a fair match.
Special Guest Ref: Masta Killa
Masta of Evil
Maveric (Bloodlines aka US Champ)
This match was a suprisingly awesome fight. But many fans decided to get refreshments so the crowd was not into the action. Maveric entered first followed by the guest referee, Masta Killa. Masta of Evil came rushing to the ring and clobbered Maveric with his own belt. Maveric faught out of a kneeling headlock and then a boston crap with pure power. Maveric came back with chops and hit a STO! Masta of Evil hit a diamond cutter type move off the second ropes as he stunned Maveric with a headbutt to his triangle. Masta of Evil hit a nasty sidewalk and covered for a near fall. Maveric faught back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a GERMAN SUPLEX FROM THE SECOND ROPE into a bridge for another near fall! Masta of Evil faught back and Masta Killa kept getting in his way. Evil tried to hit Masta Killa but he ducked and Maveric was crushed across the face with a right hand. Masta of Evil went to the top ropes!!! Maveric dives into the corner and crotched him then climbed to the top ropes with Masta of Evil!!! CHICAGO SIDEWINDER FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!! And that was all she wrote!!! 1.....2......3!!! Huge victory for the Bloodlines Champion Damien!!! Fans go nuts for the finish and his finisher is becoming a deadly one.
WINNER: Damien
James Edgebrook: A great match for those two. Damien is quickly becoming a huge force in the BJWC, he has really built up a nice record and that Chicago SideWinder is putting everyone out. Masta of Evil should be honored to fight with him and do that well. Damien is quickly climbing the ladder and he hasn't found anyone who can stop his run yet.
It is supposed to be time for the Tag Title Match. Jeph Phillips is backstage with Billy Jay to tell us what is going for this Tag Match since neither of the teams are making their way out to the ring.
Backstage Interview with Billy Jay about the BJWC Tag Titles
(Jeph Phillips is standing next to Billy Jay who seems eager to start the interview.)
Jeph Phillips: Thank you for joining me Billy Jay. Nick Yonce has not yet arrived, and I was wondering if he, or his partner who we do not know is yet, has contacted you tonight, about the Tag Title match tonight.
Billy Jay: I just got of the phone and Nick Yonce and partner have decided to not be here for the Tag Title Match.
Jeph Phillips: Interesting. And what about Trenton Sharpes new teammate have you heard anything about him? Has anything been confirmed?
Billy Jay: Rumors were flying! Roadkill was expected but his interview explained his position and Trenton who is here tonight told me a few minutes ago that he was going to take on Yonce and his partner by hisself if he had to. But said that if he does not show that he does not want to fight tonight. So tonights Tag Match has been called off.
Jeph Phillips: What is in store for the Tag Titles, and the Tag Champ Trenton Sharpe now?
Billy Jay: Trenton will be forced to find his partner and have him ready for the PPV Tag Turmoil Title match at Slam Fest 2000. Any tag team that enters that PPV Tag Match has a shot at those Tag Titles. And I have heard we have some teams who are going to try and become champs, and try to hold the titles for as long as they can.
Jeph Phillips: That Tag Title Turmoil Match at SlamFest should be excellent, what do you have in store for the BJWC Addicts with the XTF? Or do you not have anyone yet in mind?
Billy Jay: XTF will have a lot of work to do, but I have already been made offers and now is the time to accept those offers and create the ULTIMATE STABLE!!!! I have some people in mind, and will see who contacts me to be a part of the XTF, and be a part of the BJWC's first ever DREAM TEAM!
Jeph Phillips: Do you think Brian Hart can create a better team or will you garuntee victory at the PPV?
Billy Jay: Come Sunday. At SlamFest you will find why XTF will be known as the most powerful stable in BJWC history having the owner as the leader is only the first strength that my group will have!
Jeph Phillips: (Holding his ear piece to his ear and looks suprised!) I have word that a limo is pulling up to the stadium. But thru the backdoor entrance and we have no camera's set up. Thanks for the interview Billy Jay, let's get to tonights Main Event! Hopefully we will find out who has arrived in the limo as well!!! We know all three members of tonights Main Event are already in the building! So who could it possibly be?
James Edgebrook: Nobody yet has figured out who has arrived here. I really have no ideas, possibly Nick Yonce? The Champ to announce his retirement? That is my only guess.
The Main Event is now! Billy Jay on Bloodlines announced tonight Main Event for the Number One ContenderShip AND for the NA Title. Brandon Lloyd will be truely put to the test. Any man can walk away with one or both of those prizes! First to pin wins the Number One Contender Spot and second to pin is the NA Champion! This should be a damn fine match.

Number One Contender Match/North American Triple Threat Title Match
First to Pin is the Number One Contender
Second to Pin is North American Champion
Any Man can walk away with both, one or none of the Prizes
Brandon Lloyd (NA Champ and Number One Contender)
Darren Anthony
[Suddenly the lights go out! A low thundering echoes through the arena,
slowly turning into the opening drums of Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful
People". The crowd goes crazy in recognition of the entrance, and white
spotlights flash like lightning in harmony with the drums.]
[As the guitar riffs rip through the music, ROADKILL steps out from
behind to a loud cheer. He walks to the ring calmly, staring
emotionlessly into the crowd. He is wearing his black jean shorts, and a
black leather jacket with "RK" on the back.]
[Roadkill reaches the ring and rolls in underneath the bottom rope.
Standing in the center of the ring, Roadkill raises both arms with his
fists clenched tightly, as the turnbuckles spray white fireworks as the
arena lights up. The crowd roars to welcome Roadkill!!]
The best entrance in the BJWC Today! And possibly of all time!!! Roadkill has gotten such feedback form BJWC Fans and he is surely a future Main Eventer. And this being his first Main Event he obviously wants to prove something tonight! He could be the one that fights Yonce at SlamFest if he wins this first pin tonight!
"Enter Sandman" Metallica hits the arena!! The fans stand!!! It's Darren Anthony!!! He runs out and dives into the ring!!! Darren and Roadkill are already on each other!! Both of these men are at their peek and are just pounding each other! Roadkill is gaining the advantage. This brawling style is right down Roadkill's path! He knows how to brawl his way thru a match! The crowd is going nuts!!! Elbow across the neck! Roadkill is in early control. Roadkill with a full press slam showing his raw strength. Darren rolls right back up CLOTHESLINE!!! Flipping Roadkill! What a blow! These fans are going nuts. Darren with a HUGE hip toss sending him way high into the air! He quickly locks on a Crossfaced Chicken Wing! The fans are chanting for "Roadkill".
"Brain Damage" by Eminem hits the speakers!!! It's the NA Champ. The Number One Contender! Brandon Lloyd!!! The crowd goes nuts! Darren breaks the submission and meets Lloyd as he dives in!!! CRACK!!! NA Title to the face!!! Roadkill stands!! Ducks a title shot to the face!! Kick to Lloyds gut!!! Roadkill with a pulling piledriver!!! The crowd is totally going crazy!!! This place is gonna blow!!! These three are simply rocking the walls. Darren walks right into a death valley driver!!! Roadkill with a cover!!! 1..........2.......KICKOUT!!! Lloyd with a boot to the face of Roadkill. Roadkill stays up! Lloyd tries again, Roadkill grabs his foot spins him around! KICK TO THE GUT!! ROADKILLER! ROADKILLER!!!! Cover!!! 1.............2.................3NO!! KICKOUT!!! Brandon Lloyd just kicked out of the Roadkiller!!! This is why Lloyd is number one contender!!! I thought Roadkill was gonna be the new number one contender!!! WAIT!!! What is this?!!?!?
Cyris Raven sprints down to ringside!!! Madrean is down with him!!! They are setting up a table!!! Roadkill tries a spear but gets backbody dropped OVER THE ROPES!!! Roadkill lands on the apron!!! Cyris Raven hops up behind him!!! Madrean makes sure the table is in place!!! Cyris Raven grabs him!!!! CHOKESLAM!!!! Off the apron!!! Thru the table!!! The fans are going nuts!!! The Hardcore Champ just took out Roadkill!!! AGAIN!!! For what he did to Madrean and taking the TV Title away from her tonight!!!! Cyris Raven grabs a mic and hands it to Madrean at ringside:
Madrean: "Roadkill...you have to be the biggest low life
scum I have ever seen. That was very low upon what you did at Bloodlines.
But as you say...Paybacks a bitch"
Wait!! Cyris is not done!!! This was just a warning by Madrean!!! They set up another table!! They are LIGHTING IT ON FIRE!!! NO!!! Cyris kicks Roadkill and DOES HIS FINISHER ON HIM!!! He hit Roadkill with the ROADKILLER THRU THE TABLE!!!! OHH MY GOD!!! Roadkill is laying on the shards of that flaiming table!!! This is horrible!!!
In the ring Brandon Lloyd pulls Darren head over heels off the top ropes and locks on an arm bar submission. Darren fights to get to the ropes but is in a lot of pain.
Cyris Raven grabs the mic again at ringside and looks down at Roadkill as he speaks. The crowd is going completly nuts!
Cyris Raven:"Payback is a bitch...and I just got mine. If you
are close to being smart...this little fued of ours....is OVER."
Back in the ring as Cyris Raven and Madrean exit. Lloyd has the submission locked on good!!! Darren finally gets a rope break but is trying to recover from the injured arm! Lloyd with a flying shoulder block!!! Darren right back up but his arm is unable to lift Lloyd!!! Lloyd with a body slam!!! Darren up again but still holding his arm!!! Darren jumps POWERSLAM!!!! Lloyd is just clobbering Darren!!! Darren AGAIN right back to his feet!!! Lloyd grabbing him!!! OVERDOSE!!! NO!!! THE FALL!!!! NO!!! OVERDOSE!!!! Reversed again!!! THE FALL!!!! THE FALL!!!! But Darren didn't have enough to hit all of it!!! There arms are drapped across each other!!! The ref counts!!! 1.............2.............3!!! What the hell!?!?!? Who is the Number One Contender!!! The Official climns to ringside to talk it over!!!! WAIT!!!!
Here comes Chris McClane!!! He dives into the ring!!! Paralyzer to Brandon Lloyd!!! The ref turns back around dives into the ring and tries to get McClane to exit!!! Roadkill is back up and he rolls back into the ring!!! McClane clobbers the REF!!!! HERE COMES ANOTHER REF!!!!
WAIT!!! It is Billy Jay!!! BILLY JAY with a CHAIR!!! What the hell is Billy Jay doing with a ref shirt and a chair?!?!?! What is going on!?!?! He dives into the ring!!! CHAIR SHOT TO DARREN across the face!!! The fans are shocked!!! Roadkill grabs Lloyd!!! DEAD MAN's END!!!! DEAD MAN's END!!!! Cover!!! Billy Jay with the count!!! 1..........2...........3!!! NEW North American Champ!!!! Roadkill has done it!!!! Roadkill has done it!!! Billy Jay hands him the title, holds up his arm and exits quickly so neither Lloyd or Darren can get him for what he did!!!! Roadkill does the same exiting with the crowd going wild and him holding the Title high above his head!!!!
WINNER: Ref's Decision to be made at Bloodlines between Brandon Lloyd and Darren Anthony for Numbe rOne ContenderShip
WINNER: Roadkill NEW North American Champ
James Edgebrook: WHO Is Number One Contender? And what the hell was Billy Jay doing tonight? Helping Roadkill become NA Champ? Could Roadkill be the first member of XTF? Cyris Raven again attacking Roadkill, this fued will just not end each time the other one upping each other and the higher they climb the more damage they each do to each other. Cyris made it impossible for Roadkill to be Number One Contender. Then Chris McClane as well, attacking Brandon Lloyd. I'm confused as to who is one whose side. What a match! We will have to see the ref's and the BJWC's decision at Bloodlines for the Number One Contendership!!!! WAIT!!! More in the ring!!!
Brandon Lloyd and Darren Anthony in the Ring
Lloyd and Darren are brawling!!! WAIT!!! Here comes the CHAMP!!! NICK YONCE IS HERE!!!! NICK YONCE IS HERE!!!!! They are all three in the ring!!! Lloyd grabs a chair and lunges at Darren!!! DUCKS!!! Lloyd NAILED Yonce!!! And Yonce was helping Lloyd!!! Yonce is going nuts!!! He cleans the ring with a samoan drop and sends Darren over the top rope!!! Lloyd is clobbered over the top roeps as well!!! Nick Yonce is now alone in the ring the fans are going nuts!!!! Nick Yonce grabs a mic:
Nick: God Dammit Billy Jay...Get out Here NOW! We need to have a TALK!
["Calm Like a Bomb" Hits the PA As Billy Jay comes out to a Chorus of BOO's.
He looks concentrated as he reluctantly enters the ring between the middle
and top rope still wearing the stripes from his reffing job a few minutes ago. He gets right into Nicks Face! a Stare Down!!!! Nick Holds
the Mic Up to his mouth and begins to speak]
Nick: Now...BJ. As you KNOW, the BJWC is at an all Time LOW lately. The top
talent, except yours truely, Decided to hitch a ride out of here. And Sadly,
Since Wrestlebowl, with the loss of guys like Lanier, Kurt, Lee, Merlin,
Reaper, and Now Blade and Dan...We've hit a little slump. You know that
morale has been low in the locker room...and this needs to change. This Fed
Needs an Inforcer. This fed Needs someone who will Pick up the slack...Thats
why I'm asking..No...Demanding that I Become Part Owner of the BJWC...A
CO-Prez . My reign would start this friday at Bloodlines!
Billy Jay: *tsk tsk* (shakes his head in dissapointment) Poncey Poncey Poncey...What makes you think You're
Capable of Helping ME run this Joint?
Nick: BJ, You know Me...You Know that I Put my Heart into this Fed. I
GA-RUN-TEE you that I'll turn this fed around...
Nick: And Billy Jay, I plan to join your little STABLE game! Billy Jay, Brian Hart, I have just entered your WAR and I will come to the PPV with a loaded gun! I will win the stable wars!!!
Billy Jay: Well...One More Question then...What's in it for Me? Other than getting another crappy stable for the XTF to kick at the PPV. What will
YOU DO or GIVE to me to gain Part Ownership of the BJWC? Cuz it better be good, Nick!
[Nick Holds up his index finger and exits the ring. He lifts up the Ring
Apron and Pulls out a shiney Breif Case. BJ looks on with anger as Nick
quickly enters the ring again...]
Billy Jay: That's My Freakin' Briefcase! What are you doin....Ahhh...Ha! you think
by taking My Breifcase that you can ransom your way to the BJWC Council?
Nick: NO You Little WienerBitch! It's WHATS IN the briefcase that will
interest you...
[Nick Opens up the Briefcase towards Billy Jay and Billy Jay only. Away from
Camera and Fan View. Bj's frown turns upside down as a big ear to ear smile
covers his face. Nick Closes the Breifcase and Pulls out a contract and a
Pen. BJ quickly Signs it and holds out his hand! Nick Shakes it! the Fans
are Booing like mad. WAIT! A CLOTHESLINE! NICK NAILS BILLY JAY! The Fans
are Cheering like mad!!! Nick Grabs the Mic.]
Nick: See You At Bloodlines Billy Jay...
[Nick Drops the Mic and Exits to a cheering crowd]
James Edgebrook: What was IN that Briefcase! Tune into Bloodlines to find
Out!! And now three way Stable War?!?!!? This is getting out of hand!!! What could Ponce have to say for Bloodlines as he is now running the show!!! I can not beleive it!!! What a night! We are out of time!!!!
(Scene fades to the local breaking news.)