Monday Riot August 2nd

(BJWC Logo snaps onto the screen. The BillyJay-A-Tron shows clips from Outrage 99. One of the biggest PPV in the history of BJWC events. The clips end and a view of the Target Center is seen. Fans packed to the brim. The lights go out. Fans go wild! The BillyJayATron goes completly white and White Pyros go off running all the way down the ramp as the fans rise to their feet and go nuts. )

Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts! And welcome to Monday Night RIOT! I'm glad to be home in the Target center Minnesota .(fans roar. Billy Jay points up and fans go wild as the steel cage begins to drop.) Well, as you know Cyris vs. Hart for Ring Carnage 99 has already been signed in a cage. Last man standing match. (Fans go wild) Well, tonight I welcome back BJWC Hardcore Legend Karnage! Who fights his first fight back in a cage against RYU! Now I know Karnage you wanted a glass filled ringside but we just don't have that kind of glass to do it. (Boos) The cage is still a go. Let's start the match! (fans go wild as the cage creeps closer to the ground.)

James Edgebrook: Billy Jay got this place rockin so I'm just gonna watch this one do itself justice!

(The big screen flips to a backstage camera. Ponce, Devon, TA Tyrone Alguard, and TA's girlfriend all chatting. Devon is flirting with TAs Girlfriend. Devon asks to see her "T and A's" and Tyrone flips out he threatens Devon and shoves him against the wall. Ponce defends Devon and Ponce and TA get into a small scuffle. TA grabs his girl and strom out of the locker room)

James Edgebrook: looks like the Foundation is crumbling. The World Champ is having a hard time holding the group together. It looks bad for the group.
Now back to the match! The place is still rockin, I send you over to the ring.

Steel Cage Match

RYU comes stepping out to an average reaction. FAS is following him to the ring. They are twins. RYU rolls into the ring. The lights go out. Here comes Karnage. As usual he has his black bat. KARNAGE IS PULLING A WHEELBURREL! It looks like Karnage is gonna make this the match he promised. Fans are going wild. Pyros go off and he heads towards the ring. KARNAGE has sheets of glass and is slamming them into the concrete shattering the glass all over ringside. Karnage dumps the wheelbarrel and ducks under the lowering cage and rolls into the ring. The only way to win this one is to get over the top and down to that now glass filled cement floor. FAS sees the black bat and sends in a chair for RYU to even it up a bit. Bell rings. Karnage with the bat RYU with the chair. Back and fourth a little weapons battle! Finally after a good battle Karnage hits RYU's leg with a leg sweep and than hits 3 bat shots to the knee. RYU already in trouble but uses the chair from his back. Smashing Karnage twice in the skull. RYU ties up karnage arms in the ropes. RYU than grabs a chair in one arm and a bat in the other. RYU is going to work on Karnage. A few moments and Karnage is broken open and in alot of trouble. RYU starts to climb the cage. Karnage pulls himself free. He stumbles to the corner and grabs RYU and pulls him off the hard way. Karnage gains the advantage and hits a sidewalk slam on the chair. Karnage taking too long to grab his bat and attack RYU recovers ducks a bat and locks on a dragon suplex. Both back up, RYU DDT on the chair NO Karnage with a knee DDT on the CHAIR for Karnage NO elbow to the jaw. RYU with a DDT ON THE CHAIR and this one is connected. RYU with a bat to the neck of Karnage. And a choke. Karnage in no shape to continue. Bleeding. Trying to breath. And suffering. RYU hopes the buckles. Suicide dive! Karnage is plastered into the cage. RYU hurries up the cage. Karnage somehow to his feet follows him. RYU not knowing that Karnage is behind him takes his time over the very top. Karnage grabs RYU's hair as he tries to proceed down. Karnage pulls him to the top. They exchange punches and Karnage loses the war. RYU lifts Karnage up and starts to send him back into the ring but Karnage grabs his face poking his eye. Karnage now lifting RYU up. RYU reversing it and Karnage trying to reverse it back! Both men struggling fall back into the ring! Fans are going wild. Karnage took the worst of the spill. RYU fighting to his feet. RYU thinking about climbing decides to make sure Karnage is out. Choke SLAM LIGHTs OUT for KARNAGE!!!! LIGHTs OUT! Karnage pulled back to his feet, RYU going for a inverted choke slam but Karnage with four elbows to the gut. PAIN KILLER! A in air DDT! RYU is out. But so is Karnage. Ref counts....1......2.....3.....4.....5.....6......7.......8.......9....RYU rolls to his knees grabbing the cage and getting to his feet. RYU climbing slowly. Karnage sits up. Karnage grabs his bat and starts up after him. Fans are going wild as Karnage catches up to him. They meet again at the top. Karnage with three bat shots. RYU beaten down but still at the top of the cage. Karnage holds his bat high over head and start decending down. RYU grabs his hair as he did to him earlier. RYU with a pair of punches. RYU rips the bat away from Karnage. He breaks the bat over his knee. Karnage suddenly pissed. RYU tries to hit Karnage with the bat. Karnage lunges ducked. RYU locks on a sleeper at the very top of the cage. Karnage drops to his knees flipping RYU OFF FALLING ALL THE WAY TO RINGSIDE!!! FANS ARE GOING WILD!!!! RYU was just been tossed from the TOP OF THE CAGE DOWN ONTO THE PILES OF GLASS AT RINGSIDE!!! THIS IS WILD!!!! RYU WINS!!!!! Karnage is pissed. Karnage is gathering the peices of his broken bat. RYU is motionless on the glass. Glass has been engulfed in his back. FAS is helping his twin brother to his feet as a medical team comes racing down to the ring. Karnage tosses the bat shards at RYU and DIVES OFF!!!! SUICIDE DIVE BY KARNAGE OF THE CAGE ONTO RYU and FAS onto the GLASS!!!!!! Karnage is nuts!!!! He is pulling glass out of his knees and wrist and is now leaving up the ramp pushing medical teams away from him. Fans are going wild! RYU is seriously hurt! FAS luckily avoided most of the glass and is fine.

WINNER: RYU via being flipped of the top of the cage onto the glass filled ringside

James Edgebrook: Hardcore Legend has returned. He may not have won but he left a lasting impression for all the BJWC Fans. RYU is being carted out and FAS is at his side. What a debut. I may be sick. The amout of glass in RYUs back is a horrible sight. But a what a big win for the newcomer.
Fan favorite Gary Cooper is scheduled next, Anarchy Kid is on his way out already. Fans chanting Cooper and here we go.

Super Duper Gary Cooper
Anarchy Kid

"Puttin On The Ritz" blares up and the fans go wild tossing the rocks by handful. Cooper will the Radio Flyer pulls it to ring side. Crowd is going nuts as Cooper and Anarchy Kid square up. Bell rings. Headbutt by AKid followed by a backbreaker. Cooper is sent into a series of moves by AKid. Front Face lock, Surfboard, Neckbreaker, leg drop. Another Leg Drop! Cover 1....2......kickout! Fans cheer Cooper. He hasn't made one move of offense yet. Cooper with a missed clothesline ANARCHY DDT! Cover 1......2.....kickout again. fans cheer him again. "Cooper" is the chant! If Anarchy Kid pulls this will be the biggest upset in a long time. AKid is going for the No Respect. He pulls Cooper to the top rope. A Kid grabs Coopers head for the diamond cutter but Cooper with an elbow to the gut. SUPERDUPERSLAM!!!!! Choke slam from the top rope. Pin,! Kickout. AKid somehow got up for it. Probably cuz he hasn't been toughed before that move. AKid trying a powerbomb, reversed AKid pushes away ANARCHY DDT! Cover! 1......2............kickout!!!! Almost that time! AKid has Cooper realing. Neckbreaker reversed into a backslide. 1.....2.....kickout. A Kid keeps the match going. Cooper misses a clothesline, than ducks one, BRAINBUSTER!!!!!! Cooper pulls AKid into the corner! Powerbomb into backbreaker from the second rope, that was the FLAPPY BIG BIRD SUPER CHICKEN SLAM!!! Cover 1.....2.......3 It's all over! What a match!

WINNER: Gary Cooper

James Edgebrook: Cooper pulled another one off. A Kid had the match but couldn't get the three! He sure got close.
X-Hart is up next. Cyris wants his revenge on him for last week. This shall be a good match. If X-Hart is really healed enuf to fight. We will find out here comes X!


Fans give X-Hart the booing of a life time! Cyris the leader of D2 steps and the fans go nuts. He has the look of business. No Generation Next members have come to ringside, I wouldn't either after what they pulled on Cyris last week. X-Hart was the one selected to take everything Cyris is gonna dish out. Cyris is in the ring and theres the bell. X-Hart playing defense early. Cyris with punches and chops. X-Hart just trying to avoid what he can while he has the chance. X-hart finally tries some offense with a knee to the gut and tries for a famaser but Cyris reverses it. DDT. Not good for X-Hart as Cyris goes right to work, brainbuster,sidewalk slam, shoulderbreaker, powerslam. X-Hart is being destroyed. The ref warns Cyris as he rolls to ringside. The ref starts a ten count as Cyris pulls out three table sliding them into the ring. Fans are going nuts. Cyris sets one table right in the center one leaning in the corner, and one standing in the other corner. Cyris lifts X-Hart, SPEAR INTO A TABLE!!!! He pulls him up and leads him to the other corner and brings him to the top turnbuckle! SUPERPLEX THRU A TABLE!!!!!!! CYRIS THEN SHAKES HIS FINGER AT HIS FACE!!!! PULLS HIM TO THE CENTER DEATH SENTANCE THRU A TABLE!!!!!! FANS ARE GOING WILD!!!!!! The ref is allowing this. Why? Well, Cyris has gotton his revenge on X-Hart, cover, 1.......2........what???? NO WAY!!! Cyris stops the count himself. He rolls out to ring side he slides in two chairs and a ladder. He rolls back in. He lays them all in the center of the ring stacked up. DEATH SENTANCE!!!!! On a ladder and two chairs!!!! Cover....1......2.....NOPE!!! Cyris again not finished. he is standing up the ladder. And sitting the open chairs together seat against seat. X-Hart can't even stand on his own yet Cyris continues. He pulls X-hart up the ladder. They reach the top. Cyris grabbing X under the legs DEATH SENTANCE!!!!!! OFF THE LADDER ONTO THE TWO OPEN CHAIRS!!!!!!!! FANS ARE GOING WILD!!!!! Cyris stands on X-Hart 1......2.......3 this one is history!!!!! Here comes the medical team once again!!! I think this may be the last of X-Hart. Cyris may have just ended his career. Cyris was out for revenge! He got it!

WINNER: Cyris via total DOMINATION

James Edgebrook: Cyris just put on a display that I will never forget. One on One man on man Cyris jsut destroyed that Hart fool. Hart is in bad shape. We just recieved word that RYU has some deep cuts and will have stiches and may be out for a week. RYU has not be cleared to wrestle Friday. FAS has been issued as normal and has permission to fight. Karnage has not yet seen a doctor. I'm sure I will have another doctors orders for you about X-hart later tonight.
Are you ready for the first of the three TITLE MATCHS?????? Here it comes, one of tonights big matches! The TAG TITLE MATCH! Here we go!

Exodus/Chris McClane

Here comes the challengers. First the bad guys Chris McClane and the boos poor into the Target Center. Rebecca follows McClane to the ring. The lights go out. Fans go nuts. Green lights come back on. Exodus steps out. He makes his way to the ring to join McClane. The fans are going crazy. Here comes the champs. Death Dealer and Rage. The champions get very little reaction. Bell rings and McClane and DD start. They go back and fourth early and DD makes the first tag. Rage goes to work on McClane. Atomic drop. Elbows. Backbody drop. McClane dropps to the mat ducking a flying fist and Rage hits DeathDealer. McClane rolls over and makes a tag to the fresh Exodus. Exodus goes to work. A powerbomb for each man. Two clotheslines. Pin...1......2.........kickout that was close but Rage managed a kickout. DeathDealer with a drop kick from behind. They a double teaming him real good. Exodus being hit with everything they got. A spiked piledriver. Pin 1......2......kickout. Exodus ha just enough left in him. Rage and DD make a series of tags keeping thereself fresh. DDT. Both men with double elbow drops. McClane hops in a breaks up the count at one. Exodus with an Dissention DDT and falls back tagging McClane. comes Devestation INC. Rebecca tries to stop them from getting to ringside. The fans are going wild. McClane has no idea whats going on but he is cleaning house in the ring. Steve Daye gets Exodus's and the refs attention. Exodus goes after him. Daye shoves Exodus and shoves Rebecca. The ref goes out to send Daye backstage. But Cyris rolls in the ring. DEATH SENTANCE!!!! Cyris just made McClane a perminant stain on the mat. Cyris rolls out before the ref can see. And Devestation 2000 leaves up the ramp to a huge pop. Three men in the ring down. The ref started a ten count Exodus rolls in. Leg drop. Leg Drop. He picks up McClane and leans him against the ropes, than returns to the apron makes the tag as McClane rolls to ringside. Exodus hops in. Dissention DDT. Than tosses the illegal man over the top rope. Cover. 1.......2...........3...It's over! What a victory. McClane and Exodus pull it off and are the BJWC New Tag Champions. Rebecca celebrate with the new champs.

WINNER: Chris McClane/ EXODUS New BJWC Tag Champions

James Edgebrook: McClane and Exodus survived Cyris' attack. Well, actually Exodus saved McClane and won the match for them. Not a bad start for this newly formed tag team. But, if D2 decides to form a tag team it may be all over. Or if Ponce and TA was still a team but as we say earlier looks like that relationship is becoming a little sour.
Now it is time for the HARDCORE TITLE MATCH! One of the best HARDCORE TITLE matches in the BJWC. Steve Daye and TA Tyrone Alguard. They faught Friday and Daye won but by stipulation he did not win the belt, he only won a shot at it tonight. Ringtime.

TA Tyrone Alguard
IRON MAN Steve Daye

Steve Daye gets a big reaction but alot of it boos only some cheers. Daye has brought a chair with him. He starts walking down the ramp when TA comes BLARING OUT OF THE ENTRANCE WITH A BMW MOTERCYCLE!!!!! HE HAS AN IRON PIPE!!! Nine Lives can't even be heard over the motocycle. TA has used the IRON PIPE as battering ram. He repeats twice finally Daye gets to the side of the ramp. TA parks the bike at ringside and go back for Daye with his pipe. Daye has his chair. Blocks the pipe. TA kick to the gut and runs the pipe right into his neck. Fans are going wild. The ref rings the bell. Daye kicks the pipe outta his hand. Tries a suplex but blocks GERMAN SUPLEX by TA. TA is looking like he will walk out as champ. Steve Daye with a low blow. He then hits a clothesline still on the ramp. Ducked punch COCK BOTTOM!!!! With a 180 spin on the ramp!!!! This one may be all over. TA picks Daye up and sends him into each ring post. Into each gaurd rail. Fans are going wild. TA rolls him into the ring. TOTAL ANNHILATION!!! NO!!! Reversed into a headlock. it's all Daye has got left. TA kicks off of the turnbuckle but Daye holds him in the air. Suplex! Headlock Suplex and a cover. 1.....kickout. TA still the first man up. Double underhook suplex. Sharpshooter! Daye trying to reach the ropes. Daye finally gets his leg free and rolls to his knees. Flying cross body by TA.......1.........2........KICKOUT! Axe kick ducked by Daye. Choke slam. Daye finally getting an edge. He goes to work stomping and stomping. Atomic drop. TA is sent over the top smashing into a few officials at ringside. Daye grabs a chair. CHAIR SHOT to the skull. Daye going nuts. Running chair to the face. TA is down and out. Daye rolls him back in a takes his chair with him. TA woobly sees the chair coming and pulls the ref under the chair! Fans go wild. Daye kicks TA in the gut CHAIR SHOT!!!! Here comes Ponce!!!! TheWorld Champ has got some business with these two as it seems. He climbs in the ring. Daye examines him. Ponce says, "Daye Daye, here let me do it." Holding out his hand for the chair. Daye back off and dissagrees. Looks like Daye don't trust Ponce. Ponce shrugs and rolls out grabs a different chair. Rolls back in. Ponce give a few practice swings then winds up BUT THE BACKSWING JUST CLOBBERS DAYE!!!! Fans are going wild!!!! They fooled D2 here comes Cyris but it's too late. 1........2.......KICKOUT!!!!!! Somehow Daye kicked out. Amazing. Ponce is shocked. Cyris is following ponce and trying to grab him but Ponce is avoiding him. Ponce rolls into the ring followed by Cyris! DO YOU SEE FUTURE TAG MATCH HERE????? They are going at it. Everyone exchanging equal blows. Daye with a powerbomb to TA! He covers! Ponce ducks an elbows and shoves Cyris over the pin breaks the count. The ref tries to get the men to exit. First he gets Cyris out and as he escorts him to ringside Ponce takes of the World Title Belt and SMASHES IT into the FACE OF DAYE!!!! Cyris charges!!! Knocking ove rthe ref and the brawl begins again. the ref calls for the DQ!!!! It looks like he's calling TA with the win!!!! ????? Because Cyris shoved him???? This is wrong. Daye had the match. Ponce interfered Cyris countered but Cyris costs the DQ! Unbeleivable!

WINNER: TA Tyrone Alguard by DQ

Last week it was by stipulation and this week by DQ that TA holds on to the title. I do believe that we may see a tag team match between those four come Monday! Should be a great match. What a match that was despite the outcome. We have word on X-Hart. X-Hart has sustained series injury in the lowerback areas and has been listed under critical condition. We are not sure if he will ever wrestle again, doctors say highly unlikely.
We have the champ live in his locker room let's go there now.

(TA and Ponce are laughing about what just happened Devon and TA's girlfriend stand behind them laughing as well.) TA remarks, "How sweet it was to see that man get what he disserves and me to walk out still champ." He sorta breaths unsurely and holds his side. Ponce says "I hear Harts music I better get ready boys."

Ponce (World Champ)
Brian Hart

Here comes the boos and here comes Hart! He seems to still be on the same page with Generation Next but has exited out of the stable. I'm not sure what it all means but McClane and Rebecca are following him out anyways. I'm sure X-Hart would be too if he wasn't in a hospitol bed.

"Killa Bee Stylee" by Limp Bizkit starts up. "Ladies and Gentlemen now coming to the ring, standing at 6 foot 5, weighing in at 256 pounds. Led by Devon park. He is the self proclaimed FOUNDATION, he is the BJWC....... HART KILLER, the BJWC WORLD HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMP!!!!!!He is.............. PONCE !!!!!"

Ponce steps out on the ramp with TA and Devon and TAs girl. Ponce halts on the ramp and has a mic. Ponce turns around in almost a huddle and sends his whole group backstage. Ponce then proceed to the ring alone, only him and his belt. He hops in the ring and puts the mic to his mouth, "Hart, I sent my guys backstage, if you had any guts, You'd send your goonies back too"... Hart thinking, As the fans chant "ASSHOLE" and Hart takes the mic. "Alright Ponce you get it your way. GENERATION NEXT backstage!!" Fans go wild as McClane and Rebecca walk up the ramp to a huge pop. Ponce drops the belt right in the center of the ring. The ref holds it high above his head. Bell rings. This TITLE MATCH is under way! Noone at ringside man on man. "HART KILLER" is the new chant. Hip toss by The Champ. Another and another. Hart rethinking his strategy. Hart with a drop kick. Face buster. Shoulder block. Cover 1....kickout. Ponce and Hart lock back up. Side headlock. Irishwhip reversal. Ponce ducks a clothesline but takes a heel kick in the temple. Ponce rolls back up. Hart locks up. Eye poke by Hart Ponce dodges a short arm clothesline TIGERDRIVER 89!!! Cover 1....2Kickout. Ponce with a nice counter. Hart with some knife edge chops. Double arm DDT by Hart. Cover 1....2.KICKOUT! Ponce not gonna go that easy. Hart looking for the Sharpshooter Ponce looking for the Idiosyncratic Slam! Both would end the match like that. Brian sends Ponce off the ropes SUPERKICK!!!! Ohh!!! Nailed the ref. Ponce dropped under the kick and it connected to the ref. Ponce and Hart exchanges punches. Hart sends Ponce over the top rope. Ponce grabs a chair. Hart rolls out the other way and grabs a chair. Ponce drops the chair and reaches under the ring he has a table. Hart drops the chair and grabs a table. Ponce drops the table and grabs a ladder. Hart drops his table and grabs a ladder. The fans are going nuts. They slide in the ladders. Ponce with the ladder over his shoulder and Hart with it across his body. They smack back and fourth. Ponce tosses his knocking Harts feet out from under him. Ponce looking for a surfboard on the ladder. But Hart shoves the ladder up the leg of Ponce and Hart takes advantage with a series of blows. The ref still out. Hart gonna ram the ladder into the stranded Ponce. Ponce leans away from it. Clothesline. Ponce falls down and gets his leg free. Too late LEG DROP. Hart covers ref still out. Ponce grabs a ladder as Hart attempts to wake the ref. Ladder clothesline. Ponce sees the ref moving and dumps one of the ladders of the top. The other still in the corner. Ponce irish whips Hart into the ladder REVERSED! Ponce down. SHARPSHOOTER!!!! Ponce pulls the ladder and it falls on Hart who is locking on the submission. Ponce with anothe rTIGERDRIVER 89. Ponce pulls Hart towards the ropes. SPRINGBOARD FLIP! Cover. Ref counts. 1......2.....LIGHTS GO OUT!!!!!! NO!!!! PONCE had it won. Lights back on!!! NO!! It's KARNAGE!!! He hits the ref from behind with his bat! Karnage tosses Ponce a chair. Ponce winds up to clobber Hart but Karnage attakcs first clobbering Ponce. Crowd is booing like nuts. Karnage flicks off the crowd and hops the ropes exiting. Both men out. The ref is out. Hart the first up. Ref is second. Hart covers. it's over. 1......2.......LIGHTS GO OUT!!!!! What the hell!!!!! They comes back on Daye has the ref on the outside! It's DEVESTATION 2000!!! They are paying Hart back for last week! DEATH SENTENCE!!!!! DEATH SENTACE ON THE LADDER!!!!! HART is out!!!! Cyris pulls Ponce over Hart. Daye rolls the ref spooked by uninjured from Daye and the ref counts. This one is history. 1......2.....LIGHTS GO OUT AGAIN!!!!! This is NUTS!!!!! Who is it now? The lights return!!! It's GENERATION NEXT and the FOUNDATION!!!!! A brawl begins!!!! I think Foundation saw Generation Next run out and followed them! McClane and Rebecca have chairs FOUNDATION nothing. McClane is clearing everyone out. Finally Devon with a drop kick ends McClanes fun. TA girl is teaching Rebecca a lesson at ringisde. McClane is getting a major beatdown courtosy of TA and Devon. Lights go out AGAIN!!!!! The return GREEN LIGHTS ON!!!! It's EXODUS!!! He clears the ring of everyone but McClane and Ponce and Hart. Exodus defending his tag team partner and is escorting them all backstage excpet McClane and Rebecca they both roll in the ring. Ponce and Hart up. Ref is down once again due to Rebecca. Generation Next has reformed! McClane with a chair. Shakes HARTs hand he swings the chair at Ponce no he stops he spins CHAIR SHOT TO HART!!!!! McCLANE HAS TURNED ON HART!!!!! Rebecca wakes up the ref and Ponce amazed stummbles over HART!!!! 1.....2......3 It's OVER!!!!! What a match!!!! McClane just backstabbed the backstaber!!!! Long live McClane! Fans are going wild!!! McClane and Rebecca get a huge pop as they exit. Ponce celebrates to NINE LIVES and the fans are going nuts.

WINNER: PONCE defends his title!

James Edgebrook: It's all over! Ponce has ended it. Ponce had it won. Karnage made the save. Hart had it won. Cyris made the save. Ponce had the win and Generation Next and The Foundation made the saves. Exodus saved McClane and McClane made the move that mattered costing Hart the match!
We are out of time what a day! What a day!

Billy Jay: HART you have proven that you are not worthy of number one contender so as of now we have NO number one contender!!!
Times up! See you all next week, see you Friday and Monday!!!!!

(The screen flashes a fast BJWC Logo obviously running short of time and the screen cuts off.)