Tuesday Riot December21st
Tuesday Night Riot
December 21st, 1999
TARGET CENTER, Minneapolis, MN
BJWC Productions
(BJWC Logo appears and the newest BJWC theme blares loud. Clips from BJWC History begin to play. Dan trading blows with Tyler Lee. Slick Rick hitting the Slick Driver on some jobber. Billy Jay and Cooper together attacking VP Andrews. Exodus and Masta Killa locked up in a parking lot. Ponce disposing of some unlucky fellow with his Tiger Driver 89'. Cooper latching on the Wednesday Night Special. Darren Hart hitting a piledriver on a chair. Chris Verve hitting Truth or Consequence. Tyler Lee and Dante Calavaria going thru a few tables.TA Tyrone Alguard battling on the top of a ladder. G-Crusher and Lanier Riley falling thru the cage after the hardcore heavens match. The deadly stare by Tyler Lee the champion. The music fades as the BJWC reappears forming now into the sound of cheers and we enter the BJWC Arena.)
The crowded outside of the Target Center filled with non-ticket holders trying to get in somehow. And the loyal fans standing at each parking exit and emergency door in the event of a match spilling outdoors. They have lawn chairs and have a bundle of layers of clothes as a light sprinkling of snow falls apon them. Indoors the place goes nuts as the pyros shoot off and the camera makes a few sweeps of the crowd, a few noticable signs are: "Outlander is Out where?" "I'm the SAVIOR" "Dante is HOT" "Doctor Prescibes a SLICK DRIVER!" "Bring back REAPER" "Cooper WHY?!?!" "Hart and Seven.....HA!" "Tonights' Dan's LAST STOP!" "(picture of someone doing the G sign)" "(Fat lady tanning at the bench) McClane's Mom" and "Jennifer Streaks, I can't find BJ, can you give me ONE?" The sweep finish and the pyros finally end and "Calm like a Bomb" hits like always and right on cue walks Billy Jay alone today. His suit is black but golden glitter on it. It has the words "Revenge will be sweet SAVIOR!" on the back! "Help me, Help yourself!" on the front as fans boo. He rolls into the ring. With mic in hand he ignores the boos and waits for them to lessen in volume.
Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts!!!!! (fans cheer the phrase.) Yes, yes, welcome MINNESOTA! My unbeleivably CRAPPY hometown! (What started as cheers turns into BOOs) I hate this cold ass town! Snow, rain, extensive heat, you always get one or the other in crappy MINNESOTA!!!! (BOOs) What you don't like the truth? Well then you aren't gonna like this.
The SAVIOR of the GOOD GUYs is gonna be BEATEN!!!!! I garuntee that I will find him and beat by or at Goldfest! Just depends when and if I can find him! (crowd boos) If fact, Chris Verve is currently on the DUETY of finding the Savior, he will NOT be fighting tonight in the Triple Threat Dented Chair Match, he will be searching for the lowest peice of SCUM EVER to grace the BJWC ,and that is this SAVIOR!
Now, seeing as the BJWC is back on track again, I must give thanks to a few people! First, Diadem you are doing a GREAT job with the news and anyone not checking his work for Pre RIOT and post RIOT remarks than you are missing out! Plus, inbetween RIOTs he does a killer news and views type of deal! I am very impressed keep up the good work Diadem!
Secondly, I must give a huge thanks to KAHN, he has agreed to run the BJWC Division 2 and is successfully doing an AWESOME job giving all the newbies and rookies a great place to compete, with KAHN running such a good show it only proves how good BJWC is. Our Division 2 cards are better than most FEDs Pay Per Views and I'll stick by that remark! (Fans cheer)
Ohh, and Dan Dehart, you think you can sign a big PPV title match and get off that EASY? No way in hell! I garuntee I'm gonna make you work for that damn shot! Tonight is only the first step, you MUST defeat Hart tonight because it will be not only a NA Title Match, it will also be for your SPOT at the PPV!!!! And if you do anything irrational tonight you will LOSE your spot at the PPV!!!! (Fans boo)
("Calm like a Bomb" blares up again as Billy Jay exits with a picture of the UNION standing together from last week and a calm Billy Jay laugh plays and the fans boo him out.)
James Edgebrook: Well, what an opening speech. Promises being made, I'll bet Billy Jay would really love it if Dan Dehart would keel over right now. But we all know that ain't gonna happen. Billy Jay has never been so harsh to the home of the BJWC, and this place is simply livid with Billy Jay's uncalled for remarks.
Tonight we have a stellar line up. We have a HUGE match to start off the night! The Tag Titles are on the line! Can Big head Machine finally put together a victory over Alpha and Omega? This may be the day. Hold the phone! I have word that Jeph Phillips is in the parking lot and the UNION's limo is just pulling up, Jeph wants to get a few words from Goliath about the hardcore division! Let's go to the parking lot.
The limo pulls up right next to the camera and Jeph Phillips, the door begins to open but a SCREECH is heard!!!!! A dump truck is backing up INTO THE LIMO DOOR!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! Then the DUMP TRUCK POURS MUD from the back ONTO the LIMO!!!! Fans are going wild!!!! Someone has just RUINED the UNION's LIMO!!!! The TRUCK speeds off down the parking ramp as the camera man tries to get the driver on camera but all you can see is a gray hood. Jeph Phillips calls security to bring shovels and they start scooping the mud away from the car. You can see there breaths in the negative 2 degree weather. Finally the smashed limo door is shoved open and out steps GOLIATH and Merlin Reynolds!!! Dan Dehart is already in the building!!!!! BIG G is yelling curses at everyone and grabs Jeph by the collar!!!! G-Crusher just looks pissed. Goliath's right arm is cut along the forearm. Jeph tries to speak to him:
Jeph: Goliath, wh......
Goliath: What THE HELL just happened???? Who just did this!!?!? If I don't get answers someone's gonna get hurt REALLY fast!!!!
(G-Crusher tries to calm him down.)
Jeph: I don't know!!!! It was a dumpster, we couldn't make out who the driver was!!!!!
Goliath: Get on that phone and CALL THE POLICE!!!!! (Now facing the camera.) Whoever did this, by the end of TONIGHT you will get what you disserve!!!!! You never smash Big G's stuff and now not only am I pissed but the entire UNION is gonna find you and make you PAY for what you just did!!!!!
(Big G and G-Crusher walk briskly up to the entrance as Jeph is shaken up by Goliaths words and what just happened. Jeph then opens up his phone and dials the police.)
James Edgebrook: OH MAN!!!! This is real BAD!!!! UNION is not going to be happy!!!! Whoever just pulled this stunt is going to pay for it!!!! I can't beleive anyone would have the balls to do this!!!! Somebody will PAY THEIR DUES tonight!!!!!
I am shocked but I must move on, we have to get to the Tag title Match. Let's go to the ring!
COMPLETION COALITION- Alpha and Omega w/Katrina (World Tag Champs)
Big Head Machine
Big Head Machine steps out and they get a great welcome. Fans love the comidic antics of Richard Head. With more work this guy could be a champ. They enter the ring, and the lights go out and a figure at the ramp is seen. "Go gettem Boys!!!!" is heard and the champs music hits! Here comes Alpha and Omega and they dive in both with crossbodies with the belts on. They stand and present the ref with the belts and then go back to work. Double teams on both men sending both guys all around the ring. A huge double back body sends Big Machine to ringside fast. Richard Head is send hard into the corner, but he runs up the turnbuckle then runs across the ropes with great balance and then stops in the other corner! TOP ROPE SPEAR!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! Head covers Alpha! But Omega has the ref's attention in the corner. The crowd counts..."1...........2...........3............4......." finally the ref turns around 1...........2...KICKOUT!!!! Alpha's chin is slightly cut up! Katrina is at ringside keeping Big Machine occupied. Head is simply destroying Alpha since that top rope spear! Alpha trying to tag out but Richard Head is playing this match to perfecting! CAN OPENER, NO, reversed, CHIN BREAKER!!!! Alpha going for a tag, Head grabs his leg and takes him down from behind!!!! Chicken Wing suplex!!! Head is working Alpha like a pro, Machine is finally on the apron and is tagged in. He sets up Alpha for a choke slam! No! Low blow! But Big Machine hangs on to his neck, Big Machine is on his knees! Recovers and stands for the choke slam, NO!!! Omega with a missle drop kick to stop the move. Head in with a clothesline. Katrina pulls Head out of the ring by his foot, the ref had his back turned and now Alpha tags in Omega! They hit a double team IMPLANT DDT!!!!! Head rolls in but is clotheslined right out by a diving Alpha! Omega with the END!!!! Cover! 1.........2.......3!!! Still Tag Champs!!!!! What a battle and once again Katrina playing her part for her team!!!! The COALITION was smart to team up with these guys! They are the real deal!
WINNERs: Completion Coalition defends the Tag Belts
James Edgebrook: I just noticed how much Richard Head has to carry the bigger, stronger Big Machine. Each time Head was the legal man they had the advantage. And if I remember correct Big Machine is the one who always gets pinned in these tag matches! If I was Head I would leave Big Machine and find myself a NEW tag partner someone who is as good as himself and we may see new champs!
A room backstage with tapes playing of some old BJWC tape, G-Crusher and Goliath are still enraged a trainer is taping up Goliath as he speaks to G-Crusher about how mad he is. G-Crusher agrees they should destroy whoever did this. Then the locker room opens and Dan Dehart steps in the crwod goes nuts. Dehart says hey and puts his bag and NA title on the shelf and grabs a water out of the cooler.
Goliath: Dan, did you hear what happened to us? (Dan shakes his head) We got hit with a dump truck and our semi was engulfed in mud while we were in it! (He shows the tapped wound on his forearm. Dan looks shocked, he clears his mouth with his UNION shirt.)
Dan Dehart: Are you SERIOUS?!?!?! Who the hell did this? (G-Crusher and Goliath shrug.) First I watch Billy Jay threaten me, I have Brian Hart trying to add crazy ass stips to our NA Title Match, and now this!!!!
G-Crusher: My neck is all tight and I got a damn TV Title match with Darren Hart! I would like to concentrate for my match but revenge is on my mind!
Goliath: I swear we need to find out who did this and NOW!
Dan Dehart: You guys do that but I don't care who did this, I gotta keep my mind on Brian Hart and Billy Jay, ACTUALLY I GOTTA KEEP MY EYES OPEN FOR EVERYONE IN BJWC! Just let me know if find anything out, I gotta go take care of someone, I'll be back. (Dan Dehart exits and Goliath and G-Cruser talk over what the should do.)
Katrina and the Tag Champs are celebrating their win with Katrina holding up the belts and showing them gracefully to the crowd and from the ramp runs DAN DEHART!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! Dan Dehart sprints down the ramp before his music can even hit and he dives into the ring taking out both tag champs! Dan is taking care of the COALITION!!!!!! Out comes Tyler Lee and Lanier Riley!!! Fans go wild!!! The yellow shirts fill the ring as Dan smacks a tag title across Tyler's face, then rolling out of the ring free of harms way. The fans are going wild!!!!! Dan is yelling stuff at the COALITION as he exits back to the locker room!
James Edgebrook: Dan is doing things himself tonight! He didn't ask or want the UNION to help him in his attack against the COALITION! All three UNION members have their work cut for them tonight! Dan is getting started early. I guess it's time for the COALITION to Pay Their Dues tonight also!
Next we got a handi capped match. Billy Jay has signed this match against Malice to get back at him for storming his office a few RIOTs ago. And I think Bobby Magic and Paco will walk away hands down with this match!
Border Magic
Border Magic comes out first, Paco has a pinada with him and he grabs a mic:
Paco: Fans this here pinada is filled with my annual wage that I make here in the BJWC, now if we lose this match tonight Malice can break it open and share my wealth! (fans cheer)
Bobby Magic: (grabs the mic) How much money is in there, your annual wage? So what 5 bucks in change? (crowd laughs and Malice steps out.)
Fans cheer Malice as he makes his way to the ring. The bell rings and it is all Malice. Border Magic double team suplex, no reversed into a double suplex! What power! Malice with huge clothelines across the necks of both men. Paco says his gotee hurts and he rolls out and walks up the ramp, Malice chases him down and picks him over his head tossing him into the crowd. Fans go nuts! Malice then takes the Pinado and smashes it over Magic's face inside the ring. He shakes the pinado and 50 cents drops out and the fans laugh at Paco! Malice with a powerbomb on the fifty cent and the pin on Magic. 1............2.....SPINNING FROG SPLASH by PACO to break the count!!!!! Pin! 1............2............3NO! Kickout! Fans go nuts! Double clothesline! He lifts Paco up again! Sends him head first thru the SPANISH ANNOUNCERS table! Fans go nuts!!!! Bobby Magic is lifted! MALICE's modified body press driver! It's over! 1.............2............3!!! BIG WIN for MALICE! He's back on track!
James Edgebrook: Big win for Malice. This may start a good streak for him! He really took out two BJWC veterans, look for him to go places. This win may get him some respect.
We have a camera set in Slick Rick's LIMO and we are going to talk to him as he approaches the Target Center!
Slick Rick's LIMO
The scene opens in the back of a limo. Slick Rick has a glass of something on his left. He is viewing a mini TV when he notices he is on. He shifts to the camera and speaks:
"Tonight, Gary Cooper, Kurt Swagger and I were scheduled for a DENTED Chair match. But it seems the fearI put into my competitors a.k.a Kurt Swagger that this match is now one on one with Gary Cooper! (gives off his movie star stare.)"
"What are we stopping here for?"
Slick Rick tries to look out his window but the tinted windows don't allow him too. He tries to roll down his window but there it doesn't let him. He tries to open the door but it is locked! He starts yelling at the driver!
The driver turns around!
KURT SWAGGER has abducted Slick Rick and is now driving off into who knows where. Slick Rick is going mad and is pounding on the divider but it is thick plastic guard stuff and his blows don't make any difference. Swagger laughs a confident laugh and presses a button that causes the camera to cut to snow.
James Edgebrook: What is KURT SWAGGER doing? He has gone mad!!!! Now what is going to happen for the match with Cooper and Slick Rick? I think this is real bad for Slick Rick. Because Cooper Crucible and Billy Jay along with Kurt Swagger are all against him.
Next we have the BJWC Women's Title Match. Chris McClane's girl Rebecca has remained in the league but has not been the same sense Chris left. But she has held the belt longer than any other women in the BJWC History! Will Melanie be the one to break the streak? My bet is that the champ remains champ because of experience but we will have to see.
Finisher Match
Rebecca (Women's Champ)
Melanie Stenson
Dante steps out with Melanie first she is signaling her waist. Dante is showing off his hardcore title. Fans are going nuts for this couple! Here comes Rebecca the fans don't like her much at all! She holds the belt high over her head and dives into the ring. Without McClane watching her back this may be a hard battle for her. She is going for her modified sideslam called the Paralizer. And Melanie Stenson is gonna be looking for Dante's finisher the HIT! The bell rings!!!! Rebecca begins with knees to the gut. Rebecca using the corner to her advantage. Slamming her face into the corner over and over. Melanie finally with a sunset flip ends Rebecca's streak. The cover. 1.,.....2KICKOUT!!! The ref counted even though it wouldn't win the match. Melanie with hair flips about 8 of them. Melanie then locked up Rebecca for THE HIT!!!!! No!!!! Reversed! REBECCA gave her the HIT!!!! She just reversed the finisher and did it herself!!!! WOW!!! That is why she is the champ!!!! Pulls her up!!!! PARALIZER!!!!! NO!!!! Melanie with an eye poke! She goes off the ropes! HURRICANRANNA!!!! Then from the rollup position she rolls her over! SINGLE LEG BOSTON CRAB!!!!!! Melanie Stenson is showing HER awesome range of moves!!!!! Rebecca is tapping but that is not how you win this match. The ref forces her to break the hold!!!! Melanie looked like she was going for the HIT, but she rolls her over into an ANKLE LOCK!!! Fans are going nuts!!!! Melanie is a true submissionist wrestler!!!! The ref threatens to DQ her is she doesn't end it!!!!! Melanie with a sleeper hold!!!!! WOW!!!! What an aersonal of moves!!! Shoves her into the ropes!!! LOCK UP!!! THE HIT!!!!! THE HIT!!!!! She hits it to perfection!!!!! WHAT A MATCH!!!! NEW WOMENs CHAMP!!! Dante rolls in and they hold up both belts in the air!!!! The HARDCORE and the Womens CHAMPION!!!!!
WINNER: Melanie Stenson NEW BJWC Womens CHAMPION
James Edgebrook: DAMN was I wrong. Melanie Stenson proved to be a TRUE Women's Champion using every move she possibly knows!!!! That was the best display by any women's champ since that over sized Women's Champ who used to hang with the FOUR back in the day!!!!! I wonder if Rebecca will show her face around here again! I have a feeling she only stuck around because she had the title!
Now, we move on to a featured match! The COUNCIL's Crucible has to go up against a TRUE FACE, also the FIRST EVER BJWC Division 2 champion! His BJWC Division 1 Singles in RING DEBUT....MATT PARTY! This shall be his first chance to PROVE to the BJWC that he is the REAL DEAL! But will he prove he is what people say, or will he fall under pressure and be beat?
Division 1 Singles Debut
Matt Party (Division 1 Singles Debut)
Can Matt Party live up to his D2 Title? This is his true test! Crucible could set him up and knock him down with the FLASHBACK! I really hope Billy Jay's COUNCIL doesn't get involved in this match! Out steps Crucible and the fans boo. Crucible is a former BJWC World Champ, but since then he hasn't been the same. Knees injuries and bad morals. Speaking of bad morals.....this guy has NONE......the first ever BJWC D2 Champion MATT PARTY. He calmly walks to the ring with a little praying at ringside. Crucible gets upset and hops to ringside and Matt Party rolls in the ring. The fans already like this new guy! The bell rings and they lock up!!!! Crucible tries to out power Party but the ref breaks them up. Crucible tries to use his experience on the rookie Matt Party but it doesn't take long until Matt Party found his groove and hit snap mare and then a diving fist. A roaring elbow by Crucible puts Party in his place! Crucible with a spinning powerbomb. Matt Party is in trouble. A few more powermoved by Crucible and he calls for a powerbomb in the corner!!!!! Lifts him up!!!!! But Party flips into an X-FACTOR type MOVE!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! Missle dropkick from the second rope!!!! Matt Party is simply stunning everyone!!!! He is new yet he wrestles like a veteran!!!! Crucible finds himself getting pounded in the corner but reverses an irishwhip and a splash by Crucible. Simple suplex by Crucible cover! 1............2.......KICKOUT!!!! Party with a leg cork screw dive. Then tries to lock on a figure four but Crucible kicks him off. Party into the ropes...Crucible hops to his feet!!!!! FLASHBACK!!!!! FLASHBACK!!!! NO!!!! Matt Party caught his foot!!!!! Trips spins him around kicks him in the gut!!!!! NO!!!! Crucible caught his foot!!!! Clothesline!!! Party hops right back to his feet, Crucible goes off the ropes!!!! SUPERKICK!!!!!! MATT PARTY just superkicked Crucible!!!! A taste of his own medicine!!!! Cover 1..........2......KICKOUT!!!! Wow!!!! Crucible up again!!!! Party charges him, Crucible goes for a spear but Party leaps over him and jumps to the top ropes!!!! Party fakes to jump, Crucible ducks, but PARTY was ready for him to do that!!!!! FAMEASSER FROM THE TOP ROPES!!!!! Crucible's face is busted!!!! Cover!!!!! 1...........2.........3!!!! It's OVER what a move!!!!! Matt Party just beat a former BJWC Champion!!!! Crucible may have a broken nose!!!!!
WINNER: Matt Party first victory in BJWC Division 1
James Edgebrook: MATT PARTY is my hero! He just defeated Crucible with a move I think he just made up while he was on the top ropes! That was not even his normal finisher! This kid could really become a champ in no time!!!! He has all the skills to be make it in this business.
Well, we have an interesting situation next! The match between Cooper and Slick Rick, but as we saw earlier Slick Rick was abducted by Kurt Swagger and we have no idea and no contact with either of them since then. We may see a victory for Cooper default! Let's go to the ring! Plus, this is a DENTED CHAIR MATCH!
Winner gets shot at G-Crusher and the TV Title Next Week
Gary Cooper
Slick Rick
"Puttin on the Ritz" hits and out comes Cooper to a slu of rocks, but not the normal white styrofoam rocks, they are now black and the cheers are now boos. The camera focuses on the "WHY, COOPER, WHY?" sign! Cooper rolls into the ring and bounces around a little bit. Slick Rick's music blares up...........fans cheer........nobody steps out. Slick Rick's music blares up again.......nothing..........Slick Rick's music plays a thrid time and the fans get restless. It ends and out steps Kurt Swagger!!!! Fans boo!!!! Kurt Swagger a.k.a Chris Verve jogs to the ring and dives in. Both these two Cooper and Swagger are part of Billy Jay's Council. Kurt has a mic:
Swagger: Well, Cooper I already got rid of Slick Rick, so no matter what the TV Title shot will remain in the COUNCIL. (Cooper nods and grabs a chair.) Now wait Cooper we can agree to disagree here, now let's say since, we don't wanna hurt each other, the first one to get hit with a chair loses. That way we can fight and it will be over real quick, and we don't have to get all upset over fighting each oth..........
G-Crusher steps out with his TV title and the fans go nuts!!!! He walks to the ring and he has a mic:
G-Crusher: Fine, you want that new rule you got it!!!! Whoever gets hit with a chair first loses the match!!!!!
G-Crusher grabs a chair and rolls into the ring stands between both men, and offers the chair to Swagger!!!! WHACK!!!! He just cracked him over the HEAD!!!!! G-Crusher tells the ref the match is over! The bell rings!!!! Merlin pulls out his lead pipe and gets slap happy hitting Swagger with his pipe!!!! The fans go nuts as security comes racing down to the ring!!!! They dive in and G-Crusher starts whacking the security and they restrain him. He agrees to calm down at the top of the ramp and gets his mic back:
G-Crusher: "Gary Cooper, you will be the one to face me for the Television title. You wanted it? Come and get it... I'll see you in the ring. The g has spoken..."
G flashes his g sign and exits. The fans are going nuts! Cooper seems to be confused and helps up a jacked up Swagger and aids him to the back.
WINNER: Gary Cooper gets shot at TV Title next week
James Edgebrook: I think that dumpster crash has made G-Crusher a little crazy. I know Swagger and Billy Jay will not be happy with Merlin's actions! Maybe G thinks Swagger is the truck driver!!!! You never know!
The original Main Event has been moved to RIGHT NOW, and this may be the match of the night still!!!! Seven has returned and offended the champ. Even stole his World Title! Now Tyler Lee is fighting to get that title back! Even though it is still officially his. If Billy Jay wasn't so concered with making life miserable for the UNION, and finding the SAVIOR of the GOOD GUYS maybe he would step in a give the belt back to Tyler Lee!
Tyler Lee (World Champ)
Tyler Lee steps out first since this ain't a World Title Match up, he doesn't have his belt because as we know Seven has stolen it from him. Some predict Tyler Lee is too focused on Dan Dehart to win this match. Seven's music blares up! Commotion backstage!!!!
SeVen is tossed into a locker door and smacked with a lead pipe! G-Crusher is destroying Seven with his lead pipe! G-Crusher grabs the World Title and walks right by the camera man. BlackHart comes a second to late and helps up a pissed off Seven. Seven shakes it off and follows G-Crusher.
BACK in the RING
G-Crushers music blares up and he comes sprinting out with his lead pipe and the WORLD TITLE fans are going nuts! We all saw Merlin get screwed for the World Title and I think Merlin is gonna make sure he knows about it. G-Crusher gestures to the title saying it should be his and then chucks it at Tyler Lee and spitting at the ICON. Here comes Seven. Followed by Lanier Riley this is turning into a brawl! G-Crusher exits making his point felt! Fans know he wants his shot at the gold again, and soon. Lanier Riley makes sure G-Crusher stays away from the ring and then exits after everything calms down. Seven and Tyler Lee are battling in the ring. The match has started and Seven is pissed and taking it out on the WORLD CHAMP! Samoan drop! STO! Seven using his
a big list of manuevers. Neckbreakers. Tyler Lee finally dodges a clothelsine and turns it into a armbar. Tyler Lee goes off that. A drop kick, and back body drop. Shoulder block. A knee lift. The fans are going nuts as Tyler Lee gets more and more shots in. All of a sudden somebody hops out of the crowd and the fans burst. Everyone stands to see who it is! The two in the ring have no idea what is going on! It's DAN DEHART!!!! He grabs the World Title! Then he flees back thru the excited crowd. Tyler Lee notices it, and turns around roll up by Seven. 1..........2.....KICKOUT!!!! Almost a huge upset!!!! Backbreaker by Seven he is really cookin. Russian side leg sweep, cover! 1............2........KICKOUT!!!! Tyler Lee with a leg sweep. Then pulls Seven to his feet SPINEBUSTER! Big move. He pulls up again TORNADO DDT from the second rope. Cover on Seven. 1............2.......KICKOUT!!!! The champ does not look happy! Tyler Lee knows that after tonight he will be taking time off to train for his match with Dehart, but if he loses here he may not get to. Seven with a leaping elbow. Chokes the ICON while he's down. Then pulls him up! Tilt a whirl backbreaker!!!!! Cover! 1...........2....ICON gets his foot on the ropes!!!! Fans cheer cause they thought it was over!!!! Seven scoop slam, and then leans against the ropes, Tyler Lee hops right to his feet. As if to say, he's gonna end it right now!!!! But a ducked charge, and a BULLDOG by SEVEN puts the idea out. Cover. 1.......KICKOUT!!!! Fans amazed!!! Seven amazed!!! The champ is impervious to the pain!!!! A right to Tyler Lee no he caught his fist, pulls him into a grapple! TOTAL ANNHILATION!!!! He does not go for the cover!!!! He pulls him back up!!! FOREVER's BEGINNING!!!! Oh my!!!! No one man can kick out after that combo!!!! Cover!!!! 1...........2..........3!!! The champ has done it again!!! Yet, he is still without his World Title!!! You can tell he is a little sidetracked as he exits to the screaming fans!
WINNER: Tyler Lee
James Edgebrook: Seven put on a show! Seven took a backstage beating and then came out and STILL gave the champ a run for his money!!!!! Amazing!!! But the ICON shined thru again!!!! I think the UNION are actually doing what they do best tonight!!!! Attacks on everyone!!! Stealing the World Title, gesturing for match ups with champions! This is the night of the UNION and they are making people feel it!
Billy Jay is on his way out for his little tributes to the FOUNDATION, Ponce and TA Tyrone Alguard.
BILLY JAY's TRIBUTE to PONCE and TA Tyrone Alguard
Billy Jay rolls into the ring and shakes off the dust from his suit. And then points to the Billy Jay A Tron and a picture of TA Tyrone Alguard and Ponce are shown. "Killa Beez" is the song playing in the background as Billy Jay speaks.
Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to this Tribute to two of the BJWC's greatest. Now dispite Ponce taking over my company and TA fueding with McClane when McClane was my boy, I will never miss two competitiors in my entire time as the head of this company.
Together we are losing 2 former World Champions, both with enuf talent to take any fed to the top. And as a tribute I have here a special thanks to them tonight. To the FOUNDATION!
(Out comes three BJWC workers with a heavy object and they carry it into the ring. It has a sheet over it. Billy Jay pulls it off and it is a statue of Ponce and TA back to back with the words FOUNDATION FOREVER on the bottom.)
Billy Jay: This statue will be submitted to the BJWC Hall of Fame comemerating two of the greatest stars to grace the BJWC ranks! And by the way, one of these two men WILL be named the BJWC Wrestler of the YEAR, so if you havn't voted go vote now! But they are both head to head in the BJWC Poll one of them will surely be named for that award! I salute both of them and wish them good luck!
(Billy Jay sighs and steps back then steps up again.)
Billy Jay: Now that the heart felt crap is over with! I can get down to what really matters. ME and The COUNCIL! Now, UNION you are making things bad around here thinking you run the place! Am I gonna stand for it? Hell no. This is the B-J-w-c, not the U-w-c!!!! So you better calm your asses down. We got three quality matches left let's get this show on the road now! And if you Dan, Goliath or Merlin do anything in these three matches that is uncalled for or unfair, I'm talking about you Dan and Merlin, the two cheapest wrestlers in the history of the BJWC! You will be punished!!!! So win your matches fair and square tonight or you will pay for it!!!!
James Edgebrook: Billy Jay seemed to have almost gone soft, but it was all an act as he showed his true feelings towards the end, he should really show respect towards the people that have left because there are what made this place. It was nice to here the ballots for the Wrestler of the Year are a race between Ponce and TA Tyrone Alguard, I got my vote in, I suggest you get yours in as well!!!!!
We move on now to the HARDCORE TITLE MATCH, a rematch between Lanier and Dante. This shall be a great fight! But with Goliath as ref we may see some favoritism. But Billy Jay said he is watching him so Big G better play it safe!
Hardcore Title Match
Special Guest Ref Goliath
Dante (Hardcore Champ)
Lanier Riley
Lanier Riley steps out first and the fans go nuts! He has his COALITION shirt on. I think Lanier Riley is becoming a true leader. People have said to me, if they had to team with any man they would choose Lanier Riley simply because of his leadership and talent outside of the ring. He may be the smartest person in the BJWC! Always knows whats going on. Dante steps out with the NEW Women's Champ Melanire Stenson, fans go nuts again! This shall be a great hardcore battle! The two get in the ring and wait for the guest ref. Big G steps out and the fans go wild! He struts to the ring saying stuff about how he should be in the ring with Dante. And how he is the real Hardcore One. He has on a ref shirt with the words "HARDCORE is ALL I KNOW" written accross it. He starts the match. Dante holds up his hands for a strength contest. Lanier thinks about it, and agrees. They lock hands slowly. Goliath bends down to watch this closly for any cheap shots. THEY BOTH LET GO AND ATTACK GOLIATH!!!! The fans are shocked!!!! Big G had no idea what hit him and the two proceeded to pound down the big guy!!!! Has Dante just joined the COALITION? The HARDCORE BELT to the face of Big G. They retrieve tables and set them up. Dante is going to work with a chair to his skull. About 4 shots!!!! Then they hit a DOUBLE TEAM SUPLEX THRU A TABLE!!!!! Then set him on the top rope!!!! DOUBLE TEAM SUPERPLEX THRU A TABLE!!!!! Dante grabs the ringbell and clangs it over his skull a few times!!!!! Out comes Merlin Dan and David Dehart!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! What a brawl!!!! COALITION comes running out!!!! Tyler Lee without his Title!!!! All of a sudden DARREN HART comes thru the crowd!!! He is wearing a GREY SWEATSHIRT!!!! Darren Hart is the one who hit Big G and Merlin!!!!! Merlin notices the grey shirt and goes nuts on his!!!!! Dan and David Dehart battle with COALITION as in the ring Big G and Merlin demolish Darren Hart!!!!! Merlin grabs a mic:
Merlin: You son of a bitch!!!! You hits us with the truck, you covered us in MUD!!!! You will pay for this!!!! And pay for it right now!!!!! Our match is happening right now!!!!!
WINNER: No Contest Dante retains his title
G-Crusher (TV Champ)
Darren Hart
A ref comes racing out to ref the match!!!! The fans are going nuts as ringside the COALITION Vs. Deharts and Goliath fight is still going on but heading to the locker room, Dante stays ringside not wanting to get tangled with the brawl on the ramp!!!!! Darren Hart has almost no chance seeing as he got double teammed for about 5 minutes but Goliath and Merlin before the match!!!! Big G stays ringside as the rest of the UNION and the COALITION exit. Winner of this match fights Cooper next week already scheduled due to Merlin's earlier interuption. Darren tries to fight back but each time he gets any type of upperhand Goliath gets the ref's attention giving the Merlin time to rest. Darren actually hit the HART ATTACK out of nowhere in the middle of the ring and went for the cover, Big G climbed to the apron hit the ref with a chair, climbed into the ring and smacked Darren and then hit the OVERDOSE on Darren on top of the chiar!!!! While Big G was hitting his implant DDT, Malice hopped the railing from out of nowhere! AND STOLE MERLIN lead pipe!!!! Fans went nuts!!!! Malice exits quickly keeping himself hidden from Big G and Merlin. Goliath pulls Merlin on top of Darren and yells at Darren about cutting his arm and smashing his limo!!!! G wakes the ref and the ref counts. 1..........2.........3!!!! Merlin wins!!!! Darren rolls up as Big G and G-Crusher stroll up the ramp. Darren gets a mic:
Darren: Dante don't move! Big G, Merlin, turn your ASSES around!!!! You actually call this a WIN? Double team me before the match, double team me during the match!!!! Now, since GOLIATH, you seem to think you are the GOD of HARDCORE, I challenge YOU, to a HARDCORE MATCH next week, for a SHOT at DANTE's HARDCORE TITLE at GOLDFEST!?!?! How does that sound Mr. Hardcore Alternative, and Mr. Hardcore Pizan????
Goliath screams that he will take him out and then how he will take the Hardcore Title at GOLDFEST!!! Dante tells him to bring it on. And claims Darren can't handle him. The fans go nuts as they all exit one by one.
James Edgebrook: I can't believe it!!!! Darren Hart hits Merlin and Big G with a dumpster and pours mud all over their limo. Then Darren gets his ass kicked by them. Then Darren has the balls to challege Goliath who will have no trouble not only getting to PAYBACK Darren for cutting his arm, and ruining the limo, he will also be going for a shot at his HARDCORE TITLE, the Title that Goliath has the BJWC Record for holding the longest. And what was Malice with that PIPE? I'm not sure if Merlin even noticed he lost it, but i'm sure he will and G-Crusher will not be happy!
Tyler Lee is on his way to the booth to get a front row seat for Dehart's match with BlackHart. Welcome Tyler Lee.
Tyler: Hello, James!
James Edgebrook: You out here to keep you eye on DanDehart tonight?
Tyler: Not just that, but as you already know I'm leaving after tonight to train for our match, this is my last chance to study him up close and live. And, he has my World Title!
James Edgebrook: Makes sense to me, let's sit back and see how this baby turns out.
Dan Dehart (NA Champ)
Black Hart
Black Hart steps out first. He has his facepaint on and he physical shape is better than ever. He is Brian Hart the former 3 time BJWC World Champ. The fans boo him like crazy. They have never hated a man this much since BlackHawk was around. Dan Dehart steps out with his NA title and the fans go wild! He tosses the NA Title to the ref and the match get's under way. David Dehart stroll to ringside after a while but simply takes a seat to make sure Seven or anyone else doesn't get involved! Dehart hits a quick series of scoop slams and back breakers and seems like he could win right away but taunts at Tyler Lee. Tyler Lee remains calm and watches the match. Brian Hart quikcly gets the upper hand with a jumping superkick and a superplex. Hart was then tossed around in irish whip form and Dehart got his edge back. He then hit a stalling neck breaker and covered. 1...........2.....KICKOUT!!!! Hart fights to his feet and then hits a side slam, and tries to get on a fast sharpshooter but Dehart kicks him off. Hart quickly with a side headlock!!! Fans boo. Dehart lifts out of it hitting a back suplex. Dehart with a SPEAR!!! The Last Stop!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! Hart rolls to ringside to avoid a cover!!! Hart eyes the World Champ but refocuses on Dan. Dan dives to ringside but recieves and spinebuster on the cement. Hart tries to whip Dan into the steps reversed and Hart went shoulder first into the steps. Dan could have really done some damage but he proceeded to taunt the World Champ and they got face to face, with Dan the only one saying anything. Hart from behind with the steps to the back of the head. Hart then tries to put on the Sharpshooter at ringisde but Dehart powered out before he could get it locked. Dehart pulled himself into the ring!!!! Hart rolled in and tried another superkick but missed and Dan hit a SPEAR!!! Fans went nuts!!! He pulls him up!!!! DEVESTATOR!!!! Hart got caught!!! Cover!!! 1..........2..........3!!!! It's over!!! Hart got caught!!!! Dan Dehart pulls him up!!!! DEVESTATOR!!!!! What is Dehart doing???? He is gonna make Hart hurt!!! Now he locks on the SHARPSHOOTER!!!! Dehart locks on the Sharpshooter!!!! It's already over!!! Somebody stop him!!!!! Finally Dan let's go and Hart is in real pain. Dehart grabs the mic:
Dan: Brian you should know by now you mean nothing to me. I'll beat you each and everytime. This was a mere sample, next time you will bleed. So get out of here! Speaking of bleeding!!!! Tyler Lee I think I have something of yours!!!!
Tyler Lee climbs into the ring asking for his title back, telling him they meet in a few weeks.
Dan: I have your title, I have it right here!!!!
He pulls out the title from under his BJWC shirt!!! Fans go nuts!!!! He clobbers Tyler Lee over the head with it!!!! Fans go nuts!!!!! He lays the title across his body. Hart exits to the locker room. Dehart cotinues:
Dan: This scene will be the cover of the GOLDFEST 2000 Highlight Tape, because when I prove to the BJWC that I am the............
"Calm like a Bomb" blares over the loud speakers!!!! Fans boo!!!! Billy Jay steps out!!! Kurt Swagger, Crucible and Gary Cooper follow him. They all get in the ring and Billy Jay holds his hand out for the NA Title. Dan shakes his head and holds up his fist. The UNION, Goliath and G-Crusher step out and slowly enter the ring behind Dan.
Dan: Why the hell should I give you my title?
Billy Jay: I said if you did anything at all that was uncalled for you would suffer the consequences!!!! And now you are suffering the consequences!!!! (Fans boo) AS OF THIS MOMENT the BJWC NA Title is VACANT!!!! And next week at RIOT we will have a few qualifying matches to determine who will be fighting in a little tourney at GOLDFEST for this VERY TITLE!!!!!! (Fans go nuts)
Dan: Screw that idea!!! It's my belt!!!!
Billy Jay: It's YOUR belt HA! It's my company and MY BELT, and MY RULES!!!! And you didn't followed MY rules so now you are not a champion of ANYTHING!!!!! (Fans boo) Ohh......and by the way NEXT WEEK you will have to FIGHT for your spot at the PPV!!!! (Fans boo as the COUNCIL exits)
Dan Dehart: Fine then Billy Jay!!! You know what!?! I don't give a rat's ass about that title!!!! All I care about is this ONE!!!!
He picks up the World Title and holds it up. Billy Jay doesn't even bother turning around and exits.
Dan Dehart: Tyler Lee, you take your damn week off, and we will see who is the one who is the REAL CHAMPION!!!!! And who should REALLY be wearing this TITLE!!!!!
ALL of a SUDDEN the lights LOWER and a spotlight in the rafters displays BLACK HART and SEVEN holding the BJWC WORLD TITLE?!?!?!?! The fans boos but do not know what is going on?????
BLACK HART: You mean who is supposed to be wearing this WORLD TITLE?
Dan Dehart: (looks down at the fake belt and tosses it to the side and points up at the Seven on Harts) Alright!!! Seven since you and Brian Hart are f'n up my plans, I challenge you for my shot at the BJWC World Title at the PPV, but if I win the WORLD TITLE, the REAL World Title must be returned in full to Tyler Lee!!!!
Seven and Brian Hart nod as the lights return and the rafters are dark and unable to see anyone.
Tyler Lee jumps up and attacks Dan Dehart for hitting him with the title! Fans go nuts!!! Lanier Riley and the Tag Champs with Katrina come running out!!! We have Tyler Lee and Dan Dehart battling it out!!! Only two weeks away from the PPV and these two are going at it like it was tonight!!!! Fans are going wild!!!! COALITION is taking care of Goliath and Merlin! THEN..........Here comes a masked man!!!!! Fans are going nuts!!!! Who the hell is this!!?!?!? Is it the same man that saved Tyler Lee from Chris McClane?!!??!?!!? He dives into the ring with a chair!!!! HE SMACKS TYLER LEE OVER HIS HEAD!!!!! fans are going nuts!!!!! Dan Dehart is totally shocked!!!! The Masked Man dives over the top rope and flees into the corwd as James Edgebrook screams :
"Who the hell is it? We are out of time! See you next week! What a night!!!!!!"