Tuesday Riot December 28th

Tuesday Night Riot
December 28th, 1999
Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, CT
BJWC Productions


(BJWC Logo appears and the newest BJWC theme a new remix of "Eye of the Tiger" blares loud. Clips from BJWC History begin to play. Dan trading blows with Outlander. KAHN hitting a Face Driver thru a table on Crucible. Tyler Lee reversing Nasty Ness Manson's slam. Slick Rick hitting the Slick Driver on some jobber. Billy Jay and Cooper together attacking VP Andrews. Matt Party holding up the BJWC Division 2 Title and then praying over it. Cooper latching on the Wednesday Night Special. Darren Hart hitting a piledriver on a chair. Black Hart and Seven standing in the rafters staring down apon the ring below. Kurt Swagger hitting Truth or Consequence. Dante Calavaria sending an unlucky fellow thru a few tables. G-Crusher and Lanier Riley falling thru the cage after the hardcore heavens match. Showing Dan Dehart be stripped of the NA Title and Billy Jay announcing the matches for tonight. Dan DeHart hitting Tyler Lee with the World Title and a masked man attacking the champ. The deadly stare by Tyler Lee the champion. The music fades as the BJWC reappears forming now into the sound of cheers and we enter the BJWC Arena.)

(The camera pans around the arena with signs flooding the space. The noticable signs include "Come back TA", "Finally a Women's Champ with CLASS!" "KAHN join the party!" "Fighting the FOUR (crossed out replaced by "UNION") will make you famous but you won't live long!" "Strickly Business 4 EVER!" "BJWC Beat Jobbers With Care!" "EPIC BATTLE: Lee VERSUS Dehart" "Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to the SEVEN of HARTS!" And many others. As soon as the camera gets to the ramp "CALM LIKE A BOMB" blares up and the fans boo. Billy Jay steps out. He has on a pure black tux with a sparkly "GOLDFEST 2000" written on the back of his suit. The front has "GF" standing for GOLDFEST. He enters the ring unbuttons his suit and displays his NEW COUNCIL T-shirt. Showing the faces of Chris Verve, Gary Cooper and himself.)

Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to the VERY LAST RIOT, the VERY LAST EVENT, of this MILLENIUM!!!!! (Fans go nuts) Ohh, and do we have a show for you tonight?!?!?!?! Actually no, it's not for you at all!!! I get to pit two of the BJWCs most OVERRATED MEN, Seven and Dan Dehart! HA! One of them fighting for the World Title. It's almost as bad as BIG SHOW Vs. Big Bossman!

If you havn't already heard GOLDFEST has been delayed one week! That's right, I've decided to go on a suprise vacation. I decided I wanted to watch the Heisman Trophy winner in the ROSE BOWL, so I'm off to California!!! While all you jerks get to sit at home and watch me having a good time! Hell, I think i'll bring the WHOLE Council along!!!!

Well, it seems the SAVIOR is out of my hair! It seems as though whoever saved Tyler Lee at RAGE WARS has stopped causing troubles, and now the CHAMP is off training for his big match! We will have a live feed from him later on tonight!

We have some awesome battles tonight! And expect alot of GOLDFEST matches to be signed tonight!!!! We get to see who will fight Dante Calavria at GOLDFEST, which may be the most exciting Division in the BJWC at the moment. Plus, the NA Title tourney spots will be filled tonight with some prelim MATCHES!!!! Plus, Gary Cooper gets to kick G-Crushers ass tonight, and demolish the TV Title Champion G-Crusher. With me as Special Guest Ref, just talley a belt in the COUNCIL column!

BJWC is on fire and with the most ANTICIPATED PPV other than WRESTLEBOWL, right around the CORNER the BJWC is only getting HOTTER! So turn of the *$#king FOOTBALL GAME, tell your b#%^@ to give you the CLICKER, turn the CHANNEL to what matters! THE BJWC!!!!!

(Fans boo his vulgorness and Billy Jay laughs at his own rude comments and ponders if it should be his new catchphrase then exits to "CALM LIKE A BOMB")

James Edgebrook: Just when you think Billy Jay can't go any further he finds away to insult a few more people and get this company in a little more trouble!!!! He is delaying GOLDFEST one full week, just because of a VACATION!!!!! This is wrong! We need VP Andrews back!
Maybe KAHN will fill in and put Billy Jay in his place. Because in a recent meeting VP Andrews came into the BJWC Office Building and came out of Billy Jay's office very upset, and you could hear Billy Jay laughing at him. I think Billy Jay is in no mood to have a new VP since Billy Jay is having the time of his life running this place by himself! But he is making life hell for everyONE! INCLUDING THE FANS!!! I miss the old, the professional, the good guy Billy Jay! Back when he stepped out to CHEERS, instead of BOOs!!!!
Well nothing I can do about it. So let's get to our first match! This could be the match of the night! The winner moves on to GOLDFESTs' NA Title Tourney! Kurt Swagger aka Chris Verve Vs. Matt Party!!!! Matt Party is one of the most PURE good guys in the BJWC! He in my mind is a TRUE CHAMPION! I predict him to win this tourney in a land slide! Chris Verve will have to do more than abduct Matt Party if he wants a win tonight.

Winner enters the NA Tourney at GOLDFEST
Kurt Swagger (Chris Verve)
Matt Party

The BJWC Division 2 first EVER Champion Matt Party steps out first. Matt Party gets a GREAT reaction from the crowd, and Party begins to pray in the center of the ring. The fans mimmic his pose. Out steps Kurt Swagger fans boo. The fans are not happy about him abducting Slick Rick last week. And they are not happy with his teaming with Billy Jay's EVIL Council. But Kurt Swagger has proven he can fight thru the boos. Kurt starts to enter the ring when he is distracted by some fans in the front row! It is a group of PRIESTS! They are yelling at him. Matt Party is still praying in the ring. Kurt is yelling at them about some relegious stuff and the priests and the fans are yelling back in total rage. Some fans are even tossing stuff at him. Finally convinces Kurt to get into the ring but as he turns away from the priests MATT PARTY HITS A SUICIDE PLANCHA!!!! Fans go nuts!!! The ref rings the bells. Matt Party lands a few good punches. Party slams Kurt over the railing into the savage crowd. THE PRIESTS are now JUMPING Kurt!!! Fans are getting into the action. Kurt Swagger is being mobbed! Matt Party has got the refs attention so he can't stop anything in the crowd. Finally Kurt Swagger dives over the railing barley able to get up from the mob beating. I think Matt Party has this match won for sure. PARTY BOMB!!!! What a move!!! Matt Party climbs the top rope! Here comes BILLY JAY!!??!! Fans are booing already!!! Billy Jay grabs the refs leg as MATT PARTY HITS THE PARTIES OVER!!!!! The moonsault elbow DROP!!!! Fans are chanting "Party..... Party". Matt covers Kurt. Party never saw Billy Jay come down. Billy Jay grabs a chair and rolls in the ring. Matt Party stands upset cause he should have gotten the three count! SMACK!!!! Billy Jay with a chair to the head of Matt Party!!!! Billy Jay drags Kurt on top of Party! Billy Jay wakes the ref and rolls him back into the ring! 1..........2.........3NO!!! KICKOUT!!!! Matt Party kicked out!!!! Kurt Swagger is still wobbly. Matt Party now keeping an eye on Billy Jay, who still holds a chair at ringside! Billy Jay winds up the chair as Kurt whips him into the ropes! NO REVERSED!!!! Billy Jay just hit KURT SWAGGER with the CHAIR!!!! Fans are booing like crazy!!!! Party hooks the leg! 1............2.........3NO!!! Billy Jay pulled the ref out again!!! Billy Jay rolls in the ring again!!!! Matt Party ducks a chair shot and tries a clothesline, Billy Jay ducks! CHAIR SHOT AGAIN!!!!! And another!!!!! That's THREE CHAIR SHOTs to MATT PARTY!!!! The fans are booing like mad!!!! Billy Jay rolls the ref in again!!!! Kurt covers! 1..........2...........3!!!! It's over!!!! What a cheap match!!!! Billy Jay pulls Kurt out and they hustle to the locker room trying to stay away from the outraged Matt Party.

WINNER: Kurt Swagger enters the NA Tourney at GOLDFEST

James Edgebrook: NO!! Matt Party was robbed! He was robbed THREE times!!! DAMN THIS!!! Billy Jay must be stopped! Matt Party put on the match of his life, he kicked out from a wicked chair shot, and hit his moonsault elbow drop. Matt Party got robbed. This is NOT FAIR!!!!
We move on to half of the BORDER MAGIC, the high flying Paco Delgado, versus one of the most underrated guys in the BJWC Richard Head. This is his first chance to prove his talent. Here comes Head now.

Winner enters the NA Tourney at GOLDFEST
Paco Delgado
Richard Head

The fans cheer on this usually tag team division man. His confidence is not high but his in ring talent is very good. Paco's music hits and out comes. A HORSE? It's a man inside a horse suit. He can barley hold the head of the suit up. The fans laugh at the stupid outfit. Richard Head shakes his head at him and then hits a dropkick as the bell rings. Richard Head quickly takes the head of the costume and starts beating the Mexican Technition with it. Paco is set on the top ropes for some high risk move, but Paco with a headbutt to the groin and then a sunset flip into a pin! 1.........2....KICKOUT!!!! Paco hits a flying lariat knocking Head to the mat! Paco runs to the top ropes in record time and then calls for the VOLANDO VIRUS holding his fingers in a "V"! He then jumps off the top ropes WITH A SPINNING FROG SPLASH!!!!! Richard Head catches him on his shoulder! SIT OUT PILEDRIVER!!!! Fans go nuts! Great move! Cover! 1........2......KICKOUT by the little guy. Head with a CAN OPENER!!!! Pump handle slam!!!! Great move again. Now Head lifts upo the little man RICCOCHETTE!!!!! What a great move!!!! Three in a row!!! Cover! 1...........2.....NO Richard Head stops the pin and pulls up Paco! RICCOCHETTE AGAIN RIGHT ON THE HORSE HEAD!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! Cover's Paco on top of the crushed horse costume head. 1...........2...........3.!!!!! What a victory for Richard HEAD! He advances with little problem!!!

WINNER: Richard Head moves to GOLDFEST for the NA Tourney

James Edgebrook: Richard Head really proved he's a force to be reckoned with. And if he gets Priests to attack Kurt at the PPV he may be able to move into the NA Championship match!
Two great NA Prelim matches and two left two go. Next we have a rivalry that has been around since REUNION PPV! Back when it was Cooper/Hart/Crucible for the World Title. And Hart had the Sharpshooter locked in, but Crucible hit the FLASHBACK and cost Hart the match. But Crucible had returned for about a week, and once again he is slacking off, doing his own thing. Everyone predicts Hart to win this match with no trouble.

Winner enters the NA Tourney at GOLDFEST
Black Hart

Crucible steps out first and the fans give him little reaction. Black Hart steps out next. He is saying things like this is a waste of a match and Crucible is a waste of a wrestler. Crucible attacks. Crucible hit a series of side slams. Crucible was going for a belly to belly suplex, but REVERSED atomic drop!!! Black Hart with a samoan drop. Scoop slam. Hart is going for his full range of moves tonight. Hart stops to rest against the ropes. Gives time for Crucible to recover. Crucible charges BACK BODY DROP TO RINGSIDE THRU A TABLE!!!!! Fans are going nuts!!! Crucible went flipping right thru the bell ringers table. Hart is now climbing ringside! SHARPSHOOTER!!!! SHARPSHOOTER on the busted table!!!! The fans are booing Hart. Crucible is tapping but the ref says he needs to be in the ring and breaks the hold. Hart rolls Crucible back in the ring. Hart setting up for a superplex, NO, Crucible reverses into a SUNSET FLIP!!!! 1..........2.KICKOUT!!!! Hart looks a little pissed now. Some of his face paint is worn off. Hart tries a superkick! MISSED! Crucible FLASHBACK!!!!! Connects!!!! Hart was hit by the FLASHBACK the same move that cost Hart the title at ReUNION 99. Cover! 1........2......3NO!!!! KICKOUT!!!! Fans are amazed!!!! Crucible thinks it was a three count and is yelling at the ref. Crucible turns around DROPKICK!!!! DDT by HART!!!! Hart to the top ropes!!!! ELBOW DROP!!!! Here is comes!!!! SHARPSHOOTER!!!!!! Crucible is locked in!!!! He has no where to go, it's all over!!!! Crucible calls it quits after a sharpshooter!!!!!

WINNER: Black Hart moves into the NA Tourney at GOLDFEST

James Edgebrook: Good match for Black Hart, his first chance to get revenge on Crucible from ReUNION!!! And he did just that. Crucible's career may be in danger if he doesn't get back to work soon!
Well, folks, this next one should be a dandy. Three men that are some of the BJWC's premiers. Taurus, the rising star, Malice, a man who is trying to get back on track from his past glorious career, and the reigning Hardcore Champ, Dante Calavria. But, a surprise for you all, Lanier Riley is going to come down to ringside and help me with the commentary for this match.

Dante (Hardcore Champ)

[Lanier walks down to the ring and the crowd gives him a decent pop. There are various fans chanting Coalition, and there are various fans chanting UNION. Lanier walks down to ringside, throws on a headset and is welcomed.]

JE: Lanier, glad to have you with me.

Lanier Riley (LR): James, thanks, it's great to be here. I figure if I can't get in action tonight, I need to make some kind of an appearance.




JE: The bell has rung, it's onto the match!!!

[The three men circle around the ring, wondering who is going to do what first. Malice and Dante give each other a look, and then Taurus makes a jump step, alerting the both of them. They continue circling, when out of nowhere, Malice runs at Dante and spears him right to the floor.]


LR: Taurus is getting into this one now. He's jumping in on the action and kicking both men while their down on the ground battling it out.

[Malice gets up, blocking the punches and kicks of Taurus. Dante still lays on the ground, affected by the unexpected spear from Malice. Malice and Taurus lock things up and Dante slowly makes his way to his feet.]

LR: Malice and Taurus better be careful and not forget about Dante. I've wrestled with that man before, and by all means, he's no cakewalk.

[ Taurus gives a suplex to Malice and phases him. He picks Malice up by the hair and goes to lock up with him but... ]

JE: DANTE WITH A CLOTHESLINE FROM BEHIND!! He just about knocked Taurus into next week with that clothesline.. He never even saw it coming. Both Malice and Taurus now down on the ground, and Dante getting some support from the fans.

LR: I told you you shouldn't turn your back on Dante. That man will make ya pay... they do it again, it could mean the match.

[Dante ignores Taurus, lying on the ground and what seems to be unable to do anything at the moment. Him and Malice lock it up and Dante swings him around into the turnbuckle. He gives Dante a few knees to the stomach and Malice crouches down, gasping for air.]

JE: Folks, it may not be long before Malice is out of this one. Dante is really sucking the life out of this legend.

LR: It's not gonna be over yet, James. Malice is a tough guy who won't lay down to something this simple.

JE: Dante has him in a standing headscissors.. He picks him up in a piledriver position....


JE: Folks, Taurus came out of nowhere and just nailed Dante in the back sending him to the ground, and Malice got crushed by Dante who had him in a standing headscissors!! Both men are out!!!

LR: Taurus needs to pin... Taurus needs to pin!

JE: Taurus goes for the cover on Malice -- One...Two...Thr....

LR: Oh, I thought this one was over, but Dante mustered up enough energy to pull him off of Malice. Man, what a fight. This one could go on all night.

[Malice, still dead on the canvas seems unconsious. Dante groaps the ropes and slowly makes his way to his feet. Taurus is screaming things in Dante's ear as he makes his way up. Taurus slaps him in the face, just taunting the "Hardcore Pizan."]

JE: This is a disgrace. Taurus is just taunting the Hardcore Champ.. just enticing him. This is awful.

LR: I'm not much of a friend of Dante, but he doesn't deserve this.

[Taurus kicks Dante in the stomach, and Dante falls back into the turnbuckles, resting his legs; the turnbuckles seem to be the only thing holding him up.]

JE: Taurus, sliding Malice more over toward the center of the ring....

LR: He's heading over toward Dante....

JE: He picks Dante up... SUPLEX RIGHT ONTO MALICE!!! Taurus just suplexed Dante right onto Malice, and both men are out of it. Taurus is still kicking Dante while he's down, disgracing the Hardcore Champ.

LR: Taurus, picking Dante up to his feet, grabs him by the neck...

JE: A SHOT TO THE GROIN!!! Malice just came out of nowhere and nailed Taurus right between his legs and all men are staggered and on the ground. It's going to be a race of who gets to their feet first. Folks, buckle up, this ride ain't gonna get any smoother!!

LR: Man, what a match! [sarcastic tone] Of course, you know if I was in there, this whole thing would be over by now.

[The three men both moap around the ring trying to get to their feet. Malice and Dante both seem to be going at about the same pace. Dante makes it to his feet and runs at Malice, trying to tackle him.]

JE: Wait.. Malice kicked Dante right in the midsection and stopped him right in his tracks. He sets him up... DDT!! Malice with an impressive DDT, and he seems to be gettin some offense going. Taurus, making his way back to his feet.

[Malice is staring at Dante on the ground and Taurus slowly makes his way up. With Malice's back to Taurus, Taurus taps him on his right shoulder and swings right at his face....]

LR: BLOCKED!!! WHAM!!! Malice blocks the Taurus's punch and then connects with a right of his own. My oh my have we got a match. This place is erupting folks!

[Malice rolls Dante out of the ring and it seems that he wants to do some work on Taurus and possibly go for the pin. He picks Taurus up, and Dante lays on the outside.]

JE: Malice picking up Taurus and pounding away at him. He throws him against the ropes.. BODYSLAM!! MY, WHAT AUTHORITY!!!

LR: You could hear, see and feel the authority from where I'm sittin. Malice is one tough SOB, and you don't wanna piss him off.

[Meanwhile on the outside, Dante makes his way to his feet and grabs a steel chair right next to the booth.]

LR: Dante grabbin that chair.. Hell, this is a hardcore match, why not use a chair? Smart, if you ask me.

[Malice picks up Taurus and drags him over to one of the turnbuckles, but Taurus gets a burst of energy and spins him into the turnbuckle. He climbs the turnbuckle and hits Malice in the head ten times. He hops down from the ropes and starts taunting Malice, back turned from Dante. Dante slides into the ring with the chair.]

JE: Taurus, yelling in Malice's face, Malice a bit dazed, and I don't think they see Dante!!!


JE: Dante falls to the ground and drapes one arm over Taurus... He's got the cover...ONE.....TWO.....THREE!!! We've got a winner...We've got a winner!! Dante retains his gold!!!

LR: What a match!!! Taurus falls to Dante, and Malice is bound to want a rematch with Dante one on one. I don't believe this.

JE: Wait a minute.. who's that coming from the back!?!? GOLIATH and DAN!!!

[Both men storm down to the ring and slide right under the first rope. Dante slowly makes his way to his feet, only to be met with Dan and Goliath's fist of fury. Both men pound away.]


[Lanier runs into the ring and Goliath runs over to him and leaves Dante with Dan.]

JE: Right.. Left.. Right.. Left.. Goliath is down!! Lanier runs over in Dan's direction.. WHACK!! He kicks him.. HITS HIM!! Both Dan and Goliath have fled from the ring. Lanier helps Dante up, and the two exchange some words. They stare at each other for a moment, and Lanier is walking out of the ring. Is Dante with Lanier? What the hell is going on. Folks, we'll be back in a minute, we've gotta go to a commercial break. Coming up next, Slick Rick and Big Machine.

WINNER: Dante still HARDCORE Champion

James Edgebrook: UNION and COALITION still hot at each other. Dante proved why he is the Hardcore champ but good matches from the challengers. Dan and Lanier are still arch enemies. They have no love loss at all.
Well, we still have Lanier sitting next to me, sweaty and all from his short battle with two Union members. Lanier, what exactly is going on with you and Dante?

LR: I have no comment. The man beat me for my first loss here. I have respect for him.. That is it. If you're asking if that was a Coalition invitation, then the answer is no. If you are asking if I respect the guy, then the answer is a definite yes.

JE: Well, during our overly-long commercial break, Slick Rick and Big Machine have both made their way in the ring. I just wonder how well will Slick Rick wrestle after being abducted by Kurt Swagger last week.

LR: You mean Kurt "I like to use cheap actors in my promos" Swagger?

JE: Well, I don't know abou...

LR: Oh, okay, I thought that's who you meant. Say, what exactly did Kurt try to do to Slick Rick when he was abducted? I know Rick ain't like that.. but with Swaggy, ya never know.

JE: Heh heh.

JE: Well, the wrestlers are in the ring, let's get things underway.

Winner enters the NA Tourney at GOLDFEST
Slick Rick
Big Machine

[Ding Ding Ding Ding]

JE: Both men doing a little dance step around the ring, almost as if they're still stretching.

LR: They tie it up, and it appears that Big Machine has the advanage.

JE: Big Machine backs him up into the corner, the ref gets in between and we're gonna have a clean bre....

LR: NOT SO CLEAN!! Big Machine sends a knee right into the gut of Slick Rick. Smart, but cheap. That's what Big Machine is gonna need to do to win this match though.

JE: Slick Rick, already down on the ground from one knee shot. He's not the same man that we saw two weeks ago. He's obviously being affected by the abduction.

LR: That's for sure. He's looking rusty.

[Big Machine picks him up off the ground and pushes him back into the turnbuckle again. He hits him in the face a few times and pulls him by the hair to get him out of the turnbuckle. He grabs him by the tights and his neck and tosses Rick right out of the ring where he lands on the concrete flat on his back.]

JE: Rick is out of this one early and Big Machine is heading to the outside. The ref starts to count....

Ref: One.....

LR: Big Machine picking up Rick from the ground, grabbing him by the back of the head, and ramming him right into that steel railing!! Man, Rick falls to his knees, but Big Machine picks him right back up. He slams his head back into the railing!!!

JE: Man, Rick can't take much of this.

Ref: Two.....

JE: Big Machine grabs Rick by the arm and slings him right into the railing!! Man, he is really taking a hurtin from that steel tonight!!

LR: He sure is, and trust me, from experience, I know it dooesn't feel too great hittin that steel.

Ref: Three...

[Rick lays on the ground, and momentarily, Big Machine circles around the ring looking for some sort of an object. He looks under the ring and finds a wooden table. He picks it up sets it up.....]

Ref: Four....

[....puts Rick on the table and climbs the top rope.]

LR: Oh My!

JE: From the top...SMASH!! He just cracked that table and unfortunately for Rick, he was on it!! He just gave him some kind of a frogsplash, splitting the table and there are fragments of wood all over the place. Rick is out, folks.

LR: Don't count him out yet.

Ref: Five....

[The ref starts speeding up his count.]

JE: Big Machine grabs Rick by the hair....

Ref: Six...

JE: ...He rolls Rick into the ring and if he goes for the cover, this thing is over.

LR: Big Machine has taken this over. He picks up Rick, puts him in a standing headscissors, POWERBOMB!! Rick is lifeless... He can't finish this match out. Someone throw in the towel.

[Big Machine goes to pick Rick up by the hair almost immediately. He doesn't want him gaining any strength while down on the ground. He picks him up by the hair and...]

JE: RAKE TO THE EYES!!! Rick just got a rake to the eyes, and Big Machine seems out of it. He's dazed!! He's looking around wondering what's going on!!

LR: Rick, to his feet!!!


JE: Rick rolls on top of Big Machine...

LR: ONE...TWO....THREE!!! HE DID IT!!! After all the abuse, and Rick wins.. I don't believe this night!!! And it's far from over!

WINNER: Slick Rick moves on to the NA Title Tourney at GOLDFEST

James Edgebrook: Thanks to Lanier for joining me for a little help calling the matches. As he said Slick rick after all that he has gone thru with Kurt Swagger he still proves victorious and moves on to Goldfest. Big Machine wasn't able to put the smaller man away and paid the price.
We have Katrina leading the Tag Champs out right now for a Tag Team interview. This should be good. And as Diadem said this should be something big if it was polanned a week in advance.


(They rolls into the ring and stand in a nice pose wearing the Tag Team belts proudly around their waist. Katrina has the mic and she speaks. )

Katrina: Completion Coalition is the REAL deal! I noticed we have NO challenge for GOLDFEST, either way, we walk out of that PPV with the titles, we are too talented to b......... (Matt Party's music blares up.)

(Matt Party steps out and the fans are going nuts. He has a mic of his own.)

Party: Sorry for the interuption, I was just screwed out of shot at the NA Title. Billy Jay get out here RIGHT NOW!!!! (Fans go nuts!)

("Calm Like a BOMB" blares up and out walks?!?!?!?!? THE SAVIOR OF THE GOOD GUYS!!!! The fans go nuts!!!! The SAVIOR has the word "SAVIOR" accross his chest and is covered fully in a robe from head to toe. You can not make out anyone. Matt Party gives him an odd look, trying to see who it is.)

SAVIOR: I am also sorry for interupting, but I didn't feel it was fair that you got screwed tonight! (Fans cheer) So, how does a SHOT at the BJWC TAG TITLEs at GOLDFEST 2000 SOUND??!?!?

Matt Party: I would say yes but. Who is gonna be my partner? You?

SAVIOR: (shakes his head and points to the entrance.) How bout this?

(Out from the entrance walks TOMMY CHRISTOPHER from BJWC Division 2!!!!)

SAVIOR: See Billy Jay said even BJWC Division 2 people can go for these belts, and take this challenge. And since I feel Christopher needs a break, he's gonna get it! AT GOLDFEST!!!!

Katrina: A BJWC D2 guy, and rookie Matt Party versus the greatest Tag Champs in BJWC History! Bring it on!!!!

("Calm Like a Bomb" blares up and Billy Jay comes sprinting out at the SAVIOR!!!! Kurt Swagger follows!!! Double clothesline!!!! The SAVIOR clears them both out and exits quickly with the COUNCIL's Billy Jay and Kurt Swagger following behind him.)

Matt Party: (with Tommy Christopher) You underestimate us! Katrina! Alpha! Omega! At Goldfest you will put to your limits!!! We will see just how good you REALLY are!!!!

(Party and Christopher exit speaking about something. Katrina and Alpha and Omega speak about something and Katrina yells:)


(They sprint up the ramp and the four begin fighting on the ramp and quickly go into the locker room! Were the COALITION's Lanier Riley shows up and they try to beat down Party and Christopher but the SAVIOR shows up again and helps them out. )

James Edgebrook: WOAH! Completion Coalition versus Matt Party and Tommy Christopher at GOLDFEST!!!! What a great match that will be!!!! Plus, we will find out who this SAVIOR is at GOLDFEST!!!! Goldfest is gonna rock the world! I can not wait!
Next, we have Merlin putting up the title against Gary Cooper! Merlin wanted to fight Cooper because he told him last week that he wanted to fight him tonight for the title! What does G have up his sleave? And with Billy Jay as guest ref this is not good for Merlin.

TV Title Match
Billy Jay Special Guest Ref
Merlin Reynolds (TV Champ)
Gary Cooper

Here comes G-Crusher! Wait we have some feed from backstage! It's SAVIOR talking with Merlin! Merlin ust noticed his music is playing! Here he finally comes! Fans go nuts! He holds his TV Title high in the air! Cooper is shown backstage hiding in a shower. He is saying "save me from the SAVIOR!!!! AHH!!!! " He hears his music start up and Cooper runs out and down the ramp constantly looking behind him for the SAVIOR of the GOOD GUYS!!!!! "Calm like a Bomb" blares up and out comes Billy Jay in a striped SUIT!!!! Fans are booing Billy Jay as if he was hitler. Billy Jay enters the ring! BELL RINGS!!!! Merlin starts quick with a sidwalk slam and a snap suplex! Quick cover! ...................1.............KICKOUT!!!! Billy Jay with a SLOW AS HELL count! G-Crusher is pissed! Cooper with a low blow!!! Merlin goes right down! Cover! 1.....2.....3!!! It's over!!!! Merlin DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO KICK OUT!!!!! Merlin grabs his belt and begins to hand it to COOPER!!!! WHACK!!!! MERLIN JUST CRACKED BILLY JAY ACROSS THE HEAD WITH HIS BELT!!!!! Cooper doesn't retaliate. Merlin gets a mic:

G-Crusher: Here's an early Christmas Present from me to you, Coop! You dissirve this! And I am gunning for a higher belt! So Coop you take care of that belt! I'm gonna go take care of a different one!

(Fans go nuts! and a champ starts "WORLD WORLD" and G-Crusher exits to the yell of the crowd.)

WINNER: Gary Cooper NEW TV Title Champion

James Edgebrook: GARY COOPER new TV TITLE CHAMPION?!?!? G-Crusher has a BJWC #1 World Contenders match at GOLDFEST but who is his opponent?!?! It has not been announced yet!!! This PPV looks like a classic battle! We have some of the greatest matches of all time history.
We have two matches left tonight! But before we get to them! WE HAVE THE WORLD CHAMPs!!! Live feed from where he is training in Miami Florida!!!!!

Live Video Feed of the CHAMP Tyler Lee Training

(The scene switches to the live video feed of the Lee Family School of Wrestling in Miami, FL.)

[We see "The ICON" Tyler Lee standing outside of and in front of a wrestling ring in the school. Inside the ring, Jay Blood and another of Mike Lee's students is sparring. Jay wears black wrestling pants with BLOOD written in red in a futuristic font and his wrists and fists are taped. The other student wears simple black trunks and boots. Tyler Lee stands with his arms folded over his chest. He is also wearing his wrestling gear as well as a sleeveless black t-shirt with his logo on it. He looks over his shoulder into the ring, then back to the camera. He smiles.]

[Tyler Lee]-: "Hey BJWC fans. This.." [Looks around the room at the gym] "..is my family's wrestling school. Nice, huh? Well, I've been training all day, and I've had the camera taking footage, so instead of boring you, I decided I'd talk a little and show some highlights. So, let's get started.. Shall we?"

[The scene switches to earlier in the day. In the ring is "The ICON" Tyler Lee and Jay Blood. Standing outside the ring shouting orders is Mike Lee.]

[Mike Lee]-: "Alright, let's start with some simple moves. Begin!"

[The two men circle each other.. Suddenly, Tyler charges. Jay gives him a quick kick to the stomach, and attempts a body slam. Tyler stops it and rolls him up with a small package.]
[Mike Lee]-: [Counting loud enough for them to hear] "1! 2!"

[Tyler rolls over, pinning Jay's shoulders to the mat.]

[Mike Lee]-: "1! 2!"

[Jay kicks out. Both men get up quickly. Jay attempts a clothesline, but Tyler ducks it and bounces off the ropes. He comes back, attempting a clothesline of his own, which Jay ducks. Tyler keeps going, bounces off the ropes, and charges Jay. Jay turns and catches him with a quick back kick. He puts Tyler's head between his legs for a piledriver, but Tyler lifts him up for a back body drop. Jay holds on and rolls through though, scoring a sunset flip.]

[Mike Lee]-: "1! 2!"

[Tyler rols back out of it, and pushes Jay's feet forward, holding his shoulders to the mat.]

[Mike Lee]-: "1! 2!"

[Jay kicks out. Both men once again jump to their feet. Jay connects with a straight punch, staggering Tyler. Jay backs up and bounces off the ropes. He runs in and attempts a crucifix. Tyler strains.. and holds him up. He then drops Jay down with a samoan drop.]

[Mike Lee]-: "Alright! Stop!"

[Jay rolls back and gets to his feet, a little out of breath. Tyler backs up a few steps and rests against the turnbuckle.]

[Mike Lee]-: "That was some really great chain wrestling there guys, I'd love to see a whole match between you two. Now, Tyler, it took you a while, but you saw the opening and hit that high impact move. You took too long though. You have to move in and the MOMENT he backs down, take him out. You charge no matter what, keep going. You got me?"

[Tyler nods, taking in every word.]

[Mike Lee]-: "Good. Again."

[The scene fades slowly and switches to Tyler again standing in front of the ring.]

[Tyler Lee]-: "As you can see, I'm already getting some of my confidence back. My technical skills are still there, I'm just getting them back in top form. I WILL be ready come Goldfest, no matter what Danny boy would have you believe. He may SAY he wants me at my best, but we all know he's lying. He knows if I'm at my best, I'll win. Hands down. Dan, you get through Seven tonight, and then you worry about me and MY title. The title you've held before, but you will NEVER hold as long as I'M the champion. Goldfest.. you'll see why I truly am the best. Now, I leave you with those thoughts.. and another look at my training.."

[The scene fades and switches again. Jay and Tyler are once again in the ring, waiting for Mike's say to start sparring again. He is outside, writing something down on a clipboard. He finishes and then looks up.]

[Mike Lee]-: "Alright... Go."

[The two men once again begin circling. This time, Jay comes out of the corner full speed. Tyler quickly side steps, but Jay stops and turns. He goes for a clothesline, which Tyler ducks. Jay turns around.. Tyler connects with a right hook. He follows up with a jab and a quick kick to the gut. Jay grabs his stomach. Tyler picks him up.. Body slam. Jay rolls over and gets up. Tyler moves in on him.]

[Mike Lee]-: "Don't leave yourself open!"

[Jay hits a left uppercut to ICON. Tyler is staggered and takes a few steps back. Jay runs in and hits a falling clothesline. Jay jumps up, and Tyler gets up a little slower. Jay once again comes in. Tyler grabs him quickly and spins him around. He grabs his head and drops down, hitting a seated neckbreaker. Jay gets up rather quickly though, but holding the back of his head/neck. Tyler looks on, then backs up, bouncing off the ropes. Jay takes a step back and Tyler goes in... ICON DDT out of nowhere. Jay still keeps getting up, but he is heavily dazed and staggered.. He staggers towards ICON.. ICON lifts him up into a gorilla press... SHOWSTOPPA! He connects with The Showstoppa on Jay Blood. He falls to the mat and hooks the leg.]

[Mike Lee]-: "1! 2! 3!! It's over!"

[Tyler sits up and smiles. Jay rolls out of the ring slowly. He looks up in disgust and kicks the ring stairs in anger. The camera turns to Mike Lee. He is smiling, proudly.]

(The scene fades out and switches back to BJWC Monday Night RIOT.)

James Edgebrook: Tyler Lee looks to be on top of his game! He has a whole extra week to train. Dan Dehart better get ready to fight a NEW refined ICON come GOLDFEST!!!! It may be the best match in BJWC History!!!! I cannot wait for Goldfest to roll around!!!!!
Billy Jay will make another announcement before the night is over. But first we have one of our two matches left tonight! this match means more than any other match tonight! Seven Vs Dan Dehart! What a match this will be! If Seven wins we will see him fighting Seven at GOLDFEST!!! That will change everything. Dan Dehart has been very upset over Billy Jay forcing him to drop the BJWC NA TITLE!!!! This match could totally change GOLDFEST's line up! Look for interfearences on both sides! This could be a stable brawl by the end!

Winner Meets Tyler Lee at GOLDFEST
Dan Dehart

Dan Dehart steps out and the fans go nuts. He has on his new version of the Dan the Destroyer t-shirt. Seven pretty much interupted his music and came out to some HUGE boos! Seven was involved back with Outlander trying to cost him the World Title teaming with Brian Hart, but Seven ended up getting Outlanders Women's title that Hart tricked into winning. Seven was then very upset and after a few weeks he took his shame and went back into hiding. But Seven is back and once again proving he can match with some of the stars. Some feel Seven and Lanier Riley are the two smartest wrestlers in the BJWC. They may be right. The bell rings as Seven attacks Dan with his back turned. They battle in each corner each reversing moves. Seven took a spear from Dan. Then caught Dan going on the top ropes, and was going for a SUPERBRAINBUSTER! But Dan reversed that and went for a modified tornado DDT, but Seven sent Dan to the mat by holding the ropes. Dan was hit with a few power moves and then went for a spear again! CAUGHT! Seven catches the spear and turns it into a boe constrictor submission!!!! Dan gets to his feet with SEVEN still locked on and hits a falling DDT!!!! Seven was laid out!!! Cover!!! 1.........2........KICKOUT!!!! Dan set him up for the DEVESTATOR but Seven with a knee to the gut and hit a neck breaker. Seven took the match to the outside. Slamming Dan's face on the railings and tables. Dan finally reversed a move and sent Seven chin first into the railing and rolled back into the ring. Seven came in and hopped another SPEAR!!!! Dan with a sweep and hit a sit out powerbomb!!!! Fans went nuts as he covered him. 1.........2........3KICKOUT at the last second. Dan shakes his head claiming it was three. But Seven hits three consecutive LOW BLOWs and then sets up for the SYNERGY!!!! An implant DDT!!!! When BILLY JAY COMES RACING OUT!!!! Fans boo!!!! Billy Jay tosses some shirt into the ring which the ref tries to remove from the ring. While the ref turns his back Billy Jay dives in with a golf club and swings at Dan DUCKED!!!! Billy JAY JUST LAID OUT SEVEN!!!! Billy Jay shocked has to exits quickly before the ref turns around!!! Dan with a quikc cover! 1........2.......3NO!!!! Billy Jay pulled Dan's foot and pulled him off!!!! The ref sends Billy Jay to the back!!!! the fans go nuts!!!! Billy Jay is booed all the way to the back!!! Dan tells Billy Jay to get the hell out but turns around to a SYNERGY DDT!!!!! Fans boo!!!!! Cover!!!! 1...... Out runs somebody in a Nixon Mask wearing an "ICON" T-shirt!!!! The fans are shocked!!!! Who is this!?!? He dives in the ring!!!! The ref stops the count to attend to this man, the man shoves the ref out of the way, pulls up Dan Dehart he holds a 2X4 and clobbers Dan over the head!!!! The fans boo, and the man in the Nixon mask exits thru the crowd as the ref announces Dan the winner via DQ!!!!! Seven is pissed!!!!! Seven had the match but lost BY DQ!!!!! Seven grabs the ref!!! SYNERGY!!!!! Dan spears Seven!!!! Dan with the DEVESTATOR!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!!! Here comes BLACK HART!!!!! He dives in the ring with a chair!!!! WHACK!!! He clobbered Dan with a chair!!!! Hart pulls out a can of spray paint!!!! Here comes the UNION!!!! G-Crusher and Goliath!!!!! They dive into the ring!!!! But it's too late!!!! BLACK HART has written "H-A-R-T" across Dan Dehart's chest!!!! Black Hart and Seven exit holding up the shirt Dan was wearing yelling stuff!!!! The UNION takes the Tyler Lee's world title and hands it to the ref tio return to Tyler Lee. Then help Dan Dehart to his feet, as they examine the words on his chest in spray paint!

WINNER: Dan Dehart via DQ faces Tyler Lee at GOLDFEST

James Edgebrook: WOW!!! Dan wins after a man in a Nixon mask attacks him. Billy Jay accidently hits Seven after trying to attack Dan. Seven got the worst of everything. He even got a DEVESTATOR from Dan. Seven currently has no spot in the PPV I wonder if Billy Jay will have a spot for him, when the PPV rolls around!!! Hart sure enraged Dan and the UNION spray painting his name on his chest!!!! Bold move!!! I predict Hart winning the NA Tourney and claiming himself as the better NA Champ, and calling Dan for a match after the PPV!
UNION is beginning to exit the ring. Billy Jay should be next!

Billy Jay's GOLDFEST Announcements

UNION help Dan up and begin to exit when "Calm like a Bomb!" blares up!!!! Billy Jay steps out with his mic:

Billy Jay: Don't you guys go anywhere! I got some announcements for each one of you guys!!!
(Fans boo Billy Jay. The UNION move back into the center of the ring to listen to his announcements.)

Billy Jay: Let's start with you! Dan! You got lucky to get away with your match tonight! But since Tyler Lee is off training, whoever attacked you could not be him. But, whatever!

Billy Jay: The announcement in fact is for everyone. Since the World Title is currently not in Tyler Lee's hands I say we bring it to him in Miami Florida!!! In fact, we all should!!!! In fact, the entire roster of the BJWC SHOULD!!!! GOLDFEST 2000 will be held in Miami, FLORIDA!!!! The home of the ICON!!!!!!

(Fans cheer. Dan Dehart looks disgusted and thinks about charging up the ramp at Billy Jay but G-Crusher calsm him down.)

Billy Jay: The next announcement is for GOLIATH!!!! Goliath, if you win your match tonight! You will be fighting Dante in the HARDCORE TITLE CAGEMANIA Match! The rules are as follows!!!! To win this match you must begin inside the ring, then you must exit the ring. This will not award you the match yet. Then you must climb up a 4 story ladder the is connected to a suspended CAGE in the rafters!!!! You must then pin your opponent in the CAGE that is hanging FOUR stories up!!!! Ohh, and there is a ten count, so if you exit the ring you got 10 seconds to get to that ladder or you will be counted out a lose that MATCH!!!!!

(Fans boo. Goliath shakes his head and stares at Billy Jay and pounds his fists together.)

Billy Jay: This one is for you G-Crusher! For hitting me tonight I was thinking of stripping you of that match at GOLDFEST for the number 1 contender at the World Title! Then I thought, that would be cheap, you DID earn it! So instead, I have found you an opponent for the #1 CONTENDER!!!! He is........ LANIER RILEY!!!!!!

(Merlin tries to hops over the ropes to attack Billy Jay but Dan and Goliath hold him back! Merlin paces back and fourth very upset over having to face his arch enemy at GOLDFEST!)

Billy Jay: That is not all! Seven you need to stop getting in my DAMN way! And since you are FREE for the PPV I've got a match for you! You will be the first man entered into a RAGE RUMBLE!!!! Everysingle BJWC Wrestler that is not currently booked for the PPV will also be in this rumble! The very last man in the rumble will be GARY COOPER!!!! If whoever remains when Gary enters, tosses Gary over the top ropes they will become the NEW TV Champion!!!! So Seven good luck to you! And SAVIOR of the GOOD GUYS!!!! You will be revealed and beaten at GOLDFEST!!!! That is a Billy Jay GARUNTEE!!!!!

(Fans boo his announcements and Billy Jay exits! The UNION then follows but Goliath stays in the ring since his match is next.)

James Edgebrook: Billy Jay once again laying down the law against the UNION!!!! Goldfest now set for MIAMI Tyler Lee's hometown. Lanier Riley will get a rematch with G-Crusher, winner will get a shot at the BJWC World Title! The Hardcore Title match at GOLDFEST will be alot more dangerous than anyone predicted. Billy Jay garuntees that the SAVIOR will be revealed and beaten at GOLDFEST! Big announcements. But can they be followed????
We have tonights MAIN EVENT! Goliath still suffering from large wounds on the arm from last weeks dump truck incident. Where Darren Hart backed into the UNION's Limo. Goliath is not pleased with that. Plus, Darren has gotten on everyone's nerves as of late. The winner faces Dante at the PPV in that CAGEMANIA match! This could be a great battle! Darren may have rattled the former HARDCORE champ last week, see if he can cash in tonight!? Or will Goliath use his pent up anger and demolish Darren and prove that he wants that hardcore gold more than anyone?!?!?

Winner Fights Dante at Goldfest Darren Hart

Darren Hart steps out making references to the things he does in his interviews. As you know the fansdo not like it. Darren Hart does not care. Goliath points to the cut on his arm and makes a YOUR GONNA DIE motion. darren Hart laughs at him and the bell rings. These two are not surely not friends. As soon as the match gets going with some irish whips are clotheslines by Darren out steps! Brooklyn!!! Brooklyn is the one we all know is hanging around with Big G and the UNION!!!! She just walks to ringside doing nothing to draw attention to her. Big G with a leg take down and he snaps! He hits a unbeleivable bulldog! Followed by a body press! Then a big boot that SENDS DARREN FLIPPING and breaks his chin wide open!!!! Darren hits an elbow to the groin. Then a snap mare!!! Darrne then tries to set the big man on the top ropes!!! But the Hardcore Alternative kicks the LOOSE CANNON away. Darrne right back up with a shoulder block knocking Big G to the ground. Darren Hart with a clothesline flipping Goliath to ringside!!!! With a big crash Goliath spills onto a pile of chairs!!!! Goliath has a mild cut on the small of his back!!!! Goliath gets up and yells!!!! Darren waits for his to get back into the ring. Darren taunts him!!! Goliath grabs and chair and hops onto the apron!!! Darren runs!!!! SUICIDE CROSS BODY OVER THE ROPES!!!!! Sending BIG G backwards thru the announcers table with Darren on top of him!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! That was awesome!!!! It is falls count anywhere. Or at least the ref thinks so!!!! 1.........2..KICKOUT!!!! WHAT A KICKOUT!!!!! He threw Darren into the air OVER THE GAURDRAIL INTO THE CROWD!!!!! Big G is taking a ton of punishment but is not letting Darren get any kind of pinfall!!! Darren grabs a chair and smacks Big G over the head!!! And again!!! He repeats over and over!!!! Goliath falls limp!!!! Darren Hart picks up Big G!!!! HART ATTACK!!!!! NO!!!!! Reversed into a choke slam!!!! Big G with a choke slam onto all of the chairs!!! DARREN HART is holding his back in pain!!!! DARREN HART with a cup of beer to the face of GOLIATH!!!! HART ATTACK!!!! HART ATTACK!!!! Fans are amazed!!! Cover! 1..........2........NO!!! Brooklyn interupts the count and Darren stops his pin!!!! Darren goes after Brooklyn she backs up the ramp!!!! Goliath gets up and sneaks behind Darren!!! BROOKLYN SLAPS DARREN!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! Darren spins in pain!!!! MET by GOLIATH!!!! OVERDOSE!!!! OVERDOSE!!!!! On the ramp!!!! No one gets up from that!!!! Goliath pulls Darren and drags him into the ring!!!! The fans are going nuts!!! WAIT!!!!! Low blow desperation by Darren Hart!!!! He can barely stand!!! Darren and Goliath both wobbly!!!! HART ATTACK!!!! But it was on odd move as they sort of land on each other!!!! The ref counts. 1.........2........3!!!! WHAT?!??!?! But they are both drapped over each other!!!! The fans boo!!!! This match is over!!!!

WINNER: They both pinned each other no official winner!

James Edgebrook: Who fights Dante at GOLDFEST?!?!? We have no clue!?!?! Here's Billy Jay for the final comments I will see you at GOLDFEST!!!!!

Billy Jay: That to Lanier Riley for helping out! I'm off to Calafornia for the ROSE BOWL!!!! May Y2K bring everyone luck! Thanks for all the good compitition this week, and begin Monday interviews for GOLDFEST!!!!

It will be the PPV of the CENTURY!!!!

And thats a BILLY JAY Garuntee!!!!

I'll be back Tuesday night maybe Monday, so I'll see you guys then!!!!!
Til' then LONG LIVE THE BJWC!!!! And long live the COUNCIL!!!!