Tuesday Riot December 7th

Tuesday Night Riot
December 7th, 1999
Target Center, Minneapolis, MN
BJWC Productions

(The scene comes on and clips of a currently unknown man dragging Tyler Lee away from the ring leaving a mob of the newly formed COUNCIL pissed in the ring. Clips of the praying Matt Party winning the first Division 2 World Belt via Tourneyment. Clips of KAHN and Exodus walking down the ramp in that tourney. Clips of Billy Jay and Cooper together at the PPV. Clip of BJ hitting VP over the head with a chair. Clips of Dan dehart getting hit by Tyler Lee and Lanier riley with Ponce and them all revealing the COALITION 2000 shirts to the excitment of the crowd.)

(The Target Center is once again packed as usual. BJWC shirts or memorabilia on many of the fans. Some with the Big G "Hardcore is all I know" shirts, many UNION shirts, COALITION yellow shirts scattered around. Cooper shirts can be found. A "Foundation" shirt is seen on many fans. And few but some BJWC Council shirts are on the back of a few loyal BJWC fans. The pyros explode red yellow blue and white all following each other ending with the beginning of "Calm like a Bomb" and the Prez Billy Jay stepping out to the ramp as the boos fill the arena. BJ shruggs them off like nothing and enters the ring for the opening statements.)

Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to yet another AWESOME edition of RIOT! This is the 19th of the weekly RIOT! (Cheers) But the FIRST RIOT with the NEWEST, YOUNGEST, GREATEST, TALENTED STABLE in BJWC History! THE COUNCIL!!!!!!!

("Calm like a Bomb" blares up again only mixed with "Hate Me Now" and out steps former Champ Crucible, followed by Chris Verve, #1 Contender Chris McClane, Women's Champion Rebecca, and Super Duper Gary Cooper! Fans boo the whole group. A few chant "Cooper" and many throw Cooper Rocks in the ring. The COUNCIL remains on the ramp as Billy Jay continues.)

Billy Jay: That is the group of the FUTURE! Tonight will be the start of their future! Tonight without drop out Exodus! We will win the tag match and put Chris McClane into the World Title match next week. Also tonight Crucible is gonna make Blade Coll be demoted to BJWC Division 2. Cooper is going to beat the former Champ TA and become the #1 Contender for the NA Belt! Chris Verve is going to win the #1 Hardcore Title Match and defeat Ponce for the gold. And when Exodus wins that Division 2 Belt after he wins the rumble on Wednesday Night's Specials Royal Rumble, he will move up here and make all the doubters pay the price. And "I" will lead this group tp do what the UNION promised ALL THE GOLD by January!

(Fans boo like mad! The COUNCIL on the ramp start stuff with the fans as the throw stuff and boo.)

Billy Jay: And whoever cost the COUNCIL the World Title at RAGE WARS will forever pay the price! If it was Outlander! If it was Lanier or Merlin I garuntee if I find out you will pay! It will end your career! I will find out I garunt..........

(The UNION dives out of the entrance attacking the COUNCIL, but Big G, Dan Dehart and Merlin are quickly overpowered and outnumbered by the powers of the COUNCIL! McClane holds down Dan Dehart with Rebecca helping out. Merlin is consricted by Crucible and Cooper! And Merlin who is still recovering from the Hardcore Heaven match at Rage Wars where he defending his TV title, is tied up by Chris Verve. )

Billy Jay: UNION this is what is going to happen each time you try this crap! And remember this..........

(COALITION 2000 comes flying out with the yellow shirts and attitudes. They take out the unexpecting COUNCIL AND the UNION! Ponce THE HARDCORE CHAMP, Lanier Riley, and the BJWC World Champ Tyler Lee all stand at the top with the other two stables laying on the ramp, each time they move they are further stomped. The three stand starring at Billy Jay getting the point accross that they mean business. Billy Jay has the look of anger and anguish on his face as COALITION exits. The UNION fight themselves to their feet add a few more punches to the downed COUNCIL and exit before they can regroup. The fans chant "COALITION" as the COUNCIL exit together with a score to settle.)

James Edgebrook:What a start to what looks to be a night to remember here in BJWC's home Minnesota. Tonights Triple Tag Team Match will decide which stable gets a chance to battle Tyler Lee for the World Title. Each one of those stables get there chance in that tag the only people left out are TA Tyorne Alguard and Dante who are not with any stable but are considered top of the line wrestlers. Goliath wants Ponce's Hardcore Title. Merlin and Lanier are at each others throughts especially after that awesome battle at Rage Wars! And probably the biggest fued is the circle of anger between Dan Dehart and Champ Tyler Lee, who have just turned friend to foe, and Tyler Lee and McClane who have never gotten along, and Chris McClane and Dan Dehart all three have no love loss and have made remarks toward each others hatred for each other.
Well, Cruicble is returning and a cage is being lowered! The King of the Kage Wayne The Blade Coll will be his opponent losers drops to Division 2. This shall be good!

LOSER demoted to DIVISION 2
Wayne "The Blade" Coll

Blade comes out first and he has a "King of the Kage" shirt on. And he seems pumped and ready to battle. Then the lights flicker and former champ, Crucible steps out to some huge heat. Boos fill the arena. He dives into the ring and the match starts a few moments before the cage hits the floor. Coll is quickly sent into the sides of the cage head first. Crucible with a few quick submission holds. Crucible hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker and begins to climb the cage. Coll gets to his feet and pulls Crucible off the cage. Fans cheer the King of the Kage! The wrestling begins fast a furios again and goe son for a good time. Back and fourth. Blade had just hit a jumping DDT, and was going for a top rope Tornado DDT! But Crucible pushed him off the ropes! SUPERKICK!!!! FLASHBACK!!!!! Crucible is climbing the cage. Wait! Blade is slowly getting up. Crucible swiftly making his way up. Blade gets to his feet and follows up the cage. All of a sudden!!!! The cage is rising! About 5 feet higher! Leaving access to the ring. Wayne the Blade Coll catches up to Crudible and tosses him from the TOP OF THE CAGE back into the ring and then dives off! BODY SPLASH!!!!!! What a splash!!!! WHAT IS THIS??!?!?! Green smoke is filling the ramp! Here comes Masta Killa!!!!! He races down sliding under the bottom of the cage as Wayne the Blade Coll sets up for the BLOODSWORD! CHAIR SHOT BY MASTA KILLA TO BLADE!!!! The ref has rung the bell! Wayne Coll has just been cheated by former friend Masta Killa and now he requests a mic:

MASTA: Wayne The Apocalypse IS DONE and crucible... i'll see you next Tuesday in a cage..

Masta Killa exits up the ramp as fans boo his arrival! Blade Coll yells like a mad man as Crucible exits slowly knowing he got lucky he wasn't demoted to Division 2. Blade Coll shoves the ref and angerly stomps into the back.

WINNER: No Contest

James Edgebrook: Wayne Coll once again was proving why he is so good inside those cages. But with a little interfearence from former teammate he got the match thrown out. and it seems Masta Killa wants a match for next RIOT! That should be interesting!
We got commotion in the back. Somebody has just busted into Billy Jay's office let's go to the backstage cameras.


(The camera man is located in the halls and finds a door lock broken and inside the room a furious Slick Rick is yelling at the Prez, Billy Jay. Billy Jay is keeping his distance and Slick Rick is livid.)

Slick Rick : What in the hell is wrong with you boss ! You know I am not the kind of guy that like to brag , (smiling) Ok ! I am but none the less the slap in the face you gave the Slickster at Rage Wars was just wrong. Now that I think of it, the impact from the slap you gave me was bigger then Blade hitting me with that stinking car, and I had two broken ribs for god sakes! You see, the fans not cheering me properly when I come to the ring I can live with , my movie Slick Assassin not making the impact I was hopping for , I can live with. (Giving one of his movie star looks. ) BUT WHEN YOU CALL CHRIS VERVE THE NEWEST AND MOST TALENTED SUPERSTAR OF THE BJWC, it's a big NO! NO! !Who won the rookie tournament !? Was it Chris Verve , of couse it wasn't because I destroyed him . I think you should change your glasses or get some, or something because the only newest and most talented superstar is me ,Slick Rick . It's a S …L…I…C…K… You got that Billy boy, write it on your paper so you don't ever make such a mistake again. You know what you are gonna do for me now! Your gonna schedule a match between me and Verve for next Riot so I can prove you and the millions of slick want a be out there who is the real upcoming superstar. [[[if there is no turbulence that is ]]]

Billy Jay: (allows time to see if Slick Rick is waiting for an answer. Billy Jay stands. Walks over to slick Rick not keeping his distance anymore.) You think you are better than Mr. Showtime CHRIS VERVE??!?!?!?! Well guess again! Hell you are simply Division 2 quality material! And yet you come crashing in here like you are Chris McClane or some other superstar. Then you start demanding matches for my event! YOU THINK YOU CAN DO THIS?!?!?! You are a third rate, thumbs down, peice of trash MOVIE STAR....wait.....you ain't no movie STAR, you are simply horrible! You want to fight the FUTURE OF THE BJWC Chris Verve?!?!?!? (Slick nods) You want it next RIOT?!? (Slick nods.) Well, that just don't seem soon enuf to prove your ass wrong! THIS FRIDAY on TURBULENCE, you Vs. Verve and you will find out cheating is the ONLY way you will ever beat Mr. SHOWTIME! (Billy Jay yells some code word and out comes the COUNCIL from the hallway and within seconds he is forced out of his office courtesy Chris McClane and Crucible!)

James Edgebrook: WOW?!?!? Slick Rick upset over Billy Jay recruiting Chris Verve to his stable and not him. And Billy Jay has set up a match between them two on.......FRIDAY???? Jeph Phillips is going to try to get an interview on this subject! Is VP Andrews back in the BJWC???? We will have this answered in a few minute hopefully.
Next, we have former champ vs. former champ, Cooper Vs. TA Tyrone Alguard! Cooper has suprised us all by joining Billy Jay and becoming a member of the Council! Let's see how this match will turn out.

NA #1 Contenders Match
TA Tyrone Alguard
Super Duper Gary Cooper

Cooper steps out and this man who was the most fan favorite in the BJWC less than two weeks ago is now getting some major heat. He does NOT have his raio flyer. And instead of styrofoam rocks floating into the ring they are pelting Cooper as he enters the ring. The match begins and the match is even one on one battle. Back and fourth, Cooper trying to go for one of his many arsonal of finishing moves and TA going for the Total Annhilation or Forever's Beginning. Both devestating as hell. TA managed to pull off a COCK BOTTOM 180 spin slam. Then hit a implant DDT. Pin. 1........2........KICKOUT! Cooper fights back recovering from the cock bottom. Cooper hit a crossbody and then a missle dropkick from the top rope and made a quick cover. 1........2......KICKOUT! Both men fighting for what they feel they dissirve. Cooper is back bodied over the top ropes to ringside. TA follows him out and they fight at ringside. Cooper runs TA's face along the rail but TA reverses it into an irish whip konging Coopers head against the ringpost. Cooper with a single leg take down. Then a firemans carry. TA slow to his feet Cooper trying for a off the apron double axe handle but TA catches him and thrusts him back of the head into the post. Then drags Cooper into the center of the ring. Forever's Beginning......NO.....Cooper somehow faught free and rolled up TA! 1.........2........3NO!!!! Kickout!!!! TA is furious! A round of punches and a clothesline. Then a running shoulderbreaker! TA sends Cooper into the corner! TA starts pounding away! Then Cooperwith a headbutt to the groin and pulls TA to the top rope with him!!!! CHOKESLAM FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!!! He then hits the COOPER STUPOR SPLASH!!!!! Fans cheer on his humorous antics!!! He starts to pin but looks up!!! Somebody has pushed his RADIO FLYER with SIR SACK in it out on the ramp! Cooper stands and pleads with Sir Sack to join him at ringside! TA recovers and gets to his feet he taps Cooper, Cooper spins! FOREVER's BEGINNING!!!!!! What a move!!!! TA has hit it! Cover! 1.........2.........3!!!! It's OVER! Big victory! TA Tyrone Alguard is the number one contender for the NA Title! Cooper is upset and jogs at his radio flyer and somebody pulls his Radio Flyer back into the locker room as Cooper follows.

WINNER: TA Tyrone Alguard #1 Contender for the NA Belt

James Edgebrook: Once again, Cooper's friendly friends have caused I think every match cooper has EVER lost in his career of the BJWC! Chalk one up for the former champ! He seems to not be missing any steps from before and may make a quick run for the NA title and if he proves he can hold that he may get the World Shot right back!
Jeph Phillips has found a peice of BJ's time and that time is now! This should be good! We should get alot of important questions answered here!

Jeph Phillips Interveiw with Billy Jay about Turbulence

(Jeph Phillips is sitting with Billy Jay at a conference desk. McClane and Verve with Rebecca are just stepping out of the room after what seemed to be some kind of COUNCIL meeting with the group. Jeph begins.)

Jeph Phillips: How can you say, there is going to be a Friday Turbulence when VP Andrews had to leave and then you attacked him with a chair at RAGE WARS 99! There is no way VP Andrews would simply come back without saying something. How can you explain this? Are you running Friday's Show now?

Billy Jay: Hell no! I don't have time to FIRE you, much less to run another show!

Jeph Phillips: Okay! Then is VP Andrews back?

Billy Jay: Did that chair shot mean nothing? VP Andrews is out! He shouldn't even be mentioned here!

Jeph Phillips: Well, who in the hell is running Friday's Show????

Billy Jay: I would like to tell you but I'm leaving that up to himself! I already got him Chris Verve versus Slick Rick! He will have to do the rest, now you need to get out of my face, and get some breath mints or see a doctor or dentist cause your mouth is omitting some nasty oders.

(Billy Jay exits out the same door the other Council members did at the start. No real answers given. Jeph recovers from the insults and prepares to make a final statement.)

Jeph Phillips: Well, I didn't get anywhere nears the answers I wanted. Billy Jay has gone off the deepend. He has totally made a change for the worse. He has never made such evil remarks to me in my long career here. But we do now know that VP Andrews is not the one who will be making the commands friday! We may see a new face, or possibly an old face making a return! This shall be an exciting case, hopefully we will find out more before Friday!

James Edgebrook: I do not beleive this! Billy Jay obviously upset. And not willing to give us any facts. We do know VP Andrews is not welcome back according to Billy Jay. So, who will be the new man in charge of Friday? My guess it is Cooper using his COUNCIL spot to run the show! Friday may be one of the most exciting things in a long time. With a man known as "DRYSDALE" reported to be out of jail. He could have joined Billy Jay and may run the show. Plus, some say Outlander was the man behind the saving of Tyler Lee and that Outlander is back as a staff member and not a wrestler. If this is true then Outlander may be the man behind Friday's show. So many possibilities. It could be just another low key BJWC Council Member. We really have no idea around here.
Next we have a women's #1 Contenders Match up! Rebecca's title may be in danger especially with McClane's odd reactions. McClane has been in and out latley. I'm suprised Billy Jay even got him to come here tonight!

#1 Contender for the Women's Title
Melanie Stenson

Danica with TA comes out first. She is in great shape but lacks the in the ring talent. Maybe she has been training for this match. Melanie, who is still forbidden to remain with Dante, and Billy Jay follows her but she seems to be totally ignoring him. Billy Jay tries to tell her something and she slaps him. Fans go nuts! Danica attacks Melanie from behind to start the match. The match was typical arm drag, hair whip, drop kick style. Until Danica hit a Thunder Driver type move and covered Melanie. 1..........2...KICKOUT!!!! A kickout amazed everyone, but she still had nothing left to fight with. Danica then went to work with side slams. TA cheered her on. Melanie jumped and sunset flipped Danica into a pin. 1.......2....KICKOUT!!!! Billy Jay rolled into the ring! Melanie was about to do a powerbomb but Billy Jay grabbed her from behind and was yelling at her to never slap him again. She then swung her leg back for a low blow! The fans went bonkers! Billy Jay was out! She then hit the powerbomb and covered! 1.........2........3!!!! It's OVER! TA tends to Danica as Melanie picks up Billy Jay!! POWERBOMB to the PREZ!!!! Billy Jay calls for guards to grab her. They do. Billy Jay gets a mic:

Billy Jay: Melanie you think fighting with me will make me let you leave. Hell no! You will forever be under my power if I have anything to do about it! And this is only making things worse for yourself! (Fans boo) So as of now, you LOSE you number 1 Women's Spot to......DANICA!!!!! (Fans boo like crazy, Melanie tries to break free of the guards to attack BJ but can't) And you Spalding....I mean Melanie......You'll get NOTHING and LIKE IT!!!!!

(Quote from Caddyshack, the fans boo like mad as Billy Jay grabs her neck and walks up the ramp with the guards at their side!)

James Edgebrook: Wow! A huge side of Melanie she is standing up to Billy Jay and fighting for her rights! Dante had to be restricted backstage by the COUNCIL cause he tried to help her in the ring! I feel bad for Melanie and Dante. Billy Jay's powers are keeping them apart!
We have a Tag Title Match Next! Alpha and Omega came in and stormed the tag division winning the titles in almost no time! Now they must defend against the long time team of Richard Head and the Big Machine. The fans are going nuts hoping to get a good look of Katrina.

Alpha and Omega (champs)
Big Head Machine

Alpha and Omega the only title holders not apart of any stable. So this could end up ending in a stable costing the match. If any stable wishes to go for the tag titles. Big Head Machine comes out first! Alpha and Omega led by the buestiful Katrina come out secret. A few commands from the lady in charge and Alpha and Omega went to work to start the match. A few hurricanranna's and head scissors. The champs working on the vetran team. Big Head Machine caught a head scissors into a modified DVD. Big Machine then with clotheslines and a pair of chokeslams. Richard Head got some tables and set up for Big Machine to choke slam Omega THRU A TABLE!!!! Then Head hit a top rope splash from the top for a cover! 1..........2......KICKOUT!!! Katrina regrouped her guys and they came up with a new plan. They went flying all ove rthe ring! But a RICCOCHETTE by Richard Head and the fans went nuts! One of the cooler moves in the BJWC. Cover! 1........2SAVE by ALPHA!!! Big Machie tries a clothesline but gets slammed by Alpha! Then a MOONSAULT!!!! Fans go nuts!!! A BULLDOG TO BIG MACHINE THRU A TABLE! ALPHA then drags him to ringside and buries him with the ringside steps! Then rolls in! DOUBLE TEAM POWERBOMB THRU A TABLE!!!!!! Fans go wild!!!! Omega to the top rope!!! THE END!!!! THE END!!!! Frog Splash!!! Cover! 1........2........3!!! It's over! Big win for the champs! They really proved themselves again tonight!

Katrina: Alpha and Omega have become Tag Champs in record time! And now to prove our supiorness, this is a challenge to ANY and ALL tag teams that wish to fight for the gold! Tuesday, next RIOT, you tell us, we will fight you! For the TAG TITLE's!!!!!!

WINNERs: Alpha and Omega remain Tag Team Champions

James Edgebrook: Another big satisfactory victory for the tag champs! They have also added a little challenge to ANY tag team! I can't wait to see which teams show up to battle the champs! If more than one tag team wants the match they will fight on Friday with whoever is controlling the show!
Next match is a Triple Threat with the very upset Slick Rick who is officially BJWC's second KING of ROOKIES! First was Jakob Morrison who didn't pan out after a while. But Slick Rick has that spark. But Malice who has proved to be a better wrestler than everyone thought also involved and of course Masta Killa who just turned on his former teammate Blade Coll! All three need this win to give them a big push in the riught direction!

Slick Rick
Masta Killa

Malice was the first out followed by Slick Rick they brawled from the apron to ringside and then as Malice whacked a chair accross the movie star face of Slick Rick the lights dimmed and fog rolled in the entrance. A green hue. Fans waited. Out came Masta Killa but no not from the entrance! FROM THE CEILING! The fans went nuts as Masta Killa with his new entrance went to work. Clocking both guys! Masta Killa really feeling the flow! Tilt A Whirl piledriver! Cover on Malice! 1.......2.....KICKOUT! Masta Killa almost won this match in under two minutes! Slick Rick with a low blow to MK and went for the SLICK DRIVER which is already become a name in this fed, but MK blocked it and sent Rick face first into the turnbuckle! The match went fast paced from their. MK got a few licks from Malcie but reversed a rollup. 1.......SAVE by Slick Rick! Rick tries to do a double team bulldog but bothmen reverse it and they do a double team atomic bomb. Slick Rick hits a cradle german suplex into a pin. 1..........2..MALICE save from the second rope. Malice dishes out a few combo punches and takes them both down with a neckbreaker. Covers them both on top of each other! 1.........2......KICKOUT! MK and Slick both kicked out! Slick Rick got drop kicked thru the ropes to ringside! MK hit a jumping sidewalk slam. He then climbs the top for what seemed to be an awesome move! But Slick Rick jumped up and hit a SLICK DRIVER FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!! Slick pinned. Malice with a splash but Slick was ready and moved! MALICE got to his feet! SLICK DRIVER! 1.........2........3!!!! It's OVER!

WINNER: Slick Rick

James Edgebrook: What a battle! Masta Killa was on fire and that new entrance got the fans on his side. But Malice faught back strong and when Slick Rick hit that top rope finisher it was all over! Great match!
Next we have another triple threat for the #1 Contendership for the Hardcore Title! This should be one hell of a match! Let's go right to the ring!

Trenton "The Shark" Sharp
Chris Verve

Trenton Sharp stepped out first. He has been in Division 2 and 1 and is on the verge of choosing which division he wants to remain in. He has a mic:

Sharp: Verve, you talk alot of trash,but I am not going to worry about you tonight.See I am not going to even give you a chance to wrestle me tonight.Once I am the champion of BJWCII,then just maybe I will come back BJWC and kick your{bleep}.so until then I only have two words for ya 'Suck it!'

Chris Verve comes running down the ramp and tries to attack Sharp but following Verve is DARREN HART! Fans are going wild! The match has begun. It looks like Darren Hart Vs. Chris Verve here. Trenton has exited! Fans are going nuts! Chris Verve takes an early advantage. but all of a sudden! SLICK RICK! He dives into the ring! SLICK DRIVER! Slick Rick is pounding away at Verve. the ref has called for the bell. This is choas! Here come Crucible and Billy Jay they dive into the ring and beat Slick Rick off! Billy Jay and Slick Rick yell back and fourth and Slick Rick exits up the ramp as the fans go nuts!

WINNER: No Contest

James Edgebrook: Slick Rick has become a major contender of late. he is all over the place causing havok. His record is unbeleivable for a rookie and he is sure mixing it up with the best of them. Darren Hart took advantage of a free shot at another Hardcore Title shot!
We now have the NA Title Match! Dan Dehart faces off with Taurus. This shall be a battle.

Dan Dehart (champs)

Dan steps out to "Seek and Destroy" with the gold around his waist! The man who follows him to the ring is NOT a UNION member! NO! It is Darren Dehart! Darren Hart has altered his name. They are claiming to the camera man that they are brothers! Has Darren Dehart joined the UNION????!?!? Out runs Taurus and he dives into the ring and the fight begins! Darren watching from ringside! They trade blows matching each other blow for blow, punch for punch. Out of the entrance walks PONCE! With a chair he struts down the ramp! Ponce sits about 10 feet from the ramp. Darren guards the ring making sure he does nothing. Ponce has himslef a GLASS OF LEMONADE and is relaxing on the ramp! He poses no threat from up there! Darren will make sure he pulls nothing! Dan and Taurus are trying to concentrate. Dan hits a sweeping choke slam and climbs the top ropes, he taunts Ponce, Dan then turns to aim for his aerial attack and Ponce yells "BRING IT!" and throws his lemonade hitting Dehart in the back. Dehart is outraged. Darren runs up the ramp and Ponce ducks under! CHAIR SHOT!!! Taurus TOP ROPE POWERBOMB while DEHART WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION! It's all over! Wait! Ponce dives into the ring the ref has been cranked by Ponce and now Ponce winds up! WAIT! HE HITS TAURUS!!! Fans are shocked!?!?!! Another double cross?!!?!? Has Ponce joined the UNION?!?!!? Ponce then turns his attention to DEHART! WHACK!!!! PONCE goes bizzerk!!!! SHOTs over and over as UNION comes racing down the ramp!!!! Merlin and Goliath!!! They attack Ponce! Here comes the yellow shirts of COALITION 2000!!!!! Fans are going nuts ANOTHER STABLE BRAWL!!!!!! Finally they separate the UNION stand at ringside as COALITION stands at the top of the ramp! In the ring Taurus and Dan both stagger to their feet! SPEAR!!!! Cover! 1..........2.........3! The ref just getting up! Dehart pulls it off still!!! But Ponce has something to say!

Ponce: "(from the ramp with COALITION) I'm not gonna drop that Hardcore Belt To Darren for NO reason...If I drop it will be to go for bigger and better things...the NA belt. The ONLY belt to eliviate my grasp...ONCE I Win That...then I'm Off to wrestlebowl...Ladies and Gentlemen...I Am Your Next NA Champ. And More importantly...I am Your Next ULTIMATE CHAMP!"

Fans boo like crazy as Ponce and COALITION exit. Dehart struggles to even stand and is aided out by the UNION stable now with Darren Dehart along side.

WINNER: Dan Dehart defends the NA Title

James Edgebrook: Somehow even after the attack by Ponce, Dan retains his title. But he paid the price. dan won't be much help for the tag match tonight. But having Darren on their side adds a few more hands.
What is this? We have an odd camera, somewhere off in the storages rooms of the Target Center. Let's go see why they request air time so badly.


The camera focuses in a dark dark room little light shines thru at all. A dark figure is standing with an odd shaped item in his hand. He is about 10 feet away and too dark to make anything out other than he's built like a guy. A knock on the cracked door is made a voice that is faint but clear for the man in the dark:

Man in Dark: "Come in come in"

(The man that steps into the shadows of the dark room is Dante.)

Man in Dark:"Don't come any further. I am here to help you. I have the proper authority and papers to free you from your contract as a bodyguard!"

Dante: "Really? Alright, I accept them."

Man in Dark: "ON the table to your left is the proper paper's signed and noted."

Dante: "How can you do this?"

Man in Dark: "I am just a part of the BJWC Official Council and I'm doing the right thing. You are now free from McClane's grasps. I have another offer......"

Dante: "Yes?"

Man in Dark: "I can give Melanie Stenson back to you!"

Dante: (cuts into his sentence.)"Yes please! We need to be together again! I cannot let Billy Jay do what he does!"

Man in Dark:"I agree and that is why I do the right thing. The papers are to your left. Now, please go and fullfil your potential. You are free."

Dante: "Thank you, thank you! But I must know who are you?"

Man in Dark:"Noone of concern."

Dante: "Please, I need to know!"

Man in Dark: "I am the Savior of the Good Guys, now GO!"

(Dante quickly exits with a grin on his face he runs down the hall way as the camera blanks out.)

James Edgebrook: OH my god! somebody has sunk beneath Billy Jay's skin, and control and has found a way to counter some of his contracts. I garuntee Dante is a happy man right now! Who is the Savior of the Good Guys???? Unbeleivable! Who is Billy Jay overlooking? I suspect somebody like Jennifer Streaks, but she was never given the power to sign matches, much less contract papers. Will this SAVIOR of the GOOD GUYs be doing any more favors for the GOOD GUYS?
We move on to the HARDCORE TITLE MATCH! This shall be a good one! Another big match, Ponce forced to put up his titles in a match where he doesn't even need to be pinned to lose the belt!

Ponce (hardcore champ)
Darren Hart

Dante is still coming up from the basement of the Target Center. Darren is called out first! Fans cheer his new allegence with Dan Dehart. Ponce's music blares up. Nothing happens. It blares up again. Nothing! All of a sudden! A minute had passed and OUT COMES GOLIATH!!!! He races into the ring and brutally beats Darren!!! It was a set up by the UNION so he would trust Big G and he is making him pay! Big G is going absolutly nuts! GRAVIS!!!! He pulls in a few tables! The ref cannot stop the big man's attack! Nobody can come to Darren's aide. Darren starting to get up! KICK!! OVERDOSE!!!!! He rolls Darren on the table climbs on it with him! OVERDOSE THRU THE TABLE!!!! A splinter has been driven thru the lip of Darren Hart and he is frantically trying to get it free, and Big G is trying to stomp it further in his face! After a leg drop Darrne is out cold no movements at all. GOLIATH TO THE TOP ROPES??!?!?!?!?!? What is he doing?!!?!? SHOOTING STAR PRESS!!!!! OHHH MY GOD!!!!! Darren Hart has been killed! Goliath is in his share of pain too! But Darren Hart can barely move. Goliath finally stands as the medics come and take away Darren! Goliath screams in pain! His music blares up as he watches the medics take Darren away and then he exits up the ramp.

Ponce (hardcore champion)

Dante steps out he has a huge smile on his face he takes a few steps out. He wears a "Hardcore Pizan" shirt! He spins around and points to the entrance! It's MELANIE STENSON! They are together again! Fans are going wild! This is now simply one on one for the hardcore belt. Here is PONCE! Fans go nuts! Ponce has taken a few hits already today. If Dante wants this chance he's got it now! Dante is all over the place. Ponce seems sluggish and in slo mo compared to Dante! He has Melanie back on his side and he is just going nuts in the ring! Ponce can't do a thing! Dante grabs a chair and leaps the top ropes smasking Ponce all in one motion! Now a flurry of chair shots to the skull! Dante is on fire! Short arm clothesline! Ponce is forced to play full defense. Ponce is having tons of trouble giving out any offense! Dante back with the chair! Moe blows! WAIT! Ponce caught his chair! Now Ponce finally getting an opening! But are his injuries to much already? He gets a few good shots in! But Dante kicks the gut! THE HIT!!!! THE HIT!!!!! It is all over for the FOUNDATION NEW CHAMP!!!! Cover! 1............2.........3NO!!!! KICKOUT!!!! Ponce just kicked out of Dante's finsisher?!?!?! He is shocked! Ponce mounting an offense! He's the first person in the BJWC to kick out of Dante's finisher like that! Ponce with a series of chair shots to the leg and back! Quick suplex! Here is comes! IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!!! YE.....NO!!! REVERSED!!!! DANTE with a IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM OF HIS OWN!!!! ONTO A CHAIR!!!! FANS ARE GOING NUTS!!!! Cover!!!! 1..........2.........3!!!! It's OVER! NEW Hardcore CHAMP!!!! Dante has done it!!!! Melanie quickly in to celebrate his biggest victory in his career with the BJWC! He owes part of this victory to the "SAVIOR of the GOOD GUYs!" Can you beleive it? It looks like Ponce will be able to go after the NA Belt after all!

WINNER: Dante NEW BJWC Hardcore Champ

James Edgebrook: WOW!!!! Dante back together with his girl and his first match he wins the Hardcore Title and beat former BJWC Champ PONCE!!!! PONCE did kick out of the HIT! And may have had his sights on the NA Belt and Dan Dehart but he just got outwrestlered by the HARDCORE PIZAN now known as the HARDCORE CHAMP!
What a night for Dante! Reunited with his girl, freed from McClanes bodyguard, and now Hardcore Champ! He will never forget this night! Next we have........wait.....we have some commotion backstage I send you to Jeph Phillips


You send a shakey camera and Ponce go flying headfirst to the floor. It's Merlin and Dan Dehart with Goliath! It's the UNION there are attacking the FOUNDATION! They have placed a UNION shirt over his head! POnce is out of it! I doubt he will be able to fight tonight! This is not good for COALITION 2000! COALITION 2000 show up but a moment too late and Ponce is now seriously nursing his injuries! I doubt we see him at ringside for this next match!

James Edgebrook: It looks like UNION is ready to win tonights Tag Match! COALITION shall not be happy with this cheap backstage attack. Will C2K counter the attack? This should be a great battle!
"Hate Me Now" is on and the boos are coming in! But I have just recieved word that McClane has exited the building. According to security he just walked off. Leaving the COUNCIL alone. And Exodus was scheduled partner and he was demoted by his own choice to Division 2.

Team Council (??????/??????)
Team UNION (Goliath/ Merlin Reynolds)
Team Coalition 2000 (Lanier Riley/ Tyler Lee (World Champion))

"Hate Me Now" stops playing and fans are now upset and their boos become louder. "Calm like a Bomb" plays, and out steps Billy Jay, with Chris Verve and Crucible and Cooper! Fans boo like crazy Billy Jay has a mic and talks in the ring.

Billy Jay:"Welcome BJWC fans and Addicts to tonights MAIN EVENT! (cheers) Where the greatest stable in history! US! The COUNCIL are set to create a new tag team due to Chris McClane skipping out, and Chris listen up! You are OUT of the Council we don't want your walk out ass!" (fans cheer that remark)

Billy Jay: "Exodus you better get your drop out ass in gear and march on up here and play with the big boys or your gonna be out TOO!"

Billy Jay:"And "SAVIOR of the GOOD GUYs" I swear if I find out who you are, AND I WILL FIND OUT!!!! You will be FIRED TOO!!!! (Fans boo) After we win this match tonight we will draw sticks to see which guy gets the World Title shot! Oh! And since I am the boss! THE COUNCIL GET's THREE MEN in there CORNER!!! (fans boo) Former Champ Super Dupor Gary Cooper! Former Champ Crucible! And,.....listen up Slick Rick.....the FUTURE OF THE BJWC.....Chris Verve!!!! (fans boo like mad as UNION's music hits.)"

UNION comes racing to the ring! All three of them! NA Champ Dan Dehart, Goliath, and TV Champion Merlin Reynolds! Then out comes COALITION! Only two of them! THE WORLD CHAMP Tyler Lee! And one of the fastest rising stars in BJWC History Lanier Riley!


The Main Event has started and UNION Vs. COALITION starts. UNION has Dan at ringside. COUNCIL has three members to their team and Billy Jay at ringside! And COALITION only has two! Their odds are very little! Merlin battles Lanier Riley! A flashback of RAGE WARS Hardcore Heaven Classic! Both showing the effects of the match! THE LIGHTS FLICKER AND BUZZ THEN RETURN TO NORMAL!! Fans waits for something to happen and nothing does. Goliath is very soft from that attack on Darren earlier! All the COUNCIL members have already faught matches tonight, but are still the most fresh out of the bunch. Crucible is tagged in and he goes to work. He distracts the ref and then a brawl breaks out. The ref turns around and all seven men are in the ring. A chair is being passed around! Lanier takes a chair shot from Chris Verve. Verve has been givin his chance and some say joining this team was a bad idea, but look he is already in the MAIN EVENT! Billy Jay strolls around by COALITION's corner! Tyler Lee who actually may be the most FRESH man in this entire building really wants to be tagged in! Lanier dives for the tag! BILLY JAY pulls TYLER LEE off the apron so he can't recieve the tag and Crucible locks on the figure four in the center of the ring! G-Crusher interupts the submission. Crucible tags in Cooper and Cooper watches Lanier tag in Goliath! Cooper with a drop toe hold. Then a WednesdayNight Special!!!! Side stunner!!!! fans love that move!!!! Goliath sits right up!!!!! GOLIATH SURVIVED THE FINISHER AND IS GOING FOR MORE!!!! Cooper with a flying headbutt! CAUGHT BY BIG G!!!!! GRAVIS!!!!! DDT!!!! He pulls Cooper up for the OVERDOSE no Chris Verve tags Cooper as he gets close and Verve climbs the top with a missle drop kick knocking the big man off his feet! TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCE!!!! Chris Verve with a huge move on the big man! Cover! 1........2.SAVE by G-Crusher! G shoves Verve into Tyler Lee and he tags himself in! THE TARGET CENTER EXPLODES IN CHEER as the CHAMP goes to work!!!!! Lefts and rights! He clotheslines Crucible and Cooper off the apron!!! Drop kicks Verve to ringside! Then grabs Goliath! But BIG G with a headbutt and makes a falling tag to Merlin! Merlin puts up a great effort agaisnt the champ! A neck breaker and a modified chin breaker! But Tyler Lee finds an opening and fights back! Knee to the gut! ICON DDT!!!! Fans go nuts! He pulls Merlin back up!!! Merlin with a leg sweep and tags in Crucible again! Crucible ducks Tyler Lee's attack! SUPERKICK!!! FLASHBACK to LANIER RILEY sending him flying into the guardrail off the apron! But Crucible turned around right into the SHOWSTOPPA!!!!! Tyler Lee hits it to perfection!!! Fans go nuts!!! Cover!!! 1.........2..Verve with the save and now everyone is in the ring! Goliath triple clotheslines the COUNCIL over the top ropes! Tyler Lee tags in Goliath and retreats in. Big G lifts up Crucible! Crucible fights free and tags in G-Crusher! Both UNION members are in the ring! CRUCIBLE attacks Tyler Lee and they fight at ringside! G-Crusher and Goliath look at each other!!!!! What is this!?!!?!?!? Goliath is laying down!!!!?!?!?! G-Crusher is going to pin his own partner to get the win!!!!! 1.......BILLY JAY rolls into the ring!!! But Dehart does the same!!! Dehart with a clothesline to Billy Jay before he can make the save!!!! ........2..........3!!!! It's OVER!!!!! UNION pins themself and win the MATCH!!!! fnas are going nuts!!! We have a total brawl here!!! Ponce is now tenderly running to help out his stable!!!! This is amazing we are out of time!!!!

WINNER: UNION (Merlin /Goliath) a stable members receives a World Title shot next week

James Edgebrook: We are completly out of time! UNION gets a World Title Shot next week on RIOT!!!!! Plus, Friday is back on, but who is running it???? UNION Vs Tyler Lee, which UNION member will get that World Title shot? How will they decide?!?!?! We are out of time! Tomarrow is the Rumble in the Wednesday Night Special! Friday will be a big event stay tuned! And Tuesday with be HUGE!!!!!! See you soon!