Tuesday Riot February 8th
Tuesday Night Riot
Febuary 8th, 2000
SuperDome, Toronto, CANADA
BJWC Productions
(BJWC Logo appears the BJWC theme plays as clips roll. Lanier Riley hitting the Strictly Biz Drop thru a table to Gary Cooper. Clip of Dan Dehart hitting the Devastator on Billy Jay. Shot of Merlin sitting back in the G-Crush on top of a barbed wire ladder sitting on top of a cell to Lanier Riley. Clip of Brian Hart locking on the sharpshooter to Darren Hart. Clip of Darren hitting McClane with the Heart Attack! Clip of Slick Rick hitting the Slick Driver on Kurt Swagger. Shot of TA Tyrone Alguard and Chris McClane both fighting on ladders reaching for two different belts. Clips of Tyler Lee and Dan Dehart battling each other and duking it out. Clip of the CLIQUE standing togehter as one. Shot of Dante hitting THE HIT on Masta Killa. Clip of Dru Rite attacking 4 men in the ring. A clip of the LAW reforming at GOLDFEST as Dan as the champ. Clip of Dan Dehart holding up the BJWC World Title. Music ends and joins us live in the SUPER DOME, Toronto, CANADA.)
("Calm like a Bomb" blares up as the HUGE number of fans erupt in cheer for the show has begun PYROs explode and after a few minutes of them out comes Billy Jay along with Hart and Steven Drysdale, wearing the tag belts and Hart wearing his PPV belt! They stand in the CLIQUE pose! Billy Jay then sends them backstage for Billy Jay to make a speech alone! Billy Jay dives into the ring and waits for the fans boo's to end.)
Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to another edition of the ever AMAZING Tuesday Night RIOT!!!! And another RIOT featuring your heros, your champions, your STARS!!! The CLIQUE!!!!
(Fans boo and hold up signs showing their hatred for the group!)
Billy Jay: Well tonight not only could we see Dan Dehart be dethroned from his throne! We could see NEW Tag Champs! HA! Yeah right! As if that was possible, but the LAW will get their chance! Plus we have some other huge matches coming up tonight! LOVE HURTs date is official!
LOVE HURTs will be held on the 20th of Febuary! The stadium? Undecided! But the date is set! LOVE HURT will be AWESOME!!!! We have some of the biggest matches in BJWC History planned for that date! Possibly Lanier Riley versus Dan Dehart IF Lanier Riley shows up to use his #1 Contender Spot! He has been gone since last week and hasn't been seen since! Could he return tonight?!?!!?
Time will tel1!!!! AHAHAHA!!!!
(The fans boo as Billy Jay gives off that evil laugh and evil look. The Billy Jay-A-Tron begins to play events from last week as Billy Jay exits and the camera focuses on James Edgebrook!)
James Edgebrook: WOW! A little hint about Lanier Riley, is he HERE TONIGHT?!?! The Red Ski Masked man took him on RIOT and he hasn't been around since then!! That was two weeks ago!!! We havn't seen the Red Ski Masked Man or Lanier Riley since! Could Lanier be returning! What does Billy Jay know!?!? Love Hurts date is set! Billy Jay also hinting at a Lanier Riley Dan Dehart match? Lanier is gone and Dan has a Triple Threat match tonight!!!!
We have a damn good line up tonight! Matt Danks was arrested earlier this week and may not be able to make it for his match tonight against Richard Head. That is a situation we may have to follow. His debut may be pressed further down the road but who will take his place for the match? Well, it's looks like we are gonna find out right now!
Debut Match-Up
Matt Danks (arrested earlier this week, substitute to take his place)
Richard Head
Richard Head steps out first. There is signs up for him. His comedic interviews and style has a lot of fans. He was scheduled to fight Matt Danks who Billy Jay brought into the BJWC! But Danks was arrested earlier this week. We currently do not know when he will be released! So Head is in the ring.
Bobby Magic's music comes on! Here comes one half of Border Magic! Bobby Magic! Fans don't give him the time of day as he dives into the ring! Richard Head is laughing at him! Bobby Magic laughs at Head, Head with a spear!!! Bobby Magic is punching like a girl. Head with a thundering DDT. Magic rolls back to his feet SLEEPER by Magic, Head just picks him up for a sidewalk slam!!! What a move! Bobby Magic with a low blow! The ref tells Magic if he does it again he's out. Magic with a drop toe hold and Head falls into the ref!!! The ref and Richard both konked heads together, both are down! Here comes Paco Delgado!!! Border Magic is together to double team Richard Head! Wait! Here comes Big Machine! Paco and Bobby hit a double team suplex! Big Machine jumps in and DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM!!!!! Whoah Border Magic have been demolished to ring side! Richard Head stands up! Big Machine grabs him!!! CHOKE SLAM!!!! WHAT?!??!?! Big Machine just choke slams his former tag partner!!!! Big Machine exits up the ramp!!!! What is going on?!!?!? Bobby Magic dives in, limps over and pins Head! 1...........2...........3NO!!! Kickout! Head right back to his feet! CAN OPENER!!!! Riccochette!!!! Suplex off the ropes into a reverse suplex!!! Quick Cover by Head!!!! 1............2............3!!! Paco Delgado dives in!!! Head grabs him RICCOCHETTE!!!!! He just killed Border Magic!!! Head hops the ropes and sprints backstage!!!! He's going after Big Machine!!!!
WINNER: Richard Head
James Edgebrook: WOAH!!! Richard Head just demolished a team of two men! And now looks to want to take out his rage on Big Machine, his former tag team partner. Big Machine looked to help Head, but turned on him quickly almost costing him the match!
Hold the phone, I think Head and Big Machine have met backstage and are going at it. Let's go to a backstage cam!
BACKSTAGE with Big Head Machine
The former star tag team is now going at it. A garbage can flies right in front of the camera. Big Machine has Head over his shoulder trying to slam him into the mesh cage but Head squirms out the back! CAN OPENER!!!! What a battle!!!! Big Machine gets back up somehow!!! He has a lead pipe. He clangs it over Head's face!!!! Both men are going crazy, both craving blood!!! Security fills the locker room and pulls them apart restrainging them and pulling them opposite ways.
James Edgebrook: Things do not look good for that tag team!!!! These two are not friend any more!!! Both lust for each others blood!!!! I can not believe these two have gone such different ways!!!! These two are hating each other more by the minute!!!!
Well, next we have a Veteran Rookie tag match!!! This should be a dandy. Taurus and TA Tyrone Alguard have been fueding with some AWESOME matches over the TV Title. And now they are facing each other in this tag match! Plus, two newcomers get to mix water with some big stars. This is the big break for Tommy Christopher and Dru Rite both out of Division 2! Neither of them have made a mark yet. This is their chance! They could prove to the fed what they are made of. Taurus could get his revenge on TA for winning his TV Title from him! So now the time has come for these four to prove what they are made of.
Taurus/ Dru Rite
TA Tyrone Alguard (TV Title Champion)/ Tommy Christopher
Dru Rite comes out first. Fans give him a healthy ovation for a newcomer. Next out his teammate Taurus! Fans go nuts! Taurus' hardcore style has earned him a lot of fans. He had been a TV Champ for a good period before former World Champ TA took it away! The fans do enjoy Taurus' style of wrestling a classic hardcore style.
Tommy Christopher steps out and he gets little ovation. He is a former BJWC Tag Champion. But that was very short lived and he has done nothing since! So he could take a step in the right direction tonight. And his partner! The former BJWC World Champion, and the current BJWC TV Champion! TA Tyrone Alguard!
"Wanna be a Baller" by Lil'Troy blares up, TA's new music!!!! The fans go wild as Dru and Taurus begin a double team on Tommy. TA's music plays for a bit and then he comes racing out. Fans go wild! TA looks pissed! He grabs a mic......:
TA Tyrone Alguard: "Whoah, hold the action! Taurus? Dru, one of you stole Danica! From the locker room! I'm gonna kick everyones ass until someone tells me who!!!!"
Dru Rite jumps him yelling that is wasn't him! The bell rings! Dru and Taurus begin stomping Tommy and TA who lay on the mat now.
Dru Rite: Well, TA I would never steal a nice girl! HAHAHA!!!!
Tyrone fights to his feet! Backbreaker! Clothesline! TA Tyrone Alguard is trying to do this one by himself! It's Dru Rite and TA Tyrone Algaurd going at it. Dru gets an upper hand rights and lefts. Chin breaker. Russian leg sweep and Dru Rite is showing he ain't afraid. He holds TA and tags in Taurus, Taurus to the top! Double arm axe handle! Then stomps all over TA. Tyrone with a arm drag and Taurus goes to ringside! TA rolls to his knees trying to make a tag to Tommy Christopher! He reaches out, Tommy is gone! Taurus pulled Tommy from the apron!!! POWERBOMB at ringside!!! TAURUS JUST POWERBOMBED TOMMY thru a TABLE!!!! Fans are going nuts!!! Dru takes advantage of the turned ref and uses TA's TV Title and hits him over the head! Taurus dives in! Cover! 1...........2......KICKOUT!!! TA kicked out!!!! Tommy gets up slowly. TA now taking a double team after Taurus tagged in Dru. The ref is still making sure Tommy is alright! Double brainbuster!!! Taurus with a SPEAR!!!! Dru with a drop kick!!! TA Tyrone Alguard is going one on two and he has no chance of winning! Taurus ties TA into the corner and beat him with knees! Where is Dru Rite going? He is going up the ramp! He comes right back down with......... DANICA!!!! Fans are going nuts!!! Dru Rite DID kidnap her!!!! Taurus and Dru Rite are working together like champions!!!!! Tommy finally to his feet he rolls into the ring and Taurus picks him right up and tosses him head first OVER THE TOP ROPES THRU ANOTHER TABLE!!!!!! Tommy was powerbomb and now tossed THREW TWO TABLES!!!!! Oh my god!!!! Dru Rite pulls Danica into the ring and takes off her blinkfold!!!! The fans are going nuts!!!! TA is pissed of but he is tied to the corner he can not go anywhere!!! Dru Rite picks up the TV Title and winds up to hit Danica!!!!!
NO!!!! He turned and hit Taurus!!!! What the hell?!!?!?! He pulls TA out of the ties in the corner!!?!?!? WHAT THE HELL?!?!!? TA and DRU RITE?!?!??! TOGETHER!?!!? TA picks up Taurus!!! TV Title shot to the face!!!! Fans are going nuts!!! They pick up Taurus again and a SPIKED DDT!!!! OHH MY WHAT A DOUBLE TEAM MOVE!!!! Spiked DDT!!!! TA Tyrone Algaurd and Dru Rite a NEW FORCE along with the LOVELY DANICA who played a big part in this angle working!!!!!
WINNERs: No descision but Dru Rite and TA Tyrone Alguard the onlys ones to walk away
James Edgebrook: WOW!!! New alliance?? Dru Rite and TA Tyorne Alguard!!! What an awesome team! Youngblood and a Former Champions Blood formed together!!! They could really cause a problem for people in the BJWC! In fact they could make a hell of a TAG TEAM!!!! With a little team work like that DDT they could be wearing Tag Gold soon if they wish!!!! What a great battle between two teams, but Tommy got tossed around like a barbie doll, and Taurus got screwed like Barbie the Hooker! Those TV Title shots to the face are not gonna make him happy! I will bet the farm he still wants a FAIR shot at TA's TV Title again!
Well, the LAW is just arriving we have a cmaera set up watching for their arrival let's check in with them.
The ARRIVAL of the LAW
The Limo pulls up and Dan steps out followed by Goliath and Tyler Lee. Security guards are heavy trying to prevent any more Darren Anthony LIMO attacks as he has done in the past! The fans go nuts at first site of the LAW. The open the trunk and pull out some gear. Dan pulls out the World Title flaps it over his shoulder and they check the area and enter the arena still heavily gaurded by security!
James Edgebrook: BJWC Security taking special precausion to the DARREN ANTHONY attacks, and if he was to attack them tonight that was his chance. The LAW didn't look to worried but they moved quickly in case! They are all in action later tonight!
We have next up another long time rivalry! Slick Rick and Kurt Swagger. And Darren Anthony included to make this match even more interesting! We have Slick Rick King of the Rookies also a Junk Yard Specialist, we have the NA Champion Kurt Swagger, and we have a former Hardcore Champion and a very hardcore guy, Darren Anthony! This is a non title triple threat! What an odd choice for a match but it looks damn interesting! I have no idea who could win this match. All three are rising stars, and the future of the BJWC! All three are capable of being NA Champ and dissirve a shot at it.
Non-Title Triple Threat Match
Kurt Swagger (current BJWC NA Champion)
Slick Rick
Darren Anthony
Darren Anthony's music blares up. The fans boo. Nothing happens!
Darren's music plays again.
What is going on? The Billy Jay-A-Tron flips on!!!! It's Darren he's been layed out. He is laying on the cement the camera pans up. It's the CLIQUEs LIMO!!!!! The CLIQUE has just struck back on Darren!!!! No way!!!! He just got some of his own medicine!!!! Darren is being attended to now!!!!
Kurt Swagger comes out then, NA Belt around his waist, pyros blows and he carries a mic. The fans boo him for the heel that he is. He begins to make a speech:
Swagger: "Careful what you wish for; cos baby, I just came true!"
Swagger laughs. The crowd boo deafeningly.
"Now it's painfully obvious that there's no-one in this fed worthy of having
me paint devastation on their worthless carcass, but it seems like tonight,
Slick Rick..."
The crowd pop big time. For mentioning his arch rival, Slick Rick a face.
"And Darren Anthony..."
Major booing for the heel who has just been hit with the CLIQUES limo. Swagger obviously not concerned for Darren's condition continues.
"Are going to get that honour. So if you two
RATBAGS are man enough,
let's play New Mexico rules. Which means no rules.......
Just carve it in stone."
Slick Rick comes charging out to accept, and he and Swagger get into a wild
brawl. Darren Anthony is still in the back being tended to by medics. The bell has rung and this match is under way. Both men trading punches and spilling to ringside early. Swagger with a monkey flip sending Slick into the crowd. They battle into the crowd. Using steps and chairs and seats to their advantage. Swagger takes two horriflying chair shots right between the eyes. Slick Rick takes a drop toe hold face first into the cement steps! Both men are bloody. Swagger going for the TRUTH or CONSEQUENCE on a table!!!! NO!!! Slick Rick pulls him in with an eye rake!!! SLICK DRIVER!!!! NO!!! DDT!!! Swagger with a DDT thru the table!!! He rolls up and rolls Slick and himself into the ring!!! Another DDT!!! Swagger in full control!!! Swagger going to the top rope for his LAST GAP elbow drop!!!! But Slick Rick is up!!! He crotches Swagger on the turnbuckle. Slick climbs to the top with Swagger!!! BULLDOG OFF THE TOP TO RINGSIDE THRU AN ANNOUNCERS BOOTH!!!!! OHH MY GOD!!!! They just smashed that table like never before!!!! What a move by Slick Rick!!!! Both men are down, neither man is moving.
HERE COMES DARREN!!! He is limping from the LIMO attack!!! He has a IV in his arm he rips it out as he struts down to the ring! Fans are booing!!! How can he be standing? He just got hit by a car!!!! PLus, he carries a steel chair!!!! Swagger and Slick Rick get to their feet!!! CRACK!!! CRACK!!!! Sent right back down courtesy of Darren's chair shots!!!! He is picking apart both men!!! Slick Rick and Swagger with a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!!! WOW!!! They just hit a double team move to save themselves!!!! TANDEM DIAMOND CUTTER ON DARREN!!!! Is this another alliance?!?!?! Another new team?!?!?! Swagger and Slick Rick?!!?! Swagger turns around!!! THE MAIN EVENT!!!! AN INVERTED SPIN DOCTOR to Slick Rick!!!! Nevermind about the teaming up!!!! Swagger may have killed Slick Rick!!!! Darren to his feet!!! He pulls Slick back to his feet PUMP HANDLE SLAM!!!!! WOW!!!
Swagger from behind!!! LOW BLOW!!!! Swagger sets Darren up for the TRUTH or CONSEQUENCE!!!! NO!!!! Slick Rick with a low blow on Swagger!!!! He grabs Swagger for the SLICK DRIVER!!!! NO!!!! Darren's with a LOW BLOW on Slick Rick!!! He grabs him for the FALL!!!!
"Calm like a Bomb" hits the speakers!!! It's the CLIQUE!!!! Billy Jay, Brian Hart and Steven Drysdale out to get Darren AGAIN?!?!?! Wait, here comes the LAW!!!! Dan Dehart, Tyler Lee, and Reaper!!!! They follow and we have a WAR!!!! SWAGGER, SLICK RICK, and Darren ANTHONY working as a team to fend off the LAW and the CLIQUE as they all fight each other!!!! WHAT another ALLIANCE?!?!?! The LAW and the CLIQUE battle back to the locker room and Slick Rick, Kurt Swagger, and Darren all left in the ring!!! They all look over each other and seem to think about shaking hands but don't and each walk off under their own power!!!!!
WINNER: No Decision
James Edgebrook: F#&KIN' A!!! What the hell was that?!?!? It seemed like Swagger and Slick were a team, but that was over really fast!!! Then CLIQUE came after Darren, then LAW countered the CLIQUE, then Swagger, Darren and Slick Rick teamed up to save themself, and then left on their own powers??!!? Has BJWC gone crazy?!?!?! Are they a new team? Or just 3 guys that will do anything to fight off the CLIQUE and the LAW?!?! What a battle until the run ins. The match never really ended, it just sorta quit. That was damn entertaining!
We have commotion back stage once again!!!! JESUS!!! Backstage camera!!! QUICK!!!!
It's REAPER!!! He is attacking Slick Rick. He is dragging him down a hall and pounds his face into the wall. Slick Rick just faught a match!!! This is madness!!! Reaper is gonna kill this guy!!! Slick did attack him last week!!!! Reaper with a PILEDRIVER on the CEMENT!!!! WOW!!!! Slick Rick is not moving!!!! Reaper stands and removes a tarp over a bin!!!! IT's a BIN FILLED WITH LIQUID!!!! It's a TUB OF COKE!!!! Reaper lifts him up!!!! And slams him into the TUB OF COKE!!!! The fans go wild!!!! Slick Rick as you know has been doing stuff with PEPSI, going crazy and things, and now HE HAS JUST been dumped and soaked in COKE!!!! The arch rival of PEPSI!!!! What will Slick Rick do when he awakes???!?!?!? Reaper walks off like nothing happens laughing about it down the hall.
Security runs up and helps Slick Rick out and make sure he is breathing!!!!
James Edgebrook: WOW!!!! Reaper retaliates for last weeks attack and sends Slick right into a tub of COKE, I think Slick and his "MASK" are gonna be upset!!! That guy is already crazy enough for the both of them!!! Reaper may have just pushed this psycho over the edge!!! I don't wanna be around when Rick wakes up!!!
Well, that brutal attack was disturbing and may be problems, but we say half of the Border Magic fight Head earlier tonight, and now Big Machine the other half of Big Head Machine fights the other half of BORDER MAGIC!!!!
Big Machine
Paco Delgado
Paco is on the longest losing streak of his life. Signing as a jobber doesn't help. He comes to the ring and the crowd gives him random cheers, nothing more than a jobber should expect. Big Machine comes out next. Big Machine is only known for his size, but he has known to be fooled and not known to be a smart guy!
The bell rings as the 5'6 foot puff ball of a mexican, tries to avoid the mammoth grip of Big Machine! The fan laugh as Paco tries to powerbomb Big Machine but is instead tosses face first into the turnbuckles!!!! Big Machine then goes for a powerbomb!!! NO!!! Reversed into a hurricanranna, but instead of covering for the pin, Paco says he is dizzy and stumbles around the ring!!! Big Machine grabs his neck!!!
HERE COMES BOBBY MAGIC!!! CHOKESLAM by BIG MACHINE!!! Cover!!! 1............2.........WHAT??!?! The ref is pulled out by Bobby Magic!!! The ref rings the bell!!! DQ!!! Big Machine wins!!!
Here comes RICHARD HEAD!!! Big Machine going for a choke slam on Bobby Magic!!!! NO!!! Richard Head with a elbow to the face!!!! CAN OPENER on the BIG MACHINE!!!! Richard Head then goes ringsode and throw in the steps!!!! The metal steps!!!! RICCOCHETTE!!!!! Big Machine is sent FACE FIRST IN SUPLEX POSITION OFF THE METAL STEPS!!!! Richard Head stomps his face and then exits to a big cheer from the crowd!
WINNER: Big Machine by Disqualification
James Edgebrook: GEEZ!!! Big Machines face under that mask must be a mess!!! Face first into a sharp corner of those steps!!! Richard Head has snapped!!! These two are like DEVIL DOGS!!!! These two obviously are urging for a match, and they should get it!!! Two former friends, former teammates now hate each other like hell. What a relationship!!! HA!!!
I have word Darren has once again refused help from the medics and now wants to make an announcement!!! Here he comes!!!! Does this guy ever stop?!!?!? He has a blackjack table!!! Looks like the same kind Reaper sent him thru last week on RIOT!!!! Lets hear what this sadistic nut has to say!
DARREN ANTHONY with an Announcement
Darren has a balckjack table the very same type that Reaper powerbombed him thru last week! Reaper then of course winning that match and the BJWC Hardcore Title! Darren carries the table into the ring, he makes fun of a fat lady sitting in the front row, his usual HEEL bit. He makes fun of the crowd and then gets down to business:
Darren: Tonight, I was hit by a limo, I got gang beat by LAW the Clique as well as others! And last week I got SCREWED! Screwed out of MY Hardcore Title! Reaper, you and your Law cronnies sit in the back and bite your nails waiting for THE FUTURE to attack, waiting for Darren Anthony to attack, and jumping at every little noise.. Cowards, that is what you are... You have the numbers advatage and you still are trying to figure out a way to defend against one man.. I dont blame you, I am the baddest man straight from Hardcore land, but then again, you already knew that..
Darren sets the table up. The fans are boojg like gnangbusters.
Darren: You see this table, this is the same kind of table you drove me throught last Tuesday on Riot, the same kind of table that gave you the win.. I wasnt one hundred percent though, I had a concussion, and the match wasn't an even fight.. I have beaten guy twenty times better than you, and twice as hardcore.. Your not hardcore, your softer that a handfull of cotton balls.. You have something that belongs to me, MY hardcore title, and I want it back... Next tuesday, neither of us have plans, so how about a match for the Hardcore title.. Now just any match, but a BlackJack table match... Truck loads of tables will be brought in for the match, and used during the match... You want to get Hardcore, well here is your chance, that is if you can get your balls out of Dan Deharts pocket..
Fans boo and Darren rile them up some more with heel tactics. Telling them to shove it and things along those lines, he then continues....
Darren: We dont have to wait till Next tuesday, hell it doesnt just have to be you... I am calling the LAW out right now.. All three of you, get your has been asses down to the ring and meet your maker, the most Hardcore man in the BJWC, the greatest technical wrestler in the BJWC, and a GOD DAMN CANADIAN..
The fans go nuts! Darren waits! NO LAW!!! They are probably making sure this is not a trick. Or maybe just ignoring him! But the LAW is not coming out just yet. Reaper's music hits!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!!
REAPER is here, and he is wearing the BJWC Hardcore Title proudly around his mammoth waist. He has his own mic:
Reaper: First off, I don't need the LAW to kick your sorry ass. You are not World Title material, you are not Hardcore Title material as I proved last week, HELL you aren't even worthy of the D2 Title. If next week you want me to slam you thru 500 blackjacks tables that will make my day!!! So sign it!!! BlackJack table match!!! Tuesday on RIOT!!!!
Fans go wild!!! Darren just stares and Reaper begins to leave.
Darren: WAIT!!! Are you too scared to fight me now? Because my first challenge was for RIOT but my second challenge was for the LAW right HERE, RIGHT NOW!!!!! Or is the LAW broke?!!?!?
Here comes the LAW!!!! Dan and Tyler Lee with Reaper are gonna make short work of this incounter! Darren is already moving slow from the LIMO attack already tonight! Darren taunts them all as Tyler and Reap dive in. Dan circles and grabs a chair. Darren back body drops Tyler Lee. Reaper takes a drop kick! Darren going for another but!!! CRACK!!! Dan Dehart the World Champion just cracked him over the back!!! Dan and Tyler holds Darren.
Reaper: This is what happens when you mess with the LAW!!!!
Hardcore Title shot to the face!!! Reaper just planted him!!! This is not good for DARREN!!! The LAW stand togehter for the fans to take some picture but as they stand each holding a belt except Tyler Lee. From behind............ It's
JENNIFER STREAKS!!! She whacks Tyler over the head with a chair!!! LOW BLOW to Dan!!! Reaper last to turn around Darren is back up!!!! BOOT TO THE STOMACH!!!! Hetwists him around!!!! THE FALL!!! Darren just hit the FALL thru the blackjack table!!!! Reaper is down and out!!! ANOTHER TEAM?!?!?! Jennifer Streaks and Darren Anthony!!! OHH MY GOD!!!!! Darren grabs the mic again while Jennifer laughs at Reaper.
Dan and Tyler Lee are getting up. Wait here comes SLICK RICK!!!! He cracks Darren over the head!!! He grabs Jennifer!!!! SlickDRIVER!!!! He grabs Reaper SLICK DRIVER!!!! He holds up part of the BLACKJACK Table and shows it to the crowd as they go nuts!!!! Dan and Tyler Lee dive in and Slick Rick does the smart thing and exits up the ramp holding the BLACKJACK Table peice above his head. Darren and Jennifer the new alliance, exit together nursing their injuries and the LAW exits helping Reaper, as they speak about revenge!
James Edgebrook: HOLY CRAP!!! Darren Anthony has done it again. Even though I hate the guy I admit he is keeping this stuff interesting. It looks like Darren and Reaper will fight for the Hardcore Title next RIOT in a BlackJack table match. And it seems Slick Rick is involved as well. Will he come into play next week at RIOT? Streaks and Anthony forming a new team?!!??! I never EVER in my wildest dreams saw that coming!!! Where does Darren come up with this stufF? But the LAW still walks off as the FORCE to beat, even though Reaper took a beating. But Dan and Tyler look ready to go! Their tag match is next!!!!!
Brian Hart and Steven Drysdale have held the tag gold for a few weeks now. But this will be their big test! They defended last time due to Clique Rules! This time all four men in the ring at the same time. And again it is CLIQUEs Rules! Billy Jay could cost them the match again! Steven Drysdale has been very quiet latley Brian is gonna have to carry the tag team tonight!
Tornado Tag Team Match
Brian Hart/Steven Drysdale (Tag Champs)
Reaper(Hardcore Champ)/Tyler Lee
Here comes tonights challengers. They just exited after that Darren interview. Tyler Lee is pretty fresh but Reaper has takin his share of beatings tonight! The fans go nuts! Reaper the HARDCORE Champion and Tyler Lee the former BJWC World Champion! These are two of three LAW members and this match os Tornado Style all men in all the time! Pins only count in the ring, so once you leave to ring almost anything is legal! This should be interesting!
"Calm like a Bomb" here comes the CLIQUE!!! Billy Jay is with them. The Tag Champs, with the BJWC's Prez. Last time these two faught it was Billy Jay cheating that got them the big win! Could the LAW steal the titles tonight? In a Tornado Tag Match!
The bell rings as all four men embrace in a rage of fists and boots! Steven Dysdale and Brian Hart double team Tyler Lee as Reaper is pulled to ringside by Billy Jay, he pulls out from under the ring!!!! BARBED WIRE CHAIRS!!!! Fans are going nuts!!!! Billy Jay whacks Reaper accross the back and hands the chair to Brian Hart. Brian winds up! CRACK!!! NO!!! tyler Lee ducked and Brian just nialed Steven Drysdale over the head with the barbed wire chair!!!! Brian checks on Steven, Tyler Lee from behind SCHOOL BOY!!! 1...........2.....KICKOUT!!!! Reaper back body drops Billy Jay onto the spanish announce table. The table doesn't break! Tyler Lee on the top ropes to splash Brian Hart, but Brian rolls out of the waY!!!! Tyler Lee did not jump, so he resets his position TOWARDS Billy JAY!!!! Suicide SPLASH!!!!! He just splashed BILLY JAY thru the spanish announce table!! Reaper dives back in. Drysdale knocks him right back to ringside with a clothesline! Steven follows him out!!! Brian gras the chair again and recovers in the ring! Tyler Lee climbs back to the top ropes!!! Brian was ready!!! MISSLE DROP KICK!!! Nobody home!!! Brian jams the end of the chair into his neck. Tyler Lee looks like he is going to give up. His body goes limp! Ref drops his hand!!!! Ref drops his hand a second time!!!! He lifts it for three!!!! NO!!!! Reaper pulls the ref out!!!! He sidewalk slams Steven and rolls in the ring breaking the hold ducking a chair shot!!!! LUL LA BYE!!!! SLEEPER on Brian Hart!!!!! Brian with a mule kick low blow. Brian stumbles for breath right into the ICON DDT!!!! Cover!!!! The ref is still out!!!! Steven rolls back in grabs Tyler Lee grabs him for a pedegree. REAPER walks up from behind!!! LUL LA BYE!!!!! He locks it on while Tyler Lee was about to be Pedigreed. Steven Drysdale is tapping out but the ref is still at ringside. Ref slowly to his feet and rolls into the ring. Steven has passed out. The ref is coming to check, SUPERKICK by Brian Hart to Reaper. The ref stops checking of Steven as Brian Hart locks on the SHARPSHOOTER!!!! Tyler Lee is caught in the center of the ring!!! NO!!!! Reaper with a diving save!!! Steven still knocked cold!!! Double team on Brian Hart!!! Tyler Lee climbs to the top ropes!!!! Reaper puts Hart on his shoulders!!!! FLYING CROSS BODY BY TYLER LEE ONTO HART WITH REAPER FALING BACK WITH HART ON HIS SHOULDERS!!!!! What a move!!!! Tyler Lee with a cover!!!! 1...........2...Steven Drysdale breaks the count with a diving axe handle. Reaper makes him pay slamming his head into the turnbuckles!!!! Here comes Slick Rick!!!! What is he doing out here?!!?!?
Slick Rick: Hey, everyone! Don't we smell like COKE?!?! Anyone have a PEPSI for us to drink???? Anyone??
Slick Rick is walking around the ring asking for peoples drinks. Nobody is giving him a drink yet!!! What is this nut talking about, talking about "WE" and "us" is he referring to that mask again? This guy is bonkers!!!!
Inside the ring Brian Hart hits a DDT on the barbedwire chair! Cover on Tyler Lee! 1..............2......KICKOUT!!!! Reaper has locked on yet another sleeper, the LUL LA BYE on Steven Drysdale and once again Steven is out. Well count Steven out for the rest of this match!!! Slick Rick is still asking for PEPSI, finally a fan gives him his drink he shakes his hand and begins to drink!!! He notices Repaers Hardcore Title is right in front of him!!! Slick Rick grabs the Hardcore Title. Reaper never saw!!!! Slick Rick is leaving with the HARDCORE title!!!! What is that psycho doing?!!?!
Inside the ring Brian is working over Tyler Lee, Lee off the second rope MISSLE DROP KICK, caught!!! Brian steps thru, SHARPSHOOTER!!!! NO!!!! Tyler Lee crawls to the ropes before he can sit back!!!! The ref makes Brian break the hold!!! Reaper CHAIR SHOT TO BRIAN!!!! Then body slams Steven Drysdale OVER THE TOP ROPES!!!! Tyler Lee drop toe hold into the barbed wire chair!!!! Billy Jay is only not getting to his feet!!!! Tyler Lee ICON DDT to Brian Hart!!!! ON THE CHAIR!!!! Cover!!!! 1...........2......NO!!! Billy Jay with a save, Tyler Lee ducks a clothesline by the PREZ, but Billy Jay ducks his drop kick! Billy Jay grabs the chair!!!! CHAIR SHO!!!!! NO!!!! Reaper from ringside pulled his foot anf Billy Jay falls face first into his own BARBED WIRE CHAIR!!!! Tyler Lee turns back around whips Brian into the ropes and catches him SHOWSTOPPA!!!!! DVD type of manuever from a full body press!!!! OHH MY GOD!!!! I nerver seen Tyler Lee hit that move so well!!!! Cover! 1............2............3!!!! NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!! Reaper and Tyler along with the fans jump up!!!! The LAW has just captures their 3rd and 4th belts in the BJWC!!!!!
WINNERs: Reaper and Tyler Lee the BJWC's Newest Tag Team Champions
James Edgebrook: What a strategy!!! Reaper stayed on Steven Drysdale and kept himself fresh, each time Tyler was in trouble Reaper would save him. Brian carried his team but it ended up two on one, and Billy Jay wasn't much of a facotr after being splashed thru that table early in the match! Slick Rick steals the Hardcore Title, I'm not even sure if Reaper has noticed yet. Repaer did an AWESOME job for being beat before the match, if this match was Hart versus The ICON Hart would have won, but Steven only saved Hart once and Reaper saved Tyler about 5 or 6 times! God help the BJWC, who can beat these new champions??? I'm not sure if anyone can!
It is almost time for the big triple threat World Title Match! But first we have Jeph Phillips backstage to talk with the man that just stole the BJWC's Hardcore Title from Reaper, who earlier tonight shoved him in a tub of coke. This fued is really heating up, plus you throw Darren one of the BJWC's most dangerous men and you got one hell of a Hardcore Division going. Each man a master of their own parts. Darren has his limos and forklifts. Slick Rick has his junkyards and Reaper has his steel toed boots and barbed wire ropes! I think Jeph is ready backstage with Slick Rick, who is still sticky from the tub of coke!
Jeph Phillips Interviews Slick Rick about the STEALING of the Hardcore Title
( The camera is set up in Slick Rick locker room
where he is sitting on a small velvet couch a Pepsi bottle between
his legs and the hardcore tittle in hands . )
Jeph Philips : Well Slick the question on every
one lips at that time ! WHY DID YOU STEAL REAPER'S BELT ?
Slick Rick : What !we didn't steal any belt from anyone
here …we went for a walk near the ring thinking some generous fan
would give us a tasty Pepsi and we just happened to fall on some
hardcore gold that was laying there, unsupervised asking for some
love ! Nothing more and nothing less .
Jeph Philips: But why ? I don't think you want to
have a man the calibre of Reaper on your back !
Slick Rick : Ho spooky! Who do you take us for !
( he take the last sip of his Pepsi ) HO NO ! WE ARE DOOM ! doom
we tell you . We are all out of Pepsi again ! ( thinking nervously
) We know what will do , will put a ransom on Reaper precious belt
, ( he put his finger on his mouth like Austin Power villain ) WE
WANT ONE MILLION PEPSI BOTTLES ! ( a serious look ) If we don't
have what we ask for before next Riot your precious belt will pay the price !
( An evil look appear on his face as he storm out
of the room the hardcore tittle on his shoulder . )
Jeph Philips : Well folks I don't think we can say
anything but …WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED HERE ! We return to you guys for tonights MAIN EVENT!
James Edgebrook: Slick Rick has lost his mind. Requesting randsom for the Hardcore Title?!? And not just any randsom ohh no of course not, he wants Pepsi Bottles! This guy may be totally bonkers. He is freaking me out and I only see him once and a while. He has become more and more crazy each day he wrestlers here in the BJWC! I don't know if it would be good idea to let this guy conitnue with this company if he is gonna keep this crazy crap up.
It's TIME, TIME for the BJWC's MAIN EVENT! For the BJWC World Title! Dan almost lost his title three times last week. One two McClane, one to Dante, and once to Lanier and than Lanier was dragged off. Some predict Lanier will return here and play some role in the outcome of the match! Plus, will the "D" Man show up? And what about this Red Ski Masked Man that has shown up to effect Lanier latley? How will Dan come out on top of this match???! Can he walks away with the title? Is it possible?!?! McClane and Dante both complained and got themselves this match! Here we go!!!!
Dan Dehart (Current BJWC World Champion)
Chris McClane
"Hate Me Now" blares up and the crowd boos! The former BJWC Women's Champion Rebecca, is leading out Chris McClane, a man who finally got his shot a few months ago and blew it by not giving it his best shot and he lives to regret it and now he can make up for it! He begins down the ramp with the booing fans. He gets half way down and stops, pulls out a mic:
Chris McClane: "I
know how Dan and the Law likes to cheat. Well today I will make
sure we have none of that. Just remember I am your God and I set
the rules."
Thirty secrity gaurds will come down and walks with Chris McClane to the ring. They will make a circle around the ring after he
gets in. Rebecca is inside the human circle so she can not
get attacked. They will not let anyone into the ring but Dan and
Dante. No one can leave or enter the ring. Can McClane do this? Will Dan stand for McClane making rules in his match? If LAW was going to interfere they don't have a chance now! This is going to be a fair one on one on one battle! Best man will take the gold!!! Could it be the heel hothead Chris McClane?
"Rock Box" by ROCK DMC hits and Dante comes stomping out. Melanie at his side! He looks ready for business. Some people close to him said something snapped last week when he lost!!! Dante has not been the same. Could the Hardcore Pizan at the nights end be the new BJWC World Champion?
Both men are in the ring waiting the third and most important man. McClane warms up with Rebecca below him at ringside. Dante stretching his arms with a look on his face like a frieght train, Melanie giving him support below him at ringside. The fans are chanting Dan's name. McClane and Dante stare at each other knowing this is gonna be hell!!!!
"Big Guns" by AC/DC! He is here!!!! Dan Dehart sprints to the ring and dive in the bell rings as he hits the mat!!! All three go at it as the fans go nuts!!! Dan's music played for two seconds and then was cut off because the match had begun! After a small brawl Mcclane and Dante send the Champ into the ropes! Double shoulder block! Then Mcclane takes the face, and Dante with a leg lock!!! These two are going to make sure the champ is not champ after the night is over!!!! They are working together. Dan ducks a double clothesline, Dan with a DOUBLE BULLDOG!!!! Big uppercut to Dante, then to McClane sending him thru the ropes! Dante gets pulled into a belly to belly suplex!!! Dan falls into the corner and waits!!! Dante gets to his feet!!! SPEAR!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! The lights go out!!!!.........
A Japanese logo appears a big red one on the Billy-Jay-A-Tron!!!! Fans go nuts!!! Is Outlander here? Dan looks up!!! The lights return! Nothing has happens. McClane has rolled in!!! LOW BLOW FROM BEHIND DAN!!! Inverted DDT!!! Double snap spulex by Dante and McClane!!! Is this another alliance??? Why are these two fighting together???? Is it their hatred for Dan? Or are they a new team forming to take over the BJWC???!?!?! Dan had one quick run and now is getting his ass kicked!!! it's 2 on 1 even Dan Dehart can not defeat two men with such skill as Dante and McClane! Sideslam by Dante. McClane pulls up Dan!!! Whips him into the ropes reversed! Dan with a clothesline!!! Dante with a kick to the gut and whips Dan into the ropes REVERSED, this time McClane knew what he was up to and caught his reverse, Dante then grabs on to the ropes as Mcclane lifts up the champ!!!! PARALIZER!!!! Dan was looking to clothesline Dante but McClane was ready and Dan walked right into one of the most innovative moves in BJWC History!!!! McClane starts for a cover!!! Dante shoves him off and picks up Dan!!!! The HIT!!!! The HIT!!!!! Dante just gave the HIT to Dan!!!! Dante now for a cover!!!! 1.............2..........McClane with a stomp!!!!! Dan rolls to ringside after two deadly finishers the CHAMP may not be able to continue!!!! McClane and Dante now going crazy on each other!!!! McClane whips Dante into the ropes McClane off the ropes the other side! Melanie grabs his foot!!! Rebecca runs over and tackles her!!! Melanie and Rebecca fighting again!!!! CATFIGHT at RINGSIDE!!!! The fans in the first row are in reaching distance of two of the hottest BJWC Girls in history!!!! Dante attacks McClane from behind after he was caught up in Melanie's foot. Dante going for a suplex!!! He hits it!!! Cover!!! NEW CHAMP? 1........2..KICKOUT!!!! Dan is still barely moving at ringside. Dante lifts up McClane! Piledriver! McClane's head bouncing off the mat. Dante pulls him back to his feet, whips him into the corner McClane turns around BIG BOOT!!! Dante runs right into it! McClane runs at him, double clothesline BOTH MEN DOWN!!! This has become a one on one for the World Title! McClane and Dante have faught MANY of times but never for the WORLD Title!!!! One them could become the CHAMPION!!! Both men rolls to their knees. Dante rolls under a clothesline both men off the ropes elbow by Dante!!! McClane stumbles off the ropes Dante waits to hit a samoan drop!! McClane catches his balance!!! SUPERKICK!!!! Ohhh my what a kick!!!! Dante's face makes a smack sound and he calapses. He pulls Dante to his feet! Whips him into the ropes stands to the side catches him!!!! PARALIZER!!!!! NO!!!! Dante turned it into a TORNADO DDT!!!! What a move!!!! McClane back to his feet, Dante with a drop kick blocked, Dante with a running elbow, caught!!!! PARALIZER!!!! McClane hits the PARALIZER!!!! Cover!!!! 1..........2...........3NO!!! Kickout!!!! Oh my GOD!!! That was close as hell!!!! Dan Dehart mad the save at the nick of time!!!! Dan Dehart just saved himself from losing the belt!!! McClane grabs Dan for antoher PARALIZER!!!! NO!!! Dan with an eye poke!!! He grabs McClane!!! DEVASTATOR!!!! NO!!! McClane flips over it behind him!!!! Grabs him for a belly to back suplex!!! NO!!!! Dante with a low blow!!! Dante turns McClane around!!! The HIT!!!! He nailed it!!! Dan kicks Dante in the head!!! Grabs him for the DEVASTATOR!!!! NO!!!! Reversed into a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!!!! He grabs Dan THE HIT!!!! Dante just hit his move THE HIT!!!! It is all over!!!! Both men are down cover on Dan Dehart by Dante!!!! 1...........2........
James Edgebrook: The LIGHTS are OUT! Fans, Dante
had this match won, what's going on?
The lights come back on, Chris McClane is tied in
the ropes, unconcious, Dante is out cold with Dan standing confused
in the middle of the ring. Five feet infront of him, the Man Known
as D stands...A brawl breaks out! Dan and the Man are Fighting!
Dan hits his finisher but the Man Gets right up! russian leg sweep
into a Scorpion Deathlock! The ref sees this and Calls for the Bell! Dan wins via DQ.
NO!!!! Dan has won by DQ!!!! Wait!!!! "D" is gone all the security is baffald by this attack!!!! But out steps WHO?!!?!? I can't make him out!!! He is wearing a dark blue robe!!!! A tux underneath!!! He calls out!!!
Robed Man: "Let's the match continue!!!"
THE FANS GO NUTS!!!! How can he order the match to be continued!!! The ref nods and the ref continues the match!!!! Dan is the only man standing!!! McClane is tied up!!!! Dan grabs Dante....... DEVASTATOR!!!!! He hits it!!!! It's all over!!!! Dan covers!!! 1............2..........3NO!!!! McClane pulled himself free and made the save at the last second!!!! That was as close as it ever will be!!!! McClane attepmts a superkick but Dan leans into the ropes away from the kick!!!! Off the ropes SPEAR!!!! Dan with a HUGE Spear!!!! McClane is out!!!! He covers McClane!!! 1..........2...........3NO!!!! Dante with a save!!!! This match is totally unbeleivable!!!! Every man saving everyone to help themselves!!!! Who continued the match?!?!? Who is under that robe?!?! Dan grabs Dante for a BULLDOG!!!! SUPERKICK BY McClane!!!! Dante low blow on McClane!!! Grabs Dan!!! Dan reverse into a chin buster! Dante down!!! McClane with a flying crossbody at The CHAMP!!! CAUGHT!!!! Dan backs up and dumps McCLANE OVER THE TOP ROPES BACKWARDS!!!! Ohh my god!!!! McClane face first into the steal steps!!! Dan turns around Dante kick to the gut!!!! THE HIT!!!! No Dan landed behind him shoves him into the corner Dante hops to the top ropes, turns FLYING FIST!!! He connects!!! He quickly pulls Dan to his feet!!! THE HIT!!!! He hit it!!!! The HIT!!!!! What a move!!!! Cover!!!! 1............2.............3!!!! It's OVER!!!! NEW CHAMPION!!!! Oh my god what a match!!!! That was a classic!!!! Melanie shoves Rebecca out of her way she dives in and holds up Dante's hand!!!! The fans are totally in shock!!!! A New Champion!!! So close to the PPV and the title changes hands!!!! What a turn of events!!!!
WINNER: Dante NEW BJWC World Champion
James Edgebrook: WHAT?!?!?!? The HARDCORE PIZAN the new BJWC World Champion!!!! I do not believe this!!!! This is totally amazing!!!! Possibly the best triple threat in the history of the BJWC!!!! We are dead out of time, who ordered the match to go longeR? Was it the Red Ski Masked Man? Outlander? VP Andrews?!!!?! Gary Cooper? We are out of time!!!!! See you guys next week!!!!
(BJWC clips from this night play ending with Dante's music and him holding up the BJWC's World Title. The news comes on right away and reports on some shooting. )