Monday Riot July 5th

(Billy Jay is shown standing in his office digging around for something. BJWC Logo comes up into view and "Highway From Hell" blares up and fans in the O-rena stand. All the Orlando, Florida fans going nuts ready for the first ever BJWC Monday Event! The fans await the name of this event! Finally "BJWC RIOT" Logo appears! The bloody face appears on the Billy Jay-a-Tron! Fans go nuts!)
Billy Jay: Welcome WC Fans and Addicts to the very first BJWC Monday Night Riot event! Those who have follwed us from the beginning has seen cards on Sunday, on Wednesday, on Friday and now BJWC has a MONDAY NIGHT EVENT! And tonight I will do my best to make the first one a memorable one!!!! I have a few big announcements tonight so make sure you don't miss anything I have to say! On to fellow BJWC Council Member James Edgebrook!!!
James Edgebrook: Thanks Billy Jay I am looking foward to your announcements tonight! Not to mention the huge events that will be taking place tonight! Of course we have the World Title Match between Crucible and Xtreme Superstar! We have a big match between KAHN and Wayne "The BLADE" Coll! We got the King of the Rookies match between Jakob Morrison and The Anarchy Kid! A huge HARDCORE MATCH between Napoleon who has been looking great latley and The Human Scorch who is becoming more of a crowd favorite week by week. The man hated by all Brian HART is facing the Unknown One who isn't even a member of the BJWC yet. If HART wins The Unknown One must reveal himself! That should be interesting. Plus we have X-HART, Brian's little cronie facing up with Ponce in a very dangerous Ladder Match with winner gaining the right to REF any one match in the next month! This shall be a Riot long remembered by all!
Jakob Morrison
The Anarchy Kid
Both men greeted with a nice shower of cheers! Being the first match of the BJWC First MONDAY NIGHT RIOT!!! Puches back and forth both men equally attacking! Headbutt but Jakob! But the a knee to the stomach by The Anarchy Kid grabs Jakobs shoulders and returns the headbutt, and then goes to work with some more headbutts. The ref stops the assault and Morrison falls into the ropes. Anarchy Kid with the RINGS OF SATURN! Fans cheering The Kid on. Morrison is in bad shape early. Backbreaker by Anarchy Kid. Anarchy going for the power bomb but Jakob turns in air back to his feet and grabs The Kid in a belly to belly suplex. Two rolling knees. Morrison locking on the arm wrench. Kid gets to the ropes. The match continues back and fourth for a few minutes! Jakob was gonna set up for the top rope hurricanranna that he has made famous, but when Jakob climbed to hit the move Anarchy pushed him off then hopped down. Kick to the stomach ANARCHY DDT!!! ANARCHY DDT!!! Cover one two KICKOUT!!! I thought it was over! The NO RESPECT is coming up, it is a DIAMOND CUTTER from the top ropes. Anarchy Kid leads Morrison to the top ropes, Anarchy gets set up to perform NO RESPECT but Jakob with an elbow to his mid section and then leads off the top with a HURRICANRANNA!!!!! WHAT A REVERSE!!!!! Anarchy is sent straight on his neck and lays down silent and not moving. Jakob does not look like he is done! Immediatley picks him up for a spinning neck breaker. Follwed by Anarchy's move the ANACHY DDT!! Fans go nuts! Moonsault by Jakob follwed by a gut wrench powerbomb and a bull dog. Jakob just beats The Kid into a pile of pulp. Finally after a few more big moves Jakob Morrison hits the BRAINBUSTER like move called the CAPITOL PUNISHMENT!!! CAPITOL PUNISHMENT!!!! This one is all over!!! One Two Three!!! The KING of the ROOKIEs is crowned!!!!
WINNER: KING of the ROOKIES Jakob Morrison
James Edgebrook: Wow! He sure is rising fast! He already has a match for Friday too! This guy is unbeleivable! The next bright star of the BJWC! We got a camera backstage with something lets go there now!
(Backstage Sniper and the Family are speaking with Charvester. What they say is not made out, but the camera creeps up on the conversastion! As soon as it close enuf to hear anything Vester and Sniper shake hands and Uncle Fatso asks Vester for a hug but he shakes his head and says "YOU STINK!" )
James Edgebrook: Well, it looks like Sniper is wheeling and dealing tonight! I wonder what they have planned?
We are moving on to the HARDCORE MATCH of the night! Here comes fan favorite Human Scorch!
Human Scorch
Napoleon out now getting less of a reaction from the crowd but still very favorable. Human Scorch is known for his hardcore style. Napoleon is not one of the BJWCs HARDCORE people! This match favors The Scorch big time. The bell rings. Fast take down by Napoleon he goes to work early. Scorch trying to exit the ring for a chair or anything, but Napoleon is keeping him away from the ropes. Napoleon doing a very good job despite the size difference. 5 inches and 50 pounds in favor of Human Scorch. Inverted russian leg sweep. Human Scorch is not wrestling at all, he's is just going for an item to make it his match. Napoleon must have been a goalie cuz he is doing a hell of a job keeping Scorch away from ringside. Tilt A Whirl backbreaker by Napoleon! If Scorch doesn't get to ringside this one will be over before you can say Jack Robinson. Napoleon is going for the JUVI DRIVER already! JUVI DRIVER!!! He hits it! Pin! One Two kickout! Could it be the WORLD CONQUEST??? One of the best finishers in the BJWC History! Napoleon sends him into the corner. Napoleon charges but Human Scorch puts his foot up and Napoleon is finally on the mat. Human Scorch hops right over the top ropes to find his chair of choice. He grabs a nice new one from James Edgebrook. Napoleon goes out the opposite way and gets one of his own. Human Scorch almost has a limp from earlier in this match. Human Scorch swings blokced by Napoleons chair. Repeats three times from side to side. Napoleon backing up finally can't back up any more and is clobbered with a hard chair shot. Human Scorch grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up at ringside. Napoleon is lifted and set on the table. Human Scorch climbs the top rope and dives off and HITS A BODY SPLASH from THE TOP ROPE ON TO THE TABLE AT RINGSIDE!!!!! Fans are going wild! Human Scorch gets another table and sets it up in the same spot over the other broken table. Napoleon trying to stand is sent rolling into the ring. Scorch with another chair. Napoleon goes off the ropes ducks a chair shot and hits a spinning neck breaker. Scorch then rolls out of the way of a leg drop. Then hits a powerslam, he rolls Napoleon under the ropes onto the table. Scorch hops to the top again dives OFF THE TOP ROPES for another BODY SPLASH!!!! NAPOLEON MOVES!!!! HE MOVED!!!!! Scorch splashes himself straight thru the table. Fans are going wild. Napoleon takes quick advantage with four knife edge chops and rolls him into the ring! Napoleon sends Scorch into the corner nearest the chair! He sits on the top ropes, Napoleon HITS THE TORNADO DDT BEGINNING OF THE WORLD CONQUEST ONTO A CHAIR!!!!!! WHAT A MOVE!!!! Right into the BUZZKILLER arm bar submission the end of the WORLD CONQUEST!!!! The ref checks Human Scorch and he has no responce! Twice checked! Three times! This one is over!!!!!! Napoleon wins with the WORLD CONQUEST on a CHAIR!!!!! Fans giving him a standing ovation! Loudest of the night!
WINNER: Napoleon
James Edgebrook: I am a WORLD CONQUEST fan! That may be the best move I have ever seen! And on a chair I'm not sure anyone in the FEDERATION could get up from that! Napoleon continues to climb up the ranks in the BJWC! It looks like Billy Jay has something to say......
(Billy Jay walks out as Napoleon is beggining to leave, BJ tells him to wait one second and than grabs a mic.....)
Billy Jay: I out here now to make a little announcement about NEXT weeks MONDAY RIOT CARD! At RIOT next week I will be crowning a BJWC North American Heavyweight Title!! I would have brang the belt out here for all to see, bu I am having a little trouble finding it in my office! The reason I am announcing it right now is because after that HARDCORE MATCH I am awarding you NAPOLEON the first shot at this BELT!!!!! Now if any of you feel you would like to be his opponent contact me ASAP and me and the rest of the BJWC will decide who NAPOLEONs opponent will be!
(Billy Jay shakes Napoleons hand and exits up the ramp to alot of cheers)
James Edgebrook: WOW! Next RIOT already looks to be a great CARD! Bily Jay said he had some announcements but didn't know it would be of this importance! Napoleon vs some one for the NA Heavyweight Belt!
Are you ready for BJWC MONDAY RIOTs very first LADDER MATCH???? Here it comes!!
WINNER get to REF any one MATCH of their choice from now until AUGUST
A ladder is set on the ramp and Jeph Phillips attaches a REFEREE shirt onto a cord and has it raised high above the center of the ring. Ponce comes out fans go nuts! Devon Park is surley ready to counter any attack by Brian Hart! Ponce has the fans on his side! BOOS have started and out steps X-HART! BOOs are heard from everyone in the O-RENA! The only man not booing right now is probably getting his ass kicked! Ponce laughs at X-Hart! This is a huge mismatch! With Devon Park watching his back Ponce doesn't have to be over caustious. The bell rings. Ponce quickly with a hip toss. Fans behind Ponce 100%! Ponce a one time BJWC Champion it wasn't a long title reign but he can claim to have had it! Half the people here are chanting "PONCE" the other half are chanting "HARTs SUCK!!!" I know who the fans wanna see lose tonight. X-HART with a low blow. Ponce kneeling down in pain. X-HART grabs his head points up to the referee shirt then punches Ponce in the top of the head. And repeats it over and over. Finally Ponce rolls away from the punches and to ringside to regroup but X-HART wont let him regroup and followed him out with an overhead smash. Ponce on the ground in pain. X-HART grabbing a chair. Smashing the knee of Ponce. Ponce with a toe hold trip sends X facefirst into the steel gaurdrail. Ponce grabs the ladder and runs at X but X drops down and Ponce runs the end of the ladder into some people in the crowd! Fans cheer. Security have to take an elderly women away bleeding in the head. Ponce is hit from behind the leg with a chair. The ladder falls right on top of Ponce! X-HART walks all over the ladder smushing Ponce. Ponce grabs X's leg thru one of the ladder holes and stands up holding his leg thru the ladder. X-HART trying to pull free with no success. Ponce then pulls his leg thru the ladder hole forcing X-HARTs leg to be stuff in the ladder. Ponce with a death drop with the ladder still attached! FANS ARE GOING WILD!!! Ponce stomping the ladder over and over jolting Xs upper leg and thigh area. His leg is so stuck it starts turning blue! As HART sits up and continues to try and free himself Ponce grabs a chair and go to work! Two back SHOTS! X-HART lays unconsious Three FULL SPEED HEAD SHOTS! HART has been SPILLED! BLOOD RUNNING FROM HIS HEAD! PONCE laughs much like he did earlier in the match! PONCE tries to yank the ladder off his leg and is unsuccessful so he drags the ladder and the unconsious HART into the ring. Sets up the ladder with X-HART hanging from the third step bleeding all over. PONCE climbs the ladder as fast and as careful as he can and grabs the shirt and holds it high with all the fans cheering and cheering!!!! PONCE jumps down and shoves the jersey in X-HARTs face and then rolling out and holding the REF SHIRT high in the air with X-HARTs blood on it!!!!!
James Edgebrook: Ponce is a HART KILLER!!!! Remember what he did to HART? Sending them both thru the mat from atop the cage? Well, PONCE is back beware all HARTS! Cuz, PONCE is the HARTKILLER and he has done it again! I'm suprised Brian HART never showed up! Medical crew out to help X-HART free of the ladder. They have no luck at all and FANS CHEER when they have to call in real cops for the jaws of life!!!! FANS ARE GOING WILD!!! After a half an hour of waiting for the police and everything HART is final recovered enuf to walk out on his own to feet but with one hell of a limp!!!! Ponce now can ref any match he wishes that takes place in the next month.
I'm sure BRIAN HART did not aprove of the outcome of that last match but now he has a match of his own!!!! Ohh wait a second here comes Sniper and The Family again lets see what they have to say!!!!!
(Sniper comes out to a very healthy cheering)
Sniper: First I would like to announce a challenge! A tag team challenge to the only other tag team in this FEDERATION the CHOSEN ONEs! I challenge you for a Friday Night Match! (fans cheer) My Tag Team Partner will be........VESTER!!!!! (Fans cheer!!! Charvester steps out and walks to the ring!) We will defeat you number one contenders for the tag belts and then when Billy Jay decides to issue out those tag belts they will surly go right to us!!!!!(Fans cheer them on as they exit!)
James Edgebrook: Fridays line up is becoming more and more likable! Number one Tag Team Contenders match, and already we know Jakob Morrison will be there fighting! Plus, Blade and TEX are signed to fight there as well!
Ok, here comes one of the big matches of the night! Brian Hart vs. The Unknown One!!! If HART can pull of a win right here tonight than Unknown one will be forced to identify himself! But how does HART expect to pull off such as miracle it can't happen against this force!
HART wins Unknown One Must Reveal Himself
Unknown One
Brian Hart
Fans are booing already! And here comes The Most Hated Man in professional Wrestling History! BRIAN HART! Accompanied by the second most hated man in Wrestling History X-Hart, still gimpy from that last match! He does not look good at all! And the fans all rise! Awaiting the UNKNOWN ONE he steps out to no music at all! I'm guessing this is because he still has not signed the papers to legally be here! Fans still go nuts! As people reach to grab his hand he pulls away! He starts to step over the top ropes and "Highway From Hell" starts up! Billy Jay steps out with some papers in his hand. Unknown One still only half in the ring! Billy Jay also has a mic
Billy Jay: Now Mr. Unknown One if you fight tonight it would be illegal! Now, since I asume your still not sure about joining the BJWC I have made a special contract that pays you for only one single fight and one single night! All you have to do is sign the form and this match can take place! (The Unknown One steps back over the top rope and goes back up the ramp followed by three camera crews looking for the Unknown Ones name for the signature! He signs it "Unknown One". Fans boo.) Thanks big guy this will have to do! Now go kick some HART ass!
Unknown One re-enters and the bell rings! X-HART ROLLS INTO THE RING AND ATTACKS HART WITH A STEEL CHAIR!!!! The ref forced to call for the bell!!!!! HART has WON!!!! X-HART is running up the ramp like a school girl. PONCE steps out. FANS GO NUTS!!!! PONCE nails X-HART as he runs up the ramp! X-HART knocked cold. The Unknown One pissed at everyone now lifts up the ref and sends him over the top ropes onto the announcers table. PONCE is slowly making his way down the ramp! The Unknown One is unleashing his anger out on Brian Hart! POWERBOMB! Ponce grabs a mic and rolls it into the ring and rolls in himself watches The Unknown One Powerbomb HART once again. Unknown One lifts HART up again and looks over at PONCE, PONCE just crushes HARTs face with the chair! Unknown One lifts HART up right away in a shoulder breaker! PONCE says" He that was from one mystery man to another!" Ponce drops the mic as if to leave, but bounces of the ropes instead and clobbers The Unknown One with the chair!!!!! FANS GOING JUST NUTS!!!!!! Ponce grabs the mic again and says, "And THATs for the shot you gave me friday!!!" FANS IN AN UPROAR!!!!! PONCE is kicking some major ASS!!!!!! He leaves up the ramp met by Devon Park and the fans going wild!!!!! The Unknown one exits no authority is there to inforce him to reveal himself! X-HART and Brian Hart can't tell him too they have both been turned into dog crap! Unknown One exits! Brian Hart finally gets to his feet after a good while and slowly makes his way up the ramp met by X-Hart they slowly continue up the ramp! A man runs out in all black! DOUBLE CLOSELINE sending both men down the ramp in a hurry!!! He is wearing a cowboy hat, some cowboy boots. "Midnight in Montgomery" is playing and the fans are going wild!!!! He stomps the hell out Brian hart then exits!
WINNER: Brian Hart
James Edgebrook: Looks like we have a new mystery man! It seems like every single mystery man has to do with Brian Hart, it either is him or it's someone wanting to beat him down! Well, now I wonder what the BJWC Council does about The Unknown One and him having to reveal himself??? Well this be inforced I wonder? PONCE is already on top of the BJWC crushing everyone in sight! Damn!
Well, Billy Jay is on his way down the ramp once again!!!
(Billy Jay gets some big cheers as he enters the ring! He has a mic again!)
Billy Jay: Well, the match that takes place next was signed and late and everything! But it contained both The Blade and KAHN now both men are amung the higher ranks in this FED so me and the BJWC Council have decided to set up yet another match for next RIOT on Monday!!!! The winner of this match between these two superstars will become the BJWCs NUMBER ONE CONTENDER and will RECEIVE A WORLD TITLE SHOT NEXT MONDAY!!!!! (fans go nuts! Billy Jay tosses the mic to Jeph Phillips and than hops the ropes and jogs up the ramp!)
James Edgebrook: OH MY GOD!!! The LOSER OF TONIGHT TITLE MATCH will be dropped below #1 Contender in the BJWC! The winner of the MAIN EVENT will be forced to face the winner of this next match next monday for the WORLD TITLE! Wow!
Wayne "THE BLADE" Coll
The BLADE comes out with a chair and the fans stand and start cheering! KAHN steps out! Fans GO WILD! Fans have been loving this guy since he saved Gary Cooper at ReUNION! KAHN has a Guido shirt on! He explained his reasons behind wearing that shirt in his interviews! Well, this match looks to be good. Headbutts by KAHN. Standing closeline. Blade on the defensive! KAHN with another closeline. KAHN with three eye rakes, The Blade dropps to his knees adnd rolls away from KAHN then goes off the ropes ducked by KAHN and another closeline by KAHN! Blade rolls to his feet and ducks a headbutt and turns it into a fallaway suplex. Scoop slam. Figure Four leg lock KAHN leans foward and bites his way out of the hold, the ref gives him a warning! KAHN grabs at BLADE and finds himself on the bad end of a DDT!!! Fans go nuts! PIN one kickout! Leg Sweep by Blade, transforming it right into an armbar. KAHN gets up like there wasn't even a hold on him, and shakes Wayne Coll off and then goes to work with stomps! Send Coll into the corner and runs in BIG BOOT!!! Coll hits the big boot to the face. PILEDRIVER in the corner!!!! The BLADE is lifting KAHN up for the BLOODSWORD, spinning DDT!!!!! The BLADE goes for it spinning and dropping to the floor hard, only one thing missing KAHN!!!! KAHN grabbed the rope and The BLADE came up empty! KAHN grabs him for the FACE DRIVER pedigree! Back body drop reverse! The BLADE with three falling fists. KAHN gets up fast and charges ducked by Wayne Coll, Coll charges with a backbreaker for himself but KAHN steps to side and lifts him up for a huge backbreaker! FANS GO NUTS! FACE DRIVER!!!!! FACE DRIVER!!!!! Coll in military position on his back as the ref counts the three KAHN is headbutting BLADEs FACE!!!! FANS GO NUTS! Two Three!!!! MATCH OVER!!! KAHN is the NEW BJWC #1 CONTENDER!!!!!!
James Edgebrook: Well, that was a dandie of a match! KAHN came up big!!!! We will be seeing him next Monday! Blade continues to struggle as of late!!!
Are you ready for the mainevent??? Here it comes WORLD TITLE MATCH! Crucible vs. Xtreme Superstar!
CRUCIBLE (World Champ)
Xtreme Superstar (Challenger)
"Devil without a Cause" by KidRock jams it's way over the speakers. "The man making his way to the ring stands at a large 6'3 weighing nearly 250, from Columbia, SC, accompanied by his manager Myke Draven, not just a Superstar he is the Xtreme SUPERSTAR!!!!!!!"
They enter the ring Myke gets down on one knee, arms straight out. The Xtreme Superstar stands behind him with arms raised in an X as the music ends.
"Devils Chant" begins. "The beholder of the FLASHBACK stands at 6'1, and weighs in at 230 pounds. He hails from San Antonio, Texas. He is THE BJWC WORLD CHAMPION he is none other than......CRUCIBLE!!!!!!!!"
The bell rings! In my opinion neither of these men are of championship quality. But they are both top notch athletes let's see what happens here tonight! Fans are going nuts as EXODUS has just stepped out in a BJWC COUNCIL Shirt and looks to be standing gaurd so no one can interfere in this WORLD TITLE MATCH UP! After three jabs Crucible follows up by two leg drops! Crucible has added a little accent to his step today! He looks ready to defend his belt! Leaping spinning heel kick by Xtreme. Xtreme has added a little caffine to his diet it looks like. Both men pulling out all the stops tonight! Running knee lift by Xtreme Crucible is sent reeling to the ground. Crucible up and recieving a flying cross body and immediatley hops to the top in one jump turns and EXECUTEs A FROG SPLASH from the TOP ROPES!!!!! FANS GOING NUTS!!!! PIN! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!!! Almost a new champion! Crucible up to his feet! Suplex by Crucible! Crucible waits for Xtrme to stand Superkick! Missed it! The same superkick that knocked out Xtremes sidekick at ReUNION but he missed it this time SUPERKICK BY Xtreme!!!! HE CONNECTED!!!! Want some of your own medicine Crucible??? Well you got it! Cover! ONE! TWO! THKICKOUT!!!! Crucible in real trouble!!! Xtreme grabs Crucibles arm for a Float Over DDT the CALM BEFORE THE STORM!!! But Crucible ducks under and turns it into an arm lock. Elbows by Xtreme, grabs his arm again for the CALM BEFORE THE STORM, this time reversed into a short armed closeline! Both men fall! Crucible draps his arm over Xtreme! ONE! Xtreme rolls over getting his shoulder up! Crucible tries to stand but has to lean into the corner. Xtreme charges Cruciblre moves! Ten punches in the corner by Crucible sits him on the turnbuckle! SUPERPLEX!!!! SUPERPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!! COVER!! ONE TWO KICKOUT!!! Both men standing at the same pace. Ducked closeline by Xtreme headscissors takeover. Crucible rolls to his feet using everything he has! Both go off the ropes FLASHBACK!!!! FLASHBACK!!! FLASHBACK!!!!!!! The sweet chin music! Crucible falls in agony suffering from tiredness and everything!!! Crucible can cover it's all over! Fans cheer him on!! CRUCIBLE is the chant! Crucible uses their energy gets to his feet at the eight count of the ref! Crucible stumbles to Xtreme falling with an elbow the cover! This one is over! ONE TWO THREKICKOUT!!!!!! Xtreme just kickout of the FLASHBACK!!!!! Xtreme rolling to his knees! To his feet! Crucible doesn't understand!He's in shock! Spinning heel kick! Xtreme with HUGE AIR for the guilloteen leg drop!!!! Crucible is lifted back to his feet! REVOLUTION X!!!!!! The fishman carry into DDT manuevers performed to perfection!!!!!! CRUCIBLE is out of it!!!! Xtreme holds his hands high over his head in an X!!!! Fans mimic!!!! Wait!!!! BRIAN HART!!! He has just rolled into the ring HE HAS BELT!!!! Is that the HELL WRAITH BELT??? NO!!!! It's the NA BELT!!!!!! Xtreme turns around to cover Crucible! BELT SHOT!!!!! HART HAS JUST HIT Xtreme with the NA BELT!!! HART has cost CRUCIBLE the win but cost Xtreme the WORLD TITLE GOLD!!!!!! NO!!!! Myke Draven has just pulled HART out to ringside and is attacking him!!! EXODUS charges!!!! EXODUS now going to work!!!!! EXODUS grabs the stolen NA TITLE and hands it to Jeph Phillips and continues to beat down HART!!!!
WINNER: Xtreme by DQ, Crucible retains the WORLD TITLE!!!!
James Edgebrook: What an unfortunate ending to a great match! Maybe the best MAIN EVENT since Outlander and Dan maybe not! But either way that was a great match! I'm sure Xtreme i not gonna be happy when he comes too! I send you over to BJ for the final words! See you next week!
Billy Jay: No WORLD TITLE MATCH Friday! Crucible you have the day off! You face KAHN on Monday!!!! I think I have another person to do Friday's card he's a good match writer i'll let you all know ASAP!!! Thanks for helping us here at the BJWC! Become the greatest E-FED in the World Of Wrestling!!!!!
(Fans are shown going nuts! Signs like "Cooper get you ass in the ring before I throw a real rock!" "HART = TRASH" "Exodus POINT me to HOOVERVILLE!" "FLASHBACK follwed by PIN follwed by WIN" "FAMILY adopt me!" and many others! Clips of Jakob being KING of ROOKIES! Clips of Napoleon hitting the WORLD CONQUEST on the chair! Shots of X-HART getting his royal ass kicked by the HART killer PONCE! Clips of HART tricking his way into the win column by using X-HART! Unknown one kicking HARTs worthless ass! Clips of Ponce smashing both HARTs and returning Unknown Ones favor from Friday with a chair shot! Shots of KAHN with the face driver! Clips of Crucible and Xtreme back and fourth! And then of Brian Hart interfereing again but then getting his ass kicked again!)