Monday Riot November 1st
Monday Night Riot
November 1st, 1999
Hoosier Dome, Indianapolis, INDIANA
BJWC Productions
(RIOT logo appears on view with a BJWC Highlight clip following showing clips like: Dante's THE HIT, The ICON DDT, The Paralizer, Idiosyncratic Slam thru a table, The Face Driver, Exodus and Masta Killa getting hit by a car, The Last Stop, and Head's Riccochette move, ending back with the Riot Logo fading into the BJWC logo)
(Shot of a camera flying high over the Hoosier Dome showing the fas hours before the event filling into the arena for this BJWC Event. It quickly cuts indoors live as the fans are excited awaiting the beginning of the show the pyros begin and the music blares up. The fans all stand in unison holding up various signs. The camera pans thru them, "CooperThon Contributor", "What does Everybody Want? RICHARD HEAD!", "SALZ played with his SALTZ STICK!", "TA-Tyrone Alguard and T&A- Danica", "I'm the KAHN KLUB President" and so on. The arena is jam packed. "Highway from Hell" blares up and Billy Jay steps out to a huge pop from the Indiana Fans! Billy Jay greet a few people around ringside and climbs into the ring.)
Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to yet another fantastic MONDAY NIGHT RIOT! First off I must congratulate the Colts on their big win yesterday! (Fans go wild) Have we got a show for you tonight or what? McClane versus TA Tyrone Alguard for the BJWC World Title! Tyler Lee vs. Ponce! Dan The Destroyer vs. Exodus! The tag titles are on the line again tonight. TV title up for grabs. This shall be a great day in the BJWC! Let's get the show on the road!
James Edgebrook: Hello Fans! I must say I sorta enjoy having Mad Dog Mike Timmons on my side to help commentate, I may have to talk to the uppermanagement about maybe signing him, or at least somebody to do this with me. Billy Jay opening the show like usual......hold on a sec.....commontion in the ring.
The lights begin to flicker as "Man In
the Box" by Alice in Chainz blares over the PA System....The fans
errupt in cheers as Dan "The Destroyer" appears at the ramp and
walks down with Tyler Lee following close behin. Tyler displays
his BJWC Hardcore Title for all to see. Dan and Tyler gte into the
ring, and wait for the crowd to settle down....Dan has the mic....]
"Well, I said things were going to change, and I have made good
on that promise. Tonight is another step. I've been saying all along
that it's all about going back to our roots. Tyler and I have talked
it over and the time is now to do just that. I made a challenge
for the World Tag Titles, and I said tonight I would announce my
partner. Not only am I announcing who I want my partner to be, but
I think it's time for a little reUNION...
[The crowd pops]
"Over a year ago, Tyler and I came to the BJWC and started this
thing....and it wasn't long after that, I fought a scrappy green-haired
punk name Merlin. He gained my respect and my friendship. and we
were the best damn team to never win the titles. Things kind of
got blown out of the water over the last year....and now I'm here
to say that the UNION is back!!! And not only that, but g-Crusher....I'm
asking you to come down here, because it's time for Crush & Destroy
to kick ass like the old days!! So Merlin, I want an answer, and I want it NOW!!!!!......
[Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls kicks on the PA, and Merlin comes from
behind the curtain, pulling off his acrobatic entrance. After he catapults into
the ring using the top rope, he gives Dan the once-over, and puts the microphone
to his mouth]
...So you're suggesting we return to the way it used to be. The UNION. You and
I becoming Crush and Destroy again, and taking the Tag Titles back home?
[g-Crusher looks to the crowd, there is silence...]
I came back to this fed and jumped right into a feud against you. I cost you
the NA title a few weeks back... we've trash-talked eachother up one hill and
down the next. You want me back on your side?
[The crowd sounds nervous as g-Crusher gets right up in Dan Dehart's face...
Merlin looks stern, but can't help crack a smile]
Yeah... let's do this...
[The crowd explodes in reply, some starting a "UNION" chant, others a "C n D" one.
Merlin shakes hands with Dan, then holds Dan's arm up in victory]
Now, what does this mean to the BJWC? It means the GOOD GUYS HAVE RETURNED!!!
That also means that we should hold every [censored] title this fed has to offer
by December 25th!
[He gestures to Dan]
Dan, are YOU dreamin of a GOLD Christmas?
DAN: "Not only will UNION be better than ever, but there's gonna
be a trail of bodies along the way. We always did things our way,
and not a God Damned thing is gonna change! Blade and Kahn.....The
ball's in your court. Friday, or next Monday, whenever you two got
the Balls to put those titles on the line.....Let's get it on!!
I *am* the g!!!
Dan: "And I'm not!.....The UNION is back in business, and when the
Union is running strong, that means the rest of the BJWC is gonna....."
[Dan motions to Tyler and Merlin....the crowd joins in as well....]
"PAY YOUR DUES!!!!!!!!!!"
[Dan and Merlin drop the mic as the fans go crazy with chants of
"PAY YOUR DUES"....."Get Born Again" by Alice in Chainz blares over
the PA as all three exit the ring.....]
James Edgebrook: Oh MY GOD! UNION has reformed TONIGHT! Watch out McClane, Ponce you better hide, and TA that World Title doesn't look so safe, the UNION is back and gonna MAKE you PAY YOUR DUES!!!! This is amazing! What time to reform. When it looked like BJWC has no factions, out of the mist steps one of the best stables of BJWC History, and now they are reformed! Plus, dan and Merlin announce the reforming OF Crush and Destroy! KAHN/Blade if you hang on to those titles tonight, or Big Head Machine, I would put my money on a match with the winner and Crush and Destroy on Friday. Wow! What a great announcement!
The fans loved UNION's reformation and now it is time for our first match of the night! The start of Cooperthon 2000! Cooper says he wants to go from bottom to top in the charts, and he is starting with Taurus, but thing is Taurus may suprise Coop, Taurus has what it takes and has nothing to lose in this match.
Gary Cooper
Gary Cooper comes out to a huge fan reaction. Taurus follows with very little reaction. Taurus has been making name for himself in the BJWC. The bell rings! Both men lock up. Taurus tosses Cooper around with some power moves! Cooper quickly gains the advantage back with a sidewalk slam into a pin. Easy kickout for Taurus. Cooper attempts a CooperStupor but Taurus fights away from it. After Cooper had a good advantage it seemed academic but Taurus sent Cooper ringside with a backbody drop. Cooper then sent into the steps and the railing. Taurus rols him into the ring setting him up for his finsiher! Cooper rolls away off the ropes kick to the gut! Wednesday Night Special!!!! NO!!!! Taurus held the ropes and pulled away. Taurus with a kick to Cooper's gut! Cooper blocks a move and hits a snap suplex! COOPER STUPOR!!!!! He hits it!!!! Cover!!!! 1........2...........3!!! The CooperThon continues!
WINNER: Gary Cooper
James Edgebrook: Cooper getting agreat reaction tonight. He always gives these fans a kick start to a BJWC Event. He never seems to dissapoint. If Cooper stays around look out BJWC! Taurus had a few chance but the more experienced Cooper pulled it off again.
After Dan won last week BARELY against McClane, and Exodus lost to Tyler Lee BARELY in a Hardcore Match both men are coming off great matches. But this match could have been a NA or a Hardcore Title, match but both men walks away with nothing around their waist Friday. This match will simply put one man higher on the title charts.
Dan The Destroyer
The lights go out and return with the green flashing! Fans go wild! Exodus made some impact on Friday, and it looks like he will do the same tonight! Exodus winning this match will be a HUGE upset! Dan will try to make an example of Exodus, with his Destroyer attitude he may just be able to put this big man out. Dan steps out and the fans go even wilder! Dan races into the ring and the battle begins. Dan the Destroyer with heavy punches taking the early advantage. Exodus not able to match the speed and power and enthusiasm. Dan and Exodus take the fight up the ramp after Exodus clotheslines Dan over the ropes. Exodus gains control with a series of suplexes on the steel ramp! Exodus takes the former champ to his limits with a lion tamer like manuever on the ramp. Dan finally battles out of it and takes cotrol back. A spear on the ramp and then moves the match back into the ring. Dan looks for the LAST STOP! But Exodus with a low blow and a roll up! 1..........2........KICKOUT! Exodus with a gut wrench powerbomb. Exodus climbing to the top ropes! TOP ROPE LEG DROP!!!!! NO!!!!! Dan rolled out of the way! Both men down. The ref counts. Both men slowly to their feet! Running down the ramp comes......????? DANTE!!!! Dante with his signature WHITE BAT!!!!! Fans cheer his arrival! Dante ATTACKS Exodus???? The ref is DQing Dan the Destroyer! Has Dante joined the UNION???? NO!!!! BAT SHOT TO DAN's HEAD!!!! Fans are booing and half are cheering! This place is rocking! Dante is beating down Dan, it looks like The Hardcore Pizan is getting his revenge tonight! Here comes G-Crusher and Tyler Lee!!! Dante is chased from the ring and back to the locker room.
WINNER: Exodus via DQ
James Edgebrook: Wow! Exodus gets the win! Dante paying back a little revenge! The UNION already making a force to be rekoned with! UNION seems to all be ready to make that next step, and I don't see any group of men that could stop these guys! Great battle and mark the win down for Exodus!
Up next two of BJWC's brightest young stars, Dangerous Dan Dixon who is slowly making his presence felt, versus the young powerhouse, he's strictly business folks, it's Lanier Riley. Both men have started out great and made a great impression on the BJWC Council. This match may just be an indication of which of these two young stars will climb the ladder of success fastest.
Lanier Riley
Dangerous Dan Dixon
Lanier Riley steps out and every fans either boos or cheers! Lanier Riley has some great fans as well as some people that just don't like the guy. But everytime he steps out you will here something from the crowd make no mistake about that. Out steps Triple D! Dan Dixon another man predicted to be the future of the place. Fans give him some cheers but no a ton. He has not faught many matches. The bell rings and both men lock up. Lanier Riley with some fast takedowns right into submissions. Riley looking to wear down the Triple D! DDD fights out of a side headlock off the ropes DIVING CLOTHESLINE!!!!! DDD now pounding away. Triple D's talent in the ring is very good compared to many BJWC newcomers. Lanier Riley with a snap mare once again proving his wide variety of moves. Flying cross body by Dan is ducked by Riley he takes out the ref. Fans cheer as Riley quickly brings in a chair and sets a table up at ringside! Two quick chairshots to Triple D's back! Riley takes him ringside sending him off anything he can. DDD with a toe trip sending Riley face first into the steps. Riley with a busted lip. Triple D then rolling into the ring and grabbing the chair! Riley meets the chair upclose and personal. The ref rolls to his knees, DDD disgards the chair. Cover. 1..........2.........KICKOUT! Triple D almost had it won. Lanier seems to be gaining energy as the match goes on. Crossface chicken wing hold! Once again Dixon being worn down. Riley off the ropes after breaking the hold, back body drop. Riley lands on the apron. Dixon turns around lock up! SUPLEX TO TABLE AT RINGSIDE! NO! DDD lands on the apron right next to him. DDD trying a russian leg SWEEP TO THE TABLE at RINGSIDE!!!!! NO!!!! Elbow breaks the hold! Chops by Riley. Dixon with stomps to the knee still on the apron! INVERTED DDT to the TABLE AT RINGSIDE!!!!! Fans go wild!!! Dixon rolls in cheering! Dixon waits for Lanier Riley to stand! BASEBALL SLIDE! Riley steps away grabs DDD's legs and crotches him on the ringpost. Lanier rolls in and tries to recover. The ref checks his busted lip. DDD with a knee to the gut! CAUGHT! BACK BODY DROP!!!! Lanier with a great move!!! "STRICTLY BIZ' DROP"!!!!! Fans are going nuts! Lanier caught him with a great move. Cover! 1...........2..........3 It's over! What a battle! Lanier looks like he is not finished yet! He is putting a chair on his ankle and smashing another chair on it. Lanier sets another chair on his ankle and motioning to climb to the top ropes! NO! Somebody stop him! He's gonna break Dixon's leg! The ref tries to stop him and is sent over the top ropes. Lanier climbs to the top! HERE COMES THE UNION!!!! Dan is leading the way, he has past relations with Lanier! The UNION rolls into the ring! Lanier off the top! CAUGHT BY DAN!!! The LAST STOP!!!! The UNION is stomping and pounding away on Lanier! ICON DDT! THey continue stomping away. Tyler Lee, Dan and Merlin the UNION is mercifully beating him down. Dixon has already left up the ramp! Who can save Lanier now? He's too new to have any friends yet. WAIT!!!! TA Tyrone Algaurd is COMING!!!!! WHAT THE HELL???? The WORLD CHAMP is saving Lanier Riley from the UNION!!!! Fans are going wild!!!! TA is clocking all three with his World Title! Tyler Lee matches a blow with his Hardcore Title but TA ducks the next one! TOTAL ANNHILATION!!!! Fans go wild! COCK BOTTOM to Dan Dehart!!!! Fans are going wild!!! TA has just saved Lanier Riley from possibly the end of his career! The UNION keeps coming but TA does good enough to get Lanier and himself out of the ring. The UNION stands in the ring as one. Their music hits and they exit as the fans still going nuts.
WINNER: Lanier Riley
James Edgebrook: What a battle! Two young stars with another great battle under thier belts. TA Tyrone Algaurd and Lanier Riley have seemed to team up! Or at least be on a friendly relationship! The UNION was momently halted by the World Champ but they were still the last ones in the ring.
We are up to the big Tag Title Match. These two teams have faught twice and this will be match number three. Both matches has came down to the end. Big Head Machine has been so close both times. I think they are overdue. I see KAHN's title falling tonight, meaning he is gone from the BJWC, unless the mystery contract Billy Jay had him sign says something different. Is it Big Head Machine's big day? Richard Head is slowly becoming one of the biggest fan favorites along with being known for two of the most innovative moves in the BJWC!
KAHN/Blade (champs)
Big Head Machine
This match is simply just like the other two. Fast high paced action for the first 5 minutes and then big moves with close pinfalls for another 5. After Big Head Machine had KAHN occupied at ringside it looked all over as Big Machine was going for the suplerplex after Head hit both his finsishers to Blade. But Blade hit a desperation TORNADO DDT from the TOP ROPE right into a pin!!! KAHN locked Head up and headbutted him so he could not make a save, and the Tag Champs walked out with yet another victory, now 3-0 and Kahn remains legally in the BJWC!
WINNER: KAHN/Blade defends the Tag Belts
James Edgebrook: KAHN and Blade look unstoppable. Finally a dedicated team in the Tag Division. Big Head Machine may not have a good record, in fact it's horrible, but they are being held down because Big Machine has been very very quiet latley. But the reformation of Crush and Destroy could give KAHN the chills! Plus, rumors about another former tag team reforming soon in the future. Could be a great Tag Division soon.
Speaking of Crush and Destroy, Merlin "G-Crusher" Reynolds is next. We have the TV Title Match. Darren Hart who has only an average record has still moved his way up the ranks and is getting his shot tonight. G-Crusher still on a roll and now being on the UNION's side could possibly NEVER lose that belt. Will the UNION play a part in this match? They are FACE's and if they follow the same laws they did when they teamed up back in the day, they will not get involved unless nessesary. TV Title on the line here we go!
TV Title Match
G-Crusher (TV champ)
Darren Hart
Darren Hart comes out to a variety of boos and cheers. He could become very very respected if he pulls off this victory right now! G-Crusher steps out and the fans go banana's! Dan and Tyler Lee steps out a few moments after he does and takes thier place at ringside! The bell rings! Darren Hart with a few shots and a clothesline. Darren then eying the UNION, then complaining to the ref. G takes advantage! Merlin with some big moves. Piledriver supreme, sidewalk slam, flying cross body! G-Crusher gets the fans approval and makes a cover. 1...........2...KICKOUT!!! Darren Hart tries to fight back but every attempt is reversed. G reversing into neck breakers DDT's and face busters! G-Crusher trying to latch on the G-Crush submission but Hart fights free. Hart battles back! Hart hits three modified powerbombs in a row! Cover! 1........2.......KICKOUT! The UNION gives their support to G-Crusher! Darren Hart with a single arm side slam. Single legged Boston crab! Merlin is in real trouble! He has no energy to fight free. Dan and Tyler support him and aid him on. The fans chant his name! Darren just pulled harder and harder each chant. The crowd just gets louder, chanting G's name! G-Crusher starts to fight back. The ref keeps asking him to give up, Merlin keeps saying no. Merlin grits his teeth and pushes up! Darren rebalances himself and puts it on even tighter then before! The fans get the G-Crusher chant going again. G-Crusher grits his teeth again! He pushes up, he turns his shoulder and rolls Darren out of the submission!!! G can barley walk, off the ropes knee to the chin. Body slam! Cover! 1.........2.........3NO! KICKOUT! G-Crusher getting support from his teamates at ringside! Darren going for the Hart Attack! NO! G-Crusher fights away off the ropes! Darren with a closeline! Darren baseball slide! HE KICKS both UNION members into the gaurdrail! They get upset and try to get in the ring stopped by the ref! Darren grabs the TV title to hit G with but G-Crusher with a DROP KICK!!!! Fans cheer! Cover! Ref turns!!!! 1............2.........KICKOUT!!!! Death Valley Driver!!!! G-Crush is APPLIED!!!! Fans are going nuts!!! Darren Hart is tapping!!! Nobody can withstand the G-Crush! The UNION celebrate G's victory and hold up the belt and then exit.
WINNER: G-Crusher defends his TV title
James Edgebrook: Wow! Another great battle! UNION did not get involved at all but just having them at ringside made Darren a little nervous just enough so G-Crusher could get the win. G was in that submission for a long time but the fans were with him and he faught out like a champ. I wonder if it will effect future matches. His back and leg could be seriously injured and he was limping slightly when he exitted.
Next we have a NON Title match between Ponce, who proved he was more Hardcore than we thought last Friday against TA in another non title match! Now he must go to the ultimate hardcore and fight the Hardcore Champ Tyler Lee! Meaning the UNION will be back out here once again. Ponce and Dan have some history, I think having him at ringside will be enough distraction for the former BJWC World Champ tonight.
Non Title Match
Hardcore Rules
Tyler Lee (Hardcore Champ)
Good oppertunity for the Hardcore Champ to add another big name to his resume. Ponce has a chance to prove he can take anyone in the fed again. Even after his short absence. Ponce wants to prove his skill tonight and may be more important than the Hardcore Belt anyways. And I have a feeling Tyler Lee may take it easy this match since his title is not on the line. Ponce steps out and a flood of boos come in and then some cheers! Tyler Lee steps out with his hardcore strap. Ponce hops the ropes and charges him and it's legal since it is hardcore rules! Ponce has seemingly made a succesful switch from normal to hardcore matches! Yet he is still a Main Eventer if you ask anybody that knows who he is. The bell rings as the fight quickly spills into the locker room. The UNION guards the garbage cans as Ponce tries to find a weapon to use. Ponce starts mouthing off with Dan! Tyler Lee rolling him up from behind! 1...KICKOUT!!! These two men are so tough it may take something huge to make one of these men allow to be pinned!The ref keeps the UNION from following the fight. Tyler Lee sends Ponce face first into the steel door leading to stairways. Tyler Lee bangs up Ponce as they fight all the way a few flights of stairs. They come to a ceiling access, but not the arena roof, this roof is above some offices only fifteen feet of the ground! Tyler Lee irish whips Ponce towards the edge of the roof, reversed, Tyler Lee sent towards the edge, reversed AGAIN! PONCE IS SENT FIFTEEN FEET OFF THE ROOF INTO A DUMPSTER!!!! You can see a crowd gathering from the streets around the dumpsters! The fans are going nuts for Tyler Lee! Ponce must be dead, or at least seriously injured! Tyler Lee takes his sweet time down the steps and to the ground floor and comes out the door sercurity guards shove crowd out of the way. Tyler Lee climbs on the dumpster with a little more posing and reaches in to pull out Ponce but Ponce with fists to the skull. He comes raging out! POWERBOMB ON THE DUMPSTER!!!! Ponce is pissed!!! The dumpster is dented. Tyler Lee is fighting for air after that powerbomb. Cover! 1.........2.......KICKOUT! Ponce pulls Tyler to the edge!!! HE IS GOING FOR THE IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM OFF THE DUMPSTER! NO! Reversed! ICON DDT!!!! ICON DDT!!!! Ponce is sent headfirst into the hardground. The fans are going nuts! Cover! 1...........2..........3 It's all over!!!!! What a victory for The ICON Tyler Lee!
WINNER: Tyler Lee
James Edgebrook: Ponce not only survived the 15 foot fall from a roof, but he faught back! Ponce may be on injured reserved for a long time! We have medical attention caring for him outside right now. I would say he is out until you hear from him again! Tyler Lee with probably one of his biggest victories ever!
It's time for the Main Event. A few months ago TA Tyrone Alguard walked into the BJWC as an outsider, a newcomer, another wrestler. That soon changed. TA found quick alliance with Ponce a BJWC Champion, it sparked his career. TA's first big PPV TA actually held 4 belts at one time only to lose 2 of them later that night, but it put him in the record books. A few weeks ago McClane atthe time member of the Hart Foundation locked horns with TA each man holding a belt, TV and NA, they decided to fight in a double Ladder match, it was a classic both men trading belts and walking out equals. Rebecca and Danica fed to the fued as they had a fued of their very own fighting and battling for the BJWC Women's Championship Belt. Another match, and a Tag Team Match later TA has the World Title, McClane has the NA Title and the #1 Contenders Spot. Now McClane gets his second Title shot of all time. Is this fued gonna end in mcclane's favor? Is it McClane's night to shine? Or will TA Tyrone Alguard prove why he is champ and pull off another victory? Let's go to the ring!
Double Title Match
World Title and NA Title on the Line
TA Tyrone Alguard (BJWC World Champ)
Chris McClane (BJWC NA Champ)
"Hate Me Now" by Nas and Puff Daddy starts up. "Standing a lean 6 foot 4. Weighing 245. From Detroit, Michigan. Led to the ring by the BJWC Women's Champion the lovley and always talented Rebecca, he is the NA Title Champion..........CHRIS McCLANE!!!!"
Fans boo like mad! The lights go out and return with McClane standing in the entrance. The place gets so loud many people cover their ears. Chris shoves by the fans learning ove rhte railing and they yell stuff at him. Fans start chanting "TA" over and over! McClane acts as if it doesn't bother him and hands his belt to the ref.
"Nine Lives" by AeroSmith blasts on the loud speakers. "From NEW YORK CITY! Weighing in at 254 pounds. Standing at 6 foot 3. He is led to the ring by Danica. He is the GOLDEN BOY of the BJWC........THE ANNHILATOR....the BJWC World Heavyweight CHAMPION..........TA TYRONE ALGUARD!!!!!"
The fans burst! TA strolls out with Danica and TA hands the belt over to the ref! McClane jumps the bell and TA and Chris duke it out. The bell rings! The match goes back and fourth with normal moves. Submissions quickly broken. Big moves reversed into other big moves. TA hit a diving bulldog. McClane wasreally shoken up form that move for at least 5 minutes and his nose got red and puffy. McClane from then on was very protective of his face! TA was trying to work on it just to get McClane to work harder. TA with a clothesline! TA with knee drops to the face! Leg drop to the injured nose! McClane is in real truoble with the nose injury. Mcclane has been playing defense since the bulldog! McClane is grabbed in the Cock Bottom, no, McClane with a pop to TA's head. TA retaliates with a knee lift. Double underhook suplex! Cover! 1...........2......KICKOUT! TA thought he had McClane! TA is simply running McClane into the canvas. TA sends McClane off the ropes and goes off the ropes himself ducked elbow by McClane off the other side! SUPERKICK!!!!!! McClane falls after the kick! Both men down! The ref starts the count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7....8....Danica and Rebecca both roll in at the same time and the ref tends to them. Rebecca spears Danica! The fans are going nuts with the cat fight in the ring! If it wasn't for the vallets' this match would be a double eliminations match and both men would have lost. Danica and Rebecca still brawling. McClane sits up. TA sits up right after! The girls rolls uner the bottom rope to ringside to continue their cat fight. Mcclane ducks a drop kick and hits a flying shoulderblock. TA off balance stumbles right into the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!!! We all know what this means! Paralizer time! Mcclane lifts TA to his feet, grabs him, OHH quick elbow to the nose of McClane and the pain is too much for McClane and he cannot finish the Paralizer! McClane crotches in the corner. TA gathers himself and charges , McClane was playing possum! He moves out of the way. TA turns around! SUPERKICK AGAIN!!!! McClane with a rolling cover! Hooks the leg! 1........2........3NO! KICKOUT!!! Chris almost just became the NEW BJWC World Champion! Chris upset going once again for the PARALIZER!!! NO!!! Another pop to the nose!! McClane having trouble putting away TA without hitting the Paralizer, and TA keeps using that injured nose to stop the move. TA off the ropes! McClane off the ropes! Both men jump! TA ducks his head! Catches McClane in Cock Bottom position!!! The 180 degree Rock Bottom manuever. THE LIGHTS GO OUT! You can hear the slam of TA hitting McClane with the Cock Bottom! Pyros are streaming from the BillyJayATron, thru the pyros you can make out a black figure moving down the entrance ramp. The crowd has that hush sound. An eerie humming/chant sound is heard. The lgiths return! TA and this masked man are standing face to face! They seem to be talking! The man removes his''s......MASTER! The former BJWC CruiserWeight Champ! But he has bulked up a great deal! He looks at least 40 pounds more than before! McClane rises to his feet and tries to make out what the hell is going on. TA and Master are now argueing and yelling at each other! McClane says something to Rebecca and she hands him a chair. McClane takes the chair! CRACKS it over TA's head! The fans are booing like mad. The ref is still wondering what the hell is going on with this whole Master deal. McClane pulls TA to his knees! Another chair shot!!!!! NO!!!! Master grabs it from behind and whips it into the crowd! It hits a group of fans. McClane tries to attack Master, blocked! Master going to work on McClane, what the hell is this? Who's side is Master on? He plummels McClane good. He lifts McClane up in a chokeslam but drives McClane's neck into his knee! The fans astonished by the move! Fans are going nuts. Mcclane rolling frantically in the ring. The ref has no choice but to call it a no contest. Master stomps TA and Chris and the ref upset about the whole deal leaves up the ramp. TA then stands. Master looks at him! They both now attacking McClane! Fans are cheering on the return of Master as crazy as it is! This is nuts!
WINNER: No Contest via Interfearence
James Edgebrook: We have no time left! But why did Master just interrupt a match that TA actually was winning? it was still a tossup match! I think somebody needs to find out where this Master stands over to BJ see you all Friday!
Billy Jay: We are out of time! See you Friday when VP Andrews presents the third Turbulence and then next Monday for another great RIOT card!
(Clips from the nights events play as the music plays and the BJWC logo ends the clips as it fades out to the news.)