Friday Fire October 8th

October 8, 1999
UNITED CENTER in Chicago, Illinois

WELCOME TO FRIDAY FIRE!! This is the last card under the Hart Foundation rule, what will happen??


JAMES EDGEBROOK: Ladies and Gentlemen, it comes to my attention that the current BJWC Vice President Brian Hart would like to come out here and do an interview to open up FIRE, the last day under the Ponz/Hart reign. So without further ado, the former 3-time Heavyweight Champion of the World, Brian Hart!!

"Been There Done That" by Dr. Dre plays as the current VP walks out with somewhat of a grin on his face, at most

HART: You know James, I'd first off would like to start with a little side note. This interview is not scripted, it was not written by me or the BJWC creative team. What I am about to say is what I believe is the 100% truth regardless of what Ponce, Billy Jay, or anyone else says.

JAMES EDGEBROOK: Alright, that's understandable. Continue Mr. Hart.

HART: Ever since Monday Riot went down, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Where is my BJWC career going? Who can I trust? Will the HF survive? When it comes right down to it, anything that I have ever done for this company, or will do, shot me right in the face on Riot.

JAMES EDGEBROOK: What exactly do you mean Mr. Hart?

HART: What I mean is, I thought Billy Jay was a man I could TRUST. Ever since I entered this league back in January, I've given everything I ever had to this league, and what happens?? Billy Jay stabs me in the back like a little COWARD. He brings in this little Drifter character that he favors, has him steal MY angle, and totally screws up what I had planned. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, the whole "Man in a Robe" gimmick was under MY control. It was MY angle, and I had it all planned out. Then, this past Monday on Riot, that little fruit cake Drifter comes walking out under a robe, STEALING my idea and angle, and then "reveals" himself. "Look everybody, it's the man in a robe, he is revealed."…..BULL FUCKING SHIT. Drifter had NOTHING to do with this whole angle. This angle was under the control and idea of "Brian Hart." So without further ado, I want to bring out these two assholes that ruined everything.

Billy Jay and Drifter come walking out, and stop at the entrance.

BILLY JAY: Hart wha-


JAMES EDGEBROOK: Hart, what is it that you want to say to them?

HART: Well the first thing I want to say is I hope they both die tonight and burn in hell. Now Drifter, you little prissy, it seems to me that YOU have a match tonight, with the Prez. Well, I'm sorry, that is just not going to happen. Instead, you have the opportunity to fight BILLY JAY, the most untrustworthy prick in any E-Fed. Now, before I go in the back, I have one more thing to say to you both: THIS WILL TEACH YOU TO NEVER FUCK AROUND WITH MY STORY LINES EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just then X-HART comes diving into the ring from the crowd and NAILS Billy Jay and Drifter in the back with a steel chair!!!! They are both lying in the middle of the ring. Brian Hart walks over to Billy Jay, and applies the Sharpshooter!!!!!!!! SHARPSHOOTER!!!! Wait, what's this??? X-Hart walks over to Drifter's feet and puts HIM in the Sharpshooter!!!! Double Sharpshooters!!!!! Both Billy Jay and Drifter are screaming in pain!! After about 5 minutes, Brian and X let go. X-Hart takes Drifter and throws him over the ropes. Brian then picks up BJ, and then hand-cuffs him to the ropes!!! Brian Hart grabs a pen and then pulls out a piece of paper.

HART: For those of you who can't see, this is a CONTRACT. Billy Jay, can you see this you son of a bitch?? THIS CONTRACT states TWO THINGS. Number 1: I am fighting the BJWC World Heavyweight Champion on the October 11th edition of Monday Riot for the BJWC World Title!! AND, Number 2: I will face Dan DeHart at Evil 99 in a special "EKW Classic" match!!!!!! ME vs. HIM, for ANY belts we have at the time, ONE on ONE. Oh yeah, Billy Jay, one more thing…

Hart pulls back and kicks BJ right in his face!!! Billy Jay is bleeding at the mouth!!!

HART: Good luck in your match tonight bitch.

"Been There Done That" plays as Brian Hart takes his contract he just signed and heads to the back

BJWC WORLD TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Masta Killa vs. Mystery Opponent

Masta Killa makes his way out to the ring in anticipation to see who his "mystery opponent" is. All of the sudden, the lights begin to flicker. "Been There Done That" blasts across the loudspeakers, and here comes VP Brian Hart!!! What the?? He runs down to the ring and starts to beat up Masta Killa! He signals towards the timeskeeper to ring the bell to start the match!!! Brian Hart is the mystery opponent? He's not really TV title caliber. Hart gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and throws it into the ring!! Masta Killa grabs the chair and swings!! HE MISSES!!! Brian Hart does the superkick!!!!!!! He grabs Masta Killa and puts him in the SHARPSHOOTER!!! SHARPSHOOTER!!!! SHARPSHOOTER!!!!! Brian Hart has Masta Killa in a submission!! After like 10 MINUTES, Brian Hart lets go of the Sharpshooter, and then takes the steel chair. He swings at the REFEREE!!! DAMN!! He knocked out the ref!!! What the hell is he doing?? He then picks up Masta Killa and tombstone's him!!!! Brian Hart covers him and makes the count himself!!! 1….2….3!!! NEW TV CHAMP!????? Brian Hart is the TV champ?!! Whatever the case may be, he destroyed Masta Killa!!! Wait!! Who is this?? It's Exodus!! Exodus has arrived!!! He comes into the ring and nails Masta Killa with a steel pipe!! Exodus then grabs a steel chair that Brian Hart used earlier, and he puts Masta Killa's head in it!!! Exodus is now going to the top rope! LEG DROP ON THE HEAD OF MASTA KILLA IN THE CHAIR!!!!!! Masta Killa is lying helplessly!!!! WINNER: Brian Hart, new World TV champion

BJWC FIRE TITLE MATCH: Gary Cooper vs. Sirach

Cooper is wacky as usual. Sirach is making his BJWC in-ring return after having suffered a massive injury about 4 or 5 weeks ago. He looks in great shape. Last week Cooper defeated the former Fire champ Sipple in a special "Revenge match". Cooper has dedicated this match to 'his' Fire champ, The Irish Lunatic. Sirach makes the first move. He then throws Cooper into the ropes and clotheslines him. Cooper gets up right away and delivers a low blow to Sirach. Sirach is a former BJWC World Tag Team champion, as is Cooper. Cooper delivers a nice Suplex to Sirach, and follows with the Figure 4!!! Sirach is in deep pain!! He moves to the left and grabs the rope!! The ref makes Cooper let go!! Cooper then throws Sirach into ropes!! REVERSED!! REVERESED AGAIN!! Sirach comes running back and Cooper kicks him in the gut!! POWERBOMB!!! POWERBOMB ON SIRACH!!! Sirach is down!! He's down for about 3 minutes, and is not moving. Cooper doesn't know what to do. He goes for the cover 1….2….3!!! Cooper wins!! Cooper leaves the ring and head to the back! Sirach is still not moving. The BJWC EMT crew comes out. They are attending to Sirach. While this is happening, the Billy-Jay-A-Tron is showing clips from past BJWC events. Some wrestlers are coming out to see on Sirach's condition. He is being carried away on a stretcher. His condion will be announced later on in the show. WINNER: Cooper, still FIRE champion

GRUDGE MATCH: G-Crusher vs. Kahn, Hell in a Cell Weapons Match

The cell is being lowered as G-Crusher and Kahn stand in the ring. Both these man have been BJWC champions before. Kahn has requested this match since he was unsatisfied with the photo finish match he had with G-Crusher one week ago. They both start going after each other!! Kahn with a nice DDT!! G-Crusher kicks out of the cover. He gets up and delivers a nice snap-suplex. And another!!! G-Crusher grabs half a table and smacks it over the head of Kahn!! Kahn is laid out!! G then grabs a cookie sheet and dents it across Kahn's knee!!! Kahn is now being put in the boston crab!! After a while G-Crusher lets go and climbs to the top of the cell!! He jumps off and misses Kahn!!! He went right through the ring!!! Holy Shit!! Kahn pulls G out of the hole he made and covers him!! 1….2…no!! kickout!! Kahn gets up and grabs a baseball bat!! WHACK!! Right over G's head!! Kahn drops the bat and goes for the cover again! 1….2……..kickout again!!! G wont give up!! Kahn is pissed and gets out of the ring! He opens the door to the cell and walks out!! What is he doing?? He's climbing the cell!!!!! He's climbing the cell!!! G-Crusher has a hard time getting up but he does!! G-Crusher is following Kahn! They are both on top of the cell!!! Lefts, rights, everything is being thrown!! Kahn has a chair!! WHACK!! G-Crusher is down!!! Kahn picks up G-Crusher and has him in a suplex position!! He is holding him high in the air!!!!!!!! Kahn has him high in the air!! Kahn falls back!! HOLY SHIT!! They both go THROUGH the top of the cell and fall onto the canvas and THROUGH that TOO!!!!!!! They are both dead!! The ref is counting the THREE!!! They are both fell on each other!!! A double count?? 1…2….3!!! The bell rings!!! Wait a minute!! Here comes a reserve ref!!!! He is notifying the ref that there MUST be a winner!! G-Crusher hears this as he is the first to get up! He puts his arm in the huge hole they made and grabs a lead pipe!! He picks up Kahn and NAILS him with it!!!!! He covers!! 1…2…..3!!! G-Crusher wins!! WINNER: G-Crusher

GRUDGE MATCH: Bobby Magic vs. Dan DeHart

Dan DeHart makes the first attack with a nice leg takedown. Dan looks to be upset for having to fight such jobber! Dan DeHart is totally destroying Magic!! Wait a minute!! Here comes Paco Delgado!! The great wrestler from Spain!! He has come to help Bobby Magic!! He grabs a steel chair and hits Dan The Destroyer!!! Paco covers him!?!! Bobby Magic counts!!! 1…2….3!! What an idiot!! Paco isn't even in the match!!!! Dan gets up and takes down Paco!! He then hits the DDT on Magic!!! He covers him 1……2……….NO!!! VP Hart has pulled the ref from the ring. The ref calls for the bell!!! Hart gets in the ring and walks up to Dan DeHart. These two are face to face!!!! They will face each other at Evil 99!!! These two haven't fought one on one in a long time!!!! This is going to be a great match!!! Dan hits Hart!!! Hart hits Dan!! These two are brawling!! Hart vs. Dan! Hart vs. Dan! WINNER: No contest


Both men are in the ring now, ready to fight at the sound of the bell. This is a last man standing match, meaning there are no pinfalls or submissions. Dante is the first to attack, with a nice clothesline. He gets up and whips Goliath into the ropes, then ducks a clothesline, then is pinned by Goliath's Sunset flip!! But that doesn't matter!! There are no pins!!! Goliath gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair, and swings and hits Dante!! The ref starts the 10 count, but only gets to 5. Dante gets up and delivers a low blow!!! Goliath is down! Dante with an elbow drop from the top rope!!! Dante gets up and swings Goliath into the corner, but it's reversed!!! Goliath gets on the top turnbuckle, and brings Dante with him!! Superplex on the outside, through the announce table!! This happened last week!!!! Both men are down!! The count gets to 9 as both men get up!!! Dante throws Goliath in the ring, and then picks him up and gives him a piledriver!! What the?? The lights are out!!! The lights are out!!!!! You can hear these two men fighting, but you can't see it!! Camera's are flashing everywhere!!! There is a loud explosion from the entrance way!!!! Then one from the ring!!!! The lights turn on, and Dante is down!!! Dante is down!!! The ref starts the count!! 1…2….3….4….5…..6….7…..8….9….10!!!! It's over! Goliath wins!! WINNER: Goliath, STILL BJWC Hardcore Champion

GRUDGE MATCH: Billy Jay vs. Drifter

Billy Jay and Drifter are all ready in the ring, but looking like they don't want to fight. All of the sudden, "Been There Done That" by Dr. Dre plays as the current VP Brian Hart walks to the ring!! He gets in and points to the entrance way!! Ponce's music his, but right when it does Ponce comes from the crowd and attacks Drifter!! Brian Hart then attacks Billy Jay!!! It's an all out Brawl!! Hart is beating the SHIZNIT OUT OF BILLY JAY!! PONCE IS HANDING DRIFTER HIS OWN ASS!!! Both men exchange, now Ponce is beating Billy Jay's ass, and Hart is beating Drifter's ass!!! Hart gets out of the ring, grabs a mic, and then returns to the ring and walks up to Drifter.

HART: "That will teach you to STEAL my angle you son of a BITCH!!!!"

Hart leaves as Ponce is beating both Drifter and BJ!!! Ponce does his finisher to BOTH men, and then covers both men!! Brian Hart turns around and runs into the ring for the count!! 1….2….3!!!!! WINNER: Ponce, by declaration of Brian Hart

BJWC WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Cyris vs. Chris McClane, Brian Hart special ref, Ponce special enforcer

Brian Hart is in the ring with a special HF referee shirt on. Ponce is on the outside, as the enforcer. Both Cyris and McClane are in the ring and ready to go at it. The bell rings as Cyris makes the first move!! There is bad blood between Cyris and ref Hart, so this is a disadvantage for the champ. Cyris starts off with the advantage, but soon enough Chris McClane fights right back!! He has a little help from Hart too. It's basically 3 on 1, with Hart, McClane, and Ponce vs. Cyris. McClane whips Cyris into the ropes and gives him a nice clothesline!! Followed by a DDT!!! What's this?? It's X-Hart!! It's X-Hart!! He's coming from the top of the arena on a zip cord!! He drops in the ring and starts beating on Cyris!! This isn't fair!! Brian Hart isn't doing anything about it either!! Hell, he's helping!!! It's a total beat down!!! Wait!! Cyris is clearing house!!!! He has thrown the entire Hart Foundation out of the ring!! The crowd is cheering!!!! Just then out walks Rebecca and she then gets in the ring and jumps on Cyris!! Here comes the Hart Foundation again!!! They are beating on Cyris!!! The lights begin to flicker!!! Here comes Dante!! He has come to help out his fellow D2K member!!!!!! He has a large baseball bat in his hands! He nails Brian Hart!!!!!! Then he nails Ponce!!! It's total mayhem!! WHACK!! He nails X-Hart and Rebecca!!!! The crowd is cheering!! McClane is the only HF member left standing!! Dante is gonna hit him!!! He turns around!! WHACK!!! He nailed Cyris instead!! What the hell!!! Dante has turned on Cyris!!!! Holy Lord!!!! Dante then gets out of the ring and leaves!!! McClane goes for the cover!! BOTH Hart AND Ponce are down!! The lights have gone out again!!! There is a loud explosion!!!! They come back on as McClane is out cold!! Both him and Cyris are on top of each other!! Hart gets woken as he gets in the ring half-alive as Ponce does the same!! They both do the count!! 1…..2……3!!! What the hell!!! A double count??? Who won??? WHO won?? Both men had the other man covered!!! The crowd is booing because they don't know who won!! Brian Hart gets his act together and asks for a microphone.

HART: Considering it was a double count, this match will be a NO CONTEST.. BUT Cyris, you are NOT, I repeat, NOT the World Champion!! You got pinned 1-2-3 just like McClane did. Therefore, this match is a DRAW and the title is now being HELD UP!!! Cyris, its YOU vs. ME on RIOT for the vacated World Title!!!!

The crowd boos. Folks, we're out of time!!! We'll see you on RIOT!!!!

CONDITION OF SIRACH: The BJWC committee is sad to announce that the injury Sirach suffered earlier this evening in his match with Gary Cooper was fatal. Sirach died on the way to the hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hart Foundation and Sirach's family at this time. Goodnight.